All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Melony Songbringer.3864

Melony Songbringer.3864

When you look at these forums, whether it be here, Guru or where ever else. All you see is kittening and complaining about this or that. Not to say those people are not justified in their claims. I mean come on, this game was rushed to say the least.

However, the question being now… What did they do right? Be honest.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Xaphen.5418


is there an mmo forum thats not full of complaints? i dunno if i have ever seen one. and me personally Im lovin this game.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


is there an mmo forum thats not full of complaints? i dunno if i have ever seen one. and me personally Im lovin this game.


MMO pvp forums for EVERY game are usually a bottomless pit of QQ/Nerf/Whine posts. The vast vast vast majority of them can usually be summed up by a quick L2P response before moving on to the next one. It’s very rare that any of them actually have any merit, and even more rare that they don’t come from some extremely biased standpoint of “buff my favorite class, nerf the others”.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Science.4207


They did betas 1-3 right.

Whatever they did at release, it wrecked the balance.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Neverwho.8952


They did a lotta things right. It’s a fun MMO to play, it has awesome buisness model, it has awesome variety of builds for almost all the professions, pretty interesting levling, AWESOME artstyle, good looking gear, good PvP model and thousands of other good things. But who cares, when there’s “disbalance! I can’t pewpewkill with my profession”?

Deekay Mcpawnich lvl 80
Asura engineer of [Nugos]
Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Xlayer.6439



They did betas 1-3 right.
Whatever they did at release, it wrecked the balance.

This. Unfortunately.

*They changed the scaling on engineer kits (regardless of amulet all kits have the same base damage, meaning condi builds have access to direct damage for free). Most kits received base damage buffs of 40-70%.

*They buffed the pewp out of engi rifle base damage and scaling.

*They blindly buffed mesmer phantasms (making “phantasm” builds viable), increased the damage of shattering back to BWE1 levels, added more CC options, stopped clones from overwriting (meaning you don’t have to manage phantasms/ illusions anymore, just set it and forget it), and buffed the shattering effect so clones chase non stop until they reach the target (meaning you often need to dodge 2x to effectively “dodge” a shatter). Essentially the handful of good mesmers from the BWEs are long forgotten as the class was buffed blindly from the ground up.

*They blindly buffed random thief abilities seemingly without a goal or vision in mind (poison share applying on AOEs, stun lock chains with PW, solo guild lord kills with fat stack of bleed from LDB, etc.). I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface on the potential number of broken thief builds that revolve around 3 buttons. It’s almost like they asked some terriblykitten thief what buffs he would like to the class, then they actually implemented it.

Essentially it feels like they scrapped the balance from the previous BWEs and rushed buffs to classes that needed it, while nerfing the previous classes who were used as the “standard” of what is top tier.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


People are naturally whining and blaiming each other in every community. In MMO community its even more visible due to the annonymity of internet. You are just nickname and thats it.

But regarding of what is great?
Lot of.

1) PvP based on skill – not gear and level
2) active combat (i really like it)
3) great maps designs (i really love the 3 maps in tournament even i think capricon is a peace of crap)
4) balance – even there is still a lot of work, this initial balance is far the best i have seen in new MMO´s for years.

Futermore im looking for adding ladder and custom tournaments. Then the game will be almost perfect

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: nysta.6713


i’m loving it. mainly for Aragiel.6132’s reasons.

i personally think the complaints boil down to one essential argument: “it’s not enough like wow.”

i don’t feel the balance is off at all. seems the best i’ve felt in a launch.

the cc is awe-inspiring. it’s there, but it doesn’t make you feel like smashing your keyboard with your head because you can’t move in combat EVER.

the downed situation’s awesome and hardly game-breaking. ask yourself how many times you live through it in pvp zergs as they are. it’s hardly powerful or dramatic. it adds a new element.

i like the maps. even the sharks. it’s just another obstacle that makes things difficult for both sides.

the combat, when you get down to it, is frenzied, action-packed, and when you get the hang of your skills and don’t trait toward uberleetpwerzdpsomglookatmahmeter, you really can have a lot of fun and survive.

loving it. really really loving it.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: nvmvoidrays.2158


*They changed the scaling on engineer kits (regardless of amulet all kits have the same base damage, meaning condi builds have access to direct damage for free). Most kits received base damage buffs of 40-70%.

*They buffed the pewp out of engi rifle base damage and scaling.

wait, wait, is this implying engineers are overtuned?

you can’t be serious.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


because ppl who like this game are playing and talking in /m how much they like this game and ppl who get owned by thiefs or warriors cry here… its always like this… if someone likes the game he usually dont go to forums and say how good it is

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Complainers post on forum. Non complainers do another round of PvP.

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Neverwho.8952


I’m not complaining but I’m posting on forums. Am I doing it wrong?

Deekay Mcpawnich lvl 80
Asura engineer of [Nugos]
Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Nyota.7062


Usually, you can measure the success of an mmo by the amount of goldselling going on.

So, anet seems to have delivered on this one…:D

Dolyak Engineer/Thief – Kodash (EU)

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Welcome to the Internet where a forum is a “complaint box”. I thought it was noble for Anet to actually create a forum in the first place, considering very little good comes of them.

The logic for most users on every PvP sub forum is that it’s a place to suggest changes and complain when they lose! Now that’s not everyone, but as you can see its the majority here.

As for your comment “this game was obviously rushed”. Yes 5 years is rushing it. No

All you see is complaints: SO what did they do right?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


I’m not complaining but I’m posting on forums. Am I doing it wrong?

No, it means you should work instead of browsing the web during work hours!