Allow mini llama's to be unlocked for account

Allow mini llama's to be unlocked for account

in PvP

Posted by: ArthurDent.9538


Can you make it so that the mini llamas are unlocked for the account wardrobe on acquisition? Right now, if you unlock the llama for the account it gets destroyed so it can’t be mystic forged when other llama’s are acquired. Then if you don’t unlock it, you can’t use it on any of your characters that don’t have it in their inventory. Since it is an account bound mini it would make perfect sense to make it unlocked upon acquisition, just like all account bound weapon and armor skins.

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Allow mini llama's to be unlocked for account

in PvP

Posted by: Parae.3479


I added mine to my account wardrobe almost as soon as I got it, and only realized my mistake afterward. Still hoping for a response in this thread that I made last night. I imagine that others made the same mistake.