Amazing matchmaking
I know the feeling, soloQ is hell. It also seems like there is more volatility in going down as opposed to going up in the leaderboards, you can drop from rank 200 to 85 prcent in 3 matches but it takes ages to get up again. Necros are not OP though, just finally viable for competitive pvp.
Welp, just lost against a full 5-man team who’re all 30+ and we had two r1 in our team who were completely lost.
But there simply is not the big playerbase to have a proper matchmaking. Sadly.
All we can do is promote the game to the outside and simply whine less. There would be more players if we’d make PvP appear totally fun and shiny.
Welp, just lost against a full 5-man team who’re all 30+ and we had two r1 in our team who were completely lost.
But there simply is not the big playerbase to have a proper matchmaking. Sadly.
All we can do is promote the game to the outside and simply whine less. There would be more players if we’d make PvP appear totally fun and shiny.
Uhm, yea a friend did that, and then I got trolled into playing a couple matches and was disappointed and walked away from it as did he right after one frusterating evening of playing. You can put lipstick on a pig all day long….doesn’t make the game good, just makes people more resentful towards the game for being duped into believing it was better than it was. The responsibility to fix this game is in the developers hands, not the community. Communities form around GOOD games with ACTIVE developers. Not the other way around.
Sure, I am talking about putting on a mask. But my hope is that by doing so more players will come Arenanet can actually work with. Meaning proper matchmaking and having more pressure to work on PvP.
After all, it’s of course the developer who swings the sword.
Well, this game HAD very good player base. But why would people keep playing if you have to wait half a year for leaderboards, that are not splitted for solo Q and premade? Why did they delete old free tournaments (or 3 round tournaments) anyway? Because of low player base? What about making something that people like instead of doing something that makes people stop playing this game? PvP rewards are really a joke. They even took away gem rewards from tournaments… So perfect… you have custome arenas, but you have to buy it for real money or go to pve (some pvp players dont really like pve)… To play this game you really have to like it is right now you really have to love the game (and the loosing) or you must have a sponzor that pays you for playing. The biggest joke is the matchmaking. This way it will only make people stop playing spvp forever… I cant really imagine that loosing 5 matches will make a beginner continue play spvp…
#1: get a team
#2: you aren’ t supposed to solo queue if you want to escalate the leaderboard
I often have 4 players. It sucks. Or rank 1s. or just vs full premades of no lifers running fotm always on ts etc
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
#1: get a team
#2: you aren’ t supposed to solo queue if you want to escalate the leaderboard
Okay. Can I join you guys next time? Because my premades are only in those times online we agreed to be.
I would really like to know how is this possibble…
I played 10 games today. I lost all. Half of them were played in 4 people and half of them looked like this:
average difference between ranks – 16,2
average difference between ranks – 9,8
average difference between ranks – 8 (the rank 7 said that it is his first time! Do you really think that first timer should be matched against 40 ranks?)
average difference between ranks – 12,8
average difference between ranks – 15,2Ok… I understand that pvp rank doesnt mean anything, because matchmaking is based on leaderboards, but do you really think that is should work like this? Do you really think that average rank 20 can play like average rank 45?
And second amazing thing about matchmaking! VOLATILITY! You lose 10 games because of this perfect matchmaking system and next day… Patch and volatility change! YEAH, you were 300, now you are 80% and what a nice change! You need to win 100 games to be 300 again! That is really amazing… And the most amazing thing is that you will never be able to win 100 games without any lose, because you always get first timer in your team…
I am really dissappointed in this game… Every patch makes the spvp more and more annoying… Like this OP necro… are you serious? Yes, necro needed boost, but this?
And please save comments like: “get team” or “dont whine”
I feel your pain!!!!
The problem with those matchups is that they were against premades, and when you finally get a fair solo que vs solo que the luck can be against you which it was to you, as in getting no bunker on team or having team with 3+ thieves.
As for the volatility goes, I’ve been in the same boat, I was rank 300-400 I solo que and next day they make this change where its harder to gain rank, takes me awhile to get back there, then I solo que again and next day they make it even harder. I just don’t even check the leaderboards anymore its so kittened up, that guy with 18 wins has been ranked 9th for like a month same goes with that guy with 13 wins being ranked 16th, you got people chilling on leaderboard and they make it harder to get back on, but you can chill on it as long as you’d like. It use to be like 5% everytime you win, they changed it and it was 3 or 4% and now its like 1%. Some bullkitten if you ask me.
But most of these problems are with solo que, not the leaderboards, I’d do amazing if I didn’t face premades. I say that because I’ve been solo que and it faces me against 2 team and 3 team premade vs my full solo que team and then other games it goes full premades, and RARELY it evens it out with a team of 2-4 vs another premade or a team of of 2-4. Then it doesn’t even check the professions, you stack me with 4 thieves and other team is balanced? You serious cannot move 2 guys from other team and give them 2 of the thieves? Some bullkitten matchmaking you have there. And 80% of time I solo que I’m teamed with non bunker guardians, they are WORTHLESS, if you play guardian PLAY BUNKER.
Edit: I remember solo queing when it first came out because I didn’t meet my friends then, and it was a lot better than it was now, I do remember facing premades but it wasn’t as often as it is now. Also with the sudden increase of waiting for a match after every patch they claim solo que is better, I noticed its been longer and the matchmaking is worse. All of these “we fixed leaderboards and solo que” have been disasters one after another worsening and worsening and the volatility change when I’m down hard hurts just as much, you should give warning so people don’t go farming champ titles by solo queing and get hit by them.
Oh and rank should mean something I don’t care if a rank 10 has better rating than a rank 40 I’ll take the rank 40 any day because they know what to do when its crucial you need to hold something or attack something even if they aren’t better at there profession as a rank 10 is they just know what to do when and where, its called being a veteran.
And I’ve gotten to the point where I hotjoin now, I do like trying to get champ titles but I’ve been stuck on ransacker title forever and if I keep tpvp I wont get it until I’m rank 43 or 44 because this bullkitten tpvp 200 glory reward doesn’t count worth kitten towards titles.
(edited by uberkingkong.8041)
- you dont say…
- oh, really? What other choices do I have? Play hot joins? Really enjoyable
Communities form around GOOD games with ACTIVE developers. Not the other way around.
This. I also feel the pvp developers aren’t active enough, because pve got 2 minigame maps crab toss and dragonball and pvp hasn’t got a new map in awhile. WvW has got traps and wvw rewards which is nice for a pve’er, much more incentive to play WvW with what the wvw developers are doing.
PvP though. They consider balance changes pvp updates. Hence you see rarely any updates to pvp because people are deceived that as long as we keep getting balance updates the pvp developers are active and creating new things which they aren’t. They spend a lot of time waiting for the community to rise up and make it big, but thing is people are getting tired of pvp because all this bullkitten that’s going on with it. I really don’t see any incentive to be on leaderboards right now because its clearly broken and it doesn’t even show your rating to show how high up you are. Theres no incentive to tpvp because rewards are just salvaged, everyone is stacking up on chests by now, also you get glory faster doing hotjoins, tpvp glory rewards don’t count towards a regular pvp title like ransacker, I have no patience anymore to wait 10 mins for a game just to get OBLITERATED by a premade and because my team is all thieves which results in going down in leaderboards and waste of time getting glory which I could have gotten 600+ glory in that amount of time doing hotjoin.
the thing that really gets me though is that how the balance changes are conceived as pvp updates. The pvp team doesn’t or should not be doing balance updates, that’s the balance team not the pvp team, the pvp team should be working on new maps and making tpvp and pvp more exciting to do.
(edited by uberkingkong.8041)
That’s all i gotta say.
(But yeah, matchmaking isn’t very good. If you’re serious tho find a pvp guild or group and play with them.)
The leaderboard system is right now far too punishing for loosing a match and it should not be like that. Once you go up the ladder meaning you have had some wins you should stabilize there and if you loose because of bad matchmaking or you’re having a bad day at the hands of a premade, then you should not be pulled down the ladder again in this very hostile system. Sure the rating should go down a bit but not like it is going down right now.
This system tells players “we don’t care about all the efforts you made to go up the ladder, now you lost 4 or 10 matches in a certain period of time because of soloing then you need to be down there, you’re worth nothing”.
What happened to all the previous wins and efforts? Vanished in thin air, they don’t exist anymore.
This is put in a harsh way I know but this is what it actually means.
I solo play a lot and managed to get my Champion Shadow title not so long ago that way, it was a lot of hard work but at the same time I totally destroyed my climb into the leaderboard ratings. I was at 74% once and I am now prob at 10% or below, i don’t even check the leaderboard anymore to be honest. THIS does not reflect my abilities in pvp this little percentage I have been reduced to.
This current system is really based on a lot of false positives. And by that I mean X premade wins against a team of 4 or a mismatched team of soloers with new comers who have no clue how a tournament works. The premade gets the win they go up the ladder even more based on this false win and the loosers well they fall down the ladder because of quitters or afk members.
That’s what’s wrong.
This needs to be reworked and offered to players as a fair system not what we have now.
(edited by Windfury.3598)
Well, it seems like Anet doesnt even care about pvp and they are only doing pvp updates to shut players mouth up. What did we get in 10 months of playing? Matchmaking that 90% of players are angry about. (I think that if would be enought to have back “free” tournaments. “Free” would be for randoms, rated would be for premades…) Second thing… we got is leaderboard that really doesnt say anything about your skills (for example me and my friends do a lot of solo, we are about 80%. Then we decide to go with friends and make premade. We take someone rank 20 who cant even play and he plays bunker because nobody els wants to play it. But we only get randoms from 80-85% so we win almost every game. We are now 95% but our friend, who doesnt know ANYTHING about spvp is 700. Ok, lets play solo for one week again. We are again 80% and our friend is still 700 because he doesnt play. We make premade team and and we win all again. We are 90% but our friend who still cant play at all is 500! How amazing system). Than we got 2 new maps. That is the way to do it and I really apreciate it! Oh, we have spectrator mode and custome arenas. We still cant see the best tournament games, so good for us, we have spectrator mode! And we got rid of paids and free tournaments system, what a joke… you can only play hotjoins or rated matches. And the rewards? Instead of gems we get 200 glory? for what? For competing who has more glory? I dont really see any way to be glory usefull for ranks 40+… Do you really think that this should be the way to do it? Well, it doesnt even metter if we whine or not, nobody reads this anyway, so what…
I don’t know why ppl are still complaining. Anyone who still plays PvP knows about it’s state. And obviously it’s bad and will probably stay like this. Either you get fit with a bad PvP game and try to enjoy the few good things or just quit like many others.
…it’s sad, but true
#1: get a team
#2: you aren’ t supposed to solo queue if you want to escalate the leaderboard
This is actually a bad excuse for the mess of a soloQ / Leaderboard, but sadly it’s the only option you have if you want to have “fun” in PvP. So I have to agree here.
The poor matchmaking and lack of solo/team que and corresponding ladders is the single biggest driving force behind poor player retention in GW2. It’s amazing that people still come out of the woodwork and tell you to “find a team or don’t play” and wonder why the player base has shrunk. It’s simple really, those people followed your advice and just stopped playing.
I personally can’t understand it. I’m no programmer, but an effective matchmaking rating and que system really can’t be that hard to implement considering some of the the content that’s already been added to GW2 would have been pretty complex development wise. Simple things keep players happy but balance changes, either good or poor don’t address the problem of lack of infrastructure.
Feel free to tell me not to play or find a team. I havent logged in for almost 3 months and all my friends and guild mates have moved on to greener pastures. I check the forums for changes and sadly Anet continues to disappoint.
Some of my best screens “Good” matchmaking (it’s hot join, i know…), spawn camper and a leaver