~Immortal Technique
Amulet+Jewel, Not A fan
~Immortal Technique
I did not participate in beta much – were there more options for rounding out your character? Because at the moment, the celestial amulet is garbage, and I hate not being able to run a balanced spec.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
I did not participate in beta much – were there more options for rounding out your character? Because at the moment, the celestial amulet is garbage, and I hate not being able to run a balanced spec.
In the beta we had access to everything but the back slot item, but too many people complained it took too much work(or something) and it was condensed.
edit: I’ll be in class, so I won’t be able to respond til about 4 hours from now
~Immortal Technique
its intended to have limited choices, even some stats combinations are not obtainable for a reason
I did not participate in beta much – were there more options for rounding out your character? Because at the moment, the celestial amulet is garbage, and I hate not being able to run a balanced spec.
In the beta we had access to everything but the back slot item, but too many people complained it took too much work(or something) and it was condensed.
That’s just… ludicrous. Who wants less options in a free system? I could understand if we had to pay for the things, like Rift or WoW, but that’s not the case. I’d LOVE to be able to fine tune my stats alot more.
The current system absolutely encourages burst and bunker builds, because it’s always a loss to try to balance your character out with our current options.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
its intended to have limited choices, even some stats combinations are not obtainable for a reason
I used to think this made great sense, but at this point, I’m starting to disagree. If we’re not talking about increasing the overall stat pool or stat caps(and It doesn’t appear that we are), any points traded would have to come from somewhere else. I don’t see the problem.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
I know this isn’t gw1 anymore, but for those who didn’t play, when you made a PvP character, all your armor had max stats(similar to your armor in the mists). Instead of an amulet you got your armor’s stats by applying an insignia to each piece, so I guess what I’m suggesting is to make each piece of gear, ammy, ring, and earring blank, and allow us to attach an “insignia of the knight” etc to each individual piece. Let us put the standard exquisite gems on our trinkets, for those of us who would like to fine tune our stats, and it wouldn’t be unbalanced because everyone would have the choice to do so, but it would add some depth to your stats instead of everyone running around with the same couple amulets…
~Immortal Technique
Overall there needs to be a little bit more diversity in the game. I feel right now that the game is too “shotgun” in pvp. Its either you build your character to be a really, really squishy glass cannon that takes someone down in 2 shots or a impossible to kill tank (mainly guardian does this).
I feel that having the rest of the accessory/ring slots unlocked would allow people to specialize even further or even balance themselves out more. I know when I play thief that I tend to want to not be so squishy, that I want to make up for my high crit/damage with some vitality/toughness.
Likewise on my guardian I’d like to make up for my lack of offense in some gear as I’m mostly rolling tank/support in PvP to help cap and hold points.
I know most people will cry and say “now thief/mes/ele will only do MORE dmg”, but I disagree. I believe giving people more options allows for the rest of us to balance out our builds. It also lets people do more interesting builds as well that you don’t see much.
Overall there needs to be a little bit more diversity in the game. I feel right now that the game is too “shotgun” in pvp. Its either you build your character to be a really, really squishy glass cannon that takes someone down in 2 shots or a impossible to kill tank (mainly guardian does this).
I feel that having the rest of the accessory/ring slots unlocked would allow people to specialize even further or even balance themselves out more. I know when I play thief that I tend to want to not be so squishy, that I want to make up for my high crit/damage with some vitality/toughness.
Likewise on my guardian I’d like to make up for my lack of offense in some gear as I’m mostly rolling tank/support in PvP to help cap and hold points.
I know most people will cry and say “now thief/mes/ele will only do MORE dmg”, but I disagree. I believe giving people more options allows for the rest of us to balance out our builds. It also lets people do more interesting builds as well that you don’t see much.
Well in pve w/o buffs, my thief has 2952 atk, 42% crit w/ 57% bonus crit dmg, 2811 armor and 14955 HP. Everyone I ask calls me crazy for going with balance, it’s like the majority of the community can’t fathom playing something other than a glass cannon or a bunker. The ones who do try to balance their stats in spvp don’t have the option because the gear isn’t available. Yes, I know people will say that it allows glass cannons to do more damage, but it also allows you the flexibility to have more defense and a broader range of stats instead of being ‘pigeonholed’ (as some people put it) into one of those amulets.
(/rage)Also, am I the only one that wishes they would change the pvp knights Vitality back to toughness? Knight’s is a great way to give yourself armor without having to give up too much offense, but if you use it in spvp, you’re leaving yourself with base toughness unless you use a crappy jewel for 125(which doesn’t help much with all the glass cannons running around) (/end rage)
~Immortal Technique
Well in pve w/o buffs, my thief has 2952 atk, 42% crit w/ 57% bonus crit dmg, 2811 armor and 14955 HP. Everyone I ask calls me crazy for going with balance, it’s like the majority of the community can’t fathom playing something other than a glass cannon or a bunker. The ones who do try to balance their stats in spvp don’t have the option because the gear isn’t available. Yes, I know people will say that it allows glass cannons to do more damage, but it also allows you the flexibility to have more defense and a broader range of stats instead of being ‘pigeonholed’ (as some people put it) into one of those amulets.
(/rage)Also, am I the only one that wishes they would change the pvp knights Vitality back to toughness? Knight’s is a great way to give yourself armor without having to give up too much offense, but if you use it in spvp, you’re leaving yourself with base toughness unless you use a crappy jewel for 125(which doesn’t help much with all the glass cannons running around) (/end rage)
^ This guy gets it.
I completly agree the more customisation the better, this would allow alot more theory crafting and thought into your build as you can actually have a balanced character rather then the current all or nothing gear set up at the moment.
+1 for this hopefully A net will see this thread as this would be a great change
https://twitter.com/infinitustv -[Desolation EU]
Weird I played Beta and I don’t remember that. But I was noobish and I didn’t look at gear an all I didn’t even know about Runes and Sigils…
Oh well I’m for more stat choices for sure. Right now it’s pathetic garbage for kitten kids no thanks. Too much adaptation to childish qqers these days.
100% World completion.
Imagine bunker guardian with +toughness + vitality +healing power.
Or necromancer +power +toughness +condition damage.
Enough said.
Imagine bunker guardian with +toughness + vitality +healing power.
Or necromancer +power +toughness +condition damage.Enough said.
The problem right now with the poor stat distribution is that some builds have the perfect stats they need on the amulets while others have to use stats that ain’t optimal. It’s not fair, any build should have it’s perfect stats they need not just a few select ones.
100% World completion.
Wouldnt this change end up making the problem we have now much more extreme?
You would have super bunkers who become kitten near impossible to kill?
And of course the counter, glass cannons could plunge in for some more power stats (crit power or whatever the class requires to be a nuke machine) and end up murdering anyone who wasnt an extreme bunker.
Just seems it would push the problems of having two extremes even harder.
Wouldnt this change end up making the problem we have now much more extreme?
You would have super bunkers who become kitten near impossible to kill?
And of course the counter, glass cannons could plunge in for some more power stats (crit power or whatever the class requires to be a nuke machine) and end up murdering anyone who wasnt an extreme bunker.
Just seems it would push the problems of having two extremes even harder.
The result would be the complete opposite in fact it would make things alot more balanced then they are at the moment. The reason for this is as Sebyos has stated is that the current amulet/gems only benefit certain classes and are completly useless to others if anything a more diverse option in stats would allow people to make a well built character that has use of everything rather the two options we have at the moment (full bunker or full glass cannon).
The whole bunker issue is not game breaking how points are captured are the problem. If points could be at least neutralised when the opposing team had a larger or equal presense on the point would alot better then the current system. Also the whole glass cannon situation is mainly a problem with powerful traits together with buggy and over/under tuned skills ( which will be fixed over time hopefully!).
That’s my opinion
https://twitter.com/infinitustv -[Desolation EU]
Wouldnt this change end up making the problem we have now much more extreme?
You would have super bunkers who become kitten near impossible to kill?
And of course the counter, glass cannons could plunge in for some more power stats (crit power or whatever the class requires to be a nuke machine) and end up murdering anyone who wasnt an extreme bunker.
Just seems it would push the problems of having two extremes even harder.
Burst is pretty much perfectly set up at the moment – I guess you could trade the meager vit you get from berserkers for more precision (i mentioned in an earlier post that it would be important to not let players exceed the stat caps already set by the jewels setup we have now, so no more power), but seeing as that would leave you at absolute base HP, it wouldn’t be worth it for most classes/setups.
A bunker -should- be able to take toughness-vit-healing power – the way this game registers caps is unfortunately whats holding it back. It would be fine for a bunker to sit on a point and be literally unkillable (while also doing completely ignorable damage, seeing as they have no power/crit/condition damage) if only the game wasn’t designed to allow 1 player to stop 5 from capping a point. In addition, the insane mitigation/immunity/constant healing abilities most bunkers (read – guardian and ele) get in compensation for their extremely low base HP pools could be toned down in a game where players were allowed to go full tank (tough-vit-healing power), rather than some amalgamation of it due to limiting stat choices.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Imagine bunker guardian with +toughness + vitality +healing power.
Or necromancer +power +toughness +condition damage.Enough said.
Except those stats do not exist on a set, plz re read, I never mentioned adding new stats, just allowing us freedom to choose the existing ones.
~Immortal Technique
Well in pve w/o buffs, my thief has 2952 atk, 42% crit w/ 57% bonus crit dmg, 2811 armor and 14955 HP. Everyone I ask calls me crazy for going with balance, it’s like the majority of the community can’t fathom playing something other than a glass cannon or a bunker. The ones who do try to balance their stats in spvp don’t have the option because the gear isn’t available. Yes, I know people will say that it allows glass cannons to do more damage, but it also allows you the flexibility to have more defense and a broader range of stats instead of being ‘pigeonholed’ (as some people put it) into one of those amulets.
(/rage)Also, am I the only one that wishes they would change the pvp knights Vitality back to toughness? Knight’s is a great way to give yourself armor without having to give up too much offense, but if you use it in spvp, you’re leaving yourself with base toughness unless you use a crappy jewel for 125(which doesn’t help much with all the glass cannons running around) (/end rage)
I feel almost exactly the same. I take a little more armor and a little less crit/crit damage, but other than that my build is very similar to yours (stat-wise). I love it, because I have the offense to kill a bunker but the defense to survive a glass cannon.
I too wish that the knight’s amulet had power/toughness/precision. That would be nearly perfect for me, with a soldier’s jewel so I’m not running around with 10k vitality. Sadly, I’m stuck with either the stupid Soldier’s amulet (for too high defenses and miserable crit chance) or the Knight’s amulet (for too good vitality and crit but low power and glass cannon armor). Neither make me happy.
More freedom usually means more extreme builds and less diversity, because people would pick the single best combinations, and we would get a meta of extreme bursts and extreme bunkers, as if our current meta wasn’t already shallow enough. We need restriction. But maybe, yeah, a few more amulets to pick wouldn’t be a bad thing, as long as they were properly balanced.
Dioga is right, for the most part people will choose to build their characters from one extreme to the other. Not to mention it is much easier to balance a game that only consists of Classes A, B, and C than it is to balance a game with classes A-Z. I think that your idea could result in some unique encounters and play styles, but like the old song goes if – anything you can do I can do better – why would anyone want you over me? If you don’t believe me just ask the Ranger.
Imagine bunker guardian with +toughness + vitality +healing power.
Or necromancer +power +toughness +condition damage.Enough said.
What ure implying here would never happen, the state of stats in the first beta was very similar to what we have now, they were just a little different, and the customization referred by the OP was just the jewels wich could be picked separately instead of in a bundle.
Here is a spreadsheet i made before first beta weekend with info from press acess to a previous closed beta:
More freedom usually means more extreme builds and less diversity, because people would pick the single best combinations, and we would get a meta of extreme bursts and extreme bunkers, as if our current meta wasn’t already shallow enough. We need restriction. But maybe, yeah, a few more amulets to pick wouldn’t be a bad thing, as long as they were properly balanced.
Are you saying I deserve to be shut out for wanting balanced stats? That I need to just shut up and roll a glass cannon/bunker to perpetuate the issue destroying spvp. The cornerstone of gw2 is to be unique, different than everyone else, why should we be so restricted? We have access to all these stats in the standard area of the game(the majority) and its not breaking anything without glitches. Infact, I refuse to group with glass cannons when I run anything, like Arah. Even though they hit hard, they spend most of the run on the ground crying out for a res.
~Immortal Technique