Amulets and gems - any changes?

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


In WvW there is a fairly vibrant build crafting reality. You can change the specs of any of your 16 pieces of armour/weapons to best produce the stats you want your dude to have whilst you fight.

Secondly, you then have food and nourishment which can make also synergise well with builds. As a result, theory crafting builds is possible and you can actually gain an edge from the build you run if you are smart enough to pick a build which synergises with your play style. For example, you might decide to have 4 zerker, 6 solider and 2 knights in your armour/accessory slots. But testing can led to replacing 1 zerker with another knights.

The point is, WvW builds have depth. Do you want to take that condi clear ability or will anti condition food mean you can run something else a bit more offensive? Perhaps you can run the food if you get slightly more vitality to fight against conditions on 2 of your weapon slots.

There is a constant tinkering process which keeps the game fun in WvW. With no gear grind in PvP this would be so epic.

But no, this is what we get. A set number of predefined amulets which just limit builds to an insane degree. There really is no tinkering to be done in pvp. Builds are all so black and white. It is very rare you ever have a hard decision with this kitten. It is as mindless as the current pvp builds are.

What I dont understand is WHY they did something so limiting. There are so few skills. And the trait system is so constrained that the game basically makes you take certain traits to run certain builds. Which is dull. Combine this with the amulet system and the whole thing is just boring. It is same old, over and over again. Just like conquest.

And here is the thing. They talk about inspirations including fps games and trading card games. Well let us look at both of these shall we.

FPS games
The big two are BF and COD. COD is reknowned as a brain dead game. BUT even they (!) introduced a “pick ten” system which opened up builds entirely to the players choice (this was maybe their most popular addition EVER to COD). Players had the freedom to pick between many thousands of different builds, and to continue making fine changes to these builds as their play style changed. It kept the game fun and added a fun element where people would spend hours upon hours considering and testing what to play.

Trading card games
In magic the gathering there are literally hundreds of cards for newer formats. And there are many different archetypes. Even people playing the same archetypes will vary their builds slightly depending how they play, their personal views and the meta. So people will literally have 6 hour discussions and testing about the 75th card in a 75 card deck. This keeps people entertained.

So why do arenanet put us down this route where everything is so limited and boring. Why not just give us 2000 points and let us put them into our character as we choose (maximum 1k into a tree). And why is the trait system so restrictive. It really makes for dullness.

A hotfix would be to give more customisation to amulets (changing the names isnt important). This would not take any time at all. It might cause imbalances but who cares. This game is as dead as a dodo competitively anyway. And new competition can arise out of such a change. And then they can balance any OP builds which come as a result.

Personally I dont play PvP very often at all anymore. And when I do its just to mess around with people I enjoy playing with. The more you think about everything wrong with this game though – the more I think an expansion is the only possible saviour of the game. But this has been said to never be coming. So, yeh. Not good.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

they used to split up the sPvP stats into 6 + 6 = 12 items via 6 trinkets slots back in beta.

please, at least, split up the sPvP stats into 12 items again so we can distribute the stats better.

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


they used to split up the sPvP stats into 6 + 6 = 12 items via 6 trinkets slots back in beta.

please, at least, split up the sPvP stats into 12 items again so we can distribute the stats better.

Even 4 ways would be an improvement! They probably did it to “balance the game better”. Well they gotta admit that failed now. So they might as well try to “make the game fun” now.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


In WvW, almost everyone runs a semi-tanky dps build because that’s how the minmaxing falls out the best.

Also, there is exactly one roaming build that’s better with a food besides lemongrass. That’s condi necro, and they’re better off with pizza.

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think a lot of people do not play sPvP because “they cannot make the same builds they can make in PvP / WvW” so …

at least consider making the stats into 6 items plus 6 items = 12 items.

more stats combination is always a good thing.

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


Er, CoD is not braindead. You probably need the brain size of a rat to figuire out the small mazelike maps and estimate where another player will appear based on sound and positioning within said mazelike maps.

Honestly GW2 needs a CoD mode where you put 10 or so players in a small map where you can knock each other off if you don’t have stability for easy win. This mode should also have a secondary objective where players can use a huge tactical nuke that can’t be block/evaded and does massive aoe damage at the press of a button and and and and. . . This mode/map should be in soloqueue for further effectiveness.

what am I even ranting about I’m in the wrong thread.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: muscarine.5136


Just to be the conscientious objector, i don’t think adding more choice results in more depth.

You’d just end up stretching the two extremes (tank/glass) more than they are, while the middle ground stays at it is.
All the tinkering you mention, while it provides entertainement, is no more than a temporary phase until a few players figure out the best way to achieve one extreme or the other with the most effective set up.
At this point it becomes stagnant again, and people start complaining about how there are so many options to chose between but so few that are really effective, again.

That’d also mean adding more headaches for the dev team when it comes to balance, which would result in slower and/or more incomplete updates.

To access such a depth when it comes to builds and stats, we don’t need more unbalanced stuff thrown into the soup, we need updates on a more regular basis pushing us to constantly tweak and adapt our favorite builds, as opposed to now where a broken spec/meta seems set in the stone due to how slowly those updates come.

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I’d rather all amulets just be replaced with one scalable amulet that you can set your stats to any number in between a predetermined ratio.

There would be a total stat amount you took and each stat would have a limit on how many points you could get in it, but then other than that you could get whatever balance you wanted.


Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Just to be the conscientious objector, i don’t think adding more choice results in more depth.

You’d just end up stretching the two extremes (tank/glass) more than they are, while the middle ground stays at it is.
All the tinkering you mention, while it provides entertainement, is no more than a temporary phase until a few players figure out the best way to achieve one extreme or the other with the most effective set up.
At this point it becomes stagnant again, and people start complaining about how there are so many options to chose between but so few that are really effective, again.

That’d also mean adding more headaches for the dev team when it comes to balance, which would result in slower and/or more incomplete updates.

To access such a depth when it comes to builds and stats, we don’t need more unbalanced stuff thrown into the soup, we need updates on a more regular basis pushing us to constantly tweak and adapt our favorite builds, as opposed to now where a broken spec/meta seems set in the stone due to how slowly those updates come.

I guarantee you that if you checked gear in a serious wvw guild, there wouldn’t be many, if any, people with identical stats. Maybe similar, but each person would have tailored their gear to fit their personal skill and playstyle. Compare that to spvp where the vast majority of the players across the world run the exact same amulet/gem combo for their class, and it’s silly. It’s boring and removes a very enjoyable part of pvp. Spvp pretty much might as well not have gear at all for how much variety it provides.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Amulets and gems - any changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Give us earrings and rings back + the gems to slot into them by redistributing the stats from amulets.

Let us customise our stats better like we could during the beta weekends.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when we had more build diversity during the first beta weekends and since then we have seen less and less.
Every patch seems to make entire professions run one identical build in sPvP.