Amulets rather than professions

Amulets rather than professions

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I think the poll missed an important idea that professions are less important to a team comp than the role that profession is filling.

Consider Team A, which has 5 druids and Team B which has a tempest, reaper, scrapper, mesmer and berserker. Team B is the drastically better comp right? No, because Team A has 2 mender, 1 sage, 1 paladin, and 1 marauder while Team B has 5 berserker amulets.

You can’t look at only 1 side of the profession/amulet equation, or if you were forced to, the amulet is more important.

Amulets rather than professions

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

good point.


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Amulets rather than professions

in PvP

Posted by: Allarius.5670


I think this misses the point. The poll was about whether or not to lock profession on queue. Yes would enable them to use profession specific mmr for the matchmaking. The poll was not about creating a balanced team composition or about profession stacking.

However, if we consider profession stacking, disabling profession stacking is likely not about eliminating stacking of the same profession in the same role as much about eliminating stacking of a singular profession’s mechanics that may not scale linearly when there are multiple. In your example consider Team A with the 5 druids. Regardless of the amulets used, if each Druid was running Ancient Seeds many players would be frustrated playing against the team regardless of whether they end up winning or losing. This may not be the best example in comparison to the often cited Dragon Hunter traps, but hopefully you understand the sentiment.

Amulets rather than professions

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


The poll was not about creating a balanced team composition or about profession stacking.

It involved a lot of different things, and the exact reason for the poll was not elaborated on most likely because there are about 10 different mini-topics like the profession MMR you brought up. For example one of the most complained about topics since launch has been multiple thieves on the same team is usually an auto-lose.

I’m bringing up the amulet because taking those into account is a way to get better matchmaking. If one team has a couple menders and the other team does not, without knowing anything else about what’s going on I think you can make a reasonable prediction about who wins. That’s not good for matchmaking.

Amulets rather than professions

in PvP

Posted by: Allarius.5670


I totally understand where you are coming from how this could be a branching point for a lot of possible, additional tools to be used. Unfortunately, this is a problem I am having with the discussions going on all over. Until they clarify a vision of these possible, additional tools they may seek to implement, we are just talking in circles and it behooves us to look at what is right in front of us presently than what may or may not happen. Guessing at intention isn’t going to get anyone anywhere. They need to clarify intended vision and, if requesting feedback, allow that to be debated in its entirety rather than having the player population grasping at straws.

Personally, I have to disagree about the mender’s amulet example. I wouldn’t be able to predict who wins without knowing professions and builds. Some professions do not require mender’s or assistance from a mender’s support for adequate survival, others do. Some mender’s builds hit like a wet noodle, others do not. Factor in speed of rotation, ability to focus burst with others, etc.

Amulets rather than professions

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m not suggesting the poll was about amulets, I’m suggesting it should have been about amulets. Or rather the matchmaking — if they’re going to limit it in any way other than rating — should include amulets.