An Elementalist's frustration

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Not having played tPvP for 4 or 5 months since I bunkered on my Guardian for my Guild team getting into the top 300 (doesnt mean anything, I know), I now only and exclusively play my Elementalist.
I am pretty experienced in open PvP roaming as I have done this for many years and would call myself a quite above average PvPer.

The last few days I have been join g a little bit in soloQ with fresh air builds, valk or berserk and several different dd builds. Even 0/0/20/20/30 cleric.

My experience tells me that my class in this gamemode is subpar to an extend where joining as an elementalist will put my team on a bad spot.

Having quite some experience from bunkering on my guardian, I was highly surpised, how easily a Necromancer or a Stunlockwarrior could put such high pressure on me, that I had to fight for my life instead of holding the point till teammates arrive.

Getting nerfed in heals, conditionremoves and stunbreakers while the heavy conditon classes experience a huge buff and the meta is all about being a stuntastic warrior seems very wrong to me. Having only access to stability on very high cooldowns while any necro can turn that into a fear and I cannot recognize a corrupt boon from an asura even if he stands right on me makes the experience very frustrating as I have the notion that I have to put everything into every fight to be at least a little efficient and other classes just have to pull their spirits or spam red circles on the ground to completely negate a point to me.

The information I got that this will stay like this until PAX is over, even though this seems to be the most broken meta ever and it hast been going on for quite a period of time, makes me feel a bit left alone by arenanet. Also I would like to call this decision not well thought. People are forced to leave their main characters due to meta. Even Phantaram and Xeph joined the bandwaggon of evade spamspamspam and conditionfaceroll.
Seeing how average they are on those toons and still overly efficient and successful just makes my point more obvious

It is wrong how in this game the balance is done and it probably killed the game for many players that this meta stayed for months just because “players wont have time to get used to new builds before PAX”. If they really cant, they dont even belong into PAX.

I will happily stay out of tPvP as I prefer roaming open wolrd in a small team anyway, but the Devs should start to realise the damage they have done to this game just to force ESL.

Please keep your l2p flames and dont tell me to play necro. I dont care :-).

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Some classes are overpowered for a long time and for this players is everything fine. If they are too weak they want changes as soon as possible.

We had an absolut overpowered Elementalist for months (even if you did not played it). So I think we can wait until PAX to see some new changes.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Your argument is none.

But I guess you feel like you deserve revenge against mesmers and eles after them being quite strong over a few months.

You are totally right, everybody that played ele should get punished as they developed the meta and are in charge of balance.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Oraith.1732


Putting a truck and a feather on a scale is far more balanced than this game. Get used to it, it’s going to be like this forever

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Ive mained ele since bwe2 and i do share this idea:

Having an ele in your team puts you at a disadvantage
Having 2 means you lost

Up Rerroll

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Theres seriously way too much high expectations for the balance patch after PAX. If Anet doesnt do significant changes there, it’s gonna be the last drop for many people.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


Your argument is none.

But I guess you feel like you deserve revenge against mesmers and eles after them being quite strong over a few months.

You are totally right, everybody that played ele should get punished as they developed the meta and are in charge of balance.

gotta agree on this one. i don’t even use a phantasm build, but the nerfs for mesmers and eles were hard and the buffs were too much…now spvp is not fun at all anymore and because anet doesnt wanna bother to balance wvw separately, we got lots of imbalances there too.
now we gotta wait till pax is over for anything to happen…..and im already scarred of the next nerfs

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: gesho.9468


bunkering with berserk?

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


bunkering with berserk?

Yes, and also traited 30/30/0/10/0

You did read the part with d/d cleric, did you?

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Amen brother..Its just insane.Im also done with this game till next patch,
I wanna keep playing my ele but i dont want to be that stressed while playing a game.Balance is seriously and undeniably off.
D/d btw is a death sentence,dont even bother in any build or you ll either be dead or you ll do very little damage and be useless. Even on bunker you just cant face a stunlock warrior with a bit dps support if your damage is in melee range and you are easy pray to spirits active and necro fear and aoe

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Although I think eles (and mesmers) needed the past nerfs, and they’ll probably need some more in the future after this meta is over, it’s ironic how we would need the old overpowered elementalists to face the current meta. Triple stunbreaking, no cooldown on condition removal, 15s ride the lightning, ether renewal on mist form, etc, could make us stand against necromancers and the stun warriors.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I know right. But since I have to stay in the point if I want to keep it, I dont have much options anyway.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Even if they reverse all the changes they’ve done since beta, rtl nerf, mistform, healing, condition removal, we’ll still be relatively weak against the stun spamming warriors and necros because they can still outdamage us before we can kill them. We need all the nerfs undone in addition to a significant boost to our overall damage output.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: teonimesic.1403


The ele meta has changed a lot. With new fresh air an less healing, eles are supposed to go more offensive than defensive. You may or may not like it, but thats how they decided to ‘balance’ the class. Burst elementalists are very decent, and do very well against most classes.

Eles are also a very powerful counter to necros and every other condition class. Their ability to cleanse conditions on very low cooldowns, while having a lot a of burst damage makes then very powerful. And if everything goes bad, an ele can usually outrun a necro, meaning he shouldnt ever lose an 1v1, and should still be powerful on a 1v2.

Also, eles do have a decent amount of team support with group healing and cleansing, aoe swiftness, protection, regen and so on. While a necro delivers a lot of offensive power, its team support pales in comparison.

The fact tha playing as a certain class will hurt more than help is unfortenetely how this game has been from the start. It usually was necros, warriors and rangers, and now its more towards mesmers and eles (and maybe warriorstill).

Even when next patch comes, i doubt that every class will be balanced with every build. So either adapt your build to try getting the most of it (while still being supbar), reroll, or rage quit. I am pretty kitten ed with the whole PAX thing, but unfortenely i cant do anything about it, and i still enjoy the game enough to keep playing.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


What you say is what keeps me queueing. But starting just now with yoloQ will get you matched with lvl 1 ragers with bear and riflewarriors. This is when you know you are screwdriven. As spiritranger od terrornecro i could make a bigger impact and bite my way up. Like this i am just dropping to 0% like a rock. A Good team could fix this. But find a Team as an elerooky tPvP wise in the current meta.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The ele meta has changed a lot. With new fresh air an less healing, eles are supposed to go more offensive than defensive. You may or may not like it, but thats how they decided to ‘balance’ the class. Burst elementalists are very decent, and do very well against most classes.

Eles are also a very powerful counter to necros and every other condition class. Their ability to cleanse conditions on very low cooldowns, while having a lot a of burst damage makes then very powerful. And if everything goes bad, an ele can usually outrun a necro, meaning he shouldnt ever lose an 1v1, and should still be powerful on a 1v2.

Also, eles do have a decent amount of team support with group healing and cleansing, aoe swiftness, protection, regen and so on. While a necro delivers a lot of offensive power, its team support pales in comparison.

The fact tha playing as a certain class will hurt more than help is unfortenetely how this game has been from the start. It usually was necros, warriors and rangers, and now its more towards mesmers and eles (and maybe warriorstill).

Even when next patch comes, i doubt that every class will be balanced with every build. So either adapt your build to try getting the most of it (while still being supbar), reroll, or rage quit. I am pretty kitten ed with the whole PAX thing, but unfortenely i cant do anything about it, and i still enjoy the game enough to keep playing.

Other professions response to ele burst:

- necro goes DS and absorb 100% of your dmg, if you do catch the necro off DS, you still won’t be able to kill him thx to his 20K+ HP, while you’ll be easily fear chained to death assuming you’re using double arcane build, we then go back to the usual " team fight" card but the main reason why you don’t see eles that much anymore is because these days being effective in 1vs1 scenarios is more important than ever and no matter how you look at it, the s/d burst build is not a 1vs1 build at all
- s/d thieves will simply dodge over 70% of your attacks, not because they see through your pattern of attack but simply because they can spamm evades with impunity.

The only profession that a s/d burst ele can fight equally 1vs1 is the mesmer, because that’s the only class atm outside the ele , that goes glassy to get some results, the rest simply goes CC, condition spamm with high toughness, HP and loads of passive benefit

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Gunlaugr.2716


The ele meta has changed a lot. With new fresh air an less healing, eles are supposed to go more offensive than defensive. You may or may not like it, but thats how they decided to ‘balance’ the class. Burst elementalists are very decent, and do very well against most classes.

Eles are also a very powerful counter to necros and every other condition class. Their ability to cleanse conditions on very low cooldowns, while having a lot a of burst damage makes then very powerful. And if everything goes bad, an ele can usually outrun a necro, meaning he shouldnt ever lose an 1v1, and should still be powerful on a 1v2.

Also, eles do have a decent amount of team support with group healing and cleansing, aoe swiftness, protection, regen and so on. While a necro delivers a lot of offensive power, its team support pales in comparison.

The fact tha playing as a certain class will hurt more than help is unfortenetely how this game has been from the start. It usually was necros, warriors and rangers, and now its more towards mesmers and eles (and maybe warriorstill).

Even when next patch comes, i doubt that every class will be balanced with every build. So either adapt your build to try getting the most of it (while still being supbar), reroll, or rage quit. I am pretty kitten ed with the whole PAX thing, but unfortenely i cant do anything about it, and i still enjoy the game enough to keep playing.

Cleanse conditions on a very low cooldown. You must clarify this statement. If you spec for fresh air, 10 pts water and 30 pts arcane, you can at BEST cleanse 2 conditions every 10 seconds. This is by no means enough to outlast a single necro. If you go for this build, you don’t get a heal when you swap to water attunement, which is also by far the largest source of group healing provided by an elementalist.

Thus, this disproves your next statement: That ele’s have team support through group healing; No, not if you want fresh air and decent burst to match that of a condi necro. You can’t get fresh air, decent condi cleanse AND group healing.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zeon.8239


The ele meta has changed a lot. With new fresh air an less healing, eles are supposed to go more offensive than defensive. You may or may not like it, but thats how they decided to ‘balance’ the class. Burst elementalists are very decent, and do very well against most classes.

Eles are also a very powerful counter to necros and every other condition class. Their ability to cleanse conditions on very low cooldowns, while having a lot a of burst damage makes then very powerful. And if everything goes bad, an ele can usually outrun a necro, meaning he shouldnt ever lose an 1v1, and should still be powerful on a 1v2.

Also, eles do have a decent amount of team support with group healing and cleansing, aoe swiftness, protection, regen and so on. While a necro delivers a lot of offensive power, its team support pales in comparison.

The fact tha playing as a certain class will hurt more than help is unfortenetely how this game has been from the start. It usually was necros, warriors and rangers, and now its more towards mesmers and eles (and maybe warriorstill).

Even when next patch comes, i doubt that every class will be balanced with every build. So either adapt your build to try getting the most of it (while still being supbar), reroll, or rage quit. I am pretty kitten ed with the whole PAX thing, but unfortenely i cant do anything about it, and i still enjoy the game enough to keep playing.

Cleanse conditions on a very low cooldown. You must clarify this statement. If you spec for fresh air, 10 pts water and 30 pts arcane, you can at BEST cleanse 2 conditions every 10 seconds. This is by no means enough to outlast a single necro. If you go for this build, you don’t get a heal when you swap to water attunement, which is also by far the largest source of group healing provided by an elementalist.

Thus, this disproves your next statement: That ele’s have team support through group healing; No, not if you want fresh air and decent burst to match that of a condi necro. You can’t get fresh air, decent condi cleanse AND group healing.

With 10 in water and 30 arcana as offhand dagger you have access to:

Evasive Arcana in water: 1 condi
Cleansing Wave: 1 condi
Switching to water attunement: 1-2 condis depending on how often you switch to it
Cleansing Flame: 3 condis, 40 second CD though
Ether Renewal: 7 condis, 15 second CD

If you’re on an Ele that’s specced in a way that provides a bit of sustainability, using all of those makes Condimancers a lot easier. The first problem is that Cleansing Flame’s cooldown is rather long. The second is that Ether Renewal’s massive condi removal isn’t necessary in a fight against anything BUT a Condimancer, and that outside of that fight it’s pretty bad in comparison to the others.


An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Zeon: Ether renewal is unusable on eles unless you bring earth 20, as every class will easily CC you, and necros can even corrupt boon you while using it. Alternatively, you can work your way and try to LOS your opponent, but that isn’t always available, and by the time you LOS you are probably dead. Most of the time, ether renewal is a death sentence against good players.

Also, cleansing flame is currently pretty bad. It is nice to try and clear condis, but as you said the long CD really hurts. Also, it lacks a stunbreak (unlike most other classes condi clears), making it useless against non-condi classes. Most of the time, mist-form is a better option for the stomp + res potential. Further, you usually take an arcane over cleansing flame in pvp b/c all that ele can do is try to go ultra-glass cannon and insta-gib someone. The only build that works doesn’t have enough sustain to make the tradeoff of damage vs. cleanse worthwhile, so you might as well go all-in.

More accurate list of condi clear:
- Cleansing wave (on water attunement swap): once every 10s
- EA dodge roll in water: once every 10s
- Cleansing wave (the skill): once every 40s

Our other cleanse isn’t viable.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


Although I think eles (and mesmers) needed the past nerfs

none is arguing with that, some things were too strong… but at the other hand, everyone was expecting some buffs to our useless traits (and fire as whole useless trait line), you know why all dps eles were going almost full water/arcane right? and what ANet did? nerfed water, so we cant bunker, we cant even dps anymore and our dps lines are, well, not very good, only fresh air scepter is solid… its not an accident you see almost no elementalists and even top ele players switched to another char, because ele just dont have a place in this extreme oriented game (unkillable bunker or hard nuker or both if you are necro atm)

PS: if you nerf someone, you cant buff everyone else a await a balance…

(edited by MaXi.3642)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Anyone saying ele can cleanse enough condis to outlast a condi necro has not played thw same gane

Up Rerroll

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zeon.8239


Zeon: Ether renewal is unusable on eles unless you bring earth 20, as every class will easily CC you, and necros can even corrupt boon you while using it. Alternatively, you can work your way and try to LOS your opponent, but that isn’t always available, and by the time you LOS you are probably dead. Most of the time, ether renewal is a death sentence against good players.

Also, cleansing flame is currently pretty bad. It is nice to try and clear condis, but as you said the long CD really hurts. Also, it lacks a stunbreak (unlike most other classes condi clears), making it useless against non-condi classes. Most of the time, mist-form is a better option for the stomp + res potential. Further, you usually take an arcane over cleansing flame in pvp b/c all that ele can do is try to go ultra-glass cannon and insta-gib someone. The only build that works doesn’t have enough sustain to make the tradeoff of damage vs. cleanse worthwhile, so you might as well go all-in.

More accurate list of condi clear:
- Cleansing wave (on water attunement swap): once every 10s
- EA dodge roll in water: once every 10s
- Cleansing wave (the skill): once every 40s

Our other cleanse isn’t viable.

I completely agree with you. Ether Renewal isn’t worth it; Cleansing Flame isn’t worth it either. I personally made an ultra glass cannon Ele with 10 in arcana, arcane wave+blast, and lightning flash. Primarily because it’s more fun/risky to me in comparison to a higher survivability burst Ele and because a higher survivability Ele is still extremely vulnerable to condi burst, but also because tank condi/tank regen builds are so common nowadays that oftentimes 1v1s last until other teammates jump in. I guess it’s individual preference, but that doesn’t appeal to me at all.


An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Eles are on a terrible spot right now, specially staff ele (funny, nobody ever mentions it, kinda like focus, most people dont even know eles can wear them!)

Damage is subpar, support is subpar, healing is subpar, boon sharing is also subpar. We got absolutelly nothing going on for us, and dont tell me jack of all na dmaster of none because a guardian specced into anything will out an ele in ANYTHING and EVERYTHING

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Jack of all jokes

Up Rerroll

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


I have to agree…Elementalists seem to work very hard for fairly little reward.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Don’t you see, we do too much instant-damage with our arcanes to be given any buffs. I would expect to see arcanes nerfed (probably with a delay). Ride the Lightning will probably also be given a cooldown that is 4x longer. Maybe when all of the options are terrible, people will use focus or staff more.

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Don’t you see, we do too much instant-damage with our arcanes to be given any buffs. I would expect to see arcanes nerfed (probably with a delay). Ride the Lightning will probably also be given a cooldown that is 4x longer. Maybe when all of the options are terrible, people will use focus or staff more.

There is a list in here with important utilities that affect the team in a substantial way and eles are nowhere to be found there.
Quite frankly arcanes can go to hell,can sink down to the deepest ocean and never be found again! They are nothing more than pure instantaneous boring unimaginative damage with some minor utility on a long comparatively cooldown..All that while mesmers bring portals,thieves bring shadow refugee,engis bring elixir r,guards syg,rangers spirits,necros epidemic and corrupt boon,warriors berserker stance,and so on..
Just remove them..Bring conjures in the surface or anything that my team can actually use and not more damage or selfish cantrips

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: haviz.1340


Lol this video made my night. Even though the ele current spvp/tpvp state was exaggerated, the thief version wasn’t.

Keep in mind that this video is from September 2012.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: lollasaurus.1457


More than one ele or mesmer on a team pretty much means you’ve lost in YoloQ.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Lol this video made my night. Even though the ele current spvp/tpvp state was exaggerated, the thief version wasn’t.

Keep in mind that this video is from September 2012.

keep in mind HS and BS havent been nerfed, so all he did in the video (spam HS for 4-5k and a 7.5k) i still very “viable” cough OP cough

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


So. I have 1000 hours on my elementalist and barely felt useful in soloQ. Like at all.
When joining a Teamfight my biggest worry was to deploy some dps b4 I die.

I have a Warrior now with 1 hour of playtime. I can hold points wearing zerker, I killed 2 Eles and a Necro at the same time. Focussing the Necro the Eles died simply as collateral damage trying to defend the cannon in Skyhammer. I see a Teamfight and all I think now is: “AWESOME!!! STUN STUNSTUN STUN 100B HAHAHAHAHA!”.

The message is not that I am a superpro Warrior. The message is: I have 1000h on a toon that I love to play and cannot even remotely have the same impact as on a toon with which I am playing the first match ever.
I did not even read more tooltips than 100b and the stuns on shield and mace, c&p-ed the build and popped all utilities randomly.


Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


Ive mained ele since bwe2 and i do share this idea:

Having an ele in your team puts you at a disadvantage
Having 2 means you lost

How long have you been thinking that ? Because eles used to be godlike, you know.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


Reroll Warrior because the class you play is not OP anymore. Seems legit.
I play Elementalist as well, and I agree that things have become very very difficult, and yes I lose 1v1’s to Rangers that are auto-attacking, but playing another class would never cross my mind.
If you can’t burst anymore, then bring utilities that your team would lack without you.
I always run mist form for a safe ress/stomp and Glyph Of Renewal for epic self-ress or team-ress.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


Reroll Warrior because the class you play is not OP anymore. Seems legit.
I play Elementalist as well, and I agree that things have become very very difficult, and yes I lose 1v1’s to Rangers that are auto-attacking, but playing another class would never cross my mind.
If you can’t burst anymore, then bring utilities that your team would lack without you.
I always run mist form for a safe ress/stomp and Glyph Of Renewal for epic self-ress or team-ress.

Why not? its just annoying to lose when you know its not your lack of skill, rather a broken class. When it gets fixed, go back…honestly you have no loyalty to one class i play them all.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


What an Elementalist brings to his team in WvW is huge boons, area denial, some aoe burstpeaks and good selfsustain with aoe burstheal.

Nothing of that remains in tPvP. I am not quitting my Elementalist. I am just not soloqueueing with it anymore, risking to drop into the matchmaking hell of rangers with bears and riflewarriors.

BTW: I did not even play Elementalist when this class was so heavily op. Even when it was still better than now, I did not play the 0/10/0/30/30 meta.

If you can’t burst anymore, then bring utilities that your team would lack without you.
I always run mist form for a safe ress/stomp and Glyph Of Renewal for epic self-ress or team-ress.

There is nothing you can build for that in a teamfight fills up a role as good as any other class built for it.
I cannot repeat this often enough: D/D and S/D in WvW are very certainly fine. In tPvP, If you can perform good-ish on an Ele, the opponents just suck. BC there you need to stay close to points. You cannot just roam around and kite to win 1v1. At least not if you want to win the match.
I win 1v1’s en masse in our Arena. But this is not what tPvP is about.

And honestly, after a few hours I am starting to really like the warrior and the impact and build diversity of it.
I am not tied to two weaponsets anymore. I theorycrafted a shoutspecc within 20 minutes that has better groupsupport and more dps than I ever had on my Ele while being more mobile.
I like being mobile. But I will never discard my Ele.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

this meta stayed for months just because “players wont have time to get used to new builds before PAX”. If they really cant, they dont even belong into PAX.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


Reroll Warrior because the class you play is not OP anymore. Seems legit.
I play Elementalist as well, and I agree that things have become very very difficult, and yes I lose 1v1’s to Rangers that are auto-attacking, but playing another class would never cross my mind.
If you can’t burst anymore, then bring utilities that your team would lack without you.
I always run mist form for a safe ress/stomp and Glyph Of Renewal for epic self-ress or team-ress.

Why not? its just annoying to lose when you know its not your lack of skill, rather a broken class. When it gets fixed, go back…honestly you have no loyalty to one class i play them all.

You dont have to be loyal to a specific class. But switching to a class your prefer less because you lose more with your prefered class is just ridiculous.
Then you simply care too much about winning / leaderboards. Nobody gives a kitten if you’re a rank 40 Spirit Ranger. I’d much rather play with people in the 90 percentile who are actually skilled, even if we lose to a bunch of auto-attacking meta-builds.
It’s more frustrating to play with bad people than elementalists and mesmers.
I guess that’s just a personal opinion.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Zumy.6318


No, you are pretty much right. but In my opinion no matter how good you are on your Ele, you will need a team to work with. In yoloQ you need to be able to look after yourself for some time. And on same skilllevel other profesions do this better.
I enjoy winning and I am pretty sure that my experience in reading other classes helps me to perform good on the stuntastic warriorbuild.

I exagerated on purpose in my previous posts.

Afterall being efficient because you do the right thing at the right time is more rewarding than being somehow loyal to a specific class. Even more if that class cannot fulfill the role you want to be in tPvP anymore.

I chose Ele for its gameplay and roaming ability. Not for bunkering. Ele cant roam anymore (Note: in tPvP, WvW-Roaming is great) or even think about capping points guarded by Engis or Rangers. so I chose the class that currently fills in that role.

And as stated I am really starting to like the theorycrafting on warrior.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Ive mained ele since bwe2 and i do share this idea:

Having an ele in your team puts you at a disadvantage
Having 2 means you lost

How long have you been thinking that ? Because eles used to be godlike, you know.

And now they are the worst. Whats your point?

Up Rerroll

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Ive mained ele since bwe2 and i do share this idea:

Having an ele in your team puts you at a disadvantage
Having 2 means you lost

How long have you been thinking that ? Because eles used to be godlike, you know.

I’d like you to specify these “godlike” ele builds from the past….

I know I’ll pass as biased for being an ele but I’ll leave my thoughts anyway, for you, people like you and..possibly a dev.

In the past we had a bunker and roamer/decapper ele, the build was not the same as the vast majority of the GW2 imply, while we could see similar traits set up the amulet was completely different

The bunker had the cleric amulet and the roamer had the valkyrie, the latter was in no position to insta-burst anybody, we had great dmg..but nothing that would leave you with no time to react.

There was great sustain with all the healing, but healing is the only active defense ele possess

Last year, months before release and for few months after, the ele was considered greatly UP, no matter what build we’d use we’d die in few secs...then in desperation the ele community started to use high survival builds( 30 water- 30 arcane)..and it worked, we were finally able to play the ele , even without having received any buff whatsoever from the Devs as they just ignore the ele community ..not like for other professions like engy, thief and mesmer, whose design was completely revalued weeks before release

Still in all this, if now I go and try to collect most of the whine posts from past threads around the forum I’ll find this :

" ele so unfun to play against their dmg is fine but I can’t kill them as they run away all the time"
" ele are so annoying, I can kill them easily but they always run away, heal and come back!"

That’s is it, eles were heavily nerfed for their capability to run away, heal and come back..only to run away again..that’s why we’d see 5 eles teams like the 5 necros or ranger teams I right?

A roamer ele was not able to decap a point heavily guarded by an engy or trapper ranger or let alone a guardian…still we got nerfed for the ability to kill one of the many zerker warriors/thieves who’d immediately come to the forum to cry

For a re-cap : ele was considered UP in the beginning than people started using bunker builds in order to play, no OP buffs received…now the bunker ele got heavily nerfed and still no buffs, funny isn’t it?

(edited by Arheundel.6451)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


Great post by the OP. Ignore the stupidity that followed.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It is wrong how in this game the balance is done and it probably killed the game for many players that this meta stayed for months

It’s only been 2 months. Update was applied on June 25th. It really hasn’t been that long.
People are just impatient.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Niebelheim.6041


It is wrong how in this game the balance is done and it probably killed the game for many players that this meta stayed for months

It’s only been 2 months. Update was applied on June 25th. It really hasn’t been that long.
People are just impatient.

Yet 2 months without an official response, seems like Anet either doesnt care, or priorices their stupid PAX esport bs before the other 99% of the community.

Also 2 months being stuck in lowest tier is enough to drive some people off to other games.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: physxcore.9074


Have you ever seen any game developer and/or technitian to answer such questions “why was this nerfed beyond comprehension” if there is no answear for like 1 month we probably shouldn’t even hope for it. But there is the other side, no developer can leave their game just hanging, while it does have a lot of players, gathered a lot of popularity.

The elementalist sufferes a lot, a lot more than it should but I’m sure they are working on for the best solution , because just bringing him back on top of the food chain isn’t an answear. There are a lot of suggestions which 100% has been read and put on the table (I’m sure of it) that sounds great. Fixing something like that without jeopardizing is hard , extremely hard.

Also there has to be considered the bugs that come up by fixng a single thing, it is a program after all , it needs testing and reworking over and over again. It just takes time.

We can only hope for sooner response and a patch that would bring down the classes to same level (I mean all of them to be viable in tPvP and taking one class to benifit a lot in a team, not just drag the team just by being the certain proffesion, in this case elementalist)

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859



Oh so you weren’ t there at the times of stunbreakable runes of svanir, dead (not downed) team ress via glyph, far point contester self ressing ele, no icd aura share builds perma stunning thieves who made the error to use choking gas, Master Of Disaster complaining because he couldnt roflstomp over everything on his mesmer anymore (trololol).

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: Fiery Lily.8046

Fiery Lily.8046

Eles were op at some point for their heals. Rightfully so they were nerfed. I completely dont understand the nerf to ride the lightning: a 20 sec cd jump could ever match say thief teleports or wars greatsword? was it so terrible?

But honestly if we compare eles of the past, even the op period, to todays necros or rangers they were at most an annoyance cause the damage was ok, but killing actually somebody needed a good minute of fight at least, not 20 secs at most. Stunwars do have counters but in 1v1 necros and rangers feels like having lasers in a game of knives.

An Elementalist's frustration

in PvP

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Just throwing this out there, and sad how true it is: