An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682



Since I started playing in BWE1 I always laughed at warriors. I laughed they were faceroll, I laughed they were super tanky with highest hp pool and highest basic armour and people were still dying as warriors.

I played Jon Peters’ most hated profession (a necromancer) and probably wanted to feel better.

In the passing week I rolled a warrior (a hammer bunker) and all I have to say is:

I am wholeheartedly sorry for thinking all of the above. I am sorry to have thought warrior was strong.
I realised you all, poor warriors, are victims of Anet’s bias when it comes to balancing different classes.

I met a mesmer I couldn’t even come close to. I met an auto-attack r13 bunker ele, who was smashing skills jumping randomly between his attunements without any sense who killed me twice (I’m bad). The boons uptime in his kitten build was insane. My hammer was supposed to shut him down.

It didn’t.

I am sorry, warriors.

Warrior is much more skill-dependant than some faceroll mesmer or an ele or even a necromancer.

Anet harmed you all. I sympathise.

@Anet: a suggestion – please get some competent people to start the balancing. Your game was supposed to be skill-based. Skill is important, but currently a profession choice is much more important.

You have created a [Mesmer, Guardian, Thief/Ele] Holy Trinity.

Nerf kitten.

And for God’s sake, give warriors some work.


(edited by leman.7682)

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


Given your proclivity for badmouthing classes you’ve never played, have you considered you might feel the same way after actually playing a Mesmer, Guardian, Thief, Ele, or any other class?

To be clear, what I’m saying is that maybe the classes you’ve played have seemed awful because you’re the one playing them?

(edited by mouse.1689)

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


Well Hammer is one of the worst weapons you could use against ranged classes, too easy to get kited to death. You should use something to make up for its lack of mobility on 2nd set – GS/Sword/Rifle.

Also, mesmers are weak and useless class. Why else would they get ability to stack insane amounts of might in last patch if not to make them viable in tournaments?

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


To be clear, what I’m saying is that maybe the classes you’ve played have seemed awful because you’re the one playing them?

Nice try, you are probably that r13 ele.

But to answer your question, I played a mesmer and was winning by just pressing buttonz. Same goes for guardian. Tried thief, but didn’t really like it.
Ele was more difficult to grasp, but definitely really strong and versatile.

I learned the game by playing tournaments back when necro was super kitten. I can play the game.

What I meant – mesmer is faceroll, no matter you like it or not.
It is a god of mechanics.
Ele is the god of versatility.
Guard is the god of defense.

What does the warrior have? Just look around you, Mouse… Given you ever played a tournament.


(edited by leman.7682)

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


I know EXACTLY how you feel.

^ Link. Maybe you can brainstorm your own ideas there.

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: mouse.1689


To be clear, what I’m saying is that maybe the classes you’ve played have seemed awful because you’re the one playing them?

Nice try, you are probably that r13 ele.

But to answer your question, I played a mesmer and was winning by just pressing buttonz. Same goes for guardian. Tried thief, but didn’t really like it.
Ele was more difficult to grasp, but definitely really strong and versatile.

I learned the game by playing tournaments back when necro was super kitten. I can play the game.

What I meant – mesmer is faceroll, no matter you like it or not.
It is a god of mechanics.
Ele is the god of versatility.
Guard is the god of defense.

What does the warrior have? Just look around you, Mouse… Given you ever played a tournament.

Forgive me for misinterpreting your post, but let’s examine some of the things you said in your original post:

  • “(I’m bad)” indicates you think you’re bad.
  • You claim you lost to an autoattacking Elementalist. Elementalist autoattacks are the lowest damage autoattacks in the game, which means you’re either lying or you’re bad.
  • You said you rolled a Warrior because you got tired of playing a Necromancer, which is supposedly Jon Peters’ most hated class, even though he plays one regularly. Also, since you claim you play a lot of tournaments, you should know that many top teams consider Necro to be one of the strongest, if not THE single strongest class in the game in tPvP.

So again, I’ll apologize if my assumption that’s you’re bad was off the mark, but a lot of what you said seemed to imply it (as well as literally say it outright.)

Here’s the bottom line: you’re right that Warrior needs some buffs. But it’s not worse off than Engineer, which needs attention right now as well.

That said, your arguments here would be a hell of a lot more compelling if you were to drop the hyperbole (Jon Peters hates Necros, Eles can autoattack and win, ANet is biased against specific classes, skill doesn’t matter, Warriors are victims that need comforting, etc.) and just make your case with actual logic.

Look, I’m arguing with you even though I agree with your underlying premise, because the way you laid out your argument was counterproductive and awful. Just stick to the facts, imo.

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Warriors are NOT weak. That said they could use buffs in some areas and nerfs to things like killshot.

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Recently.1043


Warriors are NOT weak. That said they could use buffs in some areas and nerfs to things like killshot.

Buddy, if your getting hit by killshot in spvp i don’t even know where to start……

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: mickers.2715


I havent died to a warrior in fair fight in a loong loooooong time, the only time i ever get killed is if im finishing a player and get stuck in the animation while he quickness 100 blades me in the back.

Even before they buffed arrow speed on rangers i was steamrolling them.

Just slap a cripple or chill on the warrior and watch him frantically try to close the gap between you, its also hilarious that speed modifiers effect the distance of your charge abilities so if he has chill on him he goes almost nowhere with bulls charge, or if he does make it to you, its so slow you can easily dodge roll backwards.

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Archonis.7249


Warriors are NOT weak. That said they could use buffs in some areas and nerfs to things like killshot.

Buddy, if your getting hit by killshot in spvp i don’t even know where to start……

Even the best players can get hit by killshot, if you aren’t playing against a scrub.

You hide yourself like any respectable glass cannon and then fire your killshot at someone that isn’t looking or paying attention at things 1200 away.

“Society is a madhouse, whose wardens are the police and the officials.”

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Stop calling for Kill Shot nerfs. Its already too situational in tPvP already, why make it weaker?

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


I’d ask for a Kill Shot nerf just to stop warriors from thinking it’s good. Stop using ranged, you have plenty of gap closers on melee weapons with so much more utility and damage.

An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I’d ask for a Kill Shot nerf just to stop warriors from thinking it’s good. Stop using ranged, you have plenty of gap closers on melee weapons with so much more utility and damage.

Rambo would like a word with you sir and he too is a warrior.


An apology to all warriors; nerf kitten

in PvP

Posted by: Alarox.4590


You have created a [Mesmer, Guardian, Thief/Ele] Holy Trinity.

If you like bunker, then yes Guardian. The only reason you see so much bunker is because we can’t do anything else better than anyone else, and even then this new D/D Elementalist bunker seems to be more effective with more damage and CC.

Alarox – Human Guardian
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows