An idea to make sPvP more interesting

An idea to make sPvP more interesting

in PvP

Posted by: Xaximbo.2763


Hi, i think one of the reasons pvp is becoming boring is because it is very predictable, on every match you will face very similar setups and guardians will be 90% of times bunker specced, thieves are going to be glass canon like a number of times etc…

My idea involves creating new modes, something that they’ll have to do sooner or later since now pvp is stale.

Right now there is an order in tourneys Forest—>Legacy—>Kyhlo specially for the last match due to it’s nature is almost mandatory to bring a mesmer for the trebuchet, a necro to destroy enemy trebuchet and a thief due to their mobility. I am not going to discuss tactics but since first 2 matchs shouldn’t be challenging all the setups think on this last one. A good and simple start would be to randomize the maps.

Secondly right now it’s only a capture point match, which involves more strategy than what you think certainly, but a deathmatch mode, capture the flag or something else should be added. Bunkers on deathmatch mode are pretty useless while on capture the flag 1 is compulsory and at the same time bringing more doesn’t get a benefit.

The idea is that if you design a special tournament mode where you may have to play at kyhlo a deathmach game (maybe you can resurrect 3 times after that you are out definitely) , then a capture the flag in another map and then the current point capture the variety would widen since what works now won’t work anymore in all game modes and people should all wear balanced builds in damage/endurance, making the game more attractive.

No more "we needed 2 minutes to bring him down " nor " i got killed in 2 seconds"

An idea to make sPvP more interesting

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I been thinking on something simular:

1. introduce different game modes (why is a so called pvp game based on 1 mode?)

2. make tournaments where all modes alternate

3. don’t allow build changes once it begun

and yes, you just got rid of burst and bunker, and will see a rise of support, balance builds, bunker builds that aren’t extreme, burst that isn’t extreme glass canon (already the case in tpvp as it is)

Point 1 is the tricky part, this game so far is surprisingly boring in terms of pvp variation.
If this doesn’t happen first (and fast), i fear there won’t be all that much pvp to discuss in a little while… Hopefully I’m wrong.

Point3 would be the debatable part many would argue against. But I like ‘being an all-rounder’ as the standard, instead of being ‘extremely functional in one particular game mode’.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…