An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


sPvP is unfair at moment.

There is no balance there.

What gives the Warrior the right to become imortal for few seconds or to have Quickness the best buff in the game?

Isn’t Warrior strong enough?

No class can beat warrior on sPvP, I mean Warrior has High vitality, high toughness, high power. Warrior = Guardian + Thief + Many health.
Just take a look at his utilities, they are insane. Only awesome utilities, awesome elite skills and awesome heal skills.

Warrior has the best utility/elite of the game.

Look at the Guardian, ok he has high defence, many healings, high damage but no HP THAT’S a balance.

Why Elementalist doesn’t become imortal for few seconds? No instead of that, he becomes a pretty useless Mist.

Theif is so broken aswell fight with/against a Thif is 222222222 and a victory/death. Very funny.

Its 5 Skills: autotack, 22222, let’s spin around, slow, and become invisible 6 initiatives? Wtf? Why people only hits 22222? because is cheap, 3 initatives is cheap, but 6, 5? It really doesn’t work.

Let’s play Ranger, poor ranger, no armor, not much health, poor pet.A Warrior with rifle. That’s a ranger.

Necromancer... the best survivability of the game (Loses in survivability only by a Warrior and Guardian), well balanced but not fair his survivability is so high that is unfair if you compare him to Mesmer or Elementalist.

Let’s talk about downstate damage, that is insane and sokitten
You have a whole 1v1 fight, you and your foe use everything agains each other, then finaly after a tough fight you manege to down him. OH WAIT the stills alive and does a high damage that takes you down, and the fight keeps going, two down people fighting to survive and then you realise you are Rager fighting agains a Warrior down… you are so dead.

I say the same of Mesmers the most annoying profession. Let’s say you had the same fight as before, then you go downstate, BUT his illusions still up and just finish you like a baby.

What I suggest:

Warrior’s utilities shoud be splitted up for other professions like Elementalist, ranger and Thief.
Warrior should not have invulnerability, quickness and fury. And give then for those who need.

Mesmer’s ilusions should die when he goes to the downstate.

Ranger should have an option to get ride of his pet and focus completely on himself. Should be more builds like that. (Utilits and traits)

Thief needs skills, they are really broken at moment. Pressing 22222 is really sad. Make 3 and 5 (With dagger/dagger) costs less initialites and nerf them.
Thif. Initiatives should add countdown to skills like:
10 initiatives = 0 seconds of countdown // 8i = 2s // 6i = 4s // And so on. Also skills 3 and 5 costs 5 and 6 initiatives? Wtf. That’s why? people hardly ever use them.

Elementalits are so weak, the most weak class at moment. Low health, no defence, not good damage.

Guardian is fine, don’t change him.

Engineer aswell.

Downstate should be a survival mode when you lose a fight, It should NOT does damage and not the damage that It is doing at the moment.

I am generally speaking of course, not everyone plays that way I said before.
Since the advertisement of the Arenanet is “Play your way” all ways should be fine. But they aren’t fine right now (Only at sPvP).

(edited by Bradesco.9621)

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: choban.9027


I don’t have any problems with Warriors, at least most of them…depending on my and their’s build+skills. And I’m playing with elementalist most of the time…really enjoying it.

Some professions have OP skills, but nothing game breaking atm. I can manage it .

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Sjach Darasv.3729

Sjach Darasv.3729

redacted by moderator, as the quoted text has been deleted

I think he meant loses to them in terms of outright tankiness, which necros do in terms of raw mitigation skill. A good necro can however, outlast a defensive war/guardian if played properly, (moreso if increased mark size and makes them unblockable actually made them unblockable, and increased the size of all the marks and not just the mark of 1 sec step back plox fear). Balance is intended for the meta game, and since they want this game to go e-sport, meta is balanced around 5v5 tourneys and 5 man dungeon teams currently. 8v8 sPvP is nothing but a zergfest of cookie cutters with the occasional other class in the mix up out to farm easy glory and rank points because it’s easy to do.

~Lone Shadow~

(edited by Moderator)

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


redacted by moderator, as the quoted text has been deleted

I said:

“Necromancer… the best tanker of the game (loses only by a Warrior and Guardian), well balanced but not fair his survivability is so high that is unfair if you compare him to Mesmer or Elementalist.”

I never said anything about Necromancer vs Warriors and Guardians, I also, said it is well balanced. I meant is not fair he survives so well as he does since other “low health/armor” classes can’t survive (Like him).


“And the warriors have immunity because they lack mobility, and are still melee. "

“Mobility” would be a good balance, like Guadians without health.

(edited by Moderator)

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: OnTheClouds.7092


redacted by moderator, as the quoted text has been removed

I read the whole thing actually, and I find that warriors are strong, they aren’t OP.

(edited by Moderator)

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


The point is not Me vs Warrios.

And not just warrios.

I told about all professions.

Don’t misunderstand.

I am not talking about things that happened with/to ME, that is why I don’t say “I” I said “we”, “he”, “it”, “you”.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


SPvP is zergy poo. Period. If you want to talk balance you talk tourney play please or else the entire post comes off as completely uninformed and rantish.

Reading your post replacing 8v8 zerg with TPvP almost every “point” you make is flat out wrong.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


SPvP is zergy poo. Period. If you want to talk balance you talk tourney play please or else the entire post comes off as completely uninformed and rantish.

Reading your post replacing 8v8 zerg with TPvP almost every “point” you make is flat out wrong.

Thank you for your advice.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Thank you for your advice.

I’m not sure if sarcastic or not but I do hope my post didn’t come off as too snippy. Just trying to say that while the rediculous gimmick of BR>EP>FZ>HB can nuke people in zergplay (WvW, hotjoin) in TPvP it’s already become on of the most easily countered gimmicks in the game. Dodge negates the entire build for over a minute at a time (if you don’t just wait the 4 seconds for EP to wear off and nuke his butt down in moments).

Ele may be weak in zergfest for instance but in actual competitive play it’s a very very strong class as people have started mastering it.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


Thank you for your advice.

I’m not sure if sarcastic or not but I do hope my post didn’t come off as too snippy. Just trying to say that while the rediculous gimmick of BR>EP>FZ>HB can nuke people in zergplay (WvW, hotjoin) in TPvP it’s already become on of the most easily countered gimmicks in the game. Dodge negates the entire build for over a minute at a time (if you don’t just wait the 4 seconds for EP to wear off and nuke his butt down in moments).

Ele may be weak in zergfest for instance but in actual competitive play it’s a very very strong class as people have started mastering it.

No, I mean it. Wasn’t sarcasm.
You have a point tournament things are quit different.
But I’d say tour is a pro thing, is like seriously.
And “Free for all” is for fun.

But this “fun” is not really fun because I created the topic.
Isn’t fun because there are many things to be changed and balanced.

(edited by Bradesco.9621)

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Strife.4956


Lol what a baby

GrimmWullf – 80 Warrior, DU
Arkktos – 80 Thief, DU
Down Under Guild – Stormbluff Isle

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


This guy knows what I am talking about.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: jimmyimo.2089


Stop calling every thing overpowered/underpowered because you cannot beat them.

Every class has an other class that smacks them like a puppy, some classes are stronger in the water, some on the land, some in downstate. Instead of blaming the professions, you should be looking at yourself.

People are yelling that things are overpowered all the time, because they cannot tell the difference between a clone and a mesmer, etc.
That is not mesmers being overpowered, that is them not being able to tell the difference cause I can.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Einsof.1457


I disagree with every single thing the OP said.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Ezekial.9186


I dunno, Elementalist are a pretty big joke in sPVP. I have NEVER been killed by one 1vs1, ever.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


8v8 is unfair. so?
it is created just to let new players learn how the pvp is in this game. if you take 8v8 serious you wrong

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


8v8 is unfair. so?
it is created just to let new players learn how the pvp is in this game. if you take 8v8 serious you wrong

I don’t take it serious, I think it is for fun.
And you said its for new players learn how to play. I disagree, I think is where everyone (who knows and who doesn’t know how to play) have some fun, but new players get just mad by those things I said before.

Most new players make a Warrior or a Thief who “don’t” need skills to play, just need to make simple high damage combos.

And as someone said before, hardly ever you will be beat by an Elementalist (I never lost by one).

When you play 8v8 you see most people play as warrior and thief.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Ansel.4351


Actually the worst class in the game is by far necromancer.
Second guardians is far far aways from normal, they are the warrior op brother, great damage great suvivability and a awesome ccs. I want say mersmers are imba, but they actually are the only cloth class work properly but can use a nerf in the phantasm department. Free high dps, without penalts. And dont say to me kill the phantasm if i do that i pass the whole match killing phantasm while he kill me with confusion bleed and burn.

Engineers are fine.

Downed state, really need me changed, thief, warrior and mesmers down state are to strong/stupid.

Quickness NEED to be removed, period, everything stupid in this game, come with quickness. thief spam with quickness, ranger get a shortbow , quickness and spam 1 to get 20 bleeds in 2 s thats to the stupid flank detection, if you are moving in any direction oter than foward to the ranger it will count has flank. if you strafe around it will count has flank.

8×8 must be removed i cant see the point of that, whats the point of hot join, test builds learn how the things work, get into the real spvp, but in 8v8 its not possible, the zergy spamm quickiness and auto attack is what you find.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


8v8 is unfair. so?
it is created just to let new players learn how the pvp is in this game. if you take 8v8 serious you wrong

I don’t take it serious, I think it is for fun.
And you said its for new players learn how to play. I disagree, I think is where everyone (who knows and who doesn’t know how to play) have some fun, but new players get just mad by those things I said before.

Most new players make a Warrior or a Thief who “don’t” need skills to play, just need to make simple high damage combos.

And as someone said before, hardly ever you will be beat by an Elementalist (I never lost by one).

When you play 8v8 you see most people play as warrior and thief.

in gw1 i usually played RA for fun/test new builds etc. when i started to face antimelee necro, antimelee mesmer and stuff like that do you think it was funny? no, but it was the way it was played.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621



I can’t say about that because I didn’t play Gw1.

But I think everyone in this forum (that is the risen you are here) want to make Guild Wars 2 better and keep being the best MMO ever.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


It’s clear in the post OP plays a ranger or a guardian.

Warriors need to be toned down slightly.
Rangers spam rapid shot with the beast enrage and win
thieves spam 2 or 5 and 1
guardian is fine the healing is a bit over the top tho
necros are just terrible the only use they have is to soak damage
mesmer needs to be toned down
eng i don’t know I rarely see them. to busy fighting mesmers and thieves.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Baselerd.4921


Playing as an engineer, I haven’t had too much of a problem taking out warriors. Dropping a net turret + grenades usually does the trick. Smoke grenade will blind the warrior. If he gets out of range of the net turret you still have the net toolbelt skill. On top of that, using a rifle will keep him a safe distance with net shot as well.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: SgtSarcasm.1653


OP is obviously trolling hard. I refuse to believe that anyone can be this delusional.


PS: To all those crying about warriors being too strong, and need to be toned down. Currently, the only warrior build that stomps is the knockdown + frenzy + hundred blades build, which is basically useless 56 seconds out of every 60 seconds.
Without knockdown/stun, hundred blades is incredibly easy to dodge, and without frenzy any CC wears off before it’s halfway through channeling.

Also, 9/10 HB builds have nothing in the way of condition removal, aside from the heal which has a fairly long cooldown and a casting time. As long as you play it a little smart and have at least 1 stun breaker and save it for the knockdown + frenzy + HB combo, you can stomp them quite easily.

Khaine [80 Guardian] – Night of Wallachia [80 Warrior]
Minister of Fear [80 Necromancer] @Far Shiverpeaks EU

(edited by SgtSarcasm.1653)

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Bradesco.9621



I play as Thief if you want to know.

I haven’t played as Guardian/Ranger even in the beta. (I have a Guardian now level 8 but I hardly ever play with him).


This is not only about Warrior.
and not everything on the internet is Troll/Meme/LOL/so on…

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Warrior is on a league of its own, where the hell do you get these ideas that Warrior = Guardian + Thief? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: nysta.6713


the classes in this game aren’t op. it’s just that some players are op.

you can be op, too, if you try harder.

An opinion: sPvP 8v8 zerg is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: DangerMonkey.3158


Someone makes a thread about warriors being useless and give nothing to sPvP


Fear me! For I am the dangerous primate!
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)