Anet Make people care about winning.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbis.8095


3.5k Games played 200 of those in the New leaderboard test season and for the love of All cute kittens Anet you Need to make Players care about WINNING the match.

If you do not have a full team but are with 1-3 Friends it is most of the time hard to get the rest of the team to play, as a team….

The Reasons that most Pug players give for not playing the conquest right in the ranked que from the last week are:
1: They do not care or want to win cause losing gives something as well.

2: They do not understand what they are doing wrong by roaming most of the time and not fighting on the points cause holding points does not give scoreboard points. they see fighting on the points as waste of time.

3: Or they do not understand that holding a home point with a bunker while the rest of the team is having a hard time 4vs5 on a different point while the bunker is afk on the home node.

4: They do not Understand Mechanics or Rotation orders in the match,
Temple of the silent storm is maybe the worst example of this as people just can’t or won’t get the stillness at the set times.
Too many ppl think the tranquility does something else than it actually does as in swapping the points for the team that gets the buff.

5: There is no penalty.
The dishonored buff is not on right now so there is nothing stopping people who want to leave or afk while the match is going on.
There have been less 4vs5 right out of the gate after the implemtation of the Que rdy button but it still does not remove these people that come to the games constantly and either afk or raqequitting after the first mid fight.

Outside the leaderboard ranking there is nothing that entices a random Joe actually giving a kitten if the team wins or not.
Even if you try to get them to play “right” or just getting to the right points by drawing or pinging on even writing in the Team chat most people consider this as annoying or “making me play how you want” and just blocking you for distracting their play.

Also people pay too much attention to the ingame scoreboard which in reality does not reflect how good you played.
The other team can have few players with 200-300 points but still lose cause no caps were taken by their team just roaming kills or trebuchet hits.

In too many games have our guys been yelled at that we lost the game cause we had less than 150-200 score on the board and it didn’t add to the total score or, that we didn’t let the enemy team cap our points so we could cap them back for more points as it is done in the unranked and custom arenas.

This behaviour is getting even more noticeable as people are just running around the map waiting for the other team to do the same which shouldn’t be the case in ranked.

It is really getting to me and my teammates nerves after 200 matches that it does not matter how well we do cause the rest of the team “kitten s” around and we will lose the match just because they didn’t care to win.

It is taking a toll on the enjoyment of the game, to be reminded on the end of the match that yes we did good but the rest of the team destroyed your work by not working together either due to ignorance or just because they could.

You had some nice videos about the maps on the WTS tournament could there be a chance to get those videos to the game before the match starts? or reworking the reward structure to make a greater emphasis on winning and not kittening up your team.

WvW Blobs aren’t Blobs they are just large group of oozes blobbing along each other.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.

(edited by Nabbis.8095)

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbis.8095


Today’s Amazing reasons for not caring about winning:

Unnamed engi: “I don’t like to idle” So he kitten s the match by trying to turret enemies spawn point…
Warriors playing Pve builds on pvp “because so does everyone else when its their daily class”.
“I don’t care about your win or your ladder I am here for rank points that the ranked arena gives even if i lose”

So Happy Eastern to everyone without a full team this weekends pvp will be amazing.

WvW Blobs aren’t Blobs they are just large group of oozes blobbing along each other.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


tl;dr – pls force others to play how I want them to play

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Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbis.8095


tl;dr – pls force others to play how I want them to play

Well that sure does not spark a interesting discussion now does it?

Well its not like you can play a bunker as a zerker and viceversa its just that people seem to ignore most of their build functions and role setups in the game.
Some kind of general awareness of your build and the comp you are up against would be nice and the want to win.
Most people seem to be on a zombimode and hoping for a win atm.

WvW Blobs aren’t Blobs they are just large group of oozes blobbing along each other.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Lexiceta.4156


WTS tournament is a poor example of what the solo experience is like, first tournament play is about kills and kills lead to points, that is not true in most non tournament games. Tournament games have more teams fights also not true in most normal matches. Solo matches are about your effect on the map and not the tournament standard of kills.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbis.8095


WTS tournament is a poor example of what the solo experience is like, first tournament play is about kills and kills lead to points, that is not true in most non tournament games. Tournament games have more teams fights also not true in most normal matches. Solo matches are about your effect on the map and not the tournament standard of kills.

My point about the WTS was that they had a nice introduction video for the maps .

Could that or some kind of version of that be implemented in the game for players to get a clearer sense what they should be doing.

All of the terms for builds and comps have been made by the community there is nothing in the game that explains to people what they should be doing with their builds expect the small pop up in the match start that obviously no one reads.

So many people are just getting a build from the meta sites or friends and totally ignoring the point of that build when they go play.
“Ranked” should not be ranked if its just a coinflip if you actually get players that care about winning its a total shot in the dark.
If there are no penalties for kittening things up why should you care about winning?
If only a small subset of the playerbase is interested in testing or trying out the leaderboard its very frustrating for that subset of people to try to win for the leaderboard when no one else is there for that reason.

WvW Blobs aren’t Blobs they are just large group of oozes blobbing along each other.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Teon.5168


I have to agree with Rednik…’re wanting others to play the way you think team pvp should be played. The way around that, is to field a full team. I know, easier said than done……but if you only field a partial team, and then expect the other players that fill out your team to have the same seriousness or mindset about pvp as you do, I can guarantee you’ll be disappointed/frustrated at least 80% of the time.

With that being said, you still can’t expect people to play the game the way you think is best. Might be the best way to you, but that doesn’t mean it works for other players. Doesn’t matter if there is a ladder system or not……everyone paid the same initial price for the game, so they can all play it any way they want. (within the tos, of course)

Not much you can do about that, except to gnash your teeth…..or field an entire team that agrees with your way of playing team pvp. /shrug

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

(edited by Teon.5168)

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


I have to agree with Rednik…’re wanting others to play the way you think team pvp should be played. The way around that, is to field a full team. I know, easier said than done……but if you only field a partial team, and then expect the other players that fill out your team to have the same seriousness or mindset about pvp as you do, I can guarantee you’ll be disappointed/frustrated at least 80% of the time.

With that being said, you still can’t expect people to play the game the way you think is best. Might be the best way to you, but that doesn’t mean it works for other players. Doesn’t matter if there is a ladder system or not……everyone paid the same initial price for the game, so they can all play it any way they want. (within the tos, of course)

Not much you can do about that, except to gnash your teeth…..or field an entire team that agrees with your way of playing team pvp. /shrug

By the same logic what they are doing is forcing other people to play how they want. If they are too many roamers either you roam and lose matches (accept that) or you have to play another way just to make up for what your team is lacking.

There should be a middle ground but both sides continuously go for the extremes. If you want to win you must have a team versus play how I want/games are meant to be fun/similar logic.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Anet are wishing us all a happy easter with giving the noobs and pros all a 50-50 win ratio.
Its a kitten idea that those who train their kitten off have the same win ratio as kittened scrubs.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Teon.5168



By the same logic what they are doing is forcing other people to play how they want..

That statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

How, exactly, do you “force” people to “play how they want”? That is completely contradictory.

Forum discussions -
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


It is not making people play as you want at all. I have to agree especially about Temple. I always write it down that tranquility is 8:30. Two issues with that. No voice chat and most do not read chat or use it at all. Second most dont even know what it does. Tutorial for PvP would be good when you enter Hotm for the first time. Or maybe just ranked. I have honestly never seen so far so many people not caring in any other mmo in arenas. Imo it might be the daily. Nobody goes there for pvp, well some do, but a lot of people go there just to complete that stupid class daily or whetever else is there to get a reward.

All this reward system is kitten to mmos. Before people had fun and theirs own goals. Today it is about achievments and daily, monthly etc. Why? Because companies know that it gets addictive for people.

If Anet thinks that this might be an e-sport game… well, makes me laugh, sadly. They should make the pvp for pvpers. At least the ranked one. Make it for those who enjoy PvP. That means no reward for a losing team. Why? So people care to learn.

Maybe Anet could do some event with footage on youtube after where they take top players and let them explain how maps work, what roles classes have, how combos work not only for you but with others too to improve cooperation. And those vids should be advertised or at least link to them somewhere in pvp menu. Maybe a new tutorial tab?

P.S. it is annoying to lose temple after temple because you go 1v3 for tranquility buff. Also btw one important thing some forget. It is not the players who play as they want, it is the environment/game design that steers them to play certain ways.

But I’m being naive here. Most money probably comes from pve players so who would care about pvp.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576



By the same logic what they are doing is forcing other people to play how they want..

That statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

How, exactly, do you “force” people to “play how they want”? That is completely contradictory.

To clarify the people who play how they want are making other people play in specific ways. For example, if the people who play how the want (doesn’t want to win, go far all day, playing specific subpar builds, etc). And I want to win this match. That means I can’t play how I want and I’m forced to play around individuals who play however they want to play. This may mean I have to swap professions to balance out the team.

The problem if someone doesn’t care and plays how they want. Why should they be allowed to do that when it affects if someone wants to win. Isn’t the scoring for arenas designed around going to 500 first and winning? Why should someone who wants to win and play in that way be forced to run a pre made team? Why shouldn’t someone who doesn’t want to play to win and just wants to mess around be forced to run a pre made team as well under the same logic? Why is it acceptable for people who just want to mess around, playing not to win, playing how you want to queue solo with 4 other strangers and ruin their experience?

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: saniok.8702


Not sure that’s the issue here in PvP. Once you go up in ranked teams you’ll notice that people there will ONLY care about winning. Not about being fair, not about being competitive, they will use only that, what works. And does it feel like an entertaining experience? Meh.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: gwcurious.6382


yeah punish us more for having a bad team, thats not the problem, and won’t solve anything, typical elitist attitude..
Theres nothing you can do about it, in any, ANY multiplayer game that involves capturing the objective you have two kinds of people. Be it first person shooters, mobas, RPG’s, RTS games. There are people who play the objectives, and try to capture, and there are fighters who only care about getting kills, and never try to get objectives. I may be noob at GW2 but I am not a noob at gaming, and punishing losing team isn’t going to help anything. Especially if you have people on the team who did good, and people on the team who did bad.
You have people who capture objectives, and people who don’t.

Edit: My point is, if you have one good guy on a team who cares about winning and the rest don’t should that one guy suffer?

(edited by gwcurious.6382)

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: The Primary.6371

The Primary.6371

Today’s Amazing reasons for not caring about winning:

Unnamed engi: “I don’t like to idle” So he kitten s the match by trying to turret enemies spawn point…
Warriors playing Pve builds on pvp “because so does everyone else when its their daily class”.
“I don’t care about your win or your ladder I am here for rank points that the ranked arena gives even if i lose”

So Happy Eastern to everyone without a full team this weekends pvp will be amazing.

You forgot to tune out your show to the public by using that classic American tv host line.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I personally would like to see the removal of all rewards for losing except for the possibilty of the rank points you would normally get. No money, no crappy reward track progress no nothing if you lose. They could aslo maybe increase the reward for winning so even winning a modest ammount of games would make up for losing rewards when you lose. At least in rated queue. OP is spot on. Even though the rewards are lack luster there are people that do rated just for the crap rewards and there are people that care about ramping up there stupid point total. They really don’t care if they win or not. Some play just to pew pew. We need to weed out the people from rated who’s main goal is not winning. If you solo queue a lot you will see it all the time these types of imbeciles.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbis.8095


Seen few people bringing up the “how I want to play argument”.
Guys seriously isn’t Unranked and CUSTOM arena for that?

You know as the name would imply Unranked is there for a safe place to kitten around a bit, test few things etc.
If you just want to go of the rails totally kittenstomprofl day you go play in a custom arena that has funny roleplay rules or something like that?

Aren’t those two places for ppl like that? Am I thinking this too logically?

Ranked like it or not is ranked arena meaning it should be bit serious and all about the one objective in the game which is winning.
Not goofing around with pew pew rangers taking duels below a trebuchet on khylo.

Ranked Arena should be the place to go to get good matches with decent pvpers who know what they are doing and not a pve players place to farm their daily with a pew pew ranger a mile away from a anything that resembles a capture point.

I seriously think there is a bit of a disconnect what people should be doing and what they are doing.
If we truly want a better pvp community.
If Anet really wants this game to be esports we can’t have the Ranked arena that is supposed to be one step down from esl cup, that is one step lower than the wts and whatnot tournaments,
To look like a gindergarden where everyone is there for their own dailies and “fun” and nobody gives a kitten about the main objective which again is winning!

Even today we had some matches where the 4rd and 5th member of the team constantly ignored the rotations, pingings and drawings.
And everything else they have been told from 3 guys that are on ts knowing where the enemy team is and informing them of where they should be and they just ignored it match after match.
The few that actually answered were along the lines " I don’t care" “not my problem” “I am not here for leaderboard I didn’t even know there is one” “lick my kitten”
And some other funny stuff that can’t be said on the forums.

But basically the gist is people do not care as simple as that.
If you think about it there is something seriously wrong at that point when your playersbases mass players don’t care about the game mode they are playing, or care to play it right cause either the community or outisde the community they have gotten a picture they shouldn’t care.
Why is it that even on this thread some of you said that “your way of playing” should go against the 3 guys that are there for the actual designed purpose of the game mode to win?
Why is it that one guy who wants to goof around why is his way more valuable than the 3 or in some cases 9 other players who want to have a good match in a ranked arena that are there for the designed purpose of the mode?
What gives that one guy the right to goof around in a situation like that?

Would you say same about something else sports for example in a car race how is that one guy in the middle of the pack his fun of motorsports is to cause crashes and he does it race after race ruining other peoples cars and races in the process but he still thinks that is fun, should he be allowed to continue?
Probably not on the second or third time he would be disqualified out of the series.
And yes that was a bad one but it was the one that came to mind ^^.

Dunno just my random toughts on the subject after becoming more active on the pvp bit more seriously again.

WvW Blobs aren’t Blobs they are just large group of oozes blobbing along each other.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.

(edited by Nabbis.8095)

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Nabbis.8095


On the series this weeks annoying comments why ppl don’t wanna play conquest.

“Leaderboard resets every month why should I care I don’t get there anyway”

" U are so bad you can’nt win without me helping you?"

" I need my daily guardian only, if we lose on the first midfight I afk simple stop qq this is not serious pvp"

“I don’t care about you or your stupid leaderboard I play how I want because I can”

And some other things on temple people going on about how tranquility again gets you both buffs etc.

But yea yet again people are just using Ranked play as a farming stage for daily.

WvW Blobs aren’t Blobs they are just large group of oozes blobbing along each other.
Leader of the Iron Hall [Iron]
Server: Desolation now and forever.

Anet Make people care about winning.

in PvP

Posted by: Isslair.4908


2: They do not understand what they are doing wrong by roaming most of the time and not fighting on the points cause holding points does not give scoreboard points. they see fighting on the points as waste of time.

From my experience it’s the other way around. Too often I see teams fighting in an outnumbered fight against tanky enemy on an uncapped or enemy-capped point.

And I have never seen anyone saying anything about in-game score.

Anyways, it’s hard to play-to-win when you are constantly get thrown against some premade or a high-tier player who decides to go unranked for no reason.

EU Aurora Glade