Anet REMOVE 50/50 w/l on the league fix
Except it doesn’t reward being good (in fact, it punishes being good by making it harder to progress, see my post above)
This is a myth, it isn’t easier for a casual to progress. That myth comes from a total misunderstanding of how the matchmaker works.
The matchmaker works on two assumptions:
1) If a player is below 50% W/L then the player is fighting against opponents that are better than the player, and the matchmaker should move them down.
2) If a player is above 50% W/L then the player is fighting against opponents that are below their skill level, and the matchmaker should find better players for them to fight.This leads to a natural equilibrium at 50% win rate where the player is playing against their own skill level.
This does not make it easier for casuals as it just leads to casuals fighting other players at their skill level, while experienced players fight other experienced players at their own skill level.
The entire system just leads to everyone fighting at their own skill level.And thats exactly the point. Lets say you have a mmr of 500, and someone a mmr of 50. You will be matched against someone with a mmr of 500, and the other guy with someone with a mmr of 50 no matter the division, so you have the same tough matches when playing emerald than diamond, and so divisions doesnt mean shiet
The problem with divisions is divisions are basically a rating system added onto a pvp system that already had a (invisible) rating system.
Yes divisions are somewhat arbitrary. Realistically they should just determine division by MMR, but that would require making MMR rating visible, which is something the devs might not want to do. (you think mmr exploits are bad now, just image what players could do if they could see their mmr.)
I’m on 65% win rate…
If I have too many wins in a row, somehow I end up playing with a bunch of rabbits… The system definitely tries to enforce 50/50 on you but if you can out rotate the influx of zergers on foefire lately, you should be right.
….. And Elementalist.
I have nothing against in 50/50 w/l, but this thingie is getting a bit tiresome. Anet said that this system will courage ppl to play better when they lose.
I don’t see how this system will encourage to play better. I you play good (above the average), then you are MM punished in order to force a 50% w/l. Punishment is not a good way of encouragement. More like the opposite.
Let me explain how you advance in a 50-50 win rate game, you play 32 games in each tier and on average you will get over the 5 game win boundary. The fact that you cannot drop but only go up is mathematically very similar to the win streak mechanic that hearthstone has implemented.
My proof is attached below, it shows 10 iterations of paths where blue is no rules, green is hearthstone rules (win streak between ranks 20-5) and red is gw2 tier system (up to legend 1)
If you are oscillating in skill levels that is probably your own perception, there is no way your MMR is oscillating between noobs and pro players. You must be almost equally matched to both, so try harder and learn from your mistakes.
Look, the League of Legends is ultimately team designed too, on top of it, it’s an e-sport they droll about, but it has solo Q. Because Riot in their mind.
Actually, Riot just did away entirely with the separate ques for premades and solos for season 6. Everyone queing for ranked goes into the same que.
I’m on 65% win rate…
If I have too many wins in a row, somehow I end up playing with a bunch of rabbits… The system definitely tries to enforce 50/50 on you but if you can out rotate the influx of zergers on foefire lately, you should be right.
I don’t think it actually works like that.
I will concede that what could be happening is that it’s trying to find easier matchups for the other team (remember the matchmaker applies to everyone) but it is unable to find a full team at the necessary MMR so it cobbles one together by mixing lower with higher to get a team whose net average is where the matchmaker wants it to be.
Although honestly I think it’s more of a case of you doing what so many players do and blame the pugs for a loss.
I don’t get the opener’s post at all. This is pvp, it’s only natural you reach a point where you stop, because ppl above you are simply better while people below you are weaker. That’s when you hit 50/50.
Only way to fix that is to improve your team’s play, yourself inculded, else you’re not gonna move forward much.
The game matches you up the best it can. The 50/50 W/L thing is a myth made up by terrible players. It does not “try to make you lose” at any point.
Also, you’re supposed to rise by being good. You’re probably not good, deal with it.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. MMR definitely goes on streaks if you haven’t seen it you’re always in a team, go solo Q hero, you’ll see.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
I’m on 65% win rate…
If I have too many wins in a row, somehow I end up playing with a bunch of rabbits… The system definitely tries to enforce 50/50 on you but if you can out rotate the influx of zergers on foefire lately, you should be right.
I don’t think it actually works like that.
I will concede that what could be happening is that it’s trying to find easier matchups for the other team (remember the matchmaker applies to everyone) but it is unable to find a full team at the necessary MMR so it cobbles one together by mixing lower with higher to get a team whose net average is where the matchmaker wants it to be.Although honestly I think it’s more of a case of you doing what so many players do and blame the pugs for a loss.
I don’t blame anyone, wouldn’t make sense when you can out rotate them like I said originally lol
….. And Elementalist.
The game matches you up the best it can. The 50/50 W/L thing is a myth made up by terrible players. It does not “try to make you lose” at any point.
Also, you’re supposed to rise by being good. You’re probably not good, deal with it.
Let’s clear this up with a little critical thinking. A matchmaking system pairs you against more difficult opponents when you win, depending on how sure it is about your MMR. It has been speculated that, if it pairs you against weaker opponents, it will pair you with even weaker allies in order to keep things fair. In either or both cases, your win rate should eventually be 50% – if you are a pro, facing off against other pros, or facing regular good players and being allied with slightly worse good players to compensate for your skill, then you will win about half your games.
Eventually, you should settle at 50%. However, early on… you’ll probably win either more or less than that.
Because of this, it’s difficult to progress in leagues, regardless of how good you are as a solo player. Leagues require you to beat the odds – it requires you to be better than your MMR; it requires you to noticeably step up your game. For newer players, this is easy and it comes naturally, but more seasoned players will find this to be extremely difficult without abuse.
50/50 is a very good system.
To win, you should overcome yourself, what is wrong with this?
Above of this, this system is only for solo up to 4 team premade.
If you don’t want a 50/50 you should get people and make a team.
If it weren’t 50/50 it would be just a mess.