Anet and TPvP

Anet and TPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oddoad.5478


When do we get real tournaments, or to get to make our own? When will you fix mist lobbys to where there are actually people who talk? I want real tournaments, with rankings that matter, how else will we show off our prowess? I want to be able to actually find a pickup group, or a SPvP focused guild I can join and compete competitivly with.

Hell, make it so we can at least make leagues to play in. As well as spectator modes so people can watch these league matchups. So we can make our own tournaments.

This needs to be an E-sport and should have had these features when it was released, you as a team are better at making PvP games and know all these things are important to being able to play on a competitive sport level. And yet you released it without it. I’m dissapointed in you. I expected better from some of the minds that brought us GvG battles from before. Where it was fun and challenging, and when you won and got a better ranking for people to see you felt a sense of acomplishment in you and your team, that you were the best in that match, and you deserved to win.

Take a good long hard look at your game and tell me if those aspects are there. Then tell me why they are not, why did you not put the effort in to do just that before release? PvP is basically your endgame with no raids or better equipment to get after you get your exotic and legendary. But instead you placed it all in WvW, which is not a competitive esport, plus, when your server is losing in WvW they basically give up anyway and the last few days of the match turn into karma farming.

Spvp was your chance and these features are not there at the moment, its super frustrating right now trying to find a pickup group for tournys, and its even more frustrating trying to find a guild of people that want to play at the competitive level in a game that is only half heartedly setup for it.

Anet and TPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Oddoad.5478


Hell does anyone remember the Cyber amateur league anymore? CAL:O CAL:M and CAL:I?

I loved that, I loved playing with a team that had a sponser and was playing against other competitive teams, I loved the rankings, and the match days, the feeling you got when you won, and even the feeling when you lost and you held extra practice that week. Getting on almost every night and wiping the floor with pug groups. That was a lot of fun, but that league died, as well as the game I played with it, afterwords I went into GvG and had a blast doing almost the same thing, and was looking forward to it in GW2 but im left with this bland, fight for points, free tournys, and no real ranking system in place.

Anet and TPvP

in PvP

Posted by: shalmont.2539


Seems a lot of people are waiting for a response, not sure when they will release the famous blog post (not sure if it has been yet) but If i were you I wouldn’t hold my breath for any of the features you and many more were expecting at launch, they mentioned a few times on this here forum that they are “planned” which means they aren’t even really working on them yet lol..

as for guilds that take t-pvp serious, try out fort aspenwood, I know of 5 guilds off the top dedicated to tourney pvp.