Anet let's be serious, say something.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


The growing rate of turret engis in my matches have increased dramatically. I just finished a match with 3 turret engis on the other team.

Do you even know how frustrated the competitive pvp community is right now?

If it was 1 turret engi per match I’d say oh easy and move on. But it has been 2, 3, 4, sometimes the whole team!

The amount of skill put into putting down turrets and the reward you get (especially if it is more than 1 turret engi at 1 point) is unbelievable.

I know you may be doing something about it, I sure hope you are.

Can you at least say something about your thoughts? Or what changes you are hoping to make? Or even just let us know that you are looking into it…

So every time people in the pvp community go up against these turret engis they at least have the thought that they are going to be somehow changed in the future.

For the love of god say something! I am actually thinking of quitting the game due to turret engis. This isn’t a competitive game anymore in pvp. Some of us work kitten increasing our skill levels with certain builds that actually require skills, and then comes a long a pve noob wanting his llama w/e or just to farm pvp and runs one of the lowest skill cap builds in the game to get highly rewarded.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


They wont say a thing.

they learn that answering this kind of threads instead of fixing the issue will increase the rage in forum.

Trust me, they know about this, but they just dont care enough right now.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Best way to get rid of turret engis is to quadruple the health of spirit weapons and necro minions. Give rangers spirits an autoattack. Boom, no one plays turrets anymore.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: darres.8203


lol remember how long it took for us to get sky hammer out of ranked ques?
anet doesn’t care lol


Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.
they have zero escapes, just 2 condi-clears every 20(15) seconds and one automatic transmute every 15sec.
that’s it. the rest is just a healthbar and 1 single-target cc.

If you see multiple turret engis, zerg up in the first stage of the fight, clear the notes together by focusing them down and then spawn-camp and/or intercept their team since they have no option to fight back between the nodes, whatsoever.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.
they have zero escapes, just 2 condi-clears every 20(15) seconds and one automatic transmute every 15sec.
that’s it. the rest is just a healthbar and 1 single-target cc.

If you see multiple turret engis, zerg up in the first stage of the fight, clear the notes together by focusing them down and then spawn-camp and/or intercept their team since they have no option to fight back between the nodes, whatsoever.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

Only a handfull of ppl can actually take them down easily. Ive been winning 2v1’s so many times today and yesterday.

Started playing turret engi yesterday to see how OP it rly was.. And it’s OP..

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

I think you’re missing the point. It’s a literally zero skill build that is excessively effective. Other bunker type builds may be easy and effective, but you have to know and do something. You can’t just give your grandmother a d/d ele and tell her to go win a match, she’ll get annihilated. Not the case with turrets.

It’s not that the community needs to L2P, it’s that turret engis don’t have to L2P.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.
they have zero escapes, just 2 condi-clears every 20(15) seconds and one automatic transmute every 15sec.
that’s it. the rest is just a healthbar and 1 single-target cc.

If you see multiple turret engis, zerg up in the first stage of the fight, clear the notes together by focusing them down and then spawn-camp and/or intercept their team since they have no option to fight back between the nodes, whatsoever.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

Only a handfull of ppl can actually take them down easily. Ive been winning 2v1’s so many times today and yesterday.

Started playing turret engi yesterday to see how OP it rly was.. And it’s OP..

This is where I wanted you…
People like you, should be spending time writing guides on how to beat turrets, it is possible to beat them, it just takes a little more awareness than necessary.

You perfectly know this, and you even more than other have the chance to make a great contribution to the game by writing an unbiased guide for new players

Players should be educated..instead than being spoon fed at every turn, new players should learn that :

-some matchups are against you and should be avoided
-rotations are the most important aspect
-team work is necessary and is not limited to ganking a target

By simply removing every won’t make yourself and the game any favor, the quality of the matches won’t improve, because the quality of new players get lower and lower.

GW1 PvP was,is and will remain far superior to GW2 because the playerbase itself was far more skilled than anything you ever had in GW2 up to this point

No offense but in terms of quality, a team of people using turret engi can be compared to a R3 HA team…they would have trouble in beating even a R0 HA bala pug team on the first map

In the end, remove turret engi today..tomorrow the same players will complain about something else, meanwhile the game Pvp scene goes downhill because the quality of players is non existant, most of the new players even lack the most basic PvP knowledge like focus dps over bunker, help a teammate..this is stuff even a PvEr in GW1 would know

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.
they have zero escapes, just 2 condi-clears every 20(15) seconds and one automatic transmute every 15sec.
that’s it. the rest is just a healthbar and 1 single-target cc.

If you see multiple turret engis, zerg up in the first stage of the fight, clear the notes together by focusing them down and then spawn-camp and/or intercept their team since they have no option to fight back between the nodes, whatsoever.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

Only a handfull of ppl can actually take them down easily. Ive been winning 2v1’s so many times today and yesterday.

Started playing turret engi yesterday to see how OP it rly was.. And it’s OP..

This is where I wanted you…
People like you, should be spending time writing guides on how to beat turrets, it is possible to beat them, it just takes a little more awareness than necessary.

You perfectly know this, and you even more than other have the chance to make a great contribution to the game by writing an unbiased guide for new players

I’m already writing stuff down bud <3
Not sure when the guide will be up, but it WILL come, the community needs it.

But I still call for a nerf somewhere or somewhat

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: SPESHAL.9106


Why would any game designer create gameplay like this?

Better yet…who would make this mistake and not fix it.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.
they have zero escapes, just 2 condi-clears every 20(15) seconds and one automatic transmute every 15sec.
that’s it. the rest is just a healthbar and 1 single-target cc.

If you see multiple turret engis, zerg up in the first stage of the fight, clear the notes together by focusing them down and then spawn-camp and/or intercept their team since they have no option to fight back between the nodes, whatsoever.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

I can take care of a 1 turret engi when needed. But the amount of work that you have to put in to take one down is more than most other builds. And when you have 5 turret engis on the other team who put their turrets in the air it just makes it more difficult. It isn’t that I or others don’t know how to handle turret engis, it is just that they offer an unreasonable amount of difficulty to go against with how little skill that turret engi player has to put into the build.

And btw I have watched some streams of pro players, such as Five Gauge, and I can guarantee you that he is able to take care of a turret engi but even he himself avoids them sometimes because it takes a while to kill one sometimes which doesn’t help during the course of the match.

In the end it is a build that you put in little to no skill with a lot of gain.

It needs to go.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I would reduce the rifle and rocket turret damage by 25% as a start

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: iKeostuKen.2738


Damage and the range on rocket turret needs to be toned down.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


Also maybe if the engineer is not in a certain radius of his turrets they stop attacking…

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Rhialto.8423


daily reminder that turret engis are easy to kill by focusing them down.
they have zero escapes, just 2 condi-clears every 20(15) seconds and one automatic transmute every 15sec.
that’s it. the rest is just a healthbar and 1 single-target cc.

If you see multiple turret engis, zerg up in the first stage of the fight, clear the notes together by focusing them down and then spawn-camp and/or intercept their team since they have no option to fight back between the nodes, whatsoever.

A-net will not balance this, just because you suffer from such big l2p issues.

Only a handfull of ppl can actually take them down easily. Ive been winning 2v1’s so many times today and yesterday.

Started playing turret engi yesterday to see how OP it rly was.. And it’s OP..

Yeah it’s not L2P so much as “I’m playing a build that counters turret engis so y’all are noobs.”

And I’d still like to see how these counter-builds fare against two or more turret engis on one point.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


it is a L2P issue so much as “Look, I tried to kill the turret engi the whole match solo, while my team was not able to use the 4v5 advantage that we may could have had and was feeding the enemy team one kill after another.”

1 turret engi in the match:
- outrotate and ignore him

2 turret engis in the match:
- fight 5v3 on your node, then roll over to mid & far
- after killing the first turret engi, send a condi-burst or zerker to intercept the respawning turret engi, rest goes to the 2nd point
- spawncamp them

3 turret engis:
- again, it will be 5v3 on one point, so see above

4 unknown engis in the enemy-team:
-one switches to staff ele before the match starts
-same as above

5 unknown engis in the enmy-team:
- one switches to staff-ele before the match starts
-same as above

Guys, you suffer from a giant L2P issue if you don’t understand the basic principle of out-rotating immobile builds. And if they win the 5v3 fight against you, all the power to them.
Additionally, there is no solo-Q in the game anymore. If you complain about a pug-farming build being effective at farming pugs then you may as well complain about rain being wet. If you just want to fight without organizing yourself properly with the rest of the team you can go hotjoin or for duels in empty / private Servers.
Again, it doesn’t matter what skill (or not) one needs to run turrets. Turrets themselves are meant for absolute aerial denial. If you choose to fight inside them, it is purposely a uphill fight, so a frekkin dumb decision on your side to do so alone.
“But my team-mates keep running into them”
Simple Solution: run with a skilled team, choose your team-mates wisely and/or educate new team-members properly.

And just so you understand where I’m coming from with this:
I play engi, zerker s/d mainly. Do I hate turreteers when I see them? yes. Do I think they are over-powered? no. Why? Because the people I play PvP together with are perfectly able to out-rotate them, regardless how many we’ll face, and we’re far away from being anything competitive.
But I will not accept the engineer getting nerfed for no other reason than a vocal, inflexible minority screaming for it.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Negativity.5801


I like how the people who say turret engi isn’t overpowered just say “Oh yeah, just play with a 5 stack of skilled players and outrotate him and coordinate all your movements around the map”

The fact that turret engineers forcibly require that when no other class does makes them overpowered. Denying that is nothing short of delusional.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Also maybe if the engineer is not in a certain radius of his turrets they stop attacking…

I’m surprised people just scrolled past this. This is actually an amazing idea that would actually provide an actual form of counterplay aside from “KILL IT FROM RANGE”

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Loboling.5293


I like how the people who say turret engi isn’t overpowered just say “Oh yeah, just play with a 5 stack of skilled players and outrotate him and coordinate all your movements around the map”

The fact that turret engineers forcibly require that when no other class does makes them overpowered. Denying that is nothing short of delusional.

Actually people do this for all classes. People don’t leave points unattended because thieves will just roll in and decap if you aren’t careful. People will try to move from points in teams of 2-3 so as to avoid getting ganked on the roads and to have the advantage in numbers during encounters. There are many examples of players adapting their playstyles to what enemies do. Someone loading up a point with turrets is a strategy, one that requires the reactions to counter said strategy. This reminds me of counterstrike when I learned that I have the advantage by holding a door rather than charging through. Make your enemies come to you in predictable ways. But that was a different game, and I don’t want to overly sidetrack the discussion.

Also, Arantheal gets it.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


it is a L2P issue so much as “Look, I tried to kill the turret engi the whole match solo, while my team was not able to use the 4v5 advantage that we may could have had and was feeding the enemy team one kill after another.”

1 turret engi in the match:
- outrotate and ignore him

2 turret engis in the match:
- fight 5v3 on your node, then roll over to mid & far
- after killing the first turret engi, send a condi-burst or zerker to intercept the respawning turret engi, rest goes to the 2nd point
- spawncamp them

3 turret engis:
- again, it will be 5v3 on one point, so see above

4 unknown engis in the enemy-team:
-one switches to staff ele before the match starts
-same as above

5 unknown engis in the enmy-team:
- one switches to staff-ele before the match starts
-same as above

Guys, you suffer from a giant L2P issue if you don’t understand the basic principle of out-rotating immobile builds. And if they win the 5v3 fight against you, all the power to them.
Additionally, there is no solo-Q in the game anymore. If you complain about a pug-farming build being effective at farming pugs then you may as well complain about rain being wet. If you just want to fight without organizing yourself properly with the rest of the team you can go hotjoin or for duels in empty / private Servers.
Again, it doesn’t matter what skill (or not) one needs to run turrets. Turrets themselves are meant for absolute aerial denial. If you choose to fight inside them, it is purposely a uphill fight, so a frekkin dumb decision on your side to do so alone.
“But my team-mates keep running into them”
Simple Solution: run with a skilled team, choose your team-mates wisely and/or educate new team-members properly.

And just so you understand where I’m coming from with this:
I play engi, zerker s/d mainly. Do I hate turreteers when I see them? yes. Do I think they are over-powered? no. Why? Because the people I play PvP together with are perfectly able to out-rotate them, regardless how many we’ll face, and we’re far away from being anything competitive.
But I will not accept the engineer getting nerfed for no other reason than a vocal, inflexible minority screaming for it.

Ummm you do know that to play turret engi correctly you can actually roam with the build and you don’t necessarily bunk a point. You have to time blowing up your turrets during certain fights. So in some of the higher level mmr/or w/e of turret engis you cannot out rotate a turret engi as easily as you stated. But I won’t go deep into that because most turret engis only worry about putting down turrets and bunking points because they have no thought or skill during their matches in pvp.

And you go on and on talking about “the people I play PvP together,” and that there isn’t “soloq.” Well some of us if not most of us don’t have the ability to play with a decent team and we are forced to soloq. Hotjoin, are you kittening kidding me? You might as well tell me to quit the game. You would actually be killing pvp completely. Your solutions to this problem is absolutely horrible.

And you are still missing the main point. It isn’t necessarily that you cannot take care of the problem. It is the fact that turret engis provide a great amount benefit to a team without any skill at all, it is literally AI.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


I like how the people who say turret engi isn’t overpowered just say “Oh yeah, just play with a 5 stack of skilled players and outrotate him and coordinate all your movements around the map”

The fact that turret engineers forcibly require that when no other class does makes them overpowered. Denying that is nothing short of delusional.

Thank you I keep trying to get this fact through to others. Why are some people so keen on the fact that they have a decent team that can do all of that work to beat turret engis. A build that requires no skill and is mainly dependent on AI, forces you to play in a pre-made team that has enough synergy together to coordinate a complete comp and rotations to be able to beat it.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


So you play a game-mode in a way it’s not meant to be played as?
there is unranked team-q and ranked team-q. If you neglect every aspect that is coming with team you can not expect to be taken seriously.

Furthermore, yes mobile turreteers are a thing, one that is meant to be countered by your thiefs / mesmers / whatever you’ve set up as roamers. Intercept them on the move, force them to drop their turrets for defense between the node and disengage. If they refuse to drop their turrets, kill them straight away. By the time they reach the node they still have cd’s and can be focused down quite easily.
Allowing a turreteer to walk all the way from spawn to his node, without any resistance, is a fail on your teams’ side, that you pay with the additional time it takes to get him down once he’s set up shop.

If you pug ranked or unranked, then you automatically kitten yourself. And this game, which heavily supports social structures, offers you many methods to find people that you can organize yourself with. If you don’t want to take advantage of frequently recruiting PvP guilds, or despise all the social interaction it takes to set up your very own team, then there is nothing to help you with.
And yea, hotjoin is a decent playground for you, since you’ll find engaging enemies there as well (the ones that like to farm pugs), so get the max out of your lone-wolf feeling and defend the Pugs there. Many times better than calling for unjustified nerfs on a build that you are not supposed to win against with brute-force tactics.

Turreteers farm pugs.
Bunker builds in general stall pugs.
Pugs will always be pugs: Unorganized, brute and from questionable synergy and almost all pug matches result in a chaotic mess. Some will be a win, some will be a loss, but in general they are not really enjoyable whatsoever. At least in my personal opinion there really is no difference between hotjoin and pugs in team-q, except one of them gets more coverage on their reward-tracks.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


2 turret engis in the match:
- fight 5v3 on your node, then roll over to mid & far
- after killing the first turret engi, send a condi-burst or zerker to intercept the respawning turret engi, rest goes to the 2nd point
- spawncamp them

Just so everyone is clear your strategy for beating 2 Turret Engis requires them to push 3v5 on your node.. Excellent – now if we could just lobotomised all our opponents I’m sure no one would be upset with Turret Engi any more.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


or 4v5 in mid/far?
Are seriously not able to think from 12 to noon?

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


or 4v5 in mid/far?
Are seriously not able to think from 12 to noon?

Then you have left home free, and their home defender turret can come mid and cover for their thief running to decap you while still keeping turrets active at home so he can run for home and not have the setup if you try to push. Any equal number fight on a turreted node is a nightmare. They basicly (when placed correctly) shut down blink escapes for recovering for most of the squishier targets. Trying to kill the engi then leaves whatever Med Guard and Thief nonsense training your dps. If basicly the whole “Kill the Bunker first BUT he has tons of damage you don’t see coming plus everyone else wants to hurt you too” scenerio. Not an awesome to be in situation.

My personal favourite is when retreating from one area you dodge chasing players stuff and run straight into the range of the turrets parked at the other node.

Its an annoying build – 4v5 will not be a guaranteed win for you and they can decap you while the turret node takes so much more work than usual to kill. Why are you defending it?

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


it really doesn’t matter what the far-turreteer does since he will have too long cd’s to actually cover for the running thief, presenting both mid and far to the attackers. Ofc he can just leave his turrets on far, which brings the same effect:
A rifle AA spamming healthbar.

That is the issues with turreteers. Regardless what traits or gear they are running, as soon as they pick rocket/thumper-turret they are locked to a single point, unable to hotswap since their long cd’s prevent them from being effective.

And while you leave home to the thief, you clear the rest of mid, move on to far, while the mid-defenders are in down-time. After that you just deny the turreteers to set up shop again by intercepting both with your thief and the match is a gg for you.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: cheese.4739


As has been said: turret engi isn’t super great against an organised team – but the amount of skill required to succeed as one is far too low at all but the top tiers of sPvP.

One big problem: that heal. Ways to tweak the healing turret that might make engineers a bit less ridiculous:

- remove the blast finisher. It’s almost never used as a turret, instead used to drop-cast-blast as fast as possible. Without that blast, the burst heal from the turret is significantly reduced – any engineer wanting that heal would have to sacrifice another of their precious explosions, or make use of the slow effect of regeneration, or pick up their turret and wait for their heal to come off cooldown like everyone else does.

- increase the cooldown for all turrets that were destroyed/detonated. This would also serve to make turret builds a lot more vulnerable between enemy attacks – and any AI build should be significantly weakaned for a while when their AI is taken out.

Also maybe if the engineer is not in a certain radius of his turrets they stop attacking…

While this wouldn’t solve most turret engi problems, it would be very nice to see – if a turret engi goes off to assist their team as one point, they shouldn’t be able to keep up damage/CC pressure at their original one.

Maybe make all turrets become non-functional (including accelerant-packed trait) when the owner is >2000 range away. Maybe stop them from attacking targets when the engineer isn’t also within the turret’s active range (wheee, thumper turret gets less useful immediately).

Maybe just nerf all turrets in PvP and remove AI builds from play – they’re all far too effective at lower tiers, and often also appear higher up the ladder.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


One big problem: that heal. Ways to tweak the healing turret that might make engineers a bit less ridiculous:

- remove the blast finisher. It’s almost never used as a turret, instead used to drop-cast-blast as fast as possible. Without that blast, the burst heal from the turret is significantly reduced – any engineer wanting that heal would have to sacrifice another of their precious explosions, or make use of the slow effect of regeneration, or pick up their turret and wait for their heal to come off cooldown like everyone else does.

- increase the cooldown for all turrets that were destroyed/detonated.

Heal turret actually heals more if you pick it up instead of blasting. Most people blast it because it’s faster and they need all the heal they can get in that very moment.
Also, funny thing but..why you want to kill engi?

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I like how the people who say turret engi isn’t overpowered just say “Oh yeah, just play with a 5 stack of skilled players and outrotate him and coordinate all your movements around the map”

The fact that turret engineers forcibly require that when no other class does makes them overpowered. Denying that is nothing short of delusional.

Thank you I keep trying to get this fact through to others. Why are some people so keen on the fact that they have a decent team that can do all of that work to beat turret engis. A build that requires no skill and is mainly dependent on AI, forces you to play in a pre-made team that has enough synergy together to coordinate a complete comp and rotations to be able to beat it.

The thing is, they aren’t overpowered in 1v1 either. A person can simply peel away from his crate and range them, or wait them out. This method simply isn’t logical in Conquest. It’s almost always beneficial to say, “Oh you dropped crate? See ya!”

Just because I choose to outrotate them, doesn’t mean they’re OP.

I’ll just leave this here. (solo players)


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


I like how the people who say turret engi isn’t overpowered just say “Oh yeah, just play with a 5 stack of skilled players and outrotate him and coordinate all your movements around the map”

The fact that turret engineers forcibly require that when no other class does makes them overpowered. Denying that is nothing short of delusional.

Thank you I keep trying to get this fact through to others. Why are some people so keen on the fact that they have a decent team that can do all of that work to beat turret engis. A build that requires no skill and is mainly dependent on AI, forces you to play in a pre-made team that has enough synergy together to coordinate a complete comp and rotations to be able to beat it.

The thing is, they aren’t overpowered in 1v1 either. A person can simply peel away from his crate and range them, or wait them out. This method simply isn’t logical in Conquest. It’s almost always beneficial to say, “Oh you dropped crate? See ya!”

Just because I choose to outrotate them, doesn’t mean they’re OP.

I’ll just leave this here. (solo players)

Yeah wait them out…hmm understandable … but all them points that the turret engi is able to get while you wait out. And the range on his turrets are unbelievable you sometimes still get cc/damaged from pretty far away. And then what? After you wait it out and you kill him…he comes back cc’s you off of the point that you capped for only 15 seconds and the cycle starts all over again.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Albaraa.1635


So you play a game-mode in a way it’s not meant to be played as?
there is unranked team-q and ranked team-q. If you neglect every aspect that is coming with team you can not expect to be taken seriously.

Furthermore, yes mobile turreteers are a thing, one that is meant to be countered by your thiefs / mesmers / whatever you’ve set up as roamers. Intercept them on the move, force them to drop their turrets for defense between the node and disengage. If they refuse to drop their turrets, kill them straight away. By the time they reach the node they still have cd’s and can be focused down quite easily.
Allowing a turreteer to walk all the way from spawn to his node, without any resistance, is a fail on your teams’ side, that you pay with the additional time it takes to get him down once he’s set up shop.

If you pug ranked or unranked, then you automatically kitten yourself. And this game, which heavily supports social structures, offers you many methods to find people that you can organize yourself with. If you don’t want to take advantage of frequently recruiting PvP guilds, or despise all the social interaction it takes to set up your very own team, then there is nothing to help you with.
And yea, hotjoin is a decent playground for you, since you’ll find engaging enemies there as well (the ones that like to farm pugs), so get the max out of your lone-wolf feeling and defend the Pugs there. Many times better than calling for unjustified nerfs on a build that you are not supposed to win against with brute-force tactics.

Turreteers farm pugs.
Bunker builds in general stall pugs.
Pugs will always be pugs: Unorganized, brute and from questionable synergy and almost all pug matches result in a chaotic mess. Some will be a win, some will be a loss, but in general they are not really enjoyable whatsoever. At least in my personal opinion there really is no difference between hotjoin and pugs in team-q, except one of them gets more coverage on their reward-tracks.

You have the ability to soloq in ranked/unranked….therefore it is part of the game. Stop dismissing it as if we are playing the game incorrectly. Anet has it setup this way. And as it is not the proper way to have it setup, it is this way. And the game can be and should be played competitively from a solo/duo queue aspect.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: pelto.7345


i que solo because i like randomness same reason i buy keys life is like a box i think outside of it anyone who tells you not to take chances are missing on what lifes about i dont want people dictating my build to me im a free think’n beer drink’n monkey jumper

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396



You have the ability to soloq in ranked/unranked….therefore it is part of the game. Stop dismissing it as if we are playing the game incorrectly. Anet has it setup this way. And as it is not the proper way to have it setup, it is this way. And the game can be and should be played competitively from a solo/duo queue aspect.

Again, there is no solo-q. Even if you choose to que alone or just with 1 friend, you will often get matched up against premades, which automatically puts a giant disadvantage on you: communication.
If you still decide to que up alone, good luck, but don’t come to this place and complain about a build that is meant to exploit exactly this decision.
I explained you why turreteers are really hard to deal with by pug-groups. I explained you why pug-groups will always under-perform against builds meant to farm pugs. If you still insist to run pug matches, you should not be surprised by the issues you’ll get without any proper team-organization. And in / against organized teams, it’s actually the turreteer which under-performs, hence there is no reason to nerf it.
From a gameplay-standpoint and in light of the often promoted “build-diversity”, it would be actually a reason to buff the turreteers mobility by reducing his cd’s, even tho it would create a really stale meta for the engi.
Nope, rather abandon this thought.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Shieldbash.5304


I think all AI classes should have their personal damage increased and their Pet / AI damage drastically reduced or made into utilities only. This would make it so the Player would have to beat you not hide while his AI kills you!

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Regardless of what you think about certain classes or builds I think they should make the matcher much stricter in regards to duplicate classes for rated arena. It’s just my opinion but I feel like the matcher should never allow more then 2 of the same class on one side in a rated match. You want to be fotm? Prepare for possibly longer queue times. You shouldn’t be able to form a group with more then two of one class and be able to queue for rated arena either.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396



SINCE kittening when turret engi cannot move points? since when idiot? on what level they don’t? JUST TELL ME? how is this build any slower out of fights than guardian or necro? and yes i will roll staff ele and see all rocket turrets aiming at me
defend your so called “build” fine, but pls don’t you there call turrets engi, it’s offensive Mr. Great ESL Winning Skillz

since they have high cd’s on their sole defensive and offensive mechanic, that does not allow them to leave the area unprotected, nor take a fight between the points.
Additionally they are not able to help out on other points (except dropping supply-crate into it) since their high c’s prevent them from immediately joining a fight upon arrival. And if they choose to do so, every coordinated team will switch their focus temporarily to wind the unprotected turret engi down, to continue their fight undisturbed, while their roamer caps the point the engi was previously on and keeps spawn-camping the engi until more people from the enemy-team have to respawn and roll out together again.
It seems you’ve never played turreteer yourself before, else you’d know their flaws and how to exploit them. Last year, when the AI got fixed I was one of the first to jump on that build to test it out, you even can find example-builds in my post-history from back then. At first it really seemed easy to farm people with it, but it took not long for me to learn their flaws and therefore how to deal with them myself, while also accepting that turreteers are actually very underpowered in competitive play.
So yea, you suffer from a big L2P issue, that you can only fix by rolling engi yourself and playing turreteer. You will learn that this build is awesome for farming the leader-board (which just rewards the ones who play for 16h a day, regardless what skill they actually have), since it really punishes unorganized pug-groups, but often enough you’ll find pre-made’s that just rofl-stomp over you, because they did what you avoided so far:
they learned their flaws.

Also, watch your language. It lets you look immature.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Negativity.5801


I like how the people who say turret engi isn’t overpowered just say “Oh yeah, just play with a 5 stack of skilled players and outrotate him and coordinate all your movements around the map”

The fact that turret engineers forcibly require that when no other class does makes them overpowered. Denying that is nothing short of delusional.

Thank you I keep trying to get this fact through to others. Why are some people so keen on the fact that they have a decent team that can do all of that work to beat turret engis. A build that requires no skill and is mainly dependent on AI, forces you to play in a pre-made team that has enough synergy together to coordinate a complete comp and rotations to be able to beat it.

The thing is, they aren’t overpowered in 1v1 either. A person can simply peel away from his crate and range them, or wait them out. This method simply isn’t logical in Conquest. It’s almost always beneficial to say, “Oh you dropped crate? See ya!”

Just because I choose to outrotate them, doesn’t mean they’re OP.

I’ll just leave this here. (solo players)

Do you keep that screenshot as some crowning achievement or something? It’s not impressive because 5 turret engis is a cheese comp thats only good against bads, and it’s even less impressive on a map like temple. You aren’t the only one to beat 5 turret engis and posting a screenshot of a victory over 5 turrets doesn’t validate your point.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Just because turret engi isn’t so overpowered that it’s an autowin spec to play doesn’t make it not overpowered. It’s overpowered because it vastly dominates a single point far beyond the capabilities of any other class or spec. It forcibly requires teams to play around it rather than contest it because any even reasonably well played turret engi requires a commitment of at least 2-3 people to deal with. There isn’t a single other spec or class in the game that requires this. Even meta builds like shoutbow and d/d ele can at least be reasonably contested on a point whereas a turret engi can’t reasonably be contested 1v1. It’s a spec that purely traits for defense with the most defensive amulet in the game, using defensive sigils, yet still applies tremendous on point sustained pressure from turrets.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


rocket-turret has a 50sec cd if it gets destroyed. and it’s one of the squishy ones (along with net / rifle turret).
thumper-turret has a limited range, rendering it useless, unless you decide to fight on the point. and it also has a 50sec cd.
rifle fires in a direct line, so use proper LOS to avoid it.
rocket has a low arching courve on its regular AA. if you see a rocket with high angle, dodge towards it, since that is the one that actually knocks you down. Keep sure to get hit by it while dodging, since it’s homing.
they both have a 1.5k range if traited, so don’t try to out-range them, just use proper positioning to be impossible to hit by one of them. The engi himself is easy to ignore, since he will have no crit-chance when he comes close to you (outside of 600 range to rifle-turret which ticks fury), and only has blunderbus, overcharged shot and jumpshot. all of which are on 10-20 sec cd, since he has no space to trait for his rifle, so just dodge them.
So, here is the 4-step plan to kill the engi:

on any power ranged build:
- find a blind spot, not covered by rifle or rocket. If there is none, stay on your max effective range and spam A&D to mess with the turrets targeting
- pressure the rocket-turret until it explodes
- pressure the engi until he dies (keep in mind he only has mediocre heal, and is basically nothing but a healthbar)
-stomp. He can’t overcharge his turrets anymore, so ignore the thumper, it will not interrupt your stomp.

on any power melee-build with stability:
- rush in and focus the rocket-turret
- switch to the rifle-turret
- switch to the engi
- stomp

on any power melee-build without stability:
you are not suited to kill the turreteer, regardless how high your burst can get, the will cc you to death and kite you. call for friends.

on any condi ranged build:
- find a blind spot, not covered by rocket / rifle or keep spaming A&D
- jump out of cover, apply your condis, go back into cover
- wait for your condis to wind the engi down, he has poor condi-clear (only 2 every 20(15) seconds)
- stomp. again, he can’t overcharge his turrets anymore, so unless you are low on health you can ignore all turrets since you face nothing but medium sustained dmg on you until he is dead.

on any melee condi build.
you are not suited to kill the turreteer, even with stability, since you can’t wind him down fast enough until his turrets and cc kill you.

This was posted countless times by many other users in countless other threads.
Once more, it is a L2P issue.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Bran.7425


I could care less if they make more build related statements I just want to know who OK’d for the profession to not have more equally distribution on their daily system. After they are outed I request they are never allowed to make a judgement call in the game again.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It would be easy to balance engi…. remove the water field from the healing turret.

The reason turrets are so effective is because engis have so much sustain. This change would help that. It would also reduce the effectiveness of the other OP engi spec, the nade spamming cele build.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Turk.5460


Arantheal.7396 obviously mains a Turret Engineer, otherwise he wouldn’t be so zealously defending this brainless build. His “counter-points” to everyone’s arguments is to just change your playstyle to play around this one class. Apparently that doesn’t raise a red flag to him.

-Fort Aspenwood- [UNIV] [TLC] [ShW]
-Sorrow’s Furnace-

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Arantheal.7396 obviously mains a Turret Engineer, otherwise he wouldn’t be so zealously defending this brainless build. His “counter-points” to everyone’s arguments is to just change your playstyle to play around this one class. Apparently that doesn’t raise a red flag to him.

Because most other users would click my name next to my post, check my post-history, and find all the builds I actually promote and come up with myself in the engi subforum…
Thanks for the laughable conspiracy-theory around me, tho. It shows that at least people listen to what i say, even tho they generally do not like my input, if they happen to sit on the L2P side of the fence.

Also yes, you will play around all classes. You will focus or run from the power-lich until he times out, you will LOS the power-ranger, you will have at least 1 roamer to counter a enemy-roamer, you will purposely ignore the bunker and go for the squishies first, you will bring poison spam against cele builds and warris in general, you will switch target and focus a casting staff-ele, and you will out-rotate or rush the turret engi(s) together with team-mates.

You sound like you want to defend the playstile of “ignore all other players around you and just mindlessly spam your rota on the next best target, and move from A->B->C without paying attention to your map the slightest.” That, my friend, IS a l2p issue.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

(edited by Arantheal.7396)

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Negativity.5801


making the decision to fight or run from a lich that lasts 20s is not the same situation as having to stay away from a turret engi on a point whose turrets last for 5 minutes.

in fact, all your “comparable” situations of playing around different builds aren’t in the same boat as turret engi.

you’re comparing apples to oranges and asserting them as equal comparisons.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Turk.5460


making the decision to fight or run from a lich that lasts 20s is not the same situation as having to stay away from a turret engi on a point whose turrets last for 5 minutes.

in fact, all your “comparable” situations of playing around different builds aren’t in the same boat as turret engi.

you’re comparing apples to oranges and asserting them as equal comparisons.

Exactly. You know this guy is clueless when his usual argument is “outnumber the engeineer”. That’s not balanced nor close to fair.

-Fort Aspenwood- [UNIV] [TLC] [ShW]
-Sorrow’s Furnace-

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


The worse is that they have been warned about this before it became a problem and did nothing.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Trust me, they know about this, but they just dont care.

Fixed for you

Ark 2nd Account

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


It’s not that the community needs to L2P, it’s that turret engis don’t have to L2P.


Ark 2nd Account

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Turk.5460


Still waiting for someone from Anet to acknowledge the frustrations. Even if its a “working as intended” – it would at least show some interest in the community…

-Fort Aspenwood- [UNIV] [TLC] [ShW]
-Sorrow’s Furnace-

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: Vinegaroon.4369


The lifespan of turrets needs to be shortened. Turrets are a terrible idea and it’s sad that’s all they could come up with for this clkitten

up on stability, and aoe power attacks to take the point from these guys.

Anet let's be serious, say something.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


Arantheal.7396 obviously mains a Turret Engineer, otherwise he wouldn’t be so zealously defending this brainless build. His “counter-points” to everyone’s arguments is to just change your playstyle to play around this one class. Apparently that doesn’t raise a red flag to him.

your refusal to change strategys to win is just innane. you have been given a guide on how to win, but no you call out ‘bbbut then iiii wwwwoullld be chhhanging mmmyy pppplaystyle’.

now, if you think i’m being harsh how would you treat me if i was QQing about power ranger and refused to use blocks or reflects?

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria