From the state of their PvP, and their PvE content already having been cleared…..there’s not much to do.
I was really excited to play with the expansions launch….now it just feels like a chore just logging in every day.
Raid content is done, so waiting for the next wing….whenever that is.
Hit Ruby in PvP and about 90% of the players are either Chrono or Rev….like literally all 10 players will be 2 classes about 90% of the time……
PvP is pretty boring with only 2 classes……
So that leaves us with….well…nothing to do….just like before. Except it happened way faster this time lol.
Sure some people will come back for a week to clear the new wing in the raid.
And maybe some people will return in February to see the balance changes for PvP…..
But here’s to hoping that the next wing is harder and the Balance changes make most, if not all, classes viable. Because at this point, the PvP lobby is emptier and emptier every day, que’s are getting longer and longer. And it’s taking more and more time to find a raid group because people have just either finished the PvE content, or are just as sick as I am of 2 class PvP.
With heavy hitters that are changing the face of MMO’s like Chronicals of Elryia, and SC (If it ever comes out >.>) on the horizon, Anet needs to step their game up or it’s going be one empty world next year.