Anet, what do you do with reports?
Nothing. Just like they do nothing about how broken their seasons are until the season is over.
and then make them worse? hm.
I dont think this is taboo enough subject to be excruciatingly silent about. So, what do you do with all the reports of afk and leavers?
Nothing. I had same people in my matches for all 4 seasons now, despite how much they harassed me, or went afk or even used hacks.
[Teef] guild :>
I dont think this is taboo enough subject to be excruciatingly silent about. So, what do you do with all the reports of afk and leavers?
Nothing. I had same people in my matches for all 4 seasons now, despite how much they harassed me, or went afk or even used hacks.
I’m in literally the exact same boat which is why im wondering. I just cant imagine why telling us what goes on is such an issue, unless of course whats going on shouldnt be.
and then make them worse? hm.
Especially this.
I’ve reported people and supplied screen shots of people map hacking. They don’t do anything with any of it.
I would wager nothing happens with them, or only if someone gets an extreme amount of reports (like from 50+ different people).
Some people go afk almost every match and reported them does not seem to do anything.
I’ve reported people and supplied screen shots of people map hacking. They don’t do anything with any of it.
LOL once GM actually asked me, if reported person admitted in chat that they were cheating (despite the screenshots i sent)……
CLEARLY, cheaters like to spam map chat with information about their actions!
Oh and while we are at it. There is that infamous necro that everyone knows on EU for afking and rage quitting. He has been doing it… for years! YEARS! He is still playing, had him in my matches day ago.
[Teef] guild :>
My favorites are people that afk in matches because i or someone else didn’t switch from thief class to something else. It is just soo classic. Those people grief thief players because dev team did poor design decisions and customer support refuses to do anything about such in game griefing.
[Teef] guild :>
The report system in the game is just a placebo effect… it works as good as the people who think it does.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
My favorites are people that afk in matches because i or someone else didn’t switch from thief class to something else. It is just soo classic. Those people grief thief players because dev team did poor design decisions and customer support refuses to do anything about such in game griefing.
i cant understand this. i went from playing necro to doing rather well as a thief. dont try to 1v1 people and just be a +1 in fights so you dont die. works really really well and does very decent damage.
I like this treads, players say ban the afkers ,but why do rhey afk?
Just answer me… whats the diference between a player that sees the game is lost and afk ,and a player that is perma down, like he respawns and goes 1v2 to insta die over and over,?
According to some of u the afker should be burned alive get cancer and perma banned, and the feeder hes ok cause hes trying?
And if u tell me that u report the feeder for macth manipulation then u should report 99 % of gw2 cause thats what i see almost in all the games.
So its ok if hes just bad? Well yes ,but thats why we gonna lose and thats why some rather afk.
Again i say its a MM problem ,because anet put players with 0 pvp games vs/with players with thousands of games.
Pvp atm is so bad that its just upseting looking at some players play, this season there isnt even any title for legendary or even getting legendary all other seasons.
And yes to answer the question like some of u asking (cynz.9437 even tho this players really hes a bad player but wtv) i did get 2 times banned for 72h i think in the last 4 years ,and if u count gw1 i got banned like 3 times total in the last 8 years.
So anet does ban players for afking, its just a shame that they dont ban feeders and keeps putting so so so bad players with experienced players, and no im not a top player but neither are u 99% of gw2.
My favorites are people that afk in matches because i or someone else didn’t switch from thief class to something else. It is just soo classic. Those people grief thief players because dev team did poor design decisions and customer support refuses to do anything about such in game griefing.
i cant understand this. i went from playing necro to doing rather well as a thief. dont try to 1v1 people and just be a +1 in fights so you dont die. works really really well and does very decent damage.
Trust me i don’t get it either. I have won games with thief (otherwise i wouldn’t be in legend in all 3 seasons), i also won games with 2 thieves in team. But people would rather throw tantrum before match apparently than even attempt to try.
Yesterday we had 3 thieves on team. We were actually winning, then our mes died and decided it is time to grief: he ran in circles and did nothing effectively causing 4v5 because we didn’t reroll to other classes. I do not understand why these people even queue, i don’t understand why customer support refuses to do ANYTHING about this.
You say anything remotely critical or anything that could be anywhere offensive (prime example: never ask people why they are rude, never give nicknames to servers) – instant ban. In game? Troll away, grief away – nobody does anything about it.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)