Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Pvp.2758


I already know this thread is going to receive a lot of hate so I just want to point out that I love GW2 and I DONT want to go play WoW. – Be constructive with your comments please.

Ask yourself, why do people still play WoW?
-Raids (PVE), Arenanet does do a lot of keep the PVE players interested, such as guild bounties, open world events, fractals, etc…

If WoW didn’t have all three of those, the game would be DEAD.

GW2 Lacks long term competitiveness in PvP.

What do I want? (Arenas/some time of TDM/killing gametype)
-I want Arenas because it isn’t dependant on POINTS to win. Playing in sPVP is fun and all, but sometimes I just want to kill. Sure I can run around in WvW and kill, but who wants to run around and run into a zergball and get kitten
-Arenas are also a separation of players by skill because they are fair fights and rating can prove one’s skill over another.
-Arenas would be such a good ad to this game because it is straight up fair player vs player fighting, without having to worry about the game-mode.

WvW is great, but the winner is determined by Points/Coverage, not skill.

The current state of WvW is getting REALLY boring because it is so lop sided and not fair at all.

Why should it NOT be added? It would only give that much more to GW2, whats the point of not implementing it into the game?

Basically, give the more hardcore players some love because they will be a huge part of your long term playerbase.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

(edited by Pvp.2758)

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i can’t agree more..

the only thing i miss from wow it’s rbg and arenas..with real rewards..

can be gold, skin, jug of experience, karma etc etc..

i love the gw2 gameplay, but i hate the way it is used..

and no, wvwvw it’s not pvp at all..u are just a supply/siege carrier

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


Devs have said that the game isn’t designed for arena style team play. You’ll have all dps teams blowing each other out of the water in seconds.

With conquest style you break up the game into smaller fights and at least introduce a little bit of role diversity.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Devs have said that the game isn’t designed for arena style team play. You’ll have all dps teams blowing each other out of the water in seconds.

With conquest style you break up the game into smaller fights and at least introduce a little bit of role diversity.

GvG’s are basically the same thing. If you do all DPS you will get wiped.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: waka.9826


INB4 dev saying “please do not talk about other games, this thread is now closed”

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: FirstBlood.7359


People that demand brainless deathmatch arenas have never experienced any good PvP. A game needs more objectives than just mindlessly smashing heads. May it be League of Legends or Counterstrike, all successful games offer much more secondary mechanics.

To be frank, back in GuildWars 1, the arenas had been the worst part of the game. Absolutely boring. Conquest is quite similar to GvG, bunker builds, some splitting up to achieve different goals and more movement than fighting.

I prefere the new CQ maps such as temple to mindless deathmatch any day.

Tz tz

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we don’t want ONLY deathmatch, we demand ALSO deathmatch arena..

(and in my opinion, 2 vs 2 it’s not brainless at all)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Pvp.2758


we don’t want ONLY deathmatch, we demand ALSO deathmatch arena..

(and in my opinion, 2 vs 2 it’s not brainless at all)


S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: aaron.7850


People that like PVP enjoy it because its fun to kill others, yet we dont have duels and yet we dont have arenas and yet we dont have deathmatch…. why? Its like the devs want to discourage us from killing each other….
Yes people get upset when they die, but guess what, that encompasses 90% of online games.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: VeddeV.2146


would like it if there was experience in spvp like how wow has it in their bgs… maybe have it be a bit better too though.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we love kill each other ‘cause require skill..for example, if i have to defend bases i will spec bunker, if me and my ’partner’ have to kill other 2 guys , i will spec maybe balance, maybe support, but probably not bunker.. i think it could bring some news in the pvp world..

ofc if the only thing i have to do is defend a base why should i go glass cannon and die in 2 shots?

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: chrisk.4320


You’ll have all dps teams blowing each other out of the water in seconds.

Full DPS teams get blown out of the water in WoW arenas too.

Luckily WoW, and GW2, have these things called healing and damage mitigation that serve to increase survivability and lengthen fights. Rocket science, really.

Team deathmatch would work fine in GW2, it’s just a matter of ArenaNet not being lazy on innovation.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


-Arenas are also a separation of players by skill because they are fair fights and rating can prove one’s skill over another.

While GW2 is certainly more balanced than it’s predecessor in terms of a 1v1 fight.
It still remains that fights are not exactly “fair” or concrete of skill. Build and circumstance plays a lot of significance.

The bold really isn’t that likely.

The great forum duppy.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


Why should it NOT be added? It would only give that much more to GW2, whats the point of not implementing it into the game?

GW2 is not WoW, Anet does not have the player base or the resources to withstand the QQ that would arise. You think its bad now? In TDM / Arenas people would create builds specifically to win (as always) and you will find them to be doubly “OP” then any build now.

This is because as a game mode, Deathmatch is very simple, some would say dull. So you only have to worry about 1 thing, killing. So out the window goes any sense of dynamic game play. This isnt an FPS game where you can easily balance among weapons, to keep it fair and competitive.

So in conclusion:

1. GW2 community is not large enough to be split among game types
2. death match / arenas are a balance nightmare
3. Death match / arena in itself is less dynamic for competition than Conquest

also do you not spend the majority of the time in tournaments not killing other players?…

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: FirstBlood.7359


we don’t want ONLY deathmatch, we demand ALSO deathmatch arena..

(and in my opinion, 2 vs 2 it’s not brainless at all)

Another gamemode without extra balancing is just wasted effort.

Tz tz

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


and you don’t found more fun killing other players, instead capping bases?

when i’m alone, and go in enemy’s base and found an enemy i’m so excited, cause i can have some duel with another person, just 1 vs 1, without zerg, without interference (until reinforcement arrive ofc), in this moment i don’t care about win or loose, cause for sure, i enjoyed the duel..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we don’t want ONLY deathmatch, we demand ALSO deathmatch arena..

(and in my opinion, 2 vs 2 it’s not brainless at all)

Another gamemode without extra balancing is just wasted effort.

i don’t found gw2 unbalanced..sure it’s not perfect, but i think any class, can beat any other class..(sure require brain and skill )

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Dancing Face.4695

Dancing Face.4695

Wow has a huge feedback, is older and then got a older story. Wow got a better pvp and a lot of work behind. Gw2 is totally onother game so i can say is young with all the problems this means. A good idea with huge potential wasting and dying day by day. Pvp is a huge issue, pve need more contents cause pve player is hungry, wvw, the unique feature of gw2 comparing to wow, got a lot of problems starting with culling going through commander system and ending in nightcapping. We can go on but evryone know problems but seems noone wants to hear. Let’s wait new patch.


Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


I would love a TDM Style also very much, and i am faithfull it will be coming as soon as we will be able to rent private servers from Anet.

Most likely i will still need a community to set up some kind of seasons / leagues but it will be the next step.

Then people will have a choice to play that type of pvp, and we will see how successfull it will be.

It’s only a matter of time now.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


If custom servers are implemented and like 90+% of the servers are all 5v5 TDM then ANet will have no choice but to implement it (and they pretty much said as much in the SotG). I think once people start playing TDM though they will start to see the issues TDM has with this kind of game.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


It’s not about substituting the game mode for something different. It’s about adding a game mode, that’s entirely optional and you let the player base decide what they want to play whether that be casually or competitevely.

The balance argument is null and void. No one can agree with balance as it is, for one game mode and they never will. Balance is subjective. Just let TDM are as be an option and go from there IMO.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


You’ll have all dps teams blowing each other out of the water in seconds.

Full DPS teams get blown out of the water in WoW arenas too.

Luckily WoW, and GW2, have these things called healing and damage mitigation that serve to increase survivability and lengthen fights. Rocket science, really.

Team deathmatch would work fine in GW2, it’s just a matter of ArenaNet not being lazy on innovation.

because healing in gw2 is just as viable as in wow amirite?

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


You’ll have all dps teams blowing each other out of the water in seconds.

Full DPS teams get blown out of the water in WoW arenas too.

Luckily WoW, and GW2, have these things called healing and damage mitigation that serve to increase survivability and lengthen fights. Rocket science, really.

Team deathmatch would work fine in GW2, it’s just a matter of ArenaNet not being lazy on innovation.

because healing in gw2 is just as viable as in wow amirite?

I still remember the early claims that staff ele in water attunement were going to be pure healers.

Ah, pre-release. Back when rifle warriors and greatsword rangers were a thing.