Another MM QQ

Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

I am not the greatest, maybe not even average. This is not a complaint against my teammates. Yesterday I ended on a 8-2 streak. Today I log in and…..How is my total teams ability so far behind the other team?

Again, lower MMR = AFK’s, people not willing to accept constructive criticism or read map chat, people unwilling to change classes to counter opponents, and more people rage quitting.

Once your MMR starts down the spiral, there is no escape.

BTW, I did advance 3 tiers in emerald yesterday ankitten ow Sapph.


Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Second game today….2 quit very early. One quit after first fight, the other sat in the spawn point after we didnt take mid.

But I should gitgud


Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

third game, obviously cuz i am not good enough, nothing to do with team composition.


Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I am sure within 10min someone will come and tell you that MMR hell does not exist

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


I am not the greatest, maybe not even average. This is not a complaint against my teammates. Yesterday I ended on a 8-2 streak. Today I log in and…..How is my total teams ability so far behind the other team?

Again, lower MMR = AFK’s, people not willing to accept constructive criticism or read map chat, people unwilling to change classes to counter opponents, and more people rage quitting.

Once your MMR starts down the spiral, there is no escape.

BTW, I did advance 3 tiers in emerald yesterday ankitten ow Sapph.

Alot of the more skilled people are doing free to play account to not be stuck in long ques at legendary, so you are propperly facing them agin on there new accounts cause they fell so skillfull killing new players. its sad but a reallity for some

Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: SailorSpira.9371


Congrats on Sapphire.


Another MM QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Buffalo Bruiser.3567

Buffalo Bruiser.3567

I am not the greatest, maybe not even average. This is not a complaint against my teammates. Yesterday I ended on a 8-2 streak. Today I log in and…..How is my total teams ability so far behind the other team?

Again, lower MMR = AFK’s, people not willing to accept constructive criticism or read map chat, people unwilling to change classes to counter opponents, and more people rage quitting.

Once your MMR starts down the spiral, there is no escape.

BTW, I did advance 3 tiers in emerald yesterday ankitten ow Sapph.

Alot of the more skilled people are doing free to play account to not be stuck in long ques at legendary, so you are propperly facing them agin on there new accounts cause they fell so skillfull killing new players. its sad but a reallity for some

Makes horrible, devastating, depressing sense. I get it now. The leets have gotten tired of long queue’s and having high MMR leets destroy lower MMR leets, that they make alts to wreck everyone that is simply trying to get to ruby.