Another PvP break

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


I cant take PvP seriously in this game, after have lost faith in the balance team [once again] after this patch, I will post a more detailed feedback later on when I get back from work, because im not one to give up on a marriage just because of a couple of fights, but Im starting to hit my saturation level. I will still log in to sPvP when I need my [forced] daily laurel grind but other than that I dont expect sPvP to be taken seriously any time soon, sorry to come out this blunt but there is no other way around.

I dont like to unnecesarily bash, so as soon as I finish my Elem stunbreak feedback and my thief solo queue counterplay threads I will link them here, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, the [2 guys for 8 classes and countless other sub-builds] balance guys can see what Im talking about and hopefully hot-fix some of the stuff around.

For now a little teaser, it will be explained later on in more detail after I do some more playtesting;

Eles; lighting flash stunbreaker going up in damage and losing stunbreaker, and Glyph of elementals gaining it. Nobody uses flash for damage, nobody, stoping trying to make elemental glyph happen, it can be immortal (33% hp increase was the only and latest buff) and it would still be useless. WHy? Unrliable, cant control their skills and most of the time (water specially) hit nobody or when they do proc it is at the most unnecesary moment (fire and air). Stop trying to make it happen, it is only useful in PvE, not PvP. A good solution could be; mist loses its stunbreaker, give it Arcane shield.

Thieves All I saw was “damage increase”, “invulnerability increase duration” and now they can teleport around without any worries because there is little to no locking down now, oh and their F1 gap closer (one of the 999999 ones they have) got a CD decrease. Maybe in professional 5v5 tPvP they might have some counterplay, but for the solo queue and “beginners” PvP and WvW they are an absolute nightmare.

Once again, I will go more in depth into this with possible solutions and more indepth with gameplay included.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Arcane Shield already has a stun break, but that didn’t show in the patch notes.

Lightning Flash can still work as an anti-burst skill, and the lower cooldown and higher damage makes it much stronger for offensive elementalist builds.

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Arcane Shield already has a stun break, but that didn’t show in the patch notes.

Lightning Flash can still work as an anti-burst skill, and the lower cooldown and higher damage makes it much stronger for offensive elementalist builds.

No it doesnt, arcane shield that is, you can cast it while stunned, but it doesnt actually break the stun itself

Edit: it seems it did gain a stunbreaker but didnt make it to patch notes, my apologies, lets hope it is intentional, if thats the case then i got no complains for ele, other than fixing and giving skill controls of wlementals to eles sort of like guardians summon weapons

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


No it doesnt, you can cast it while stunned, but it doesnt actually break the stun itself

He said anti-burst, which is exactly what it will do when you can still move away even if stunned.

I don’t even know why you’re crying about Shadow Trap, they just nerfed Shadow Return and gave them a rarely used variant that is inferior to portals… and you’re crying about it?

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


No it doesnt, you can cast it while stunned, but it doesnt actually break the stun itself

He said anti-burst, which is exactly what it will do when you can still move away even if stunned.

I don’t even know why you’re crying about Shadow Trap, they just nerfed Shadow Return and gave them a rarely used variant that is inferior to portals… and you’re crying about it?

Please stop using the word “crying”, it makes your argument sound pretty much invalid and childish, making you look bad. All im saying is that thieves got many undeserved buffs which i will later on cover, that “portal” is only one of the problems, the real one is stealth and spike damage which lack little to almost no counterplay, it isnt fair to lose 70-80% in a sec without seeing coming with only a small window for retaliation, before they do it again.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Nothing for thieves had its damage increased. Thieves have 4 or 5 gap closers, and most of the time they are all on cd, because they either used to burst, or used them defensively.

Thieves received more nerfs this patch than build diversity and anything else. I am pretty sure S/D and D/P are on the same level or trash builds now. I am sure all I need to say is this, P/P is almost at the same level kitten for teamfights, and it never received any directed changes.

If Anet did not try to fix everything by nerfing it, we would not be here. In this patch warriors and necros definitely were granted precedent in all the buffs today.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Another PvP break

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Why people only see the bad part of the situation?
Just look at the buffs Ele had.
Reduced casting time and aftercast to almost all staff skills and other skills too.
Persisting Flame. (perma AoE fury? Yes, thanks.)