Anybody else getting tired of being farmed..
How is this matching system even remotely fair?
It’s not.
Also forewarning you about the forthcoming streams of insults, L2P’s baddie, bad, quit being bad, get skilled and other variant responses from elitist narcissistic ‘pros’ inhabiting the forums.
Good luck to you, sincerely.
Yaks Bend
There is no matchmaking. The few people who have a team just farm anyone who tries to get into tpvp so all that is left is a few die-hard hold outs begging for people to queue up in map chat.
Pugs should play pugs, teams should play teams. There a thread petitioning for a solo que, sign it.
Solo/duo que would reinvigorate so much life into the game IMO. Especially later on down the track with a ladder/rating system and alternate game modes if they become available.
I’m tired of getting farmed, but i’m especially tired of having to play 4v5 50% of my matchs. This is completly boring and waste of time, and i really would like to know if these are disconnects or ragequittings…
I’m tired of getting farmed, but i’m especially tired of having to play 4v5 50% of my matchs. This is completly boring and waste of time, and i really would like to know if these are disconnects or ragequittings…
Mostly solo qeue people that ragequite once the enemy has 100 points lead..
afk, ragequit, etc, all these things happen to make 4v5s. it just makes a bad situation worse.
as much as ppl hate hotjoins, it is a heck of a lot more productive than pugging frees. there might be the very rare tourney where you fight pugs all the way to final, but 99% of the time, you are not getting past foefire.
when you join a hotjoin, you can at least practice specific things & test build scenarios without feeling like a hindrance to your team. you will also have a greater chance of meeting people to form a team by hanging out in hotjoins than by pugging frees, especially if you spend time in lower pop servers that turn into duelling servers where you actually have a dialogue going with the folks you are playing with.
there are a number of pvp training guilds now that are helping players to get better. if you need a pvp home on NA, msg me in-game & i can get you an invite to an active pvp guild with members at all skill levels. we don’t want this game to lose more players due to infrastructure when the gameplay is so good. so we will give tips, builds, advice, etc to help you get into the frees scene a bit more smoothly ( which we are starting to do this weekend with paids ).
when i don’t start with friends, i always look at the map chat and look for teams to start frees, with no TS&co.
it is not premade farming. just more experienced players vs less experienced. 99% of the first map matches are rank 35+ vs rank 20- . guess it is the farming you see.
funny fact: pug whine when they face premade opponents, but pugs quit when they face better pugs opponent. oh you!
Shukran: Quite some claims you come up with there … all those nice percentages etc …. you do know, that such statements have to be backed up with solid proofs, right? Good luck with that. If you can’t it is just … a lot of air. Facts are a funny thing … where does it even “make sense” to talk about facts?
A piece of advice: Consider how you express your opinions.
Shukran: Quite some claims you come up with there … all those nice percentages etc …. you do know, that such statements have to be backed up with solid proofs, right? Good luck with that. If you can’t it is just … a lot of air. Facts are a funny thing … where does it even “make sense” to talk about facts?
A piece of advice: Consider how you express your opinions.
annnnnnnd so???15 words
what i say is the reality of the free tpvp .go look some rank when u win or lose your free first match and then come here.
(edited by Shukran.4851)
The reason you get a 4v5 isn’t due to a rage quit. It’s because if someone logs off whilst in the que for a tournament, the que system doesn’t let you I know they are offline or try to replace them. It still thinks they are there and starts the match.
Anet needs to hotfix so it replaces someone after 60 seconds and reques the roster, or at least gives a pop up and let’s the other players know to resubmit.
The reason you get a 4v5 isn’t due to a rage quit. It’s because if someone logs off whilst in the que for a tournament, the que system doesn’t let you I know they are offline or try to replace them. It still thinks they are there and starts the match.
Anet needs to hotfix so it replaces someone after 60 seconds and reques the roster, or at least gives a pop up and let’s the other players know to resubmit.
i don’t mean starting a match 4v5. i always feel bad when i play unfair matches. but when you start a match 5v5 and you end it (end = a score about 3xx – xx) and u see they are 4 or worst 3, well, it is rage quit.
anet should put the surrender button, as in gw1. free tourneys are not srs bsns , so if someone of the team quit i think it would be better having the chance to start again another free.
Once again, this is a symptom of the solo/ duo que’ers facing full teams. There needs to be a separation, or make it similar to other ranked systems like wow or swtor where teams need to be formed prior to queuing. Which would be the nail in the coffin IMO.
Shukran: Quite some claims you come up with there … all those nice percentages etc …. you do know, that such statements have to be backed up with solid proofs, right? Good luck with that. If you can’t it is just … a lot of air. Facts are a funny thing … where does it even “make sense” to talk about facts?
A piece of advice: Consider how you express your opinions.annnnnnnd so???15 words
what i say is the reality of the free tpvp .go look some rank when u win or lose your free first match and then come here.
if you feel offended, well, maybe are you some of the quitters? gl
No .. I am not offended by your claims. But that is what they are: Claims. I do however take offense from your primitive assumption in the last sentence … again a judgement without any base whatsoever … must be nice to live in such a world. If you can’t see the problem with what you said in the post I referred to, then perhaps go and start with some understanding of what a proof really is. Bertrand Russell could be a place to start.
PS: For the record … I don’t quit, but I do feel silly when people give in to the least common denominator.
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
Shukran: Quite some claims you come up with there … all those nice percentages etc …. you do know, that such statements have to be backed up with solid proofs, right? Good luck with that. If you can’t it is just … a lot of air. Facts are a funny thing … where does it even “make sense” to talk about facts?
A piece of advice: Consider how you express your opinions.annnnnnnd so???15 words
what i say is the reality of the free tpvp .go look some rank when u win or lose your free first match and then come here.
if you feel offended, well, maybe are you some of the quitters? glNo .. I am not offended by your claims. But that is what they are: Claims. I do however take offense from your primitive assumption in the last sentence. If you can’t see the problem with what you said in the post I referred to, then perhaps go and start with some understanding of what a proof really is. Bertrand Russell could be a place to start.
ok i wil remove the last part of the post because it offended you. sorry. but i wrote some sentences you call them “claims”. i find it difficult to understand, because in this thread , except claims, as you call them, there is nothing more, nothing less. and i find difficult to look at some your posts here to prove some facts.
ps: maybe facts should be making a stamp of all my free first matches to show ranks and find some numbers..but i am lazy
@Shukran: From a logical pov it is completely valid to talk about your own experiences. Generalizing them as proof is just not right … it is misleading. That should really fix your problem … to refer to your experiences rather than claiming them to be facts. Hope that helps.
PS: Don’t mistake statistical data for proof/evidence. Statistical data is what they are … no more no less.
(edited by Poxxia.1547)
This game is hard on casuals or faint hearted. If you dont have a team whom you play with at least 3-4 hours each day, you will get farmed. If you dont have a team, dont expect to enjoy this game. (Well if you enjoy playing with noobs and getting farmed by hardcore pvp guilds )
On top of that, no matter what u do; once a team gets hold on a point. They will stand on it like a turtle unless u come with at least 3. So in summary, you ll enjoy this game if you like:
1) Getting stomped and insulted by hardcore pvp teams
2) Spending the whole game trying to kick a bunker out of a capture point for forever.
3) Playing at most 2 viable builds per class
4) Not being able to know what is happening in that graphical mess, or not being able to identify what the opponent is doing due to not having any significant visual identifiers.
5) Playing 3 maps forever and a static boring game mode forever just to get some Rank Points!
6) not having a feel of progression. There is nothing to do in the mists other than running around in 3 maps in tournaments. Nothing to look for! Perhaps only the joy of beating newbies to the ground with a premade team.
7)grinding QPs and considering them as a sign of skill!
8)a PvP game with no PvP support.
9) Tons of bugs still waiting to be fixed from the beta weekends. Perhaps you may enjoy guessing which trait is actually working or not! Or Perhaps you may enjoy testing each trait for hours if those traits actually do what they promise to do!Perhaps you may enjoy guesssing if those skill statistics are actually true or not!
Well, you can see how much i enjoy this game. How much satisfied of the pvp we were promised to have! You must accept the fact that this is a not a pvp game with this amount of pvp content and will never be! Sorry, no matter how much u invest time into this game, the truth about this game (which is that this is not a pvp game but a pve game mainly, and will never be with this amount of pvp support or content) will never change.
This game is hard on casuals or faint hearted. If you dont have a team whom you play with at least 3-4 hours each day, you will get farmed. If you dont have a team, dont expect to enjoy this game. (Well if you enjoy playing with noobs and getting farmed by hardcore pvp guilds
On top of that, no matter what u do; once a team gets hold on a point. They will stand on it like a turtle unless u come with at least 3. So in summary, you ll enjoy this game if you like:
1) Getting stomped and insulted by hardcore pvp teams
2) Spending the whole game trying to kick a bunker out of a capture point for forever.
3) Playing at most 2 viable builds per class
4) Not being able to know what is happening in that graphical mess, or not being able to identify what the opponent is doing due to not having any significant visual identifiers.
5) Playing 3 maps forever and a static boring game mode forever just to get some Rank Points!
6) not having a feel of progression. There is nothing to do in the mists other than running around in 3 maps in tournaments. Nothing to look for! Perhaps only the joy of beating newbies to the ground with a premade team.
7)grinding QPs and considering them as a sign of skill!
8)a PvP game with no PvP support.
9) Tons of bugs still waiting to be fixed from the beta weekends. Perhaps you may enjoy guessing which trait is actually working or not! Or Perhaps you may enjoy testing each trait for hours if those traits actually do what they promise to do!Perhaps you may enjoy guesssing if those skill statistics are actually true or not!Well, you can see how much i enjoy this game. How much satisfied of the pvp we were promised to have! You must accept the fact that this is a not a pvp game with this amount of pvp content and will never be! Sorry, no matter how much u invest time into this game, the truth about this game (which is that this is not a pvp game but a pve game mainly, and will never be with this amount of pvp support or content) will never change.
Way to go! Got it off your chest? If that doesn’t encourage new or budding players to at pvp, nuthin will.
Each one of your points could have had a constructive spin. Don’t like the spell effects? Suggest workable, legible changes. Don’t like the tourney set up? Suggest alternate competitive game modes. I think you get my point.
As fun as Arena net bashing is, it’s currently like kicking a dog when it’s down just for being loyal. They have made some errors, misjudged thier pvp systems, the longevity of player participation and its corresponding progression.
I’m sure they know all this and have metric systems that tell them all the quantities data they need, but code and systems aren’t written in a day, a month or 3. I’m sure Jonathon Sharp knows that on average GW2 only has 200 viewers of the 15 or so twitch streams, 3/4 of them PvE, which is outside of the top 20 games being viewed at any one time, no exactly the kick off for an aspiring E sport.
I’m sure Mr Sharp knows this because he is a smart man, otherwise he wouldn’t be where he is. Arena net has the resources however, and a pretty vocal and loyal fan base to turn this around, hence this year is supposed to be jam packed with more pvp content. We won’t get everything we all want, but some of it will come and more will be in the pipeline.
There no subscription, and even in its current state, it’s better then any other MMORPG pvp wise on the market. I’ve tried em all (except GW1 ironically, I could t stand that games PvP at all, go figure) and Gaw2 is my MMO of choice for pvp combat.
I’m tired of getting farmed, but i’m especially tired of having to play 4v5 50% of my matchs. This is completly boring and waste of time, and i really would like to know if these are disconnects or ragequittings…
Mostly solo qeue people that ragequite once the enemy has 100 points lead..
No, it’s matchs where we are 4/5 straight from beginning. Sometimes, i see we’re 5 then suddenly 4 ( player seems to be offline, sometimes reconnect in the middle of match). Right now i’ve had to wait xx mins for each tournament and 3 times consecutives i had to play 4v5.
Other times we’re winning but we’re suddenly 4( or 3 but rarely), so i believe it’s not really ragequittings, or i may be really unlucky
I don’t mind so much being farmed by the same 2-3 teams, but having so many fights 4/5 is really not fun
This game is hard on casuals or faint hearted. If you dont have a team whom you play with at least 3-4 hours each day, you will get farmed. If you dont have a team, dont expect to enjoy this game. (Well if you enjoy playing with noobs and getting farmed by hardcore pvp guilds
The problem here isn’t as big as u guys are making it look. Last friday i formed a team with my guildies to do some free tournaments, i had done less than 10 tournament matches rest of my team about same amount and 2 had never done tournaments. Our ranks were 23,14,rest were under 10, one guy had never even entered pvp match. We had very little of knowledge about tactics there and then we just queued to have some fun there. Lost 2 first matches ( against guilds), changed our tactics a little cuz we realized what we had done wrong. Next match we won about 500-350 ( against guild again ), also won the next match against guild and got to round 3 and there we lost about 300-500 and if i remember correctly this was a group of random ppl picked from mists. We ain’t a hardcore PvP guild and yet we made it to final round.
If our very inexperienced team made it to final and u guys can’t get past the first round because always being farmed by ’’hardcore’’ pvp guilds, any chance that there is something wrong with the way ur playing there? And communication shouldn’t usually be a problem since most guilds do have TS or vent servers availeable for communication, so just invite your team there ( in GW1 @ HA it was requirement in most teams to keep spikes coordinated etc ). Also if u get beated on first round just don’t give up instantly and whine on forums but just give it another shot try learn from what u did wrong and just go again. My opinion still is that losing in tPvP is more fun than winning in sPvp.
All day long I am constantly going up against full premade teams that are 3-6 times the level of my team.
How is this matching system even remotely fair?
Atm if you don’t want to get farmed over and over again go with a good premade or just don’t go at all….like i do with paids, i go paids only if i have a nice 5 ppl team if not i’m not going too feed qpnts farmers…they farm enough already…if they want to get points from me they must deserve it…and if they’re good they win vs my premade and it’s ok, gg for them
(edited by Archaon.6245)