Anyone remember the Mist League?

Anyone remember the Mist League?

in PvP

Posted by: manveruppd.7601


I felt a pang of nostalgia for the Olden Days, so I decided to watch some videos of old tournaments, and found these:
However, looking through that list, it seems the grand final of the league is missing. I remember watching it streamed live back when it happened, pretty sure it took place at PAX, and, if I’m not mistaken, I think it was the first tournament with a cash prize, right?

I also vaguely remember that there were some connectivity issues – something about members of one team got DDOSed? But that doesn’t make sense, because I think it was a LAN! How would the attackers find the targets’ IP addresses if they’re in a new location at a LAN?

Was it not a LAN? Am I thinking of a different tournament? Can anyone confirm any of these details, or is my memory playing tricks on me? Does anyone know where a video of that final can be found? Does it exist anywhere online? I looked on the guildwars2 Twitch channel as well and it’s not there either.

Any help from someone with a better memory or stronger google-fu than mine would be appreciated!

A bad necromancer always blames the corpse.