Anyone wanna explain why?

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


So.. I just got 1-shot by a thief in spvp….

Invis, popped out and killed me like nothing.

Why do people still play this game? Is it because its so easy for certain classes? I really don’t see how getting 1-shot by someone is competitive or fun at all.

Im on the brink. Waiting for other games to release officially so I can cleanse myself of gw2.

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


one shotted on necro? do not believe

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


sounds like googles work

Phaatonn, London UK

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


You’re exaggerating. It screams L2P.


Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You cant 1 shot people but you can 2 shot . Basilik venom+ CnD+Backstab is what a thief has to do to kill you . To get such high damage he will probably use assassin’s signet which takes away 1 of his defensive utilities. He probably has no point in shadow arts therefore no blind on stealth , no condi removal , no HP regen .

Conclusion if this little combo misses, the thief can die from simple autoattacks . Is it OP? Not really , this is what we call a glass cannon

Until he uses SHOOOORT BOOOOWWWWW <— kitten this weapon

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolf.4739


Although they can kill very fast I think sometimes lag is the reason it seems like instant death.

A lag meter in game would be very helpful.

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


You cant 1 shot people but you can 2 shot . Basilik venom+ CnD+Backstab is what a thief has to do to kill you . To get such high damage he will probably use assassin’s signet which takes away 1 of his defensive utilities. He probably has no point in shadow arts therefore no blind on stealth , no condi removal , no HP regen .

Conclusion if this little combo misses, the thief can die from simple autoattacks . Is it OP? Not really , this is what we call a glass cannon

Until he uses SHOOOORT BOOOOWWWWW <— kitten this weapon

Coulter loves shortbow :P

Only way a thief can down you in less than 3 sec is if they run signet spec which can burst about once every 30 seconds. You can see the spike coming from a mile off and if he misses cnd twice he’s dead and even if he doesn’t you can always cc then and kill them/blind them.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Play PvP for a while and you’ll find that heavy burst like this is pretty rare as any build that can pull this off will spend the majority of the game on their back or away from fights.

Also, if you’re getting hit like this, you’re probably really glassy yourself. That may be part of your issues.

…but I doubt you’re here to find out what went wrong in attempt to improve and counter this. I think you just want to vent a bit. =P

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Problem is they need very high damage or the whole game mode becomes a boring bunker-fest. So, whilst it isn’t ideal to have massive damage, it is very needed. In fact damage is too low in the game right now relative to sustain

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Problem is they need very high damage or the whole game mode becomes a boring bunker-fest. So, whilst it isn’t ideal to have massive damage, it is very needed. In fact damage is too low in the game right now relative to sustain

Really? It seems that the TTK ratio is really really high.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryan.9387


Deffinitely AK. Maximum deeps.

Ranger | Elementalist

Anyone wanna explain why?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


i don’t think that even full glass thief can one shot a necro… unless that necro has no amulet, no runes, no points in traits

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>