Anything to prevent leavers?

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Help.9320


Hi, Help here.

I was just wondering if there were any plans to implement an anti leave function for tournament play. Something like League of Legends Leaver buster. It’s pretty frustrating to wait for the queue to pop, wait 4 minutes for everyone to ready up and then have someone leave during or even before the match starts and not have them return.

Also are we going to be able to report anyone for trolling in game too?

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I killed a pretty bad warrior yesterday. Once he’s downed, he get’s back up and once again after toying with him, just as he gets to 5% health, he leaves.

Game ends about 10 seconds later, I bet he think’s he was clever or something, while instead, looking pretty moronic that not only do we both know I kicked hiskitten he lost out on a fair amount of points.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Lysico.4906


umm you don’t know that. He might have got dragged into the game really late and had nothing to lose

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


Yes please limit leaves and rejoins. People leave mid game because they suck and then that game gets screwed by an autobalance. No more joins for 10 minutes if you leave a game.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Visualize.4319


Please stop these threads.

The reason why there is no leave penalty is because people can join MID game.

The reason why there is auto-balance is to balance teams….unless you would like to defend points in a 1v3 game….. Mesmer anyone?

They should just implement some sort of bonus for being the one getting drafted to other team.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Help.9320


I was talking about tournament play as stated in the original post.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


I was talking about tournament play as stated in the original post.

Play tournaments with your friends who you know won’t leave.

It says “incredible”.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Help.9320


That’s not much a of a fix though. What if my friends are not on? I’d still like to have an enjoyable tournament experience

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Nkrdbl.8160


It’s the best fix that I can come up with for now, as that would certainly work wouldn’t it? You and I both cannot control what other players decide to do. Players you don’t know or have never played with may leave for no apparent reason to you, however I imagine they have their own reasons for leaving.

Maybe something happened in real life that caused them to leave the game. Maybe they get their kicks out of knowing that tournament team they joined is now going to lose because they left (read: maybe they’re trolls). Maybe their internet cut out. These are just a few possibilities that I could think of off the top of my head as to why some players may leave tournament teams in the middle of a match (or before the match even begins).

In the end, their is only one absolute way to prevent players from leaving your team (granted that they do not suddenly have any sort of internet connectivity issues of course) and that is to play with people you know.

All of that being said, I must say that I do agree that something should certainly be done to players who leave tournament teams. What that something is, I’m not entirely sure. As Masterpyro pointed out, it could be something as simple as a lockout to joining another tournament for however many minutes.

It says “incredible”.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Help.9320


Thanks for being condescending then, I suppose.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


How about instead of punishing people for leaving (which arena net seems to be against, personally i am not) we give
- a base amount of glory for finishing the game and not leaving. Independent of winning or losing
- a base amount of glory for winning. Just so that a player that works for objectives gets a worthy boost, as it is now he only gets a 20% boost to whatever little he zerged.

You can substitute glory for rank points in tournaments..although i do feel a lockout when leaving a tournament is fair.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Help.9320


Oh did say they were against punishing leavers? Do you have a quote on that possibly? Thanks.

Anything to prevent leavers?

in PvP

Posted by: Ryzlle.7260


I understand the purpose of tournaments vs a normal que into structured PvP. However, not everyone has as reliable of friends to assess the tournament as an option. Therefore, using tournaments as the only means of playing structured pvp to avoid those that leave isn’t a viable solution. Personally, as far as solutions go I enjoy GankSinatras approach. Essentially when you are in WvW you get the Outmanned buff when there is a shortage of people fighting for your realm, why not something similar for structured under similar circumstances?