AoE cc spam!
umm you realize you have ret, which gives you stab on dodge…?
You realize that after dodge 2 times, Therese more chill and more cc. Its like when ppl says mallyx gives condi resistance, its 2 seconds and it stacks, i need to drain my energy to keep up with all necros and condi mesmers. Say use boon strip 3 times in a row, that stacks. Or if it didn’t thats 6 seconds of resistance.
that is not the skill you should be using if you are under condi pressure.
Try not spamming skills. Condi rev is one of the last classes that should complain.
umm you realize you have ret, which gives you stab on dodge…?
You do realize that not all revenants run retribution? CC spam is too much, classes also have too much passive access to Stability. Even with retribution, hit someone with lightning aura twice, and your stacks are gone.
I don’t have a problem with condi’s, I do have a problem with the CC output, in the past, CC was used to rupt important skills at a risk and high cooldown, stability countered this with equally high risk and cooldowns.
i would not mind, in a normal teamfight the cc is huge, i mean a necro alone can make it imposible to stomp or cleave with just 1-2stacks of stability, fear mark , fear from ds skil 3, warhorn 4, elite shout…only an ele with obsidian flesh can truly safe stomp in a teamfight
so yeah , i would not mind to reduce cc from every skill to max 1 target, maybe elite skils to 2 targets
AoE CC is Ok, if it can’t be spammed.
Pulsing CC can be ok, if it’s not a fire and forget and requires to focus on target and channel while it lasts.
Pulsing AoE CC is not ok, unless there is an internal cooldown per target.
That’s why you cleave in team fights.
We need more CC in the game,currently not enough.
Of course it has to be AoE and spamable. More CC.More spam.The way to the future.
And more Moa.Twice in a row is not enough,I want to play full game as Moa.
Plz make this happen.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-