Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

So I decided to give everyone a little idea of who we are and were to clear up a lot of talk about us and also maybe remind/show players who we actually are.

Apex’s Background
- I don’t want to elongate this because bio so I will try and keep it short. We joined Apex which was a WvW/GvG guild on BG and FA as a pvp team because we had friends who WvW’d in the guild. That is how we became Apex Prime. But we have a history way before we joined Apex prime. The names Chubbs, myself(Morfeus), Nnight, Hman(Taco Man), and Anas Tarcis may not ring a bell much in a lot of new players heads if they weren’t around since the beginning. We didn’t stream or stream nearly as much as everyone else and never team qued as much as everyone but when we did, we were lethal, and still are…..

Chubbs- Was a well profound ele that made a name for himself as lightning flash chubbs that invented the burning speed + lightning flash on d/d ele back in the day while he also used the glyph that reses. Most eles used arcane blasts instead or but chubbs wanted to be different ofc. Chubbs, QTvain, Zoose, Skovex were all easily the top eles back in their day and a lot of people may not know about that or may have forgotten. It may be only remembered in the small pvp community that remains in the game atm. He streamed quite a bit and got our name out there at the time we became VexX gaming and replaced the old VexX team and also booty bakery. Chubbs also single handedly brought back staff ele into the meta before the recent balance patch even though everyone said it was bad, which I commend him for greatly. Everyone loved Chubbs because of it but memories seem to have been lost.

Me(Morfeus The Tenth of Tyria)- I, the handsome chocolate man, have been playing guardian since beta and was into the pvp scene very early too before the QT’s even started, who at the time was the best when free tournies and paid came out. I hated bunker because it was easy and just boring imo and at the time Davinci/Dom/Vapoure were considered the best guardians at the time whom I learned from. It didn’t take me long until I finally got a team and started making a name for myself as a guardian. Davinci and I hated each other at first but we became best friends after we realized we were on the same page. My trueself (dps guardian) was born after I saw kaypud 1v2 hman and sataarconey on henge (there is a vod of it). Cut the story short, that propelled myself and my team to contend for the top spot with QT’s/JBUO/PZ. At the time when double ele and trap ranger meta came into play, trap ranger was said to be unbeatable in a 1v1, I was able to prove everyone wrong by beating it on the most unprobably class, my guardian, consistently. Java, Vyndetta, and Gasmask could vouch for that lol. But by being dps guard, it allowed me to know how to rotate and be more effective as a bunker guardian in fights when I went back. That is what put me in a place no other guardians were at the time. And as time went on I just really understood how to peel for my teammates effectively, knowing my class inside and out, while still having an offensive/defensive mindset. Also recently there was talk about healing breeze and I also brought this into play and made it work well starting with the vVv tourney. I am a pretty confident guardian and think I can do much pretty anything, and my play and rep can speak for itself in a sense. I would love to go and rep NA to bring NA the title this time for countless reasons. Experience, leadership, fun factor, coolness factor, (I am more cut then zombify), and wanting to show people how to really play guardian effectively are all reasons I really would love to go. I’ve always said to be the top guardian you have to be good at everything with your class when it comes to roaming/support/bunker/dps because you need to know your class inside and out, and I think I fit that category now.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

(edited by lilz shorty.1879)

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Now here are some vods and a little proof of what I mean:

Free tournament days
Team Name- Bros don’t let bros get stomped [Gnar] vs PZ

http://www.twitch.tv/matchlesspowerr/b/343802778 – 30:30

• This was the first time we ever played as a team with our main 3 on the roster, me (Morfeus), Chubbs Z, and Nnight. After this win against PZ, we solidified our team/roster.

Paid tournaments with gems days
Team name - Synrgy [Syn] vs QT’s

http://www.twitch.tv/ptdevils/b/352071097 – 00:00 First Game

• First match in video is us against QT’s who were truly our rivals and who we learned from when QT Hman was a part of that team. This is also showing when Mesmer + time warp was meta we didn’t run it and still were fine and able to compete perfectly well. Meta isn’t isn’t always necessary but nnight switched to meta once we decided double guardian wasn’t the best in the double trap ranger/ele meta as show in the other vods. Chubbs also was using the oh so popular elemental glyph at this time as well on d/d which he still uses today on staff ele. Lightning flash + burning speed was his trade mark as well as this glyph at the time.

No More Paid tourney days
Team Name- VexX gaming [VexX] & Booty Bakery [yumy] vs New and better PZ

http://www.twitch.tv/matchlesspowerr/b/366245867 – 17:37
http://www.twitch.tv/matchlesspowerr/b/366500332 – 48.50

• Another game against PZ in the double trap ranger/double dagger dagger ele meta. We ran 100b warrior and dps guardian and still were able to win and contend with PZ for the #1 spot this so called OP meta at the time. Don’t always need to run fotm to beat other fotm comps.

QT Hman - who is also a renown player from back in the day also played necro for Absolute Legends(AL), when they were the top team. Hman was also crowned one of the top 3 warriors in game along with Nnight and FredzW from EU (well before ROM), when 100b/ frenzy existed and after the frenzy nerf.

Nnight- Who was also crowned top warrior NA, also was crowned on of the top mesmers on NA before SupCutie(who is also a renowned player) came around along with Xeph from EU. Nnight only changed because we needed a Mesmer going into this OP double trap ranger/ele meta.

Massacre Mode/Hiba- Who was also a renown player from JBUO/Every Super Pug back in the day still plays till this day and is one of the very few from back then besides Kaypud/Zoose/Caed. He basically invented HgH engi and never received the credit he deserved.


• This was one of the only highlights Chubbs saved unfortunately and this game was vs PZ yet again when they took a hiatus and came back again with Kaypud.

P.S. – Also if you look at powers highlights, there is a reason he had 6 games highlighted vs us ;P. Back then I knew we always kitten ourselves by playing such a bad comp. We then we took a long hiatus and I always said if we ran fotm it would be so much easier. Never expected us to run fotm comps, but decided to once we came back and reformed as APeX.

Team Name- Apex Prime [APeX]

King of the Mists 2 vVv Tourney
http://www.twitch.tv/livevvvgaming/b/499946230 -

• We came back from our long hiatus, we picked up Anas Tarcis as a fifth and solidified our new roster again. After picking Tarics up, who basically invented Hambow for NA, I knew this was the strongest roster we had to date. Our first tourney together should’ve been GF invitational but we had a mishap with Hman’s computer dying so we subbed him for an old teammate and still beat all the so called “top teams” at the time, which were GF and which ever team Caed and Tany were on. Our first tournament back was the vVv tourney. Even with Hiba subbing, we were able to dominate due to the synergy we’ve had since forever. Sadly with EU abusing a block bug on warrior at the time in the finals, our 2 ranged classes were nearly useless at times against Cheese mode.

Tournament of Legends NA

• And last but not least was the Tournament of Legends, where we once again still seen as an underdog because we were not as well known as GF/Caed’s team, but prevailed to prove everyone wrong as the tourney went on. We didn’t stream much so we couldn’t really show we were the team the beat. So only Blu, other shoutcasters, and top teams knew. With Hman back and our full roster back in practice we were pretty confident. That is why when we went into ToL we had full confidence we could win yet again. Denshee on EU even hinted at this same fact considering how long we’ve also been together.

Here is a highlight video/recap of Tournament of Legends that was made for us:

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

(edited by lilz shorty.1879)

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

We’ve flown under the radar for so long so I figured this this would be a good time to:

a) Enlighten everyone who we are and were before, even though Chubbs doesn’t stream as much as everyone else.
b) Show everyone that we’ve been together as a top team since before a lot of new top players and streamed tournaments were around.
c) Believe that even though we aren’t as publicized as everyone else, due to not streaming and queuing as much as other teams when we are active (the bane of our existence), that we deserve it to go as much as anyone who streams consistently.
d) Show the new players who give our new comp a bad name and label it as “skilless”, or that we don’t know how to play any other comp, that it honestly doesn’t matter. Before a lot of these new players accusing us were even around and knew how to dodge roll, we were around and still would’ve been contending as a top team.
e) Ask for the help of the community to put on a good show at gamescom.

Would like to credit Powerr and QTvain for using their past broadcasts/highlights from twitch.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Kevin.5610


A lot of time has passed on this game, and I hope a lot of the newer players read this carefully before jumping to conclusions. It is sad when the veteran players often forget what the team has been through and the past comps we use to run but hopefully this clears up stuff.

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Really cool to see how your team has grown throughout the metas. It is fun to look back at the moments that made the best players who they are today.

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: jsu.4370


Great posts Morf, I love seeing OG’s still wrecking it. Watching some of those videos from power’s stream made me remember the good ol’ days.

I got a question though: How does your team practice? I literally never see you guys in queue.

Jsu – joO Binder

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Great posts Morf, I love seeing OG’s still wrecking it. Watching some of those videos from power’s stream made me remember the good ol’ days.

I got a question though: How does your team practice? I literally never see you guys in queue.

Thanks Euratein and jsU. And to answer your question jsU, we practice so sporadically but usually around 8 est-10 est. Usually we snipe super NA pugs or Caeds Team/Outplayed or what ever team is playing at the time.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Readymade.1672


“Chubbs also single handedly brought back staff ele into the meta before the recent balance patch even though everyone said it was bad, which I commend him for greatly.”

Lol, bullkitten. No one thought staff was viable until the changes to Water’s Grandmaster Trait. He played it with your team, but frankly no one thought your team was great until you ran a comp comprised solely of bunker/support meta builds.

It’s cool that you guys have been around for longer than your builds though I’m not sure why time investment is a source of pride. Thanks for letting the player base know that you indeed were a team before anyone heard of you.

NA’s Original Staff Elementalist

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

“Chubbs also single handedly brought back staff ele into the meta before the recent balance patch even though everyone said it was bad, which I commend him for greatly.”

Lol, bullkitten. No one thought staff was viable until the changes to Water’s Grandmaster Trait. He played it with your team, but frankly no one thought your team was great until you ran a comp comprised solely of bunker/support meta builds.

It’s cool that you guys have been around for longer than your builds though I’m not sure why time investment is a source of pride. Thanks for letting the player base know that you indeed were a team before anyone heard of you.

Everything you said is false lol…..That is all I have to say lol

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.6257


Morf is my dad, shoutouts from his divine son.

Pls come home dad

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Lettuce.2945


Forgot to throw in “We lost to Brain Dead 0-3 tonight”.

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Forgot to throw in “We lost to Brain Dead 0-3 tonight”.

Yeah well we will adapt hopefully but people are adapting finally to our strat and comp. I give them credit because they deserve it lol. I just hope this is an eye opener for everyone else.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.6257


Shoutouts to my dad for being a good sport even if he never comes homes

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Morf is my dad, shoutouts from his divine son.

Pls come home dad

LOL you’ll be waiting forever until the end of time my divine son. So basically until kratos comes to destroy the gods.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Zoose.6257


Morf is my dad, shoutouts from his divine son.

Pls come home dad

LOL you’ll be waiting forever until the end of time my divine son. So basically until kratos comes to destroy the gods.

Classic Morf running away from his responsibilities. First you couldn’t come home with the bacon, and now this? smh


Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Pixels.6532


Sanctum of Rall

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

Morf is my dad, shoutouts from his divine son.

Pls come home dad

LOL you’ll be waiting forever until the end of time my divine son. So basically until kratos comes to destroy the gods.

Classic Morf running away from his responsibilities. First you couldn’t come home with the bacon, and now this? smh


Lol zoose. Get your friends to vote for us and maybe I can come home then :P

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: Remko.9801


These videos are all about killing the necro. All-Star Remko. I’m too stronk for EU.


Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


“Chubbs also single handedly brought back staff ele into the meta before the recent balance patch even though everyone said it was bad, which I commend him for greatly.”

Lol, bullkitten. No one thought staff was viable until the changes to Water’s Grandmaster Trait. He played it with your team, but frankly no one thought your team was great until you ran a comp comprised solely of bunker/support meta builds.

It’s cool that you guys have been around for longer than your builds though I’m not sure why time investment is a source of pride. Thanks for letting the player base know that you indeed were a team before anyone heard of you.

Everything you said is false lol…..That is all I have to say lol

Readymade is someone that was running staff when staff ele was still laughed at. He has also consistently maintained top 100 leaderboard ranking in both soloque and team que playing nothing but staff ele…. So no your ele is not responsible for bringing staff ele back into the meta especially since I can name several staff eles that have been running staff longer than your ele on apex. Josre, and Readymade are the first two that come to mind.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: lilz shorty.1879

lilz shorty.1879

“Chubbs also single handedly brought back staff ele into the meta before the recent balance patch even though everyone said it was bad, which I commend him for greatly.”

Lol, bullkitten. No one thought staff was viable until the changes to Water’s Grandmaster Trait. He played it with your team, but frankly no one thought your team was great until you ran a comp comprised solely of bunker/support meta builds.

It’s cool that you guys have been around for longer than your builds though I’m not sure why time investment is a source of pride. Thanks for letting the player base know that you indeed were a team before anyone heard of you.

Everything you said is false lol…..That is all I have to say lol

Readymade is someone that was running staff when staff ele was still laughed at. He has also consistently maintained top 100 leaderboard ranking in both soloque and team que playing nothing but staff ele…. So no your ele is not responsible for bringing staff ele back into the meta especially since I can name several staff eles that have been running staff longer than your ele on apex. Josre, and Readymade are the first two that come to mind.

Not to sound mean but you can play old school 100b warrior against people most teams that don’t really know what they are doing. That doesn’t mean it has been brought back into the meta. The meta trends are set at the highest level. I am pretty sure absolutely zero know about the people you just mentioned and were not on a competitive team to face against GF at the time to make a name for themselves. You have to be successful with it and have other people notice to make a claim such as that. I am not taking away the fact your eles may indeed have played staff ele, but there is more substance to when I say someone brought back staff ele as opposed to just playing it.

“Morfeus X” || Team: Apex Prime
“Best Guardian NA”

Apex Prime (ToL Champions) All-Star Campaign!

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


“Chubbs also single handedly brought back staff ele into the meta before the recent balance patch even though everyone said it was bad, which I commend him for greatly.”

Lol, bullkitten. No one thought staff was viable until the changes to Water’s Grandmaster Trait. He played it with your team, but frankly no one thought your team was great until you ran a comp comprised solely of bunker/support meta builds.

It’s cool that you guys have been around for longer than your builds though I’m not sure why time investment is a source of pride. Thanks for letting the player base know that you indeed were a team before anyone heard of you.

Everything you said is false lol…..That is all I have to say lol

Readymade is someone that was running staff when staff ele was still laughed at. He has also consistently maintained top 100 leaderboard ranking in both soloque and team que playing nothing but staff ele…. So no your ele is not responsible for bringing staff ele back into the meta especially since I can name several staff eles that have been running staff longer than your ele on apex. Josre, and Readymade are the first two that come to mind.

Not to sound mean but you can play old school 100b warrior against people most teams that don’t really know what they are doing. That doesn’t mean it has been brought back into the meta. The meta trends are set at the highest level. I am pretty sure absolutely zero know about the people you just mentioned and were not on a competitive team to face against GF at the time to make a name for themselves. You have to be successful with it and have other people notice to make a claim such as that. I am not taking away the fact your eles may indeed have played staff ele, but there is more substance to when I say someone brought back staff ele as opposed to just playing it.

They may not have dedicated teams because they have lives that require more time than is available to dedicate to a team and both eles I mentioned are in the top 100s on both LBs which means that if any eles wanted a staff ele to look to as an example they were there and both of them are very friendly and willing to share their builds and knowledge about how to play them. Giving someone credit for singlehandedly bringing something back into the meta (also it was almost never meta) is ridiculous because the community is alot bigger than people that watched the TOL and these two eles have been in the game for a long time and as far as I know they have not played anything but staff ele. I have seen several staff eles in teampvp that do exceptionally well (both before and after the patch.)

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer