Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
April SotG CliffNotes
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
-Want to bring down cantrip Ele without affecting lesser used builds
-May buff staff in future patch
-Mist Form: Can no longer use utilities and heals while active
-Ride the Lightning: Now a 40s recharge if nothing is hit, 20s recharge if target is hit
-Signet of Restoration: Passive heal slightly reduced
-Cleansing Waters: Now removes 1 condition with a 5s CD
-Swirling Winds no longer blocks trebuchet shots
Ok so Elem become the underpowered class..nice Anet ….. ( all professions are up but not elem..elem is very nerbring down!)
I’ve been a Dagger/Dagger Elementalist since beta, long before the build was popular.
I can understand nerfing it. I can understand that it was in need of nerfs, however, this is not a case of nerfing it. You destroyed it. Thanks for completely ruining the only viable, well-designed Elementalist weapon set in the game. Thank you for the complete lack of compensation. No new weapons. No buffs to our other weapon sets. No trait fixes. No significant buffs of any sort. All you did was ruin the only thing we had.
go leave the game for a game which is a little more balanced…..( I have a elem too, I think I leave this game it’s just a shame)
Anet keeps balancing a class by taking the most defensive spec available for the class as only reference lol … So they will continue to nerf our most defensive build until it can be killed in 1v1. Guess what happens to more offensive builds then
all you achieve with that kitteny patches is forcing eles to play more and more defensive und pushing us even more into that bunker-spec … epic fail, seriously. Where’s the logic behind that? I simply don’t get what’s your intention with these changes. Where’s the promised build-variety?
(edited by Gorni.1764)
Anet keeps balancing a class by taking the most defensive spec available for the class as only reference lol … So they will continue to nerf our most defensive Build until it can be killed in 1v1. Guess what happens to more offensive builds then
No sure of problem, offensive builds are supposed to not have much survivability. Look at the thief, has literally no sustain and can die in like 2 hits.
It remains to be seen how the ele fairs, but having seen eles been on top for 5+months, it wont be the worst thing to have something else on top for a while. Someones always going to occupy that spot. If eles are too weak, they will get some compensation down the line.
Anet keeps balancing a class by taking the most defensive spec available for the class as only reference lol … So they will continue to nerf our most defensive Build until it can be killed in 1v1. Guess what happens to more offensive builds then
No sure of problem, offensive builds are supposed to not have much survivability. Look at the thief, has literally no sustain and can die in like 2 hits.
It remains to be seen how the ele fairs, but having seen eles been on top for 5+months, it wont be the worst thing to have something else on top for a while. Someones always going to occupy that spot. If eles are too weak, they will get some compensation down the line.
It wouldnt be that bad if they didnt also mention that next balance changes are coming in 2
-Did not want to bring down with the boon hate changes in placeApparently the same does not apply to elementalists, who are even more dependant on boons. Nice one.
Also, where’s the warrior ‘immunity skill locks out utilities’ change?
The warrior doesn’t have invulnerability, just immunity to damage. They can still be CC’d and non-damaging conditions still take effect.
Anet keeps balancing a class by taking the most defensive spec available for the class as only reference lol … So they will continue to nerf our most defensive Build until it can be killed in 1v1. Guess what happens to more offensive builds then
No sure of problem, offensive builds are supposed to not have much survivability. Look at the thief, has literally no sustain and can die in like 2 hits.
It remains to be seen how the ele fairs, but having seen eles been on top for 5+months, it wont be the worst thing to have something else on top for a while. Someones always going to occupy that spot. If eles are too weak, they will get some compensation down the line.
And our offensive builds are already that squishy. Making them even weaker is kitten
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
-Did not want to bring down with the boon hate changes in placeApparently the same does not apply to elementalists, who are even more dependant on boons. Nice one.
Also, where’s the warrior ‘immunity skill locks out utilities’ change?
The warrior doesn’t have invulnerability, just immunity to damage. They can still be CC’d and non-damaging conditions still take effect.
And they can also attack, something we can’t. Tbh it should either allow attacks or heals, not both.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
My poor Engineer T_T…i don’t like very much this patch…
-Did not want to bring down with the boon hate changes in placeApparently the same does not apply to elementalists, who are even more dependant on boons. Nice one.
Also, where’s the warrior ‘immunity skill locks out utilities’ change?
The warrior doesn’t have invulnerability, just immunity to damage. They can still be CC’d and non-damaging conditions still take effect.
And they can also attack, something we can’t. Tbh it should either allow attacks or heals, not both.
That’s a fair point.
Obsidian Flesh allows you to use all your skills.
Inb4viability :P.
For gods sake next time take up the subject of penalties for leavers. I have had leavers FOUR matchs in a row now.
there needs to be a penalty.
“Passive signet stat increase cap changed to 180 from 90. Some actives will be changed.”
Possible coming of signet eles? XD
They would need to change a lot to make signet eles viable.^^ I guess most players will still use the same bunker build (which would not be “OP” anymore) and the other builds… well… those were never viable and will most likely stay the same for a few more months.
“Passive signet stat increase cap changed to 180 from 90. Some actives will be changed.”
Possible coming of signet eles? XD
Signet auras have, what, the second best trait synergy after cantrips? The problem is the signets themselves (and the lack of a stunbreaker).
For some reason, I doubt ele’s actives will be changed. The devs seem focused more on warriors, thieves and rangers in this patch. That being said, some of the actives don’t make much sense mechanically, even if they combine well flavor-wise, like water’s and fire’s signet. If someone needs condition removal, why would they waste it for a low-duration chill? If someone needs critical damage, why would they waste it for burning? At the very least, for earth’s signet, you sacrifice your long-term defense for a chance to kill, and hopefully, with 180 toughness, it can become a decent skill to take and use.
(How much differences does 180 toughness do, anyway)?
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
“Passive signet stat increase cap changed to 180 from 90. Some actives will be changed.”
Possible coming of signet eles? XDSignet auras have, what, the second best trait synergy after cantrips? The problem is the signets themselves (and the lack of a stunbreaker).
For some reason, I doubt ele’s actives will be changed. The devs seem focused more on warriors, thieves and rangers in this patch. That being said, some of the actives don’t make much sense mechanically, even if they combine well flavor-wise, like water’s and fire’s signet. If someone needs condition removal, why would they waste it for a low-duration chill? If someone needs critical damage, why would they waste it for burning? At the very least, for earth’s signet, you sacrifice your long-term defense for a chance to kill, and hopefully, with 180 toughness, it can become a decent skill to take and use.
(How much differences does 180 toughness do, anyway)?
Well there is the Written in Stone trait, which allows passives to stay even if the signet is on cooldown. That if ele signets see a decent change, then it’s possible. People will just carry a low cd cantrip for stun breaks. Not that I’m really expecting much, I just felt like pointing it out.
its funny because you guys are just hating, you cant call the patch a fail just because they didnt nerf bunker ele to the ground. the patch so far sounds really good even if they miss on this ele matter. but i understand, its so nice to try to be funny on the internet.
AND they did nerf cantrip ele, “Cleansing Waters: Now removes 1 condition with a 5s CD”, and thats not to mention thieves with boon removal and warriors percing through stability and boon damage.I was talking about it as a failure with respect to not gutting less used builds. All of the changes they announced hurt weaker ele builds MORE than they hurt cantrip bunkers.
what is hurting other builds more than cantrips, besides the rtl change? besides any staff build, cuz no one really played it anyway.
No Mist Form + Heal means offensive builds lost a very important safety net.
you can pop your heal before popping mist form…
I do it all the time with F1 medkit with elixir s. Yes eles, you can’t heal for free now.
(edited by waka.9826)
Elementalists can probably get out of it:
- 20 fire for signet aura;
- 20 air for swiftness/ fury aura and +20% damage for 33% HP;
- 30 earth for protection aura, cantrip trait or signet cooldown trait, and written in stone;
With the buffed passives for signet of fire and signet of earth (third slot = fire cantrip for stun breaking and condition cleanse), a s/d build will be able to cast the signet’s burning early on, burst with a natural high critical chance and the help of immobilize, still have decent natural defense (buffed signet of earth, signet of restoration where the active effect can be used freely). With fury and fire’s signet, there’s no need for berzerker’s precision, which makes valkyrie’s optimal; but might go for berzeker nonetheless due to higher than normal toughness and several means to get protection. A D/D will be able to reap more benefits from auras, but s/d will hit like a truck with dragon’s tooth more reliably.
EDIT: You’ll get 75% change to critical hit for 50% more critical damage with this build with berzerker. You have a decent chance to instant kill with a well-timed immobilize + fire burst here. Of course, that’s in theory.
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
Elementalists can probably get out of it:
- 20 fire for signet aura;
- 20 air for swiftness/ fury aura and +20% damage for 33% HP;
- 30 earth for protection aura, cantrip trait or signet cooldown trait, and written in stone;With the buffed passives for signet of fire and signet of earth (third slot = fire cantrip for stun breaking and condition cleanse), a s/d build will be able to cast the signet’s burning early on, burst with a natural high critical chance and the help of immobilize, still have decent natural defense (buffed signet of earth, signet of restoration where the active effect can be used freely). With fury and fire’s signet, there’s no need for berzerker’s precision, which makes valkyrie’s optimal; but might go for berzeker nonetheless due to higher than normal toughness and several means to get protection. A D/D will be able to reap more benefits from auras, but s/d will hit like a truck with dragon’s tooth more reliably.
EDIT: You’ll get 75% change to critical hit for 50% more critical damage with this build with berzerker. You have a decent chance to instant kill with a well-timed immobilize + fire burst here. Of course, that’s in theory.
I really want to get shared auras in the mix, but unfortunately, you can’t exactly go 20 Fire, 30 Earth, 30 Water, now can you? Really wish Fire’s Embrace was Adept – it would open up a very good new offensive support build.
you can pop your heal before popping mist form…
I do it all the time with F1 medkit with elixir s.
Well, we don’t yet know if Mist Form will interrupt our heals with the change, but that’s a fair point. If it works, though, it’ll probably be changed.
Yes eles, you can’t heal for free now.
That’s the point – glassy eles kinda need the free heal.
(edited by Chaosky.5276)
Well, it is not really free.
You used a Utility skill with a 75sec CD for that “free heal”. Besides that your opponent can do the exact same thing while you are in Mist Form without using a single Utility skill because you can’t attack him.
You can’t interrupt the ele heal though and that is what made it a little too strong for bunker builds.
Well, it is not really free.
You used a Utility skill with a 75sec CD for that “free heal”. Besides that your opponent can do the exact same thing while you are in Mist Form without using a single Utility skill because you can’t attack him.
You can’t interrupt the ele heal though and that is what made it a little too strong for bunker builds.
It’s not an ele specific change it applies to engis as well and engis could attack you.
I know but that’s a different topic.
RtL 20s on hit and 40s with no hit,way over the top. How about Rush in Warrior (20s CD and 1200 Range), Whirwind Blade (8s CD 600 Range).
I lol’d. Now try to count how much spells do you have with attunement swap.
20 spells with possibility to swap whenether you want (excluding recently changed attune) against 10 spells (5+5) with 10(or 5 with trait) seconds cd.
Dagger in offhand also gives you 2 seconds AOE stun and 1 sec evade+blowout.
You still want to compare ele and warrior, my dear rabbit?
And No, I did not say War is OP, just a simple comparision how RtL is difference to Rush skill in Warrior.Now, Eles take the hit, but it would be no wonder all similar skill will take the hit later due to after Eles, there will be another victim for this matter. Hugely a direct hit to ALL the BUILD, even in PVE.
The only thing they did with rtl is that now you should THINK when it should be used and when it shouldn’t. If you’re not using it mindlessly to just move faster – you should be okay with it.
Signet of Restoration: Passive heal slightly reduced: Another Hit to our weak already defensive, make us now has to go even more Defensive just to SURVIVE.
You don’t even know how much did they reduced passive heal and you’re already SCREAMING. “OH MY GAWD THE NERFD MAH HEAL NOOO”. Why do you act like a little kid?
Cleansing Waters: Now removes 1 condition with a 5s CD. In PvE, it is not bad of a hit. In PVP it is a Huge Hit. Come with this, I would like to see Condition not flying everywhere in PvP, pls
While the other classes carry it, you’re whining.
Nice Job Anet, you just kill ELES, not just bunker but ALL the VIABLE Build out there. Remember why we have to go BUNKER in the VERY FIRST PLACE.
I lold so hard. With such a small amout of information about nerfes at all you are just yelling like a baby.
They should have done it much earlier. So you should thank them.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
My issue with the RTL nerf is that it’s a direct nerf to the fun of playing the class. The elementalist has so much hidden, subtle power that they could have hit, but instead they hit something very much in the forefront while much of that hidden power persists. It just feels lazy to me.
I am so friggin sure that 90% of these ele players that are complaining about the nerfs are the same ones going on no those massive nerfs on other classes are totally justified and oh no i completely get dd ele’s and cantrips weren’t nerfed Any good player can beat an ele ..mmm….in all previous patches….guess what….now its your turn….i hope you test the changes and cry yourself to sleep on patch day….
Ahh.. completely gutted ele’s. Well, it was fun while it lasted, I enjoyed playing such a unique and diverse class (compared to other mmo’s). Seems Anet is no different than any other game company out there, they just nerf nerf nerf anything that’s remotely fun. I’m disappointed because I really was enjoying this game, oh well.
RtL 20s on hit and 40s with no hit,way over the top. How about Rush in Warrior (20s CD and 1200 Range), Whirwind Blade (8s CD 600 Range).
I lol’d. Now try to count how much spells do you have with attunement swap.
20 spells with possibility to swap whenether you want (excluding recently changed attune) against 10 spells (5+5) with 10(or 5 with trait) seconds cd.
Dagger in offhand also gives you 2 seconds AOE stun and 1 sec evade+blowout.
You still want to compare ele and warrior, my dear rabbit?And No, I did not say War is OP, just a simple comparision how RtL is difference to Rush skill in Warrior.Now, Eles take the hit, but it would be no wonder all similar skill will take the hit later due to after Eles, there will be another victim for this matter. Hugely a direct hit to ALL the BUILD, even in PVE.
The only thing they did with rtl is that now you should THINK when it should be used and when it shouldn’t. If you’re not using it mindlessly to just move faster – you should be okay with it.
Signet of Restoration: Passive heal slightly reduced: Another Hit to our weak already defensive, make us now has to go even more Defensive just to SURVIVE.
You don’t even know how much did they reduced passive heal and you’re already SCREAMING. “OH MY GAWD THE NERFD MAH HEAL NOOO”. Why do you act like a little kid?
Cleansing Waters: Now removes 1 condition with a 5s CD. In PvE, it is not bad of a hit. In PVP it is a Huge Hit. Come with this, I would like to see Condition not flying everywhere in PvP, pls
While the other classes carry it, you’re whining.
Nice Job Anet, you just kill ELES, not just bunker but ALL the VIABLE Build out there. Remember why we have to go BUNKER in the VERY FIRST PLACE.
I lold so hard. With such a small amout of information about nerfes at all you are just yelling like a baby.
They should have done it much earlier. So you should thank them.
Honestly? You seem to be acting like a little kid, with the attitude presented in your post… just sayin’.
Anet keeps balancing a class by taking the most defensive spec available for the class as only reference lol … So they will continue to nerf our most defensive Build until it can be killed in 1v1. Guess what happens to more offensive builds then
No sure of problem, offensive builds are supposed to not have much survivability. Look at the thief, has literally no sustain and can die in like 2 hits.
[…] If eles are too weak, they will get some compensation down the line.
That’s the point, there have never been some adjustments to offensive builds, leaving them quite unviable in PvP. A thief may die in 3 hits but it can also kill with 3 hits (and can also always run away with stealth) – an ele can’t do that + they are now taking away eles’ mobility and there’s the concept of boon-hate taking away the supporter-role – what is left where the ele can shine?
Eles are forced to continue playing with this lame build until Anet realises that they have to buff other utilities and traits in offensive traitlines. The problem with the high amount of bunker-eles would solve itself because people would play more glassy builds. No wonder that there is so much crying out there. The nerfs not only hit the bunkers but all of the ele-population. That’s because they don’t just nerf bunkers, but ele in general, adjusting the strong bunker build but making the gc-builds which are already unplayable weaker and weaker … i wonder how long this will continue.
I really want to get shared auras in the mix, but unfortunately, you can’t exactly go 20 Fire, 30 Earth, 30 Water, now can you? Really wish Fire’s Embrace was Adept – it would open up a very good new offensive support build.
To be honest, in theory, that would be too strong. Elementalists have the option, here, to go for party support at the expense of their own defense. Keep in mind that, when it comes to supporting the party OR if you want to use the signet’s effects to kill quickly, written in stone is not that needed.
Something like 20 fire, 30 water, 10 air and 10 earth makes an excellent signet auramancer share for d/d. Losing signet of fire’s or earth’s passive won’t mean much when they give you fury and protection per active.
Written in stone is better for dueling/ solo. The extra precision and the extra toughness, and the ability to use the signet’s active healing, are going to be relevant enough; and it gives you a slot for the cantrip trait for extra stunbreaking/ protection/ stability. Even then, if a specialized burster (s/d) was good enough this way, I’m not even sure you would need it.
-Elixir S: Can no longer use utilities and heals while active
-Mist Form: Can no longer use utilities and heals while active
why Warrior’s Endure Pain doesnt get the same treatment?
-Elixir S: Can no longer use utilities and heals while active
-Mist Form: Can no longer use utilities and heals while activewhy Warrior’s Endure Pain doesnt get the same treatment?
Endure Pain doesn’t grant invulnerability, so you can still be CC’d.
-Elixir S: Can no longer use utilities and heals while active
-Mist Form: Can no longer use utilities and heals while activewhy Warrior’s Endure Pain doesnt get the same treatment?
Endure Pain doesn’t grant invulnerability, so you can still be CC’d.
Endure Pain also allows attacking. It should not allow both.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
-Elixir S: Can no longer use utilities and heals while active
-Mist Form: Can no longer use utilities and heals while activewhy Warrior’s Endure Pain doesnt get the same treatment?
Endure Pain doesn’t grant invulnerability, so you can still be CC’d.
can also apply condis to them when using endure pain :>
RtL 20s on hit and 40s with no hit,way over the top. How about Rush in Warrior (20s CD and 1200 Range), Whirwind Blade (8s CD 600 Range).
I lol’d. Now try to count how much spells do you have with attunement swap.
20 spells with possibility to swap whenether you want (excluding recently changed attune) against 10 spells (5+5) with 10(or 5 with trait) seconds cd.
Dagger in offhand also gives you 2 seconds AOE stun and 1 sec evade+blowout.
You still want to compare ele and warrior, my dear rabbit?And No, I did not say War is OP, just a simple comparision how RtL is difference to Rush skill in Warrior.Now, Eles take the hit, but it would be no wonder all similar skill will take the hit later due to after Eles, there will be another victim for this matter. Hugely a direct hit to ALL the BUILD, even in PVE.
The only thing they did with rtl is that now you should THINK when it should be used and when it shouldn’t. If you’re not using it mindlessly to just move faster – you should be okay with it.
Signet of Restoration: Passive heal slightly reduced: Another Hit to our weak already defensive, make us now has to go even more Defensive just to SURVIVE.
You don’t even know how much did they reduced passive heal and you’re already SCREAMING. “OH MY GAWD THE NERFD MAH HEAL NOOO”. Why do you act like a little kid?
Cleansing Waters: Now removes 1 condition with a 5s CD. In PvE, it is not bad of a hit. In PVP it is a Huge Hit. Come with this, I would like to see Condition not flying everywhere in PvP, pls
While the other classes carry it, you’re whining.
Nice Job Anet, you just kill ELES, not just bunker but ALL the VIABLE Build out there. Remember why we have to go BUNKER in the VERY FIRST PLACE.
I lold so hard. With such a small amout of information about nerfes at all you are just yelling like a baby.
They should have done it much earlier. So you should thank them.
Allow this little dear rabbit enlightened the “might” tiger.
I compare RtL with Warrior Rush because they acts at the very same way, gap closer and a mean to escape with no need of target. Why only RtL getting this bs nerf? Oh please don’t tell me Warrior only use Rush as gap closer. Whoosh did I forget Ranger also has Whoosh as well with also the same? Agree that RtL is not affected by cripple,chill that make is somewhat better. Why don’t they just simply apply that change instead add in another 40s CD? And I guess you don’t know, RtL is also used in PVe and WvW to roam around and a mean to escape. It is not just simply as you think that now Eles need to think of how to use it?Again, why eles is the only class has to think when to use mobility skill?It complete broken our mobility as a whole. D/D offhand skill Fire ROF, Burning Grasp, Water Frost Aura, Cleasing wave,Air RtL, updraft, Earth, Earthquake and CE. Which you say AoE 2s Stun again?Please enlighten me on this cause I don’t know we have such a trait. And sorry you are wrong again on attument CD, 15s without trait and 9s CD with 30pts in Arcane. I wonder do you even play Eles???
Ok. I might overreacting about the signet healing nerd but judge by the way Anet Nerfs thing so far, their “slightly” adjusted could be much different that player “slightly” means. Proof is the change in RtL. I bet they think that is just a “slightly” tweak but in fact, it is a class broken adjust.
Like I said, Cleansing Water adjustment is not bad in PvE where Condition not flying around like flies. What it affect the most is in WvW and PvP. Have you ever seen an Engine stack 5 conditions on you instantly? Or a War with his Longbow does the same or simply with Necro Dagger OH skill 5. Guess not. The fact that some class has so many way to apply condition while some class suffer the lack of condition removal does not justify about the change. What they can do better instead is give other class more way to remove condition while tone down the ability to apply so many conditions at once on some class.
Sorry, to you who don’t play Eles could never understand about how hard this Nerf hit the class. And No, to an outsider,these Infos could be not much but to us Eles, that is a huge impact considered we only have 1 or 2 viable build out there.And regardless of what the build is, unless you are super skill, we all have to trait in Water and Arcane combine with our healing power and mobility Just to keep us alive long enough to be useful. We are a cloth class with meele Attack play style after all.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
For those “pro” player out there that think Eles still be fine afte this patch,please head in there and accept the challenge proudly. Don’t be such a p**** cat that all talk. Action speak louder than words.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
For those “pro” player out there that think Eles still be fine afte this patch,please head in there and accept the challenge proudly. Don’t be such a p**** cat that all talk. Action speak louder than words.
This is a sPvP forum section and that is a wvwvw challange
ele tears are hilarious. eles have said every nerf to date to every other class has been justified, now this is the first one that is over the top, lolk.
btw i play mesmer, necro, ranger, ele, engi
I compare RtL with Warrior Rush because they acts at the very same way, gap closer and a mean to escape with no need of target. Why only RtL getting this bs nerf?
Again, why eles is the only class has to think when to use mobility skill?
If you prefer to ignore what i’m saying, i’m okay with it, my lovely hotjoin tiger.
This skills act the same way, but:
20 spells with possibility to swap whenether you want (excluding recently changed attune) against 10 spells (5+5) with 10(or 5 with trait) seconds cd.
Ele’s have more spells and have no problems with swapping attunes -> ele’s spells must be weaker than other’s classes similar skills.
It is not just simply as you think that now Eles need to think of how to use it?
Before this nerf there was no any reason to think about it.
D/D offhand skill Fire ROF, Burning Grasp, Water Frost Aura, Cleasing wave,Air RtL, updraft, Earth, Earthquake and CE. Which you say AoE 2s Stun again?
Earthquake does not stun? Oh boy, here we go.
And sorry you are wrong again on attument CD, 15s without trait and 9s CD with 30pts in Arcane.
Ele’s have 1 sec cd on swapping attunes and can swap whenever they want. Yes, you can not swap to the attune you were attached before. You can also blame ANET for this and say that ele’s are too weak.
Proof is the change in RtL. I bet they think that is just a “slightly” tweak but in fact, it is a class broken adjust.
My god, he said it again.
Have you ever seen an Engine stack 5 conditions on you instantly?
Yes, and so? With your crying about HGH builds you can go to other threads. I’m sure you just didn’t play engi in spvp tournaments at all.
Or a War with his Longbow does the same
Lol’d. That OP LONGBOW WAR. That op longbow war has only 4 stack of bleeding and easy to dodge burning which will only apply 2 seconds of burning every 6 seconds if you’re staying close to him and can’t use dodge properly. Don’t say you can’t go out from longbow’s burst skill.
Sorry, to you who don’t play Eles could never understand about how hard this Nerf hit the class. And No, to an outsider,these Infos could be not much but to us Eles, that is a huge impact considered we only have 1 or 2 viable build out there.And regardless of what the build is, unless you are super skill, we all have to trait in Water and Arcane combine with our healing power and mobility Just to keep us alive long enough to be useful. We are a cloth class with meele Attack play style after all.
And here is your mistake – i have played ele a lot, may be more than you. On the other hand, it seems that you didn’t play other classes at all or at least not enough to talk about their strength.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
(edited by CutePicsHunter.7430)
ele tears are hilarious. eles have said every nerf to date to every other class has been justified, now this is the first one that is over the top, lolk.
btw i play mesmer, necro, ranger, ele, engi
BUNKER ele deserves some nerfs. These nerfs do almost nothing to address BUNKERS. It just hits non-bunkers and makes them even less useful than they are now. It’s like saying condition necro is too strong so we’ll remove your direct damage.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Ahh.. completely gutted ele’s. Well, it was fun while it lasted, I enjoyed playing such a unique and diverse class (compared to other mmo’s). Seems Anet is no different than any other game company out there, they just nerf nerf nerf anything that’s remotely fun. I’m disappointed because I really was enjoying this game, oh well.
Fun is a two way street. It might of been fun for you to beat more skilled players just because your class is OP. But not being able to counter alot of eles key moves is poor game design and needed fixing. Not being able to interrupt the ele heals is mega sucky and no class should have such gameplay which you cant do anything about – water heals with signet and mist form and rtl = whatever you do (even 3 of you sometimes) the ele will get away which is LAME.
It had to be fixed. Good game design should be fun for the ele and the non ele. Otherwise it sucks. That is why we need balance too. If you dont think the ele is currently op then you are wrong according to all the evidence (eles seen alot/polls on most op class). It needed significant nerfing. Let us hope it is enough. I cba with 2 more months of ele bs
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
BUNKER ele deserves some nerfs. These nerfs do almost nothing to address BUNKERS. It just hits non-bunkers and makes them even less useful than they are now. It’s like saying condition necro is too strong so we’ll remove your direct damage.
That’s because ANet wanted to nerf two facets of the ele they found not working as intended. First the excessive mobility of the class allowing it to contest far points at the start of the game even before they get captured. Then, the bunkering itself. The former case is mostly “fixed” with the RtL nerf. The later is waiting to see if the Warrior and Thief new boon hate mechanics counter sufficiently well those bunkers first.
Then the nerf on mist form, which actually also affects the engineer which isn’t exactly a strong bunker class itself is more of a side change.
Actually on topic…
It hate how the state of the game is mainly just summarize whats happening next patch.
What I seriously would have liked to hear them talk about is team comps, what rolls they feel each class can play, what cross class synergy they see as good/bad and what they are trying to do to expand or limit that.
They are sticking die hard to conquest so it better be the flaming focus of all their actions.
That and they should seriously kitten allot of focus to BETTER MATCHMAKING.
People can live with mediocre balance and a pretty repetitive map schem, if matches generally are even… a lack thereof will kill a game even with decent balance and class archetypes.
For example:
If they added something like a slider saying ‘1->10 how competitive are you playing’ and you get matched with people of roughly similiar ranking of that and MMR, along with something like a ‘1->5 means unranked’ so you can try out new builds or mess around with friends.
That combined with a decent individual MMR… and suddenly there is good matchmaking.
(edited by garethh.3518)
BUNKER ele deserves some nerfs. These nerfs do almost nothing to address BUNKERS. It just hits non-bunkers and makes them even less useful than they are now. It’s like saying condition necro is too strong so we’ll remove your direct damage.
That’s because ANet wanted to nerf two facets of the ele they found not working as intended. First the excessive mobility of the class allowing it to contest far points at the start of the game even before they get captured. Then, the bunkering itself. The former case is mostly “fixed” with the RtL nerf. The later is waiting to see if the Warrior and Thief new boon hate mechanics counter sufficiently well those bunkers first.
Then the nerf on mist form, which actually also affects the engineer which isn’t exactly a strong bunker class itself is more of a side change.
It seems like a better solution would have been to remove the stun-break aspect of Lightning Flash and Cleansing Fire (also implementing the Mist Form nerf, as much as I dislike it), as well as Fury from Zephyr’s Boon (to limit bunkers’ access to Vigor).
Then they could have improved the focus so that it became the go-to choice for bunker builds, which would have solved the mobility issue given its complete lack of mobility. (Yes, they could still have switched to an offhand dagger out of combat, but ele bunkers aren’t the only ones capable of that.)
It wouldn’t be an ideal solution, but it wouldn’t gut just about every other viable elementalist build, as well as mobility in other game modes.
(edited by Chaosky.5276)
No need to troll.
Everything he stated was a relatively valid point.
Every elementalist goes 30 arcane so has a 9~s CD on attunement swap because its a fantastic trait line.
Being ‘stuck’ in d/d isn’t a really terrible deal when the set innately gives you 3 gap closers, pretty constant swiftness, 3~ great hard CCs, frost armor and self healing… to boot you get extremely good cleansing from traits and cantrips while the majority of fights are on objectives.
Warriors aren’t even comparable to elementalists atm.
Completely opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to balance.
If you are seriously talking about the longbow adrenaline skill like the burn is something that draws notable dps… that burn on a class that can’t spec for condition dmg and only applies 2s worth every 2s for 6~… pray to god you never fight a decent condi ranger.
(edited by garethh.3518)
Public service announcement: Attunement cooldown is not 9 seconds.
Every time you get basic game mechanics wrong, ANet kills a kitten.
Please, think of the kittens.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
(edited by Caffynated.5713)
Public service announcement: Attunement cooldown is not 9 seconds.
From what I’ve seen, 9.3~ seconds isn’t very far from 9
Unless the game just rounds the decimal up without telling us??
Public service announcement: Attunement cooldown is not 9 seconds.
From what I’ve seen, 9.3~ seconds isn’t very far from 9
Unless the game just rounds the decimal up without telling us??
The cooldown is 16 base. + 60% from 30 arcana makes it 10 seconds.
100 / 16 = 6.25% per second
+60% = 10% per second
The cooldown UI gump only shows full seconds remaining until it gets under 5. That’s why you always see the cooldown starting at 1 second less than the listed.
The image bellow shows when the cooldown drops to 8.x from 9.x and the global attunement cooldown.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
(edited by Caffynated.5713)