Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
April SotG CliffNotes
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
so they said NERFS wasn t the way to go….
They neutered D/D (i don t care of PvP if it die fast would be a bless to the game considering damage it did to other game modes)
After 15 november i should have known how much does worth anet’s word…..
The funny part (we may buff staff in the future) usual Anet behavior….nerf to the ground and leave for years buffs on the TO DO LIST…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Warrior will still be the lowest tier with anet’s half-done patches, and necromancer minion AI is still gonna be bugged??
I’ll see you next month anet, I got better games to play.
2s Stun from Earthquake. Oh dear, are we even playing the same class in the same game? Earthquake does KD, my ignorant Dinosaur, unless you think stuns and KD is the same which is..laughable at your game mechanic. With stun, you Can Not do anything, with KD you can still Teleport away and get back up right away. Too bad you don’t know this. You are too full of yourself.
Lol’d. Nice try. I knew that you will say something like this.
Kite Eles and you already got a free hit…Guess kite is so hard to you after all.
Wait wha… Oh, now i understand. KITE ELES HE SAID.
Op Long bow,well I would not call it Op though.
If you’re fighting for point, i have a bad news for you: warrior have no any adequate bunker build which can compare to guardian, ele, engi, etc. If you’re going to say that condition war deals too much dmg against your ele even with cleansing water and cleansing waves on dodge then, i think, we don’t need to talk anymore.
In conclusion… I’m not even surprised that now you’re nitpicking.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
2s Stun from Earthquake. Oh dear, are we even playing the same class in the same game? Earthquake does KD, my ignorant Dinosaur, unless you think stuns and KD is the same which is..laughable at your game mechanic. With stun, you Can Not do anything, with KD you can still Teleport away and get back up right away. Too bad you don’t know this. You are too full of yourself.
Lol’d. Nice try. I knew that you will say something like this.
Kite Eles and you already got a free hit…Guess kite is so hard to you after all.
Wait wha… Oh, now i understand. KITE ELES HE SAID.
Op Long bow,well I would not call it Op though.
If you’re fighting for point, i have a bad news for you: warrior have no any adequate bunker build which can compare to guardian, ele, engi, etc. If you’re going to say that condition war deals too much dmg against your ele even with cleansing water and cleansing waves on dodge then, i think, we don’t need to talk anymore.
In conclusion… I’m not even surprised that now you’re nitpicking.
Don’t tell me you can not kite a Melee class?Sure we have RtL,sure we have burning foot and Mganetic grasp, only RtL has 1200 range and all the other has the range of 600.And most of the range weapon out there can shoot at 1200 range. Sure to approach you, Eles will need to use all mobility skill. Don’t tell me you can’t get some free hit on him while he doing this?And the shortest CD is 8s on Burning foot or Magnetic grasp (not so sure though),once he use all his mobile skill, he is your target shooting for the next 8s. What stop you from doing so?
I never said Wariior can holding point. What I aim is War can force a burker to out of the point and capture it, same with all bubble and KB from Engine and guardian.Sure I can run back and capture the point but that means putting me on the high rush condition field.They will neutralise the point eventually. Please use your thinking a bit more.
My conclusion is I am just wasting my time to explain to someone who does not even think a bit what others say. Then why I bother.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
The only logical conclusion I can draw from stealth’s posts is that he is trolling. Best not to feed him.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
The only logical conclusion I can draw from stealth’s posts is that he is trolling. Best not to feed him.
No need. I can feed on my own. Thanks for the warning.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
For those “pro” player out there that think Eles still be fine afte this patch,please head in there and accept the challenge proudly. Don’t be such a p**** cat that all talk. Action speak louder than words.
This is a sPvP forum section and that is a wvwvw challange
The change will affect both WvW and PvP. If the change is only affected PvP, then I don’t think we Eles would be in chaos right now. Too bad that is not the case. So I don’t think that make any difference at all. Is WvW not a bigger scale of PVP regardless?
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Thanks for the conclusion. Saved my head-ache of trying to understand karls explanations.
Don’t tell me you can not kite a Melee class?Sure we have RtL,sure we have burning foot and Mganetic grasp, only RtL has 1200 range and all the other has the range of 600.And most of the range weapon out there can shoot at 1200 range. Sure to approach you, Eles will need to use all mobility skill. Don’t tell me you can’t get some free hit on him while he doing this?And the shortest CD is 8s on Burning foot or Magnetic grasp (not so sure though),once he use all his mobile skill, he is your target shooting for the next 8s. What stop you from doing so?
What an awesome wall of contradictory statements.
What I aim is War can force a burker to out of the point and capture it
Well, at least you are funny.
, same with all bubble and KB from Engine and guardian.
Cold story.
My conclusion is I am just wasting my time to explain to someone who does not even think a bit what others say. Then why I bother.
Yes, you can stop trying to troll me and pretend that you’re into this game. It’s a waste of time.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
Oh I am no troll. But keep saying to yourself that anyway. For me, it it also a waste of time to explain myself.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
I didn’t read any of the replies cuz you KNOW people gonna be trolling. just wanted to say I think that the devs are headed in the right direction with these changes. I don’t think I disliked the idea of any of them which is a first.
Sounds to me like:
Retaliation changes might have unintended consequences. It is already difficult to counter and pretty strong considering the amount of damage a well timed AoE retaliation can do with very little opportunity to mitigate (not much in the way of AoE stripping). Making it more bursty might lead to simple chaining rotations that are impossible to attack.
Looks like Warrior will still need more work to me. Moving in the right direction, but still easily kited in melee, very little in the way of conditions, and very little in the way of condi clears.
Thief – A bit of survivability might make more builds viable. Hopefully they get it right and thieves have something to do other than hope to find a glassy opponent and grief him all match.
Ranger – FACEPALM. Pets didn’t need a buff like this. Traited would be acceptable, but I wouldn’t even like it then. I don’t know why making passive damage from AI better seems to be such a priority in this game. In sPvP all of the passive sources of damage are dumb, and they should be minimal, if they even exist. Perhaps at some point they will make an effort to push the game toward skill and away from “Whomever gets the most out of the AI wins.”
Ele – Cleansing Fire is necessary now. RtL is only irritating every 40s now. Ether Renewal is now the heal. Whoopdee doo. Cantrip ele is still going to be really strong in the hands of good players, but the bad players who were using it will die now. That said, there really should be something done to make something else work for ele. I think a trait buff that forces them out of heavy investment in Arcane & Water would go a long way to giving them variety.
Engi – Mostly neutral, but 40% burn uptime from just critting? Seems a bit much for a 10 pt trait. Engi already had lots of conditions. Now they have more burn. At least it may add a bit to variety for them.
Mesmer – Meh. The distortion change is impactful, and you’ll see more Moa now. Ok I guess. Nerf+buff.
Necro – CB and Epidemic needed this. Minion Health should have been addressed thu the trait. That DoT better show up on a weaponset too. Necro lacks condition variety at present, and this might go a long way to fixing that if implemented properly.
Guardian – No more treb cheese is good. Sounds like a net buff if retaliation is more bursty.
Overall I suppose decent progress if implemented well.
New Meta: BM-Ranger as close-point holder, because of buffs and distortion-nerf of mesmers.
New Meta: BM-Ranger as close-point holder, because of buffs and distortion-nerf of mesmers.
The devs said it only affects the f4 and I think that as long as the point doesn’t decap while using bf, the nerf is not that big. You still can have a full 4s distortion without letting the point fully decap.
But nevertheless rangers are already deffing close quite often.
New Meta: BM-Ranger as close-point holder, because of buffs and distortion-nerf of mesmers.
The devs said it only affects the f4 and I think that as long as the point doesn’t decap while using bf, the nerf is not that big. You still can have a full 4s distortion without letting the point fully decap.
But nevertheless rangers are already deffing close quite often.
You forgot about blurred frenzy… which is 2s. Mabye mesmers start to play GS instead of sword after the patch.
I said: “as long as the point doesn’t decap while using bf (=blurred frenzy) […]”
Because the buff when you use blurred frenzy is called “blur” and not distortion.
But IF bf does decap the point, the nerf would be hard BUT legit, since no one else can cap a point while being invul.
I said: “as long as the point doesn’t decap while using bf (=blurred frenzy) […]”
Because the buff when you use blurred frenzy is called “blur” and not distortion.
But IF bf does decap the point, the nerf would be hard BUT legit, since no one else can cap a point while being invul.
Oh sorry, I missed the “bf”. Thanks for the information.
You forgot about blurred frenzy… which is 2s. Mabye mesmers start to play GS instead of sword after the patch.
I’m pretty sure the devs in the SOTG said it only affected the Distortion effect from the F4 skill.
SotG notes in text form for those too lazy to watch the full video!
-Signet of Restoration: Passive heal slightly reduced
They only removed “the buggy stuff”, which are multiply heals from doing one action and the healing proc from dodge rolls etc.
They “might” improve its base heal amount, they just needed to fix the buggy stuff first.
You forgot about blurred frenzy… which is 2s. Mabye mesmers start to play GS instead of sword after the patch.
I’m pretty sure the devs in the SOTG said it only affected the Distortion effect from the F4 skill.
Ye, my fault there… someone allrdy advised me of that. Embarassing :/
Deleting the post that you were blatantly trolling in doesn’t mean you weren’t trolling.
Rambling about ele build diversity as an answer doesn’t address anything and doing so right after talking about how ‘serious’ you take this discussion only ironically makes you seem like even more of a troll.
I never said anything about Longbow being noble Dps whatsoever. YOU can stop put your thinking in my line. You can’t denied Longbow is the best set out there to apply condition. And condition ignore armor and toughness. What else has?Lowest health pool among all class. Condition eat us alive if we don’t pay attention to what conditions on us.
I also pray to GoD you never see a decent Warrior Longbow or duel one.
Condition warrior… a threat to an ele??? your not even in the top 1000 on the leaderboard… I’m sorry, I seriously don’t think you know what you are talking about.
Low level pug play is vastly different from competent TPvP.
Speak about what you know, not what you want to know or else everyone will call you a troll because you will be, intentionally or not, trolling.
(edited by garethh.3518)
So I’m 100% positive that people calling for ranger nerfs don’t play or understand the issues the class has at all.
Yes, there is a ranger build or two that is strong at holding points. But that is literally like, the only thing that it is desired for. Outside of a point holding environment (WvW for example, even though I only pvp) the pet AI is a welcomed and necessary change, especially when a class should be able to take full advantage of its class mechanic.
Also, the ranger community is majority in agreement with wanting the damage moved from the pet to the player. Until now it was a nuisance to have to rely on shoddy pet AI for damage, and people generally only play that way because they know it’s powerful but feel pigeonholed into it.
But as usual people would rather cry because they personally aren’t effective against something and call for a nerf, instead of try to understand what position a class is in and realize that maybe until the game is rounded out more and subpar things are brought up to the current level (with new hard counter mechanics being introduced), over nerfing things just hurts the metagame for any profession affected by the nerf (like with what haste did to warriors, for example).
There isn’t a single class that anybody would agree is balanced, and that really is because they all need work, because not a single class is in a good spot in its entirety.
It looks like the patch notes address that, although I think we all can agree that we all hope that patch note list is longer than that (as usual). For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
They haven’t released the patch notes yet right? Does anybody know or have any idea when that will happen? Patch is supposed to be Tuesday (tomorrow) right?
Tourney Changes
-“Very aware of” the need to split premade and solo queue, looking at this for the future.
This is the single biggest issue. This should be a priority, even before looking at skill balances. Anet is killing sPvP. Even quicker than they did in GW1. It will be record time before you have a few organized teams/players/guilds asking why their format is dead, and nobody plays anymore.
If you make the experience horrible for new players to the format, they won’t continue playing. It will kill sPvP if you don’t make this a priority above all else.
Finally some meaningful ele nerfs. Ride the Lightning had too low of a cd and being able to use heals during an invuln was cheesy. Learn how to get your heal skills off like everyone else without a ridiculous crutch.
Mantra cast time reduced from 3.25s to 2.75s
Yeahhhhh that’s what i was waiting for!!!! Mantra opppp!!!
…meanwhile after all those bug fixes pretty sure we’re still going to stuck into walls and stuff when porting…….
…seriously…kitten off… xD
(edited by Archaon.6245)
This is actually worrying. I know everyone’s rejoicing over the death of the dd ele in pvp (because you guys don’t d/d in pve and d/d is a bit strong in pvx right now) but you realize that nerfs come full circle to every profession, right? If everything keeps getting scaled down in net (there’s usually more nerfs than buffs every update), we’ll all be toned to the same shade of gray.
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling
Tourney Changes
-“Very aware of” the need to split premade and solo queue, looking at this for the future.
This is the single biggest issue. This should be a priority, even before looking at skill balances. Anet is killing sPvP. Even quicker than they did in GW1. It will be record time before you have a few organized teams/players/guilds asking why their format is dead, and nobody plays anymore.
If you make the experience horrible for new players to the format, they won’t continue playing. It will kill sPvP if you don’t make this a priority above all else.
It’s like they just don’t care. In game voice chat would one shot this issue
It’s like they just don’t care. In game voice chat would one shot this issue
Anet pvp dev 1:
" Gee, I dunno what’s the problem. I can play sPvP no problem with the other 4 guys while sitting on their laps in the same cubicle. This is totally fun. We’re awesome!"
Anet pvp dev 2:
" Hey, it’s good thing we can talk to each other. Hey Bob, let me hit your keyboard at the same time, so we can sync up our build synergy more effectively." “Now THIS is balance!”
Anet pvp dev 1:
“MMmmrrrr. We totally rolled this random group of rank 10s”. “Go go go”.
Anet pvp dev 3:
“See how this random ele on the other team can hold two of us off for 30s, without a team member helping?”. “We should nerf this”. “This is a TEAM game, after all”.
Anet pvp dev 4:
“Uhh…guys?” “Why aren’t there any more tournament matches being played?” “Guys…..guys?”. “Where’s all the new players?”
Engi – Mostly neutral, but 40% burn uptime from just critting? Seems a bit much for a 10 pt trait. Engi already had lots of conditions. Now they have more burn. At least it may add a bit to variety for them.
The original trait could keep 100% up for high-hit-rate type of attacks like Flamethrower and traited nades. So it’s definitely a reduction in DPS for some builds. It’s a move towards a more consistent DPS improvement from the trait which would work for more builds instead of FT or grenades.