Arcane Crystals
I am rank 21 and I found 30~40 slivers with tons more crystal than that. The drop rate isn’t based on the chests, per se, but the rarity of the pvp item you are salvaging.
For instance, if you are salvaging rabbit weapons, makeshift will never drop crystals, but peacemaker weapons have a very high chance to do so.
Hope that helped.
I’ve gotten a bunch of Slivers, but I don’t think I’ve seen a Crystal since level 10. RNG is RNG I guess.
zero slivers for me…i’m salvaging all the double gear i got….
i didn’t get a single crystal/sliver either till i was rank 16 or 17. keep trying!
I’d get a quite a few of them from deer chests none from dolyak, try deer copper chests so you can salvage a ton of items.
I’d get a quite a few of them from deer chests none from dolyak, try deer copper chests so you can salvage a ton of items.
Mate I’ve done that for 5 ranks and nothing then someone told me “go for silver or gold” and nothing
Strange, I almost exclusively salvage copper chest and I got fair share of both slivers and crystals, they are still very very rare but they do drop for me.
I used to buy the gold boxes, and very very rarely got anything useful, now i just buy the copper and ive gotten a combination of everything, my chances went up, i make some armor and sometimes i crit, if i dont need it i salvage it, and get even better salvage items, a friend of mine made his full heavy plate doing this also.
the RNG on what comes out of a chest and then what you get from salvage seems very biased towards getting tokens, orbs and powder to me, iv tryed bronze silver and gold for decent amount of time each and there seems to be no real differnce between them. im lvl 13 so far and iv only had 2 crystals and 1 silver. wich sucks alot since orb gear (atleast in r1/10 r10/20) looks like lvl 20 pve gear… =[
Nothing wrong with the rates … farm it up!
If you want crystals, purchase silver chests and salvage the loot.
The thing most people seem to be doing is only salvaging their doubles.
U get a hell of a lot more commons than uncommons or even rares so by the time u finally start getting rare doubles you will already be too close to your next “level” of pvp rewards to have a fair chance of dropping slivers/crystals for you before this cycle starts all over again. Sometimes you will never have a rare double at all before you reach the next level.
lvl10, 20, 30, 40 etc etc these mark the levels of pvp reward (rabbit, deer, dolyak etc).
So if you want more crystals/slivers… I’m afraid you will just have to be less of a hoarder and salvage more than only your doubles. Only save the gear you REALLY like and salvage everything else is how I’m doing this once I found out about it and I’m deffinitly getting more crystals and slivers now. Even free tour tokens.
Ofcourse the chances of getting uncommons and rares is higher in silver- and even higher in gold chests than it is in bronze chests. Bronze chests are mostly just really bad in my opinion.
whats the problem? from last patch you can transmute orbs to crystals and crystals to slivers
Oh thanks MaXi i did not know that yet
Going to look into that inmediatly
However, my advice probably still holds true.
I know I’m not changing this personally.