(edited by Azukas.1426)
Are the devs doing anything about Macros?
Macros are in every game thanks to gaming mouse but, GW2 benefits very little from them compared to other mmos.
You really can’t have an advantage unless you play Mesmer and you don’t have the physical finger rotations to hit your 1-5 function keys efficiently. Extra keys on a gaming mouse does the job. No one ever needs a program for a single key press doing multiple functions.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Macros are in every game thanks to gaming mouse but, GW2 benefits very little from them compared to other mmos.
You really can’t have an advantage unless you play Mesmer and you don’t have the physical finger rotations to hit your 1-5 function keys efficiently. Extra keys on a gaming mouse does the job. No one ever needs a program for a single key press doing multiple functions.
Guardian, Engineering, Ele, Warrior, and Rev all benefit from macros……
aslong as 1 button doesnt activate 2+ skills at the same time anet has no problem w/ it.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
aslong as 1 button doesnt activate 2+ skills at the same time anet has no problem w/ it.
Let’s me clarify
They are using macros to activate more than one skill at a time. I will edit OP thx
Just be careful about naming names.
I was watching a person play gw2 awhile ago and their finger dexterity was of the charts. It kinda helped that they were also a proficiently trained typist. Computer peripherals today can have some some lightning fast response times, and the only thing holding them back is the persons input speed.
It should also be noted that that gw2 isn’t very optimized for macro’s. The after-cast/precast of some skills just don’t make macros needed because a normal gamer’s average input speed is sufficient.
Also some macro’s have the disadvantage that once activated they will perform a sequence of inputs. Most professions build rotations are some what predictable in terms of what your looking out for. Once you see the typical chain start, you take a counter measure which then upsets the rest of the macro and puts all of the skills on cool down if you they don’t cancel it.
However the stated policy is, “One button press does one action.”
How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
There aren’t enough buttons in the game to make it “clear” that people use macros. I’m sure some people do, but your post just highlights your own inadequacies instead of pointing out an actual issue.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?
You can usually pick out someone who’s pushing buttons at a rate beyond possibility.
An example would be a player who is doing like 4 button strokes instantaneously. Back in the day the fresh air eles who macro the entire burst chain you could easily spot.
An easy spot is a rev who changes legends and throws up 3 or more buffs the the same time in the middle of a fight.
Macros are in every game thanks to gaming mouse but, GW2 benefits very little from them compared to other mmos.
You really can’t have an advantage unless you play Mesmer and you don’t have the physical finger rotations to hit your 1-5 function keys efficiently. Extra keys on a gaming mouse does the job. No one ever needs a program for a single key press doing multiple functions.
Guardian, Engineering, Ele, Warrior, and Rev all benefit from macros……
No, they don’t. There’s no advantages at all compared to players who just have extra buttons on a mouse.
There was maybe 1 macro on core guardian that instantly popped all virtues while using renewed focus.. that’s because we didn’t want to take the time to remember and press virtues before they get renewed. It was hardly an advantage and you can’t do that on DH.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?
You can usually pick out someone who’s pushing buttons at a rate beyond possibility.
An example would be a player who is doing like 4 button strokes instantaneously. Back in the day the fresh air eles who macro the entire burst chain you could easily spot.
An easy spot is a rev who changes legends and throws up 3 or more buffs the the same time in the middle of a fight.
Is it too hard to believe that the rev can’t press three little mouse buttons at the same time while pressing a weapon swap on his keyboard?
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
I have my utilities bound to Z, X, and C. I can press them all instantaneously. I was accused of macroing back when I mained Warrior for occasionally popping my stances just as fast. There’s nothing in this game that is “obviously” macroing. There were Fresh Air Eles that used macros. There were also ones who used the skills just as fast without them.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
just to throw it out there…
Packet loss can often look like macros. (and sometimes in combination with fps drops)
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
(edited by Daishi.6027)
How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?
You can usually pick out someone who’s pushing buttons at a rate beyond possibility.
An example would be a player who is doing like 4 button strokes instantaneously. Back in the day the fresh air eles who macro the entire burst chain you could easily spot.
An easy spot is a rev who changes legends and throws up 3 or more buffs the the same time in the middle of a fight.
Is it too hard to believe that the rev can’t press three little mouse buttons at the same time while pressing a weapon swap on his keyboard?
while dodging strafing and using defensive skills….yes
I’m not talking a fast push I’m talking 3 buffs at the same time while doing all that.
DH moving and acting normal pulls out a full ji and burst rotation in fractions of a second. People practice those rotations so I expect decent players to be fast + Internet can play some neat tricks. I’ve run into a couple that I was pretty sure of though. Really popular for thieves in wvw for example. Steal cnd backstab is an easy one. For me that’s just r51 so wouldn’t be too fancy anyway.
DH moving and acting normal pulls out a full ji and burst rotation in fractions of a second. People practice those rotations so I expect decent players to be fast + Internet can play some neat tricks. I’ve run into a couple that I was pretty sure of though. Really popular for thieves in wvw for example. Steal cnd backstab is an easy one. For me that’s just r51 so wouldn’t be too fancy anyway.
Steal CnD BS isn’t that hard its only 3 buttons and you are timing them all at the same time.
You can tell is all i’m saying and I wonder does anet do anything about it?
Just to add my two cents, but I run a gaming setup with a left-handed keyboard & 12-button mouse. I have all of my skills bound to 1 to 5, shift-1 to 5, ctrl-1 to 5, etc. I can very rapidly cycle through all skills on a class using 3 fingers on my left hand pressing 1-5 and 1 finger on my mouse pressing shift/ctrl. Macroing in this game isn’t needed at all, just intelligent keybinding reducing the number of keystrokes down to five or seven keys total.
DH moving and acting normal pulls out a full ji and burst rotation in fractions of a second. People practice those rotations so I expect decent players to be fast + Internet can play some neat tricks. I’ve run into a couple that I was pretty sure of though. Really popular for thieves in wvw for example. Steal cnd backstab is an easy one. For me that’s just r51 so wouldn’t be too fancy anyway.
On that note, I can camera pan directly behind me while auto attacking in front of me. My Tab key is the Enemy toggle, a single press will usually target the person i’m looking at or i’ll just click off target and press Tab. That’s an instant Judges + ToF + Smite conditon on a new target I wasn’t even facing.
Macros is a lazy way of doing what many players can already do efficiently.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?
You can usually pick out someone who’s pushing buttons at a rate beyond possibility.
An example would be a player who is doing like 4 button strokes instantaneously. Back in the day the fresh air eles who macro the entire burst chain you could easily spot.
An easy spot is a rev who changes legends and throws up 3 or more buffs the the same time in the middle of a fight.
I got told plenty im using macros during the fresh air times. Never used any. Dont think theres really a way for people to identify macros for sure either, even with the in game logs(dont think theyre accurate enough).
After learnign to play and using a gamin mouse with 12 extra buttons i have a hard time to see the benifits of macros. I even don´t want to always fire the same chain with my ele.
I have 1-10 on my mouse and added fire/eath attunement on the latch between fingers.
I do move with the arrow keys and bound targeting obove, jumping to the right and air/water left so i have space between movign keys and utilities. When i fire the classic air swap it might feel like a macro …. If someone jumps close i might hit 2-5 buttons nearly at once depending what i want to acieve.
Possible example aginst a power class: I might dodge, F4, 4, 7,9 and follow with 2 the moment i see a leap initiating.
I will flash like a boon christmas tree puting up: 4 hits on the attacker doing about 2k damage and a condi bomb while going into tank mode with fire aura and reflection.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
How do you know they weren’t just pressing mulitple buttons at once?
You can usually pick out someone who’s pushing buttons at a rate beyond possibility.
An example would be a player who is doing like 4 button strokes instantaneously. Back in the day the fresh air eles who macro the entire burst chain you could easily spot.
An easy spot is a rev who changes legends and throws up 3 or more buffs the the same time in the middle of a fight.
Is it too hard to believe that the rev can’t press three little mouse buttons at the same time while pressing a weapon swap on his keyboard?
while dodging strafing and using defensive skills….yes
I’m not talking a fast push I’m talking 3 buffs at the same time while doing all that.
ill believe it when i see a video of it. until then im calling bs
I don’t see any advantages using macro now a days unless you wanted to build a community and start blinding the children, they easy to determine using naked eye; not saying better script win games but the fact that combat logs cannot determine such software and so on (only skill that has been thrown) and considering those who buy some high end gaming apparatus also people that have disability. All i see is OP is whining cos he got handicapped by players who invested on their gaming career and wanted to ruin others fun experience. my advice is learn and take them as a motivation to enhance your reflexes.
Although if Arena.net wanted to go Esporting path they really need to upscale their people and hire some ingame police to facilitate matches, i mean not all of us are Tournament level material players so what gives.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
yeah i can hit all of the Glint macros at the same time on my mouse no problem….. also used to be able to do the stow tricks on ele and mes without macros np……
anyone complaining about macros is really just showing they are a sore sport who wants to blame their on shortcomings on others.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Reminded me of a person who blamed Helseth for using macro. You never can be sure…
I have a question about “pushing all my buttons at once?” Do you always get the same and desired results? I know that when I accidentally push more than 1 key at once it almost always ruins my progression. I also notice that I do not get more than 1 action at the same time, so I have to question how valid it is to say “I can push all my buttons at once” and get both the same and desirable results. I agree with the op, I have had encounters in spvp where I was hit and burst down to almost no health before I could phase retreat or stealth. So, is it possible for people to either use and therefore abuse macros? I think the possibility exists because people are prone to take the path of least resistance, and that leads some to cheating by variegated methods.
I have a question about “pushing all my buttons at once?” Do you always get the same and desired results? I know that when I accidentally push more than 1 key at once it almost always ruins my progression. I also notice that I do not get more than 1 action at the same time, so I have to question how valid it is to say “I can push all my buttons at once” and get both the same and desirable results. I agree with the op, I have had encounters in spvp where I was hit and burst down to almost no health before I could phase retreat or stealth. So, is it possible for people to either use and therefore abuse macros? I think the possibility exists because people are prone to take the path of least resistance, and that leads some to cheating by variegated methods.
With a good keybind set and a mouse with lateral buttons, with some pratice you can for example land the burst of FA Ele (scepter) always in the same way.
I mean, Phoenix + lighing flash + swap air + arcane blast + air 2.
It can still 100-0 a mesmer and is not really difficult to do it when you got some muscolar memory.
9/10 times I do it perfectly without any macro, never used One.
Maybe sometime you are not lucky with crits, or the target maybe random Dodge or predict it, but thats not the point I think.
To be clear, when I was using SF Ele, for example I had:
Phoenix in that button between right and left mouse button (don’t know the english name for it)
Lighing flash on lateral mouse button
Air swap on lateral mouse button
Aracane blast on shift
Skill 2 on default button.
(edited by lucadiro.4519)
Ok I personally use a Naga myself. I’ve put hours and hours into perfecting combos to be able to do them at a speed that many have been astounded by.
That being said there are players who are mapping more than 1 action to a key stroke. Just wondering if they actually do anything about it.
(BTW this isn’t vs pro level players just run of the mill players)
The only thing macros are good in Gw2 is to play instrument, otherwise we have so few skills ,using a macro will only cripple you in pvp, trust me…
The best solution is to keybind the best setup for you and train.
The only thing macros are good in Gw2 is to play instrument, otherwise we have so few skills ,using a macro will only cripple you in pvp, trust me…
The best solution is to keybind the best setup for you and train.
I can make,a macro that will cycle through all the ele attunement while using key skills in each one. I can even incorporate dodges in that entire chain.
Heck I played BnS and that game was filled with bots playing in pvp and winning. Why do I bring up that game? Because it takes way more skill then this one.
There’s no combo in this game that you cannot pull off without a macro. Mantra Mesmer burst requires the most button presses and that is easily doable without a macro, especially with the feature that locks onto targets for abilities. That being said, some people will use macros because they cannot pull them off.
Here’s a video I found to highlight what I’m talking about.
It’s short but you can notice what i’m talking about.
People don’t use macros for “fast button pushing” in GW2. Any normal player can push buttons as fast as any macro, due to skill animation time and recharge. People use macros for precision so something is done correctly 100% of the time. Examples:
- Benefit optimal stealth procs with heartseeker through a single bp shot.
- Benefit optimal amount of might blasting with a complex skill rotation.
- Benefit optimal amount of healing in a water field.
- Make a skill such as Ranger Sword #2 do this → Replace #2 on the game mouse with an actual macro for Sword #2. Macro will push Sword #2 once, then automatically about face, then push Sword #2 again, to ensure the 180 degree escape in an optimal amount of time, with no fumbling.
The macros simply decrease the rate of fumbling key strokes. It’s arguable if this is a significant advantage or not.
Here’s a video I found to highlight what I’m talking about.
It’s short but you can notice what i’m talking about.
You can do it easy without any macro, just a bit of training lol
Here’s a video I found to highlight what I’m talking about.
It’s short but you can notice what i’m talking about.
Looks cool and all but you can do it w/o macro and if the guy dodge it you just find yourself with cooldowns leading to your death.
Here’s a video I found to highlight what I’m talking about.
It’s short but you can notice what i’m talking about.
You can do it easy without any macro, just a bit of training lol
9 button presses with a few of them instantaneously hitting 2 or more at a time that fast in regular unranked games…..lol
_ lucadiro.4519
In a way you underscore what I am trying to say. You still have a progression, regardless of where you bind your keys. It’s 1 key stroke per action, even if its at an extremely high velocity, it still remains 1 key per action in a sequenced progression. Pressing them all at once with the hope of getting a controlled “burst” effect is very highly unlikely. I do not doubt that people can become quite proficient in going through progressions rapidly, that’s not what I think the op is getting at either. I go through my progressions rapidly and efficiently but not flawlessly and perfectly, especially in combat, no matter how much I practice. I also have to adapt to the situation, so my progression may change depending on team composition, need of the team at the moment, etc. Muscle memory is a real thing, as a former athlete you train yourself to do some pretty amazing things, so that’s not in question either.
As to dropping a Mesmer from 100% to 0 that quickly, it’s highly doubtful you could down a Mesmer at 24922 (current Meta build is running Carrion amulet – so do I on my build) before it can phase retreat, block, dodge, stealth/blink, heal, or use distortion, and disengage. So, I stand with the op, there are irregularities that make it hard to believe that some are not abusing macros and, consequently, that’s why Anet has rules regarding key bindings, so as to make it clear what is acceptable and unacceptable. The old adage “if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying” is blatantly false, the only way one should reap the rewards of winning is if one competes by the rules as it is in every other sport on the planet to insure fair and fun competition.
(edited by Soothsayer.9206)
Here’s a video I found to highlight what I’m talking about.
It’s short but you can notice what i’m talking about.
You can do it easy without any macro, just a bit of training lol
9 button presses with a few of them instantaneously hitting 2 or more at a time that fast in regular unranked games…..lol
Well I’m used to do it with scepter focus and only One arcane skill so for me they are only 5 skills… But again if you get trained for it Yes, you can do it close to istant everytime you are off cd to do it. I do with 5 skills, so 5 buttons.
I mean, if you play a burst build like Ele fresh air the most important thing to learn is how to do your burst so would be strange for me if someone that play burst Ele can’t do it with that speed.
Then ok, for sure there are people using Marcos, or at least there were people using them, but most of the people can do combo of 5+ skills without.
You forget that one of the most efficient macro in this game is used for jumpdodge and many ppl use it. They can be the worst players you ever saw but they can always 100% do perfect jumpdodge.
The problem is it’s basically impossible for a standard bystander to tell the difference between a macro and a proficient player, unless you are analyzing their system.
I’ve been accused of using macros when I play mantra mes (I don’t). The burst requires a lot of inputs in a short period of time, but I’ve just practiced doing it until I got consistent. It’s as simple as that. Plus a macro honestly wouldn’t benefit me much because the burst patterns change depending on the situation. I’d imagine it’s the same for other classes.
I won’t deny that there is a possibility that there is some macro abuse happening, however I think the vast majority of complaints are just people who haven’t put a lot of time into developing their game-play. As a result they under-estimating how proficient people can become at video games.
There are games far more physically demanding than Guild Wars 2 that people have shown even greater proficiency in. For example Smash Bros Melee with l-cancelling, multi-shining, wave-shining, wave-landing, etc. I suggest you watch this video before you complain about how fast players execute skills in GW2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXgpGBbh5r8
Also in Starcraft II pro players reach speeds of 10 actions per second (Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/video-games/how-fast-fast-some-pro-gamers-make-10-moves-second-f8C11422946)
So I’ll just end is saying I disagree with OP’s comment about “blatant macro abuse”. Especially concerning the speed at which players execute skills.
There were other comments about macros specifically jump-dodging. That likely has some merit I suppose, but again its kind of impossible for the standard bystander to tell the difference between macro abuse and player efficiency. I think most of the complains about macros are just people throwing around accusations.
But meh this is just my two cents of course.
The problem is it’s basically impossible for a standard bystander to tell the difference between a macro and a proficient player, unless you are analyzing their system.
I’ve been accused of using macros when I play mantra mes (I don’t). The burst requires a lot of inputs in a short period of time, but I’ve just practiced doing it until I got consistent. It’s as simple as that. Plus a macro honestly wouldn’t benefit me much because the burst patterns change depending on the situation. I’d imagine it’s the same for other classes.
I won’t deny that there is a possibility that there is some macro abuse happening, however I think the vast majority of complaints are just people who haven’t put a lot of time into developing their game-play. As a result they under-estimating how proficient people can become at video games.
There are games far more physically demanding than Guild Wars 2 that people have shown even greater proficiency in. For example Smash Bros Melee with l-cancelling, multi-shining, wave-shining, wave-landing, etc. I suggest you watch this video before you complain about how fast players execute skills in GW2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXgpGBbh5r8
Also in Starcraft II pro players reach speeds of 10 actions per second (Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/video-games/how-fast-fast-some-pro-gamers-make-10-moves-second-f8C11422946)
So I’ll just end is saying I disagree with OP’s comment about “blatant macro abuse”. Especially concerning the speed at which players execute skills.
There were other comments about macros specifically jump-dodging. That likely has some merit I suppose, but again its kind of impossible for the standard bystander to tell the difference between macro abuse and player efficiency. I think most of the complains about macros are just people throwing around accusations.
But meh this is just my two cents of course.
I highlighted the important part of your post. This is in generic queuing with zero pro players.
Like I said you can tell.
p.s. He’s not playing on a LAN with a controller either. Completely different.
(edited by Azukas.1426)
aslong as 1 button doesnt activate 2+ skills at the same time anet has no problem w/ it.
Let’s me clarify
They are using macros to activate more than one skill at a time. I will edit OP thx
How do you know this though?
Some people have gaming mouse with 19 buttons and have easy access to fast rotations.
Some abilities can be used in conjunction with other skills too depending on if they have a cast time.
….. And Elementalist.
aslong as 1 button doesnt activate 2+ skills at the same time anet has no problem w/ it.
Let’s me clarify
They are using macros to activate more than one skill at a time. I will edit OP thx
How do you know this though?
Some people have gaming mouse with 19 buttons and have easy access to fast rotations.
Some abilities can be used in conjunction with other skills too depending on if they have a cast time.
b/c i use said mouse with 19 buttons in total
I’m not facing players from the pro league here when I say this. I’m facing players who are casual to semi casual gamers. This 600 APM isn’t what they can achieve, but they are hitting macros which do this. I think people are forgetting this
aslong as 1 button doesnt activate 2+ skills at the same time anet has no problem w/ it.
Let’s me clarify
They are using macros to activate more than one skill at a time. I will edit OP thx
How do you know this though?
Some people have gaming mouse with 19 buttons and have easy access to fast rotations.
Some abilities can be used in conjunction with other skills too depending on if they have a cast time.
b/c i use said mouse with 19 buttons in total
I’m not facing players from the pro league here when I say this. I’m facing players who are casual to semi casual gamers. This 600 APM isn’t what they can achieve, but they are hitting macros which do this. I think people are forgetting this
Are you basing these accusations off of some one’s 1v1 recorded duels or is it something you automatically assume when you die to a player?
This game isn’t based on APM and you have no idea what their action speeds are in-game. Macros in general are bad unless your a baddie fighting other baddies… which would make you what..? An above average baddie?
You are sounding quite outlandish now.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
aslong as 1 button doesnt activate 2+ skills at the same time anet has no problem w/ it.
Let’s me clarify
They are using macros to activate more than one skill at a time. I will edit OP thx
How do you know this though?
Some people have gaming mouse with 19 buttons and have easy access to fast rotations.
Some abilities can be used in conjunction with other skills too depending on if they have a cast time.
b/c i use said mouse with 19 buttons in total
I’m not facing players from the pro league here when I say this. I’m facing players who are casual to semi casual gamers. This 600 APM isn’t what they can achieve, but they are hitting macros which do this. I think people are forgetting this
Everytime I watch the video, I can see he casts short cast time CD’s before activating his no cast time abilities which is why they appear to be used at the same time…
I main ele mostly, I can do rotations that fast. On D/D doing those rotations too quick for might stacking with Earth 4 > 5 too fast will cause it too bug out and not recognize any blast finishers.
Another thing about the video, it’s a short burst under no pressure against a stationary target. He probably tried that rotation for hours before posting the 2 successful ones.
….. And Elementalist.
Stop trying to defend this. Macros are real and they are being used a lot in this game. I can create a macro to reproduce bursts on classes that are “high” skill level. I can do this at the push of one button. It’s not hard to set it up, and gives a distinct advantage to the person using them b/c they don’t have to worry about actually landing it.
Don’t post here like you can legitly reproduce the combo speeds on par with macros if you aren’t a pro, b/c you can’t. If you could you’d be competing for money and I don’t think a single person in this thread is currently doing that.
Thank You
Whether or not macros are used, they’re not a significant issue in the game. None of the strongest builds would really benefit from them, and if you’re losing to something that would (SF ele?), then there’s bigger issues there.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Stop trying to defend this. Macros are real and they are being used a lot in this game. I can create a macro to reproduce bursts on classes that are “high” skill level. I can do this at the push of one button. It’s not hard to set it up, and gives a distinct advantage to the person using them b/c they don’t have to worry about actually landing it.
Don’t post here like you can legitly reproduce the combo speeds on par with macros if you aren’t a pro, b/c you can’t. If you could you’d be competing for money and I don’t think a single person in this thread is currently doing that.
Thank You
Ok first of all no one is defending it, people here on this thread are trying to enlighten you with some knowledge to what you originally posted. Now you say “everyone” and change the topic of your own forum post AND removed your original video. If you posted that as the topic to begin with, people would have most likely agreed with you because it’s allowed to a certain extent.
Secondly, muscle memory can allow people to make rotations fast enough to appear they have a macro when they don’t, especially on a 19 button MMO gaming mouse. As someone else pointed out, Macros are usually Black Powder + Heartseeker or small moves like that.
Thank You.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
im a casual player and i can do that combo in your video no problem…. on a rev i do what you were talking about without even thinking about it lol… just reflex now.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Stop trying to defend this. Macros are real and they are being used a lot in this game. I can create a macro to reproduce bursts on classes that are “high” skill level. I can do this at the push of one button. It’s not hard to set it up, and gives a distinct advantage to the person using them b/c they don’t have to worry about actually landing it.
Don’t post here like you can legitly reproduce the combo speeds on par with macros if you aren’t a pro, b/c you can’t. If you could you’d be competing for money and I don’t think a single person in this thread is currently doing that.
Thank You
Normally I dont take the time to respond to threads like this…. But as someone who mained glass power shatter mesmer/chrono for 3 years…. i can assure you that macros are obvious… but not in a good way….. the main power shatter burst rotation is 6-9 buttons…… doing that with a macro will produce the right button combos.. maybe? But it will completely screw the positioning…. no high skill cap class benefits from just the corrects buttons. sword 3/x weapon swap GS 2,4,3 shatters f1 f3 f2 was the optimal burst for a long time….. And doing it right required a set up with proper positioning. A good shatter mesmer would also pull it off in a single second…. no macros…. Helseth still has streams on his twitch of him doing it before he even got a gaming mouse…. Fresh Air eles may lower their skill cap by using their macro… but they only are lowering the cap they can reach. the classes cap will just be out of their reach by choosing to go that route. Thats true with every class. if you honestly feel you can produce a macroed power mesmer shatter combo in a real gameplay situation I will give you 100 gold if you can manage to hit me with 1 clone…
Have seen DHs do it. But w/e.