Are the queue times getting worse again?
I pretty much stopped playing all together, insanely long que times. Even when I do finally get a game, they are always blow outs on either sides.
Heavens Rage
Are u guys on Na cause i dont have that kind of problems on Eu especially on prime times
I play on both NA and EU. EU is much much faster.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
i play team arena on NA.
the queue time is fast. almost instant.
otherwise we wait 1 minute +
there was once we waited 5+ minutes or close to 10 minutes and we got matched up with the former top 10 players on the NA leaderboard. we got 500 – 0 in that match. one of my members was kinda traumatized by that. XD
past 1-2 weeks que has become longer from all moust instant to 3-5 min but probably it depends on the time of the day (EU servers)
last days the mists (pvp lobby) looked same as the elona- mists before the patch and this with megaserver now
when all this people sitting in megaserver is complete EU than yes we have now much lower players than before^^