Are you enjoying the builds u use in ranked?
I use my own build and am very happy with it… it suits my play style. I even get compliments like “keep using that cheese class you cheese engineer”. From people I’m standing on top of. Nothing more affirming then that.
Then I get friendly teammates informing me that Engineers are not meta anymore… and where are my gyros. It’s wonderful.
I think the builds are fine, some of them are unfun for me such as d/f ele so I never play that in ranked even if I know I am reducing my win chance by having no ele on team.
I mostly play on some level, meta builds. The traits and stuff mostly the same as metabattle with slight tweaks depending on team comps and stuff. In general, every trait is chosen because it is clearly the best one. There are some cases where you could choose other traits but it’s rare so even if you come up with your own builds, assuming you pick what is best, you’ll end up with something like the meta build.
For climbing to legend I used a variety such as:
Scrapper Hammer power
Condi zerker
Honestly the best thing to keep from being bored is to have different playstyles/classes you can adjust to. I can’t imagine playing ele all the way from Amber to Legend, that would bore me to tears. Different roles like Roamer, Brusier, Bunker, Support etc would make it more interesting imo.
Of course the best thing would be if ANet actually had good balance so that multiple viable/meta builds were available but that’s probably not all that possible atm without serious trait / class reworks which I doubt would happen.
Honestly, if you are a decent enough player you can play what ever you really want. I’ve played old builds, pre-hot builds, wonky builds, and everything in between. Unless you are playing organized 5 v 5, it rarely comes down to your build.
Honestly, if you are a decent enough player you can play what ever you really want. I’ve played old builds, pre-hot builds, wonky builds, and everything in between. Unless you are playing organized 5 v 5, it rarely comes down to your build.
but in matches that determine whether or not you are a decent player, they are organised 5v5.
Not enjoying at all, every class is pigeonholed into ONE useful build, making build diversity completely non-existant, and turning this game into “Attack of Clones” pretty much and devs, instead of fixing broken stuff/buffing useless specs just keep removing amulets, falsely thinking that it actually does anything good for the game.
I would not enjoy having to play the engi meta. I don’t like the play style the engi meta requires now, its not to my taste. It would be nice if a wider variety of builds were equally viable, or at least considered that way so everyone doesn’t jump on me when I don’t pop gyros
Yes, I am.
I enjoy using meta and non-meta builds. I always try to take build that is most efficient to my team. In diamond most players use meta builds so I need to adapt and counter those builds.
2 warriors at enemy team? No matter are they power or condi, they use defence traitline and resistance stance. So my team needs corrupt or boon strip. Done.
2 DHs at enemy team? Well lets take some reflection and stability so those traps and arrows are just useless.
Ele+druid? Let’s just take DPS and heavy CC build and burst them so they flee or down fast.
Also using non-meta builds give sometimes advantage to your team because enemy always first thinks it’s metabattle build so they target you first or last in teamfights and that can be advantage.
Let’s be honest, meditrapper, healbot ele and condi warr aren’t the most thrilling specs to play. Since the removal of it’s old amulet, condi mesmer is slightly more entertaining.
Unless you think that ONLY the 100 rated builds are viable there’s actually some pretty solid variety in metabattle builds. From my experience the great and good rated builds do just as well if played correctly. They just aren’t necessarily the easiest builds to faceroll with.
I tend to make a lot of my own builds, but I also go on metabattle and play the various meta builds to see how they tick. And quite often I find them to be very fun too! So I’ll take the build off metabattle and then tweak it to my liking until the build meshes better with my playstyle. You’d be surprised how much of a difference a few skill and trait swaps can make.