ArenaNet RoadMap wishes

ArenaNet RoadMap wishes

in PvP

Posted by: fy f y.5392

fy f y.5392


As my sensei said :

Attract more people

- Put the game with HOT free just for PvP, with the possibility to buy the complete of course.
- advertise more on PvP with InGame messages, with a new PvP screen and on the game launcher.
- Creation of a replay feature for all AT matches, available inGame, like in GW1 for gvg & hoh.
- Continue to put reals pvp rewards, not available in pve.
- Rewards have to be significants for the top players. We have to recognize them, maybe the cape system of gw1.
- inGame tuto for PvP
- No ranked before lvl 30

PvP Generals

- SoloQ / TeamQ with 2 disctincts ladders with 2 kinds of rewards, 5v5 rewards > solo rewards.
- Both ladders will be seen inGame
- Add the possibility to pick a class at the game begin, like in LOL, so no more class stacking. If you deco, or want to go on character selection => return ingame with first class picked.
- No more need to have each classes on your account, creation of a screen to skin&build each classes, so everybody will have all classes pre-configured for matchs.
You can access HOTM with any classes, no matter for the matches.
- build save&load (with stuff of course)
- 2 more maps for conquest
- At the end of a match, like in LoL or OW, gie ve the possibility to vote for the MVP or the mose helpfull etc…
- BO3 for divisions change (up&down)

- WTS comes back.
- Tournament of legend comes back.
- A dedicated site for e-sport, like the old one for WTS, but with more informations, like tournament supported by community.
- Help the community for the tournament organisation (rewards, advertising) more like now.
- ESL comes back ? or Internals Tournament at fixed hours ( now like actual AT….)

- MatchMaking is a problem with low population, it can be resolve with attracting more players (yep i know it’s easy but true)
- ArenaNet plz stop think community will help you to improve this part of the game, just do it (again see sensei part at begin)

The end
- sorry for my english i am a stranger (lol)
- i miss a lot of things ( it’s sure )
- fell free to contribute
- thanks all to read this.

ArenaNet RoadMap wishes

in PvP

Posted by: Deathok.2914


Why don’t you just play LoL if you want GW2 to be exactly like that.
Even if most of your suggestions are good the LoL ones are pathetic.
You forgot that gw2 is not a pure pvp game, you cannot expect the system to be like LoL where you don’t even need to create characters and stuff, get over that.
I do like those ideas from Gw1 though

Toreno #16

ArenaNet RoadMap wishes

in PvP

Posted by: fy f y.5392

fy f y.5392

“Why don’t you just play LoL if you want GW2 to be exactly like that.”
I just watcth what is good on other games. And i found this system pretty good.

" LoL ones are pathetic."
plz don’t be so easy in trash talking and help to improve if you have idea, or tell us you are happy with current system

“You forgot that gw2 is not a pure pvp game”
Yes i know, it’s maybe the main issue, maybe it is necessary to separate these two modes of games ?

“where you don’t even need to create characters and stuff, get over that”
Just plz see what happened actually in pvp, your stuff is not necessary. Just the skins are.
you can easily imagine a user interface just to change skins/color of all stuff on all classes for PvP.

(edited by fy f y.5392)

ArenaNet RoadMap wishes

in PvP

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


First season for me. My thoughts on incentives and other things I’d like to see:

Better stats. PvP players love to crunch numbers. Give us more detailed stats. For instance, I might like to know how my average contribution to team heals vs.other players of my class matches up within my rating tier and compared to other tiers. The more access the better.

Exclusive rewards, yes. But not just for the guys at the top and not just for playing games. How about rewards when you advance to a new rating tier for the first time? It may not be an accomplishment for legendary players to reach platinum, but everyone has their level of play.

ArenaNet RoadMap wishes

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Better stats. PvP players love to crunch numbers. Give us more detailed stats. For instance, I might like to know how my average contribution to team heals vs.other players of my class matches up within my rating tier and compared to other tiers.

May seem like a fun way to compare your profession to another, but it will no way measure in-game skill level. It will also be inaccurate because a Bunker Guardian will have vastly different stats than a Burn Guard or a Power Guard.

Also… players will compare stats in a toxic way like how it was before. It’s a step back.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld