Ascended Drops still a thing in PvP?
It’s called RNG, it varies sometimes.
As someone who plays PvP exclusively you have no need of ascended drops.
I’ve gotten about 7 boxes since HoT. 2 from the Tybalt reward tracks that were released a little while ago.
Ironically PvP gives more ascended box drops than fractals.
I’ve gotten about 7 boxes since HoT. 2 from the Tybalt reward tracks that were released a little while ago.
Ironically PvP gives more ascended box drops than fractals.
Wow lucky,
I play all of the game and i havent gotten anything from PvP or fractals since the HOT release. I dont fractal often but when i do, i see other people get ascended.
I used to get one or two a day from the random loot containers., now I have much much higher magic find and I haven’t found one for months.
As someone who plays exclusively PvP this is a little upsetting.
Yep I droped a ascended armor chest a few days ago. It’s all RNG.
Herald of Ventari
I didn’t even know ascended dropped from pvp boxes.
Shows how many drops I’ve gotten.
yeah RNG is a thing here, also magic find has no effect on anything other than rare drops(yellow name). And yes they do drop still, and yes weirdly better drom pvp than from anywhere else(go figure).
Got ascended ring from a normal loot box randomly last week.
I’ve gotten 5 armor chests and a weapon chest from PvP in the last few months….from the dry top reward track!
Ascended drop are going to depend on the reward tracks. The tracks associated with dungeons and regions are move likely to dry these things I believe. Just got a ascended Knights chest from ascalonian catacombs track last night.