AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: TurreT EngineeR.8106

TurreT EngineeR.8106

This is so racist why am I not allowed to join

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Why did I get moved off of my team, Team Eta, into the Panda team? We were practicing last night and trying to plan our comp and such.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Rhazmoket.2937


I’m not really getting the repartition of pugs in teams though, one would expect top players to be separated to allow a bit of balancing, yet i see some teams with two and some with none. I can’t see people’s MMR of course but it still seems a bit unbalanced to me :p. (And of course i’m basing my opinion on people i could actually see live, or whose name i saw pop at some point in the pvp history, maybe i’ll be surprised)

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: December.3946


Sorry about the confusion. One of our admin accidentally published too soon. We had to tweak the teams and players around to accommodate more players which led to rebalancing of a few teams! Next week, we will publish the complete teams and bracket Friday night (late registration are still accepted though. This means that players who register early will be guaranteed a spot.)

Physicks [The Dankening]

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Aztex.4895


Good Idea. Now, I hope this is a success, so we can have one like this in Europe!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: TheFamster.7806


Please tell me there is a stream! I really want to watch how this goes.


AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: BLUna.7928


The Stream is now live over at This link! Join us for commentary, gem giveaways, and more!

Retired GW2 Shoutcaster
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: December.3946


PUG Quest #2 sign ups is now live!

Physicks [The Dankening]

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Elitist.8701


Man im so mad I wasn’t able to get home until an hour after the tourney started!!! ARGHHHHHH


Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Josh Davis.6015


Josh Davis.6015

This was a lot of fun – was able to play with a mix of new and experienced players. We ended up making it into the fourth round or so, knocked into loser’s by Wakkey’s team and eliminated inloser’s by Phanta’s team.

I hope I can make it next week!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This was a lot of fun – was able to play with a mix of new and experienced players. We ended up making it into the fourth round or so, knocked into loser’s by Wakkey’s team and eliminated inloser’s by Phanta’s team.

I hope I can make it next week!

Do this for Eu, thx :P

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: jbondo.9817


Good games Grouch!

Dusty Dawg

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


I haven’t gotten my work schedule for this week yet, but hopefully I can be there for the next one. I heard the matches this time were all really close for the first one.

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: syxx.7893


That was a great experience on Saturday (granted we lost all 3 games) but I had fun and can’t wait to try again.

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Spencer.5792


Very fun to watch!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Willson.8170


Second weeks signups are up! Be sure to check them out!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Odysseus.8095


Everyone should participate, good tourney.

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


We’ve still got room for some more people. Come win some shiny gemmers!

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: BLUna.7928


Stream will be live again today (Saturday) at 4PM ET. We’ll be giving away another 800 gem code to viewers that follow. Stream will be viewable here

Retired GW2 Shoutcaster
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


If anyone needs a sub just send a msg. got off work a bit earlier then i expected.
you shall find me in game ladies/gents

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Testudo.4620


maybe next time

Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


Helseth + Texbi commentating has been amazing lol.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Willson.8170


Remember to sign up guys, you have the chance to get llamas! we love it if teams sign up!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: December.3946


Pug Quest #4 is up!

Physicks [The Dankening]

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Willson.8170


Teams are welcome to sign up guys!

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: BLUna.7928


I got a couple emails about this. My retirement as a caster has no bearing on these events, they will continue as normal. We are however looking for someone to stream/cast this event on a weekly basis, if anyone is interested they can email me at

Retired GW2 Shoutcaster
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Spencer.5792


The Dream! Good bye Blu Poo

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Sunfish.5970



Poopy Person : (

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: Spencer.5792


Magical llamas