Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
Unsure if this has been mentioned before or not, but does it seem like Asura size gives them an unfair advantage?
I mean against a great big burly norn it is very easy to see their animations, though very last minute it can be enough to keep you one step ahead. Blocking for instance, I honestly can’t even tell when an Asura is shield blocking, the sudden ping of “block” is the only indicator, yet against a bigger target you don’t even need to waste cooldowns to see that your attacks will accomplish nothing. Also some players run without signets or passives, which are the easiest way to identify profession. Without those I look to their armour and animations, when I can see neither it makes it much harder to tell what I’m up against. I mean you really want to know if a thief is running at you, cause you’re about to take three very painful hits and find yourself turned to stone, you can easily pick a regular sized race, but Asura? It’s just a guessing game…
Yeh it has been mentioned before. ANd it does give an advantage, espicially when all the aoe from an elementalist covers people up. It is fine though, at least the asura is the quickest starter mission to do lol so you dont have to do much pve :P
This has definitely been brought up several times. I’m just gonna warn you…your discussion isn’t going to go very far. To try to be objective about it: there is a large group of players who thinks the models are fine, there is another large group of players that thing its not fine, and every time I’ve seen the topic, I don’t think anyone was particularly convinced of the opposing argument.
Totally agree, Asura are OP.
People forget that asuras are ugly as hell…. thats why they need some kind of advantage.
Can’t wait for this fictional eSport thing to happen, and all 10 players are asura.
I could actually imagine their model size getting boosted in PvP/WvW, oh the ugly, all of the ugly.
But seriously, another example, the Mesmer’s no. 2 skill with the sword, granting them evasiveness or whatever it is, that animation is crystal clear on normal sized opponents and is a clear indicator to get the hell out of there. An Asura pulled that one on me and my fire breath buried him to the point where I thought someone had spammed blindness on me at first. Hell it even takes me a split second longer to react to a 100b, which can be very costly. I’m sure the seasoned veterans who can predict each move their opponent makes has no need to reference their animations, but just know you are in the absolute minority of players :]
I can’t really think of a solution other than literally boosting their model size in PvP situations, but I highly doubt that will ever happen. Or y’know… Everyone plays Asura… But looking good > hiding your animations :P
(edited by Dolan.3071)
I think this issue needs more attention. I main as a human guardian, but I’m tempted to re-roll as an asura because of the smaller, harder to detect attack animations. Seeing the attack animation is key so you avoid certain skills like the guardian hammer launch #4 skill. On points where knockbacks are critical, such as the clocktower in battle of kyhlo, fighting against an asura guardian is a nightmare. It seems like a pretty unfair advantage to have.
Asura should be giant human sized asuras in spvp. =P
Wait until you fought an 5 men team Asura and dye themselves all black. Until then you haven’t seen a true nightmare yet.
Wait until you fought an 5 men team Asura and dye themselves all black. Until then you haven’t seen a true nightmare yet.
My favorite is when people have identical asura with bar code names (LlllllLll) and they’re all MM or mesmers.
Oh god this again…
I wish i could transmute my characters into Asura for pvp.
Yeah just upscale all Asura models to the larger sized in S Yeah just upscale all Asura models to the largest sized in S PVPPVP
Many people have posted this, not a month passes without one of these threads.
Devs have not taken a stance either way on this issue, so they probably regard it as a non-problem.
Last thread was 4 pages long…
Suggestions were given:
Give the option to display all models as human
Resize Asuras/Normalize their animations
Im thinking of rerolling to tiny asura more seriously now..
People forget that asuras are ugly as hell…. thats why they need some kind of advantage.
Lies and slander!
OT: IF there were some sort of player-only cycle-targeting (a la target next player in WoW…and every other MMO in recent memory), then it wouldnt be an issue. However, an Asuran Necromancer, for example, can be completely obscured by their minions and be unclickable. They’re not just unclickable because you can’t see them, but also because you literally cannot click on them through the minions. Thankfully, minion masters are only an annoyance (for now…). The point stands, though.
Fix: give fancy glowing animations to heal spells / blocks and other vital stuff.
Like, healing animations now glow blueish for all classes when casted… that would help the asura problem
People brought this up before the game was even released, it was ignored. People brought up RNG before the game was released and for the most part it is ignored.
The only real solution (which would help spvp a ton) is to limit it to 1 or 2 races.
By doing this it means they dont have to spend as much money on making armor skins and will be able to implement more unique SPVP armor rewards (they dont have to make it 16 times across 8 professions and two genders per) and it would leave it visually fair for both teams thus increasing the health of the game.
But, like i constantly have to acknowledge…..this game shares rules/funding with a PVE game which is obviously the more important side of the game. So, making a simple change for the health of spvp would anger players who want to bring over their PVE character and role play in spvp.
BTW i picked asura out the door despite wanting to be human simply because i’m competitive and wanted every edge in spvp, friend made two characters of the same profession…one for pve (char) one for spvp (asura).
It seems to be in agreement that Asura are in fact at an unfair advantage. Having to waste a character slot to make one for PvP is absurd, even more absurd if I want the same edge in WvW. I say just boost their model size, they have unique animations and shouldn’t be forced to find themselves transformed into a human. These animations however, SHOULD be visible. Jack them up to shortest sylvari size at the least… If people don’t like it, then they shouldn’t have tried to take advantage of the game.
In a game where you have to watch animations (instead of cast bars), being able to see those animations is paramount.
The advantage you get is huge. Anyone who says differently hasn’t pvp’d enough.
It seems to be in agreement that Asura are in fact at an unfair advantage. Having to waste a character slot to make one for PvP is absurd, even more absurd if I want the same edge in WvW. I say just boost their model size, they have unique animations and shouldn’t be forced to find themselves transformed into a human. These animations however, SHOULD be visible. Jack them up to shortest sylvari size at the least… If people don’t like it, then they shouldn’t have tried to take advantage of the game.
My solution simply fixes SPVP, yours would definitly help for sure in WvW. Though i have to wonder if people really get that upset about it in WvW, i mean…races already are imbalanced by the fact everyones racial skills are not balanced, infact some racials are incredibly better on one profession than another so if your not running that combo you may be at a loss.
Not discrediting what your saying at all, or saying your suggestion isnt a good arguement. I just wonder if they really care about balance between races in WvW given the reason i mentioned.
I agree with the toggle [show all human models] option!
I agree with the toggle [show all human models] option!
wow….thats the most sensible answer i’ve heard, well ever. I dont know how i missed that in the thread.
The previous poster started with something along the lines of “I can’t backstab Asura models properly” which means people who were trying to discuss the topic of Asuran models having animations that can be entirely hidden were drowned out by people raging about thieves because they die in hotjoin a lot.
And then other people who were trying to make a different forum post to address the actual problem would get merged with the stupid thread because forum moderators couldn’t read.
So no of course the thread wasn’t taken seriously by ANet.
I think every competitive team (if there are any left) agrees with this. /my2cents
That awkward moment when Sataar shatters all his clones on you and you die. Then you realize there are 2 clones still up. Then you realize those 2 aren’t clones but Qt Hman and Davinci instead. kitten Asura.
But serioulsy, I can interrupt heals for days. Unless you’re an asura then I can’t tell what you’re doing.
Give asuras norn legs and heads…done, and pretty awesome btw
This is the way it should be. Want to be hard to be seen ? = roll ashura but on the same time say bye bye to the cool looking skins. Want to look kitten ? roll other races but expect to be seen as kitten and big models. Why even think at boosting asura models ? its the way it was , it is and it will be .. asura are SMALL ugly models. if you are gealous on that … roll one. Oh nevermind , you want to be kittenes.Then be but do not complain on the small uglies that hit you hard like a truck.
Easy fix, just increase all asura cast times.
Dark Souls is an animation based game. Nothing will have more than 4-5 moves and last less than 0.5 second. Other than that, the most dangerous skills are also the most telegraphed.
I don’t know what this game is anymore.
just compare the human mesmer greatsword #4 animation with the asura animation
compare earthshaker to dodgeroll forward lol
Also, their dodge roll is pratically the same as jumping
just for compensation, add charr Kids size to the game or Change the normal attack range of all tall characters, maybe double if asura has a 130 range on attack
Easy solution: Normalize everyone to max sized Norn in PvP.
holy thread necro batman
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