Asuras in tournaments and spvp

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Riellan.2590


Alot of ppl take asurans because they are little ,animations are hard to see ,they are hard to see , you can barely see wich class he is. Last night i was playing tournaments and there was one midget guardian that constantly knocked me (big charr)because there is no way you can see his banish charging and dodge ,while he coud easy dodge my because my takes ages to charge. Sometimes i think i play matrix not gw2 when im playing with charr.

Lets all play asurans because they have faster animations ,and you can barely see them !

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Neara.4378


One of the bigger mistakes they made in regards to the “e-sports” goal was adding four new races. The game tries so hard to create an even playing field with normalized gear and skill pools, but suffers from the additional PvE variety by creating races with an inherent PvP advantage.

The solution: Play an Asura or live with the (admittedly rather insignificant) disadvantages. It’s most likely not going to change, and the better players will win regardless of race.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


All animation durations are the same.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Add cast bars to enemies and a lot of this would be solved by itself.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Vaerah.4907


I knew this one day would become an e-sport issue. On other PvP games the players too all roll super-small classes so they can easily hide behind stuff, their animations are the hardest to spot and so on.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I smell a troll thread.

I have absolutely no problems vs Asurans. Period. Tab targeting good and there are enough classes with Pets that will AI path directly to the Asuran and assault them.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Then how about banning nords/charrs?, they are so big that they can block what you can see.

Basically what your saying if you think about it, is that only 1 set race shoudl be for PvP and 1 set size of that race – because anything smaller/bigger is an advantage.

Basically, this isn’t an issue.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Riellan.2590


I smell a troll thread.

I have absolutely no problems vs Asurans. Period. Tab targeting good and there are enough classes with Pets that will AI path directly to the Asuran and assault them.

Funy beleve it or not not every class has a pet ,there are few clases that dont have it like warrior, guardian ,and this post is not about targeting ,i have no problems with it ,its about animations that are harder to see and you can barely recongnize the class.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Riellan, let me explain something very quickly.

The hitboxes, the animation durations, the distance moved during a dodge… they’re the same for all races. Because the asura is small, it seems like they are moving further and moving faster, but it’s just your brain playing tricks on you.

Other complaints about visibility are still at least debatable.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Then how about banning nords/charrs?, they are so big that they can block what you can see.

Basically what your saying if you think about it, is that only 1 set race shoudl be for PvP and 1 set size of that race – because anything smaller/bigger is an advantage.

Basically, this isn’t an issue.

Charrs and Norns can block that you can see?
Have you ever tried to dodge with charr?They barely move 1 step back while little midgets start flying trough air -how can that be fair?And yes it does efect gameplay.
Anet made huge mistake there.haveing big character is dissadvantage in this game unfortunatly ,especialy charrs,they are slow motion compared to asuran.
And if charrs and norns are in that big advantage why everyone plays asurans ?

I think you may have missed my point, your saying an asura is hard to spot, i’m saying as an asuran in that case if a nord/charr is in front of me that they block more viewing area that i can see. I wasn’t talking about if i was a nord/charr.

Basically it was a point to show that what your saying is as much of a non issue as what i stated, the post was ment to show what i posted was as much of a non issue as what you posted.

The part of my post that was serious is, if you want to ban one race for size then you need to ban all races for size and simply have 1 set race that can be used in 1 set size for fairness.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


I honestly think that big money tournaments should be human only. Dont get me wrong I’d deal with asurans but I just think that it’d be for the best.

Forever unranked.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I don’t agree.

Telling class is as simple as targeting the individual. This is ignoring the fact that even reduced in size, each armor type is fairly distinctive from one another.

I’m wondering if this isn’t just a monitor issue for other players. I don’t have anything excessively large myself, mind you, but I also don’t have the old default square 17in monitors either.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Neara.4378


Asura animations are harder to read than others.
This could easily be mended by more distinctive casting effects – the Elementalist glyphs already make an example of good visual feedback. Give important skills unique animation effects and sound cues and this race superiority thing becomes a non-issue.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: KogarasuMaru.7036


Size does matter. If it takes me half a second to distinguish what the f you are doing, that is an advantage. Of course, we could all roll asurans, but I’d rather not play a rat.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Drakute.7956


This is why I made an Asura. The disadvantage is no one noticing your gear because the armor is too small.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


There is some massive racial imbalances.

In a game where the only cue on skills is a visual one (animations) asura have too much of an advantage.

At the same time they have the worst camera view, ESPECIALLY in downed state, other races like Norn can see EVERYTHING.

They really should just bring back cast bars, I don’t see how they can fix it outside of completely redo-ing animations to make them much more extreme (which would then just make the game look silly).

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Knyx.5926


could be a bug but I was in wvwvw the other night on my norn mesmer and was attacking an asuran mesmer on the wall, he was hitting me too. HOWEVER, every single one of my hits except maybe 1 or 2 phantasm spawns said “Obstructed” and did no damage, where as every single one of his hit me. He wasn’t even standing ON the outer barricade ledge, he was behind it and all you could really target was his name. Did I also mention he was standing still the ENTIRE time.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


As a medium sized character I would like to complain. We are too under-powered!!! We have to get taller people to reach stuff for us and we hit our heads on everything while short characters walk under everything with easily. We need an immediate buff before we all quit!!!!

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: cobaltshadow.3751


Wow. I play a charr and an asura character. The only time I ever played a midget to my advantage was in DAOC hiding in the grass sniping people. In this game all races have easy tells for their animations. Play an asura for a bit, learn the animations if this makes you so upset.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


The only difference between races is visual. Any other differences you think you see are illusionary.

While you may argue the Asura’s smaller visual size is an advantage in itself, bear in mind that Asura players also have to deal with an extremely fickle camera, which most Asura players agree is far more trouble than any benefit visual size might bring, if any.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Guldur.6502


Its obvious that smaller races always have a smaller advantage in any pvp game. It is harder to identify animations, weapons and armors when everything is less than half the size of other players.

This is even more exacerbated by the fact that GW2 is chaotic with all skill particles flying around.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Yes this effects any chance of this game becoming an e-sport. It’s obviously easier to see what kind of spell a norn is casting over an asura based on hand movements etc.

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Payneful.7934


This has no effect in tPvP. I’m the only asura on my team and usually one of the first to get focused. Good teams will target high priority targets, not bigger targets.

Payne [PTC] Thief
Pancakes To Celebrate

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


lol, so many people are missing the OP’s point completely.

I rerolled my toons to Asura long ago exactly for the reasons the OP describes:

Smaller model = Smaller visual cues

This game is molded around “visual cues”. For dodging, ability and class recognition, etc. Inherently the smaller model you have the more difficult (note I didn’t say impossible) it is for people to read those visual cues, especially in frantic fast paced combat.

Yes, you can tab your way through the team until you find a person and know what class he is and whatnot, but really in the thick of combat you are suggesting we should have every player targeted at all times simultaneously in order to have a visual reference as to what is about to happen? No. The visual cue design is so that while you’re applying that group buff on the node to your ally, you can recognize that the enemy on the outside of the node is getting ready to moa someone, the other enemy to your left is getting ready to bulls rush.

Is it game breaking? Well no, we all deal with it, but to claim it’s not an advantage is rather blind and silly. Of course it is an advantage. If it takes even .5 seconds more for someone to tell “is that a thief or an engi? what ability is he casting?” then it’s an advantage.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Is it me or is my attack range longer/wider whenever I play Norn/Charr? The Myths of GW2 classes. Would be nice if we had Myth Busters, GW2 edition.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904



Is it me or is my attack range longer/wider whenever I play Norn/Charr? The Myths of GW2 classes. Would be nice if we had Myth Busters, GW2 edition.

WTF are you talking about? The OP didn’t imply anything of the kind.

Do people even read what the subject is or just make it up as they go?

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Payneful.7934


You should not be looking at a player’s armor and and weapons to find out what kind of class they are. Their class icon is next to their health bar.

Payne [PTC] Thief
Pancakes To Celebrate

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


You should not be looking at a player’s armor and and weapons to find out what kind of class they are. Their class icon is next to their health bar.

Well we all know this, but again this assumes you have every enemy tabbed on simultaneously at all times.


Where do we download this addon?

The game really is meant to go off visual cues more than tab targeting as far as battle awareness. I believe the devs have said so in their vlog things to that effect as well (the game dev/gameplay vids they were releasing pre-release).

Again it’s not a huge gamebreaking imbalance, but it is a definate advantage in a visual cue driven pvp setup.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Guldur.6502


You should not be looking at a player’s armor and and weapons to find out what kind of class they are. Their class icon is next to their health bar.

Of course you should be looking at a player’s weapon to understand what he is capable of! Do these people even play pvp when they say “do not look at your enemies, tab all the players” ??

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Today I saw this first hand. I was trying Norn Thief and I had to fight against Asura Thief. I made my Norn Max size while the Asura thief was the smallest size.

He could hide behind boxes in Kyolo map….

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203



Is it me or is my attack range longer/wider whenever I play Norn/Charr? The Myths of GW2 classes. Would be nice if we had Myth Busters, GW2 edition.

WTF are you talking about? The OP didn’t imply anything of the kind.

Do people even read what the subject is or just make it up as they go?

In some games when you adjust the height to maximum, you get more range. I’m just wondering if its the same for GW2. Since you brought the word “advantage” up, maybe being a Norn has some of that too? It just felt like I was covering more area when I attacked as a Norn.

It just feels weird though since it seems like I have longer reach as a tall character.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871



Is it me or is my attack range longer/wider whenever I play Norn/Charr? The Myths of GW2 classes. Would be nice if we had Myth Busters, GW2 edition.

WTF are you talking about? The OP didn’t imply anything of the kind.

Do people even read what the subject is or just make it up as they go?

In some games when you adjust the height to maximum, you get more range. I’m just wondering if its the same for GW2 because you implied that Asura has an advantage.

Example is TERA. Bigger races had longer reach on attacks

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


For almost every pvper i know it all goes the same with every new game (and i play mmos for like 15 yrs) :

1/ any racial advantage usable in pvp ?
2/ depending on the advantage, and ofc if no to #1, then whats the smallest race ?

In this game no racial advantage in pvp (excluding WvW) so any pvper will pick small race.
Now I know a few friends pvpers that dont care and always choose the race they like / looks coolest.

But wait … Why small race ?
Being small helps in 2 critical pvp things
1/ being able to hide about everywhere (rocks, bushes, .. or behind that random Norn)
2/ being harder to get targeted manually

Asura ftw !

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


For almost every pvper i know it all goes the same with every new game (and i play mmos for like 15 yrs) :

1/ any racial advantage usable in pvp ?
2/ depending on the advantage, and ofc if no to #1, then whats the smallest race ?

In this game no racial advantage in pvp (excluding WvW) so any pvper will pick small race.
Now I know a few friends pvpers that dont care and always choose the race they like / looks coolest.

But wait … Why small race ?
Being small helps in 2 critical pvp things
1/ being able to hide about everywhere (rocks, bushes, .. or behind that random Norn)
2/ being harder to get targeted manually

Asura ftw !

Pretty much spot on.

I do it as well now because hey, “esports” are all about exploiting absolutely every little thing you can find so…

I really detest being an asura though, I like the basic human model to actually see the armor.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Asuras in tournaments and spvp

in PvP

Posted by: EvilExE.3460


There is a really simple soloution to this, /Team /Enemyteam “model”, this is whats used in quake and other games, all that needs to be done is getting it implemented, that way you can decide which model you want your team or your enemy to look like.

Every person makes error’s, all that matter’s is how they fix them.