Auto dishonorable needs to go
In the case of malicious attacks causing disconnects, we should ideally be able to forgive dishonor. We currently do not support this, but it is something we’ll look into adding for the future.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
In the case of malicious attacks causing disconnects, we should ideally be able to forgive dishonor. We currently do not support this, but it is something we’ll look into adding for the future.
Please do. We would all greatly appreciate that
This is just ridiculous, I got dishonorable because of this too on both of my accounts. It’s not the first time this happened. This needs to be fixed asap… Good thing I don’t care about about LB, but I can guarantee, that half my losses are because of all the DDos and 4v5 I get all the time.
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
(edited by ghaleon.2861)
Not saying the players are at fault for the servers conking out yesterday, but why on earth did you keep playing when you saw there was network instability? I mean, ok, maybe the first disconnect was a fluke, so you queue up again when you log back in, but once you got 2 in a row why push your luck? I think it was pretty thoughtless and I personally wouldn’t like other pvp features to get pushed back to implement a pardon system for people who should’ve had more sense to begin with.
Not saying the players are at fault for the servers conking out yesterday, but why on earth did you keep playing when you saw there was network instability? I mean, ok, maybe the first disconnect was a fluke, so you queue up again when you log back in, but once you got 2 in a row why push your luck? I think it was pretty thoughtless and I personally wouldn’t like other pvp features to get pushed back to implement a pardon system for people who should’ve had more sense to begin with.
People like to play when they have time…………a person with common sense would at least know that.
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
No don’t get me wrong, I’m perfectly sympathetic: I haven’t had time to play for nearly a week, logged in for the first time again yesterday and the servers crashed during my first match! I haven’t logged back in to check if I’ve got a dishonourable stack – I probably don’t cause the match was near its end when I got kicked out. But I saw that the game was unstable so I just quit. I know the system isn’t perfect but if you get disconnected for TWO MATCHES IN A ROW it’s really hard to get a ban because of server instability!
Let’s talk plainly: I very much doubt anyone who got disconnected two games in a row was careless enough to queue up for a third match. The people who got a ban because of the server crashes yesterday probably already had 2 stacks of dishonourable, because they had ragequit matches sometime in the preceding 3 days as well. I see plenty of people running around with dishonourable in pvp/hotm: they ragequit matches they can’t win, but when they have 2 stacks they wait for one to expire before doing it again. They try to play the system, but it backfired on them. It would be a gross misallocation of resources to come up with a pardon system for people like that. (Unless the entire system was being overhauled anyway of course.)
Maybe I’m wrong in your case, maybe you did queue up 3 times in a row during last night’s instability. But I’m sure you’re in the minority.
(edited by manveruppd.7601)
it’d be nice if dishonorable wasn’t a 1-3 day ban for the 1st offence, i got Dc’d from a match cause of router issues and not being able to play comp PvP for almost 3 days was really annoying not gonna lie.
Not saying the players are at fault for the servers conking out yesterday, but why on earth did you keep playing when you saw there was network instability? I mean, ok, maybe the first disconnect was a fluke, so you queue up again when you log back in, but once you got 2 in a row why push your luck? I think it was pretty thoughtless and I personally wouldn’t like other pvp features to get pushed back to implement a pardon system for people who should’ve had more sense to begin with.
People like to play when they have time…………a person with common sense would at least know that.
No, a person with common sense would do hot join if they still wanted to PvP during network instability. If you got 3 dishonorable, you should think through your decision next time.
it’d be nice if dishonorable wasn’t a 1-3 day ban for the 1st offence, i got Dc’d from a match cause of router issues and not being able to play comp PvP for almost 3 days was really annoying not gonna lie.
You don’t get banned for the first offense. You get it after 3 offenses within 72 hours.
Not saying the players are at fault for the servers conking out yesterday, but why on earth did you keep playing when you saw there was network instability? I mean, ok, maybe the first disconnect was a fluke, so you queue up again when you log back in, but once you got 2 in a row why push your luck? I think it was pretty thoughtless and I personally wouldn’t like other pvp features to get pushed back to implement a pardon system for people who should’ve had more sense to begin with.
People like to play when they have time…………a person with common sense would at least know that.
No, a person with common sense would do hot join if they still wanted to PvP during network instability. If you got 3 dishonorable, you should think through your decision next time.
I don’t play hot joins ever and I don’t consider hot join PvP at all. And whatever decisions I make, are mine alone, so do us a favor and don’t derail this thread. The issue here, is that people are getting ddos and that needs to be fixed. It ruins all the players their PvP experience.
Zulu OxTactics[Zulu]
Not saying the players are at fault for the servers conking out yesterday, but why on earth did you keep playing when you saw there was network instability? I mean, ok, maybe the first disconnect was a fluke, so you queue up again when you log back in, but once you got 2 in a row why push your luck? I think it was pretty thoughtless and I personally wouldn’t like other pvp features to get pushed back to implement a pardon system for people who should’ve had more sense to begin with.
People like to play when they have time…………a person with common sense would at least know that.
No, a person with common sense would do hot join if they still wanted to PvP during network instability. If you got 3 dishonorable, you should think through your decision next time.
Wrong, a person with common sense would also know that " hot joins" is absolute garbage. But like Onesixty/Danny said, lets not derail this thread. Instead focus on making Anet fix the ddos problem.
The concept of autoban+ autoque needs to be addressed. Noobs like to think it is rage quit but in reality rage quits are rare and alt tab or otherwise engaged in real life while queued and disconnects are common.
You can’t just blame the victim and expect your pvp game to be more popular. It’s senseless.
No one wants to do nothing but watch a ten minute queue and serious pvp’ers don’t want to spend any time in HJ.
i love the auto dishonorable buff, that is the only thing i keep in faith of solo Q.
but i think the ban should be more punishing, 1st offense auto ban 3 days, 2nd a week, 3rd a month etc.
those who dc because of ddos, i m sorry about that but its better to catch the wrong guy than letting the noobs get away.
those who been “engaged” in real life, stay there and dont play solo Q.
those who got owned and left, u totally deserved the ban, enjoy the hotjoin!
In the case of malicious attacks causing disconnects, we should ideally be able to forgive dishonor. We currently do not support this, but it is something we’ll look into adding for the future.
Classic ANet response.
Unfortunately I have the dishonorable thing as well from the DDoS’. 2 DCs’ from attacks yesterday and once from my ISP doing maintenance. True I should of stayed away from doing tpvp yesterday but figured I’d be safe. Guess not though. Oh well. Still think this needs to be looked into though. If there are random server-wide crashes, players shouldn’t be punished.
those who dc because of ddos, i m sorry about that but its better to catch the wrong guy than letting the noobs get away.
“It is more important that innocence should be protected, than it is, that guilt be punished; for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world, that all of them cannot be punished…. when innocence itself, is brought to the bar and condemned, especially to die, the subject will exclaim, ‘it is immaterial to me whether I behave well or ill, for virtue itself is no security.’ And if such a sentiment as this were to take hold in the mind of the subject that would be the end of all security whatsoever”
This quote is attributed to John Adams, but it is far more useful here to think about the quote itself than the person who was quoted.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
In the case of malicious attacks causing disconnects, we should ideally be able to forgive dishonor. We currently do not support this, but it is something we’ll look into adding for the future.
So never?
i love the auto dishonorable buff, that is the only thing i keep in faith of solo Q.
That kind of attitude sums up why PvP’s only good for the reward tracks.
but i think the ban should be more punishing, 1st offense auto ban 3 days, 2nd a week, 3rd a month etc.
those who dc because of ddos, i m sorry about that but its better to catch the wrong guy than letting the noobs get away.
No you’re not sorry. Taking the wrong person is always worse than letting the bad ones get away.
those who been “engaged” in real life, stay there and dont play solo Q.
those who got owned and left, u totally deserved the ban, enjoy the hotjoin!
You read it here folks. If there is ever a chance you may get interrupted by real life nonsense, don’t play. Sigh.
This is why PvP is only good for reward tracks, and nothing else.
In the case of malicious attacks causing disconnects, we should ideally be able to forgive dishonor. We currently do not support this, but it is something we’ll look into adding for the future.
So never?
Probably. At best they’ll do is telling you to contact support in case of a DDOS.
It seems unlikely to me that any game would change there dishonorable system just for when they get DDOSed. Seems like a lot of resources for something that only happens very rarely.
As I wrote in another thread, one stack does not mean anything.
So unless you already prior to this abandoned two matches, I don’t see how it’s a problem. If you did indeed abandon two matches, then I suppose a ban is fine anyway.
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian
Imo they should disable dishonorable until they get the server issues resolved. It’s not the players fault they are getting dc’d multiple times due to the ddosing
Case in point people getting ddos’d out of matches today due to the servers being down are getting 1.5 day bans.
This combined with the silly auto queue system is costing anet players.
It’s costing PVP’s community health when those players can’t play for days.
It’s time to fix the current victim blaming queue system and auto dishonorable Anet.
You got what you asked for, albeit Temporarily
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
Cross-posting this here for visibility
We have disabled dishonor for the time being. Upon logging in, your dishonor will be cleared, and no new dishonor stacks will be applied.
Once we are sure any players who received false dishonor have logged in or waited 3 days, we will re-enable the feature.