Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Gabo.4793


Maybe I’ve been a little lazy, but after searching for a while I couldn’t find much information about this.

Basically if I am in the winning team and Autobalance pops, I volunteer and go to the other team, we lose as was probably expected… What are my rewards? I’ve read something about you get points from the winning team anyways. Is that it? Am I missing something else?

Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Nialiss.6459


You get the win bonus if you volunteer or get auto-swapped whether your current team wins or loses. It also counts as a win on your stats.

Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Metatail.1306


You also get the volunteer bonus that equals to… 5 glory and 5 rank points!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Are you sure you get the win when you get auto-swapped ? I think you don’t in that case and you only get the win if you volunteer AND get swapped by that volunteer or is that incorrect ?

Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Happy Meal.2791

Happy Meal.2791

i find this to be a load of crap for it never happens with me and also it takes sooo much longer for someone to get on the winning side, plus very annoying

Crybermook – [AoE] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Autobalance Volunteer Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Velimere.7685


Are you sure you get the win when you get auto-swapped ? I think you don’t in that case and you only get the win if you volunteer AND get swapped by that volunteer or is that incorrect ?

That’s what I thought.

Anyone who says Zerk is the average Joe build is an average Joe.