Autobalance woes

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Legacy.7360


This idea of Auto-balancing is a morale ball buster.

When you and your team have gotten a good rhythm down, zerging nodes and the likes, people on the other side get discouraged and of course leave. Leaving someone from the other team to pick up. Doing so really busts your morale to do anything since you “worked so hard” on getting where you stand.

It’s not our duty to pick up for the other team, auto balance discourages it further.

I can care less about taking a win because of the Autobalance. I’m losing out on the Glory I could be acquiring from working as a team from the initial team. This is by no means fair. I’ve left games because I was Auto-balanced to the other side… its just so frustrating.

Now being Auto-balanced once is for one, frustrating… then to be auto-balanced twice in one game is just absurd. This needs some serious attention:

-Removing Auto-balance is on the wish list
-If this broken idea of Auto-balance needs to stay in play then have a cap, 1 auto-balance per game.

In case you all were wondering, yes I’ve just been auto-balanced twice. Hence why this thread and the frustration behind it.

Guardian <3
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian

(edited by Legacy.7360)

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


Dont play hotjoin→all your problems are now solved.

But ok lets pretend anyone cares about hotjoin. It needs the autobalance. Hotjoin is there just to duke out a bit and leave whenever you’re bored, even if it is in the middle of the match, there no commitment in an hotjoin game, theres absolutely not team work or any sort of strategy. and thats why people leave mid game, and without the auto balance some matches would be like 8v3 the whole game.

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: fakeblood.2576


Poor kitten how do you think the other team feels if its 8v2? But the world revolves around you I forgot

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Legacy.7360


Such great input the 2 of you. I’m flabergasted.

No, autobalance is not needed. This is the only game where I’ve seen it done, it’s never for the benifit of the player. Sorry, I don’t agree with it.

Mean time, Anet will have to deal with players leaving. Problem still isn’t solved.

Guardian <3
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Imagine if there was no auto balancing in your hot join. Think about the repercussions.

The game starts as an 8v8. Players from your team leaves, so your team becomes a 5 v 8. Well, there is no auto balancing, so you’re stuck in a 5 v 8 for a while. Other teammates get discouraged and leave too. 4 v 8….3 v 8….now you’re all alone. 1 v 8. Great.

Auto balancing can feel evil sometimes, but it is a necessary evil.

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


^ The sad thing is that this scenario described above is REAL. It actually does happen. And it’s called solo queue tournament PvP. Tournaments should start as a 5 v 5, right? Well when there’s an AFKer, the tournament begins as a 4 v 5. Teammates get discouraged and leave. It becomes a 3 v 5, or an auto loss. It’s pathetically sad.

So, you can see how awful things can get when auto balancing is removed from the equation. Just look at solo queue tournament PvP to give you an idea.

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Autobalance is required, hate to say. What I think should happen though is it should be rewarded more than it is. I don’t even see an amount rewarded for being switched like there is suppose to be. I think what would be better is getting a random armor piece fr your rank or a random dye or something instead of miniscule amount of glory; all for volunteering of course to be switched. But then I can see this being highly abused so I think this crappy alternative for an even crappier pvp system s what we have. When custome arenas come out I predict it will be somewhat better. I for one plan to make a 6v6 instead of a 8v8. That way it’s still somewhat competitve but isn’t restricted to the tournament 5v5 setup that will no doubt be in abundance once customs are open to the public.

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


This idea of Auto-balancing is a morale ball buster.

When you and your team have gotten a good rhythm down, zerging nodes and the likes, people on the other side get discouraged and of course leave. Leaving someone from the other team to pick up. Doing so really busts your morale to do anything since you “worked so hard” on getting where you stand.

It’s not our duty to pick up for the other team, auto balance discourages it further.

I can care less about taking a win because of the Autobalance. I’m losing out on the Glory I could be acquiring from working as a team from the initial team. This is by no means fair. I’ve left games because I was Auto-balanced to the other side… its just so frustrating.

Now being Auto-balanced once is for one, frustrating… then to be auto-balanced twice in one game is just absurd. This needs some serious attention:

-Removing Auto-balance is on the wish list
-If this broken idea of Auto-balance needs to stay in play then have a cap, 1 auto-balance per game.

In case you all were wondering, yes I’ve just been auto-balanced twice. Hence why this thread and the frustration behind it.

You said zerging nodes like it was a good thing. Not sure you knew you said that.


Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


auto-balance is necessary in hotjoin

and oh, you still get the victory bonus if you get switched to the losing team…

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Autobalance is a challenge.

Try and help the losing make a come back, very satisfying when you win.

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


What are you talking about, i always go to help the losing team in multiplayer games, because its more challenging, because i don’t care about how hard you worked for what, because its a game and i want excitement and challenges and improve my skills, not to keep the fake glories of nothing, plus in this game you actually get the winning reward for switching, so you are just b-ing too much.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Autobalance woes

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

the tournament begins as a 4 v 5. Teammates get discouraged and leave

not really all the time.
there are exceptions.

my guild party of 5 got our rear ends handed to us by a non guild team of 4 players.