Avg queue time: 37s

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Frenk.5917


Avg skill level: under 9000.

Seriously, what’s the point of improving queue times if I either win 500-0 or lose 500-0?

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Topher.5631


That is the tricky part of it, people were complaining about the long que times, so Anet had to make the que times shorter. But, as you pointed out, the players had to be less quality to achieve those lower que times. That is the price of having more games, and hopefully it will be better after ranked comes back

If you can’t beat it, it is, needless to say, OP
Looking for a team? Start here! https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

The reduction of queue times was only partially related to quality at best. There were some configurations that were adding extra queue times for zero benefit.

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy


,I only have 1-2 games a day where my team is completely out classes, by that I mean the players on the other team are just simply better than my team. The rest of the losses boil down to the following; over confidence, having people who just want to cap all 3 points, having people who want to fight away from the cap points. Sometimes you lose games because people are just not on there A game, and sometimes that’s you and me.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Frenk.5917


The reduction of queue times was only partially related to quality at best. There were some configurations that were adding extra queue times for zero benefit.

7 out of 10 matches I’ve played the last two days were onesided matches, either victories or defeats.
If the match quality was not altered by the reduction of queue times then unranked itself is the problem.


Frenk – EU
All is vain

(edited by Frenk.5917)

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


ITs because people play due to diffrent reasons. Yesterday i did two bad matches because i wanted to finish daily thief winner. I can´t realy play thief. I main ele and with that i cleave through most oponents. I switched to thief i normaly don´t play and got constatly steamrolled …. Also i try diffrent build options and as a result migth play worse. So guess what. I play 10 ele matches with 80% win rate. MMR goes high. I swich build/class and go down below average competativness in a match paired with diamonds and legendaries. Complaints imminent …
About 50% of my matches are close. This indicates a not to bad matchmaking.

(edited by Wolfric.9380)

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Dojo.1867


my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy

Those posts are effectively useless. What tells me you aren’t one of those players that tell me to “chill, it’s unranked” after a complete clown fiesta point running zerg fest?

Some people want a competitive game with people playing for the win. The current situation couldn’t be more far away from that and if you think it’s fine then you are propably just some casual. That is totally okay for me but arenanet continously tries to sell me the esports story. Then it is not okay.

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


For players that want to play competative there should be a second mode like ranked. The gap between seasons is a bit too large.

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy

Those posts are effectively useless. What tells me you aren’t one of those players that tell me to “chill, it’s unranked” after a complete clown fiesta point running zerg fest?

Some people want a competitive game with people playing for the win. The current situation couldn’t be more far away from that and if you think it’s fine then you are propably just some casual. That is totally okay for me but arenanet continously tries to sell me the esports story. Then it is not okay.

i never in my life said “chill its unranked” because i totally hate and despise those kittentards who think raging and verbally abusing their teammates is justified when they are in ranked

as for matchmaking its fine, get over it, you people will never be happy

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I am with Lexander. It can´t be perfect for evryone. And i would like to kick out people who get rude without knowing their teammates. I don´t say i am at pro level, but definitly good. It might look like i am a newb in one match and then i crush some of the best in the next one. The matchmaking seems fine. The players are totaly mixed. And the same player might be in a game due to diffrent reasons.
When i am in unranked it can be that i just want to make my daylies fast and might use a class i am untrained, it can be i try new builds or i am in for the win with my most trained build to make progress. While i might blew two players off a point in the latter case i propably won´t make a good figure with a new build ….
So accept the environement and enjoy next ranked. I will meet you there with my ele.

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


People who are having issues with theit games are more prone to post on the forums than people who aren’t having issues.

I’ll be one to say i’m not having any issues with matchmaking. It Anet are saying Queue times aren’t making much of a difference, whether it be 32s or 5m, who are we to say otherwise?

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

It’s quite rare for me to not get a good match. One team may have the lead for the entire match, but it’s rare for my matches to be more than 125 point differences. And they are all going to 500.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


I had very short Queue times last night, almost instant. Each match was a blow out. I feel like the MMR setup wasn’t taking into account groups and their MMR ranking. Some of the pairs on my team had no coordination or viable builds while the teams on the other side had groups with good team comps and rotations. It would seem then that the MMR for groups was under inflated for some and not inflated enough for others. Can I guarantee that was the issue? Nope but since getting back into Unranked, I have had poor matches all around against far better compositions and players.

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy

Those posts are effectively useless. What tells me you aren’t one of those players that tell me to “chill, it’s unranked” after a complete clown fiesta point running zerg fest?

Some people want a competitive game with people playing for the win. The current situation couldn’t be more far away from that and if you think it’s fine then you are propably just some casual. That is totally okay for me but arenanet continously tries to sell me the esports story. Then it is not okay.

i never in my life said “chill its unranked” because i totally hate and despise those kittentards who think raging and verbally abusing their teammates is justified when they are in ranked

as for matchmaking its fine, get over it, you people will never be happy

Stop throwing around “you people” it makes you look like more of a Troll then you already are. Who are “you people” by the way the people that actually want A-net to keep working on and improving the game? I have no problem being lumped into that group of “you people”. We can argue to what degree but most people agree there are some glitches in the matchmaking. You are in the definite minority if you think matchmaking is as good as they can make it never mind the fact there is nothing original about “complaining” about the complainers. The group of “you people” I wouldn’t want to be a part of is the one’s that have there head in the sand and never want to hold the game developer’s to be accountable for anything. You seem to be a proud member of “those people”.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


my matches are totally fine but you people will never be happy

Those posts are effectively useless. What tells me you aren’t one of those players that tell me to “chill, it’s unranked” after a complete clown fiesta point running zerg fest?

Some people want a competitive game with people playing for the win. The current situation couldn’t be more far away from that and if you think it’s fine then you are propably just some casual. That is totally okay for me but arenanet continously tries to sell me the esports story. Then it is not okay.

i never in my life said “chill its unranked” because i totally hate and despise those kittentards who think raging and verbally abusing their teammates is justified when they are in ranked

as for matchmaking its fine, get over it, you people will never be happy

Stop throwing around “you people” it makes you look like more of a Troll then you already are. Who are “you people” by the way the people that actually want A-net to keep working on and improving the game? I have no problem being lumped into that group of “you people”. We can argue to what degree but most people agree there are some glitches in the matchmaking. You are in the definite minority if you think matchmaking is as good as they can make it never mind the fact there is nothing original about “complaining” about the complainers. The group of “you people” I wouldn’t want to be a part of is the one’s that have there head in the sand and never want to hold the game developer’s to be accountable for anything. You seem to be a proud member of “those people”.

actually “you people” are “those people” who whine about matchmaking constantly

since the wave of games with certain algorythms of matching players with each other called “matchmaking” has hit the online game market there were always people like you, or him, or them who complain that matchmaking is to say the least not fulfilling their expectations

i’ve played a good number of different games that utilize matchmaking and there has always been whining about matchmaking from “you people” which becomes even stronger when devs implement certain changes into matchmaking algorythms to shut the endlessly unhappy crowd of “you people” but they only end up adding the fuel to the fire because, lets face, “you people” dont want good matchmaking “you people” want that something special you expect from the game whether its being placed every time in team with MLG ESL pros or having close matches with 500-499 scores

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

(edited by Lexander.4579)

Avg queue time: 37s

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Not here to whine but maybe my personal feeling is deluded by actual stats. Tho as a small number cruncher i regurarly checked farmpoints to see match win prediction.

Before id say 1-2max out of 10, were blowout matches in the below 200-500 zone.

Nowdays average is probably +3/10, with very common extremes of more than half of history filled with DOUBLE DIGIT lose/wins.

This is excluding:
-offpeak hours, i count 17-24 central eu only, weekends usually worse
-4v5 dcs
-me on trash GS necro, more than 19/20 im on metalevel builds

I did play more solo than before with regular synced roster and i know of 3-5man kitten moments i had with some other friends……but that should drop me 1 quality tier not 3-4

Quality is low with big skill range differences, Instead of ABBBC tiers you get ABCDD.
Qpop is fast tho, cant even take bathroom break

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU) http://muffinspvp.shivtr.com/

(edited by Flumek.9043)