(edited by Arc.9374)
Award rank/glory in sPvP/tPvP based on team average.
I think it’s ok to give points as you go. So often we get that pop-up to switch teams, or games just die out when you’re pugging.
Average for the team, I dunno. It does suck to get a win and earn less than 100 cuz you were making sure you win. Even without a shared-average scoring system I had a couple afk teammates last night.
It will get botted, cuz it’s such an easy game to bot. Whether it’s bot for hire or people just doing it themselves, from what I’ve seen in other games pvp mini-games are notorious for afk-farming.
If half the points we earn go to fund non-contributing brainless teammates, it wouldn’t do well for the health of the game.
“Take the points the entire team earned at the end of the game. Average it. The average across the team is what each player receives. Toss in a 50% bonus for winning and tada! ”
No way that’s socialism.
Why would I want normal Joe whose sitting around twiddling his thumbs get a share of my hard earned glory?
This is not good for the fact that you already pointed the problems that will arise to your suggestion
I would much rather them just add in system that gives glory over time. Say, about 3 glory every 10 – 15 seconds. And account for some people coming to your base you will get even more.
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock