Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Superform.1067


currently it blows chunks – no one uses it and games are NEVER started early

make it larger and in your face so that it actually triggers people to use it

it will also help to prevent the people who alt tab while waiting for the timer to countdown then being afk at the start of the fight

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Shieldbash.5304


I have a better idea, remove it! We all qued to play and clicked accept when it popped, why do we need another button.

You click que > click accept > pick map ~ You are ready to play

We do not need a ready button.

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Slininstien.7546


I have a better idea, remove it! We all qued to play and clicked accept when it popped, why do we need another button.

You click que > click accept > pick map ~ You are ready to play

We do not need a ready button.

That’s how it used to be and there’s 10x mroe 4v5’s if that button isnt there. People either forget to leave queue or are just imbeciles and watch the queue go and pop and then dont show for some reason it gives people pleasure doing that.

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I think it’s best to give every team 1.5 minutes to talk to organize play a bit! It’s true that the ready button is almost never pressed:P But ahw well, it can’t hurt to be there either:P

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Many people hold off their “need to do” stuff till queue pops so they don’t miss it and then carry on doing whatever they need to do. Like bathroom breaks, smoking, refills or whatever.
Also, the time before the game starts can be used for things such as rerolling, changing build, discussing strategy(kidding) and whatnot.

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


You have to keep it so people can get the right skills set or whatever in case they forget before they queue. Or they may have been playing around with stuff while waiting. Or they need to go to the bathroom. Or they may be typing on the forums….

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Xeneize.5961


I really like the idea of making the Ready Up button more accessible and more useful. Perhaps we can also make it so if there’s at least half your team that has pushed it, then the game can begin?

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I have a better idea, remove it! We all qued to play and clicked accept when it popped, why do we need another button.

You click que > click accept > pick map ~ You are ready to play

We do not need a ready button.

To change builds or prof or strategic talk.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: Ginja.2970


the ready button is still needed, for quick build changes and strategy talk (in case of a pub team). For example i have 2 skills on my warrior that i change based on the other team composition, or even traits.

But i completly agree that it needs a redesign, because simply put i never got a match that started earlier. There are games that the talking exceeds the time so its understandable no one presses the ready button, but most of the time people are just semi-afk waiting for the timer to zero. It’s a minor tweak, but as minor as it gets, theres room for improvement. Might not be this patch, or the other, but the dev team should defiantly look at this.