BAN idle/disconnecting players already

BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


Players should be permanantly account-banned from participating in Ranked PvP when they have been reported for being idle or not connecting (or only connecting after a minute into the match, or disconnecting during the match) several times.

This is unacceptable!

P.S. Other games ban accounts from competitive when the player has been reported and convicted of griefing more than once. So should GW2.

(edited by Ashantara.8731)

BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

I guess those grievers and trolls that got kicked out of the competitive PvP games, need a place to grief and troll. So if everyone kicks these players out of their game. Why not allow ANet to profit on them by being very griever friendly.

It’s actually good. I only wish ANet’s PR, and Marketing teams reached out to the griefers in Paragon. Let them know that they are full accepted and supported in GW2. Also that they don’t have to make new account because being banned. Because ANet more so banns the players reporting these grievers in the act on video no less. Then the grievers themselves.

At least they are far and few inbetween in Smite so I guess there is solace in that truth.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Just feel the need to chime in on this. Gw2 has (had? Seems to have mellowed out a bit from Season 1/2 but I digress) one of the most toxic pvp communities.

Im going to say it before you “lol you can’t handle the bantz”. This has nothing to do with friendly or jesting banter, which I am all for as it’s part of pvp etiquette. What I’m talking about is the actual toxicity steaming from rage. That one teammate who throws a temper tantrum because your not carrying them, the one person on the enemy team who begins harassing, the one guy who does nothing but spew offensive language that is pretty much an instant ban in other games. This is of course, discounting feeding, griefing, afking and the such.

But no, bring on the flames because clearly I’m just a sensitive offended person rather then someone who cares about the health of pvp as a whole.

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.

BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


If only there was some way to choose our teammates to avoid this. Oh yeah, that’s right, the GW2 community only wants solo queue. Well in that case, stop complaining and enjoy what you asked for.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


They should have forum moderators handle in game reports, I bet half the community would get banned at the drop of a pin.

(I still laugh at this guy who got banned, Anet took control of his account and killed him off first)

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: Potato.2567


Players should be permanantly account-banned from participating in Ranked PvP when they have been reported for being idle or not connecting (or only connecting after a minute into the match, or disconnecting during the match) several times.

This is unacceptable!

P.S. Other games ban accounts from competitive when the player has been reported and convicted of griefing more than once. So should GW2.

IDK what games you’re referring to but I don’t know of anything where you get banned for griefing more than once. It’s actually really hard to get perma banned from a game like LoL.

RIP Warrior

BAN idle/disconnecting players already

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

Players should be permanantly account-banned from participating in Ranked PvP when they have been reported for being idle or not connecting (or only connecting after a minute into the match, or disconnecting during the match) several times.

This is unacceptable!

P.S. Other games ban accounts from competitive when the player has been reported and convicted of griefing more than once. So should GW2.

IDK what games you’re referring to but I don’t know of anything where you get banned for griefing more than once. It’s actually really hard to get perma banned from a game like LoL.

Epice Games and Hi Rez with a hundred percent accuracy will send you have message next time you log into their games. After banning someone you’ve gave video evidence of griefing or throwing games in Ranked matches in Smite or Player versus Player matches in Paragon.

I don’t know maybe the people I’ve caught on video get many reports before me or not. However on you next log in. YOU WILL get a pop up in game with them thanking you and notifying you that the individuals have been taken care off. Everything after that I never see then in Ranked or PvP matches again on that same account.

Don’t know much about LoL. But I do challenge you to spend the 125 hours or more in able to get enoth PvP experience and God experience just to be able to queue for Rank matches. Then go in and just act like alot of these GW2 players do in these matches. I’m willing to bet your account will not last long at all.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys