Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Proshox.6931


I was trying to play solo queue yesterday when i got a queue that popped and i joined the game and it turned out to be bugged and was a 5v0. Of course we “won” but thats when my MMR/leaderboard rank seemed to get bugged. After the next leaderboard updated after that game i went from being ranked in the 400-500s all they way down to 0%!!!! ……. no joke

Of course i thought it was just a leaderboard bug or something and didnt check it the rest of the night or do any solo queue games. Today i tried to play a solo queue game and was i could tell something was off bescause the other team was just horrible. now with that being said we barely lost the game due to my team being even worse somehow and at the end of the game i see my teams pvp levels…. they were 1, 5 ,11, 9. and me 39…. the other team was ranked 20s-30s.

After the next leader board update, thinking that playing that one game for fix my MMR/rank. i am now a whopping 30%! i have played a couple games after that and its still the same thing the players i am playing against i consistently win 2v1s and most games only die maybe 1 trying to cap every base i can. but im not always able to carry my team and this is really frustrating to have to start from 0% and 0 MMR im sure. Not to mention the amount of 4v5s there are at this MMR. At my normal MMR/rank the only time i ever see a 4v5 is if someone gets a dc/crash and then they usually come back as quickly as possible.

Please any dev response or help!!!!

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Proshox.6931


A dev response would be nice hear….

So we all know how this broken matchmaking puts you on a team w/ people of the same or similar MMR. Try playing a game when your team is essentially the WORST players in the GAME vs the closest team that matchmaking kind find. Which usually isnt that good either but still. This is the most frustrating thing i have ever experienced EVER in a game.

Not to mention my queue times are now a min of 8-10 min where as they used to be 2-3 min on average(this is during primetime).

I have created and ticket in-game as well as a post on the bugs forums. And i cannot believe how pathetic anets response time has been to this issue.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I once joked/theorized about something like this happening; winning so hard against someone so bad (or non existant) that your ranking goes down instead of up..

Thanks arenanet for making my ramblings a reality.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Have you filed a support ticket? That sounds like a really serious problem.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


There have been other threads on this in previous months, so it’s definitely a real thing that sometimes happens. The issue is clearly that it took the collective MMR of your opponents, (which was 0) and then tried to calculate the points you should get for that win based on that. Which, I think when you multiply something by 0…remind me what happens again?

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


“We’re aware of this issue. We are having some internal discussions currently on how to fix it. We can’t really talk about it right now, but I would expect to see the fix sometime in November…of 2014”

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


Omfg … all I have to say is … LOL!!

Arenanet at their absolute finest, hahaha. PvP oriented game my ass!! XD

Edit: Though, I’m sorry that happened to your rank. But really … don’t sweat the leader board rankings, they’re incredibly stupid as is. 19-1 = #1 spot forever while people who grind hundreds of games can’t clear it.

Leaderboards mean nothing, just like “Qualifying Points” did. Arenanet is just too kitten tryhard at being unique and their pride, as well as corporate greed, (PvE centric for generating $$ anyone?) is effectively destroying this “PvP game”.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Omfg … all I have to say is … LOL!!

Arenanet at their absolute finest, hahaha. PvP oriented game my ass!! XD

Edit: Though, I’m sorry that happened to your rank. But really … don’t sweat the leader board rankings, they’re incredibly stupid as is. 19-1 = #1 spot forever while people who grind hundreds of games can’t clear it.

Leaderboards mean nothing, just like “Qualifying Points” did. Arenanet is just too kitten tryhard at being unique and their pride, as well as corporate greed, (PvE centric for generating $$ anyone?) is effectively destroying this “PvP game”.

I think he’s more concerned with the extremely poor quality of his teammates and opponents. It’s crap like this (along with a bunch of other issues) that has made me entirely avoid SoloQ since it’s inception. This game will be fun for an hour or two of hotjoin nonsense for another few months, but if the major issues facing TPvP and SPvP in general aren’t addressed by then, I can’t see much of a PvP population remaining.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

I think he’s more concerned with the extremely poor quality of his teammates and opponents.


This isn’t the first report of this bug. Please put as much information as you can into a bug report for in the appropriate section of the forums.

Also, I would suggest a PM to Powerr, Josh and Chap. This is the type of bug that requires hot fix. It is on the level of when O-eggs and a bunch of the top tier players were completely locked out of being able to play tourneys due to a bug.

I recommend that everyone that cares about the life of this game continue to monitor and reply to this thread until such time as the issue is resolved (just like we did when the top tiers were locked out of tournies).

It seems to be a rare occurrence bug, but it is completely game breaking for the unfortunate recipients. The game is unplayable at that point for anyone that is even a marginally good PvP player. Makes you want to swallow the business end of a .45.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Proshox.6931


I think he’s more concerned with the extremely poor quality of his teammates and opponents.


This isn’t the first report of this bug. Please put as much information as you can into a bug report for in the appropriate section of the forums.

Also, I would suggest a PM to Powerr, Josh and Chap. This is the type of bug that requires hot fix. It is on the level of when O-eggs and a bunch of the top tier players were completely locked out of being able to play tourneys due to a bug.

I recommend that everyone that cares about the life of this game continue to monitor and reply to this thread until such time as the issue is resolved (just like we did when the top tiers were locked out of tournies).

It seems to be a rare occurrence bug, but it is completely game breaking for the unfortunate recipients. The game is unplayable at that point for anyone that is even a marginally good PvP player. Makes you want to swallow the business end of a .45.

^^^^^ THIS..

and i did speak with Josh(grouch) about the issue in-game and he told me and he has sent some internal emails inquiring about the issue. so maybe with a little luck it will get fixed within a week or two =/

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sesundar.3501


I have this happenned to me also. Went in 2 5v0. Dropped way down in leader board. Playing with new players that absolutely have no intention of learning how to play tpvp. Very frustrating. This happened yesterday before the hotfix (the 5v0).

If anything else, I’d also like to see the announcer say “Defend points to win” instead of “Capture and Defend points to win”. Because in the noob meta, it’s all about going in circle, killing everything they see. My team lost even when I had 2 enemies going after me at a point, our team was kept going in circle, and when they got to the 2 enemies I was juking, they just die. While we’re at it, remove points earned for kills!

It’s like elo hell T.T

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

I recommend that everyone that cares about the life of this game continue to monitor and reply to this thread until such time as the issue is resolved (just like we did when the top tiers were locked out of tournies).

It seems to be a rare occurrence bug, but it is completely game breaking for the unfortunate recipients. The game is unplayable at that point for anyone that is even a marginally good PvP player. Makes you want to swallow the business end of a .45.

I will say again, this REQUIRES HOT FIX. It is NOT a wait until next drop issue.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


Had the same problem with a 5v0 and then 0% rank. Was previously ranked in top 500. This sucks. Also, now my rank remained screwed up and a few wins managed to get it up to 50%. Really big issue as far as me enjoying spvp.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


and thanks Josh for being so helpful in game and directing me here!

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

It may be a good public service announcement to talk about how you got the 5v0 que pop so everyone can be careful to avoid it.

Did this happen to you guys around the time of a patch?

I wonder if it has to do with a que popping and pitting you against a team that has not DL’d a new build. Perhaps it is an issue that it doesn’t clear the ques properly on a server re-start or some such thing?

Any added details you guys can throw in here would help to at least boost awareness.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Edo Tensei.8254

Edo Tensei.8254

yesterday i played with 4 people in my group which all was rank 1000+ against a premade which was top 20 , broken matchmaking is broken.

if there is no enemy with equal ranks/mmr then game shouldnt just start against any team with any rank/mmr , instead the system should continue to search a enemy team with equal ranks even if people have to wait like 10-20min. i dont care for long waiting times , and it will also prove that this game is dead when it does have long waiting times till a pvp game start , so it would make it easier for some people to just quit dead game.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Edo Tensei.8254

Edo Tensei.8254

and also why did arenanet remove the team arena requirement of 5er group to be able to sign up team arena? so it would be only 5er premade vs 5er premade and not random vs premade.

random vs premade is bad for both sides , for the premades its boring to farm randoms and for the randoms it is also boring to get farmed by premades.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


ANET needs to reset every one to zero, make them exploit again, at least it will make them work hard

Crazy Leg

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

Not sure if the older thread on this issue had a response, but the bug causing the broken rating is fixed and will be in the game next month. Looks like your solo arena rating has already been reset as well. You should be able to continue playing.

Divide by zero once and the whole world falls apart…

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


cause all changes need a change serverside and they dont want release it in small steps. except its something for pve, then serverside changes doesnt matter.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


This anomaly will never happen except when servers go down for a patch (and people ignore the warnings and queue up anyway). So I’m not sure why people expect that it should be hotfixed. That would be pretty pointless honestly.

The OP’s rank is reset, no one else can possibly experience the bug until the next patch, which is also exactly when the fix is coming. What is the issue, again?

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


It may be a good public service announcement to talk about how you got the 5v0 que pop so everyone can be careful to avoid it.

Did this happen to you guys around the time of a patch?

I wonder if it has to do with a que popping and pitting you against a team that has not DL’d a new build. Perhaps it is an issue that it doesn’t clear the ques properly on a server re-start or some such thing?

Any added details you guys can throw in here would help to at least boost awareness.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


nothing of the sort, it all happened the same day, just a bug with solo queue seemed to happen to high rankers only

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


This anomaly will never happen except when servers go down for a patch (and people ignore the warnings and queue up anyway). So I’m not sure why people expect that it should be hotfixed. That would be pretty pointless honestly.

The OP’s rank is reset, no one else can possibly experience the bug until the next patch, which is also exactly when the fix is coming. What is the issue, again?

-THE ISSUE, is that 400-500 hours of ladder climbing has been completely wrecked and I have been sent to literally the bottom of the ladder in 1 match. THE ISSUE, is that it has not been fixed for all people who experienced it. It should be hotfixed because apparently its going to be a permanent thing otherwise.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Proshox.6931


Not sure if the older thread on this issue had a response, but the bug causing the broken rating is fixed and will be in the game next month. Looks like your solo arena rating has already been reset as well. You should be able to continue playing.

Divide by zero once and the whole world falls apart…

My solo rating has NOT been reset… still at a fabulous 9% with 7-10 min queues(prime time)

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Proshox.6931


This anomaly will never happen except when servers go down for a patch (and people ignore the warnings and queue up anyway). So I’m not sure why people expect that it should be hotfixed. That would be pretty pointless honestly.

The OP’s rank is reset, no one else can possibly experience the bug until the next patch, which is also exactly when the fix is coming. What is the issue, again?

this the bugged game occurred for me on Monday afternoon, which was no where near a patch time.

and again my rank has NOT been reset yet…

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

… the bugged game occurred for me on Monday afternoon, which was no where near a patch time.

and again my rank has NOT been reset yet…

Seems to be inconsistent with the explanation of how this happens. Perhaps the dev team can check ladder history to verify if Proshox got zero’d out around a patch time?

It may be that the bug is not coming from where we all seem to think it was coming from. Nobody’s fault, it just happens sometimes. If it were me, then this issue would be of high enough magnitude that I would want to make sure I was right about its origins.

I don’t know Proshox well, but I have played with him a couple times and he seems like a legitimately ok dude. I don’t think he would come on here and post some bulla for no reason. Not saying he couldn’t be mistaken about the timing or what not, but I would tend to believe him unless there was a pretty good reason not to.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


it seems from evan’s post that mmr takes enemy players rating into account and divides it by the players there, since there were no players it was divided by 0.


Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Not sure if the older thread on this issue had a response, but the bug causing the broken rating is fixed and will be in the game next month. Looks like your solo arena rating has already been reset as well. You should be able to continue playing.

Divide by zero once and the whole world falls apart…

My solo rating has NOT been reset… still at a fabulous 9% with 7-10 min queues(prime time)

Apologies, I assumed that the problem had been resolved. Very odd that it happened on a Monday afternoon.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

People care about leaderboards?

Saying that the current leaderboard isn’t meaningful is one thing. Not caring about getting a functional leaderboard (which this bug prevents) in the future is something else.

The leaderboard doesn’t even matter in this discussion though. If you have to play matches at the 0 percentile the gameplay in your matches will be so bad that it will make you not want to play, and because of the way the matchmaking is functioning at this point you are likely to loose a whole lot of games through no fault of your own (since you will face teams with 5 players of higher rating every single time).

(edited by Myrmidian Eudoros.4671)

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: starcraft zergling.1962

starcraft zergling.1962

Happened to me 2 months ago.
Sent ticket + forum post about it.
I got a premade bot answer like “we’re aware of the situation, thanks for reporting”.
After few days I got no more update of the situation and my ticket report got closed.

So I sent another ticket saying: why did you close the ticket? you didn’t fix anything, didn’t propose any solution, a bot just told me “thanks for reporting” then you closed the ticket and marked it as solved? I want to have a real answer, will you do anything about this problem? I don’t want another evasive bot answer i want a real answer, yes or no.

I got this answer: “We are unable to fulfill your request” which i guess means we won’t do kitten.

My advice: don’t expect too much about having your rating restored it probably won’t happen.
Also you misunderstood the dev.
“Your rating has been reset” means: “Your rating has been reset to 0%, by the bug”

To cheer you up: it’s not that hard to get back from 0% to top 1000 it took me 1 day (20-25 games), then another day for top 150.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


Happened to me 2 months ago.
Sent ticket + forum post about it.
I got a premade bot answer like “we’re aware of the situation, thanks for reporting”.
After few days I got no more update of the situation and my ticket report got closed.

So I sent another ticket saying: why did you close the ticket? you didn’t fix anything, didn’t propose any solution, a bot just told me “thanks for reporting” then you closed the ticket and marked it as solved? I want to have a real answer, will you do anything about this problem? I don’t want another evasive bot answer i want a real answer, yes or no.

I got this answer: “We are unable to fulfill your request” which i guess means we won’t do kitten.

My advice: don’t expect too much about having your rating restored it probably won’t happen.
Also you misunderstood the dev.
“Your rating has been reset” means: “Your rating has been reset to 0%, by the bug”

To cheer you up: it’s not that hard to get back from 0% to top 1000 it took me 1 day (20-25 games), then another day for top 150.

All the same, resetting our ratings is not a fix, its actually an insult to the people who care about pvp. In fact im insulted that anyone would consider the above a fix to begin with.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Mathias.9657


Omfg … all I have to say is … LOL!!

Arenanet at their absolute finest, hahaha. PvP oriented game my ass!! XD

Edit: Though, I’m sorry that happened to your rank. But really … don’t sweat the leader board rankings, they’re incredibly stupid as is. 19-1 = #1 spot forever while people who grind hundreds of games can’t clear it.

Leaderboards mean nothing, just like “Qualifying Points” did. Arenanet is just too kitten tryhard at being unique and their pride, as well as corporate greed, (PvE centric for generating $$ anyone?) is effectively destroying this “PvP game”.

Spot on, brother. It’s their pride and obsession with being unique. It’s why we can’t have cool things… screw em.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: OhMyTaeyeon.5831


Well, this just happened to me today, after the patch….I was in a 3v0 match and now I’m got reset at 0%…..Sad

Naña (Mesmer)

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Hopper.5184


-on another note this is a long line of things in pvp that are seriously beginning to wear at my desire to play.

Bugged MMR/Leader Board spvp unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


it seems from evan’s post that mmr takes enemy players rating into account and divides it by the players there, since there were no players it was divided by 0.

mmh im asking myself where they learned programming if they had never come to the idea that dividing by 0 can happen and not maked a defaultvalue 1 or a case for 0.