"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Every time the developers say this phrase I cringe and die a little on the inside. How on Earth is the beta test a good gauge of effectiveness and viability? Sure, there are some rudimentary things you can iron out such as gameplay fluidity (clones dying in literally one hit for example) but when it comes to balance, we should stop referring to things tried out in beta.

What happened in beta was a whole mass of people (not even seasoned mmo pvp players, just normal people) jumped into this brand new game and rolled around on their keys. This complete lack of skill on the playing field made some things seemingly OP. The most classic example would be the Bullsrush-100b combo. I’m sure nobody with even a lick of skill will say that any more now, 10 months after release, right?

I propose that we (devs included) please stop referring to beta when we speak of balance.

"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

That’s right. I’ve never looked at it that way but I have to agree. 100B was “OP” until people realized how easy is to dodge it (just an example).
Good point

It would be nice to remove “On My Mark!” and put again “I Will Avenge You!”. In my opinion it was not that overpowered if compared to Engineer’s “Toss Elixir R”.

(edited by Oni Link.4621)

"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


Well, in all fairness, it feels like we are still in Beta so…

The amount of fixes and balancing that still needs to be in place puts us in a pre-release state, and we are all guinea pigs in all of these “temporary” content patches and mechanic changes to various classes.

Just accept we are still in beta, and that hopefully in time, things will start to look more cohesive and fluid through our current live testing.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: Zodian.6597


I remember back during beta, haste – heartseeker spam thief was the bee’s knees! -power ran it on team Alpha Colective and just destroyed ppl lol. I dare someone to try it even in hotjoin now haha


"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: SovereignHegemony.4160


Lmao, so true. Eagerly awaiting the return of Spirit Greatsword Rangers.

"Back in Beta, we tried...and it became OP"

in PvP

Posted by: Lopez.7369


Glad someone else gets this.