Bad Aspect of that Patch

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


I am sry to say but since that new system is in the beta test for Paids its almost impossible to have real good matches against good teams. Its just QP farming. Everyone is playing Paids and u cant q up with any good team since there is always another Team already in the q.
Why would u add a 1v1 system without matchmaking ? Its just LAME for everyone.
Why would u add it in Paid and not in free ? If paids q insta pop we could try to scrim in Free. Its almost impossible to make a real strateige on this map since u have NO idea if it can work against a real Team.
I dont wanna sound arrogant or smth BUT Paid tournaments are for the real teams that pratice alot togeather. And right now the Teams making a break for this “Event” or just farming QPs vs, sry to say, noobs.

Add this system in FREE to test it OR add an matchmakingsystem aswell or add it in FREE too that we can atleast try to SCRIM. This way u cant rly test it ! Just boring as hell playing 7 days same map vs. almost a chance < 0 to get a good team.

Its not a flame its just bad the way it is, at least for us. (my team and may other)
It could have been intresting if u would be able to test ur strategies against good teams. But this way GG we take a break.

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


The bad aspect for me is that free tournaments are unplayable. I haven’t seen any free tournament popping for last 7 hours ( i had the same yesterday evening), except if i’m unlucky and i’m constantly the 9th team…

So random groups get farmed in paid tournaments ( yesterday, i faced 3 different r40+ teams all running 3 or 4 eles + guardian) and they can’t play free tournament…

This patch can look good, but it just changed the problem. Like you said, free tournaments should also be with 1 round..

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I am sry to say but since that new system is in the beta test for Paids its almost impossible to have real good matches against good teams. Its just QP farming. Everyone is playing Paids and u cant q up with any good team since there is always another Team already in the q.
Why would u add a 1v1 system without matchmaking ? Its just LAME for everyone.
Why would u add it in Paid and not in free ? If paids q insta pop we could try to scrim in Free. Its almost impossible to make a real strateige on this map since u have NO idea if it can work against a real Team.
I dont wanna sound arrogant or smth BUT Paid tournaments are for the real teams that pratice alot togeather. And right now the Teams making a break for this “Event” or just farming QPs vs, sry to say, noobs.

Add this system in FREE to test it OR add an matchmakingsystem aswell or add it in FREE too that we can atleast try to SCRIM. This way u cant rly test it ! Just boring as hell playing 7 days same map vs. almost a chance < 0 to get a good team.

Its not a flame its just bad the way it is, at least for us. (my team and may other)
It could have been intresting if u would be able to test ur strategies against good teams. But this way GG we take a break.

1 word = matchmaking. Thats all they need. Stops stomps both ways.

As for the system. It is amazing. I have never before seen constant “lfm tournies” (for both free and paids) in chat in the mists. Which is wonderful.

Believe it or not the “pro” teams dont have a monopoly on talent in this game. It wont take long before some of these players who have been bought into paid tournaments start kicking some serious kitten

Before the best players were just to best out of 100 players (or less). Wouldnt it be better if you could say you are the best out of 10,000 players? Real competition will come with this system. But yes matchmaking is needed.

Also maybe you should try and pug the paids. This whole team thing is kind of lame. You find out alot more about your capabilities when you pug and have to just rely on your twitch gameplay rather than on communication

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


i agree that this system is great! But the way it is atm is bad cuz no matchmaking and sure i would love to have some more good teams in paids but playing since 2 days and winning every match almost 500-0 while almost playing troll builds and like hotjoin is not fun atm. Even if they have no matchmaking atm they could solve that problem by addeing this system seperated or also in Free that we can test new strategies against good teams and rly see how it can work.

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


The fix our team is doing is that we are sync joining together with other top teams in free tournaments.

It’s pretty tragic that we have to go and do such drastic measures (going on ts with other team, counting down+joining a free tournament together, stomping two free pugs to have one acceptable game.

Still, that’s the fix that we have, hit me up in game and let me know what team you’re in and I’ll see if I can get you into the ques.

Can’t wait till custom arenas c,c

On the positive side of this change, we can see that paids have a huge boost in activity. They literally pop 24/7. If arenanet now just implements matchmaking for full premades+soloq rating with this 1v1 system with all the maps the pvp of Guild Wars 2 would start breathing.

Tldr; It sucks for the top players at the moment but don’t scrap the 1v1 tournaments for that reason, arenanet. Just enhance it so that good teams can meet good teams!

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


QQ helseth its me Varee.
Scriming in free sure its a solution for boring gameplay BUT we cant test the new map vs good teams on it and thats smth we rly want to do b4 they become part of the normal rotation.

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


i agree that this system is great! But the way it is atm is bad cuz no matchmaking and sure i would love to have some more good teams in paids but playing since 2 days and winning every match almost 500-0 while almost playing troll builds and like hotjoin is not fun atm. Even if they have no matchmaking atm they could solve that problem by addeing this system seperated or also in Free that we can test new strategies against good teams and rly see how it can work.

I think matchmaking and custom arenas would be the most comprehensive fix. They are working on these as priorities I believe so that will be perfect for what you are saying.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


ofc it would be but the question is why adding this testing system right now without a matchmaking or another way to be able to play against teams u wanna play against.

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


i dont want to cry or smth cuz most of the ppl enjoy the game just saying that its not good for everyone the way it is and trying to find a way how it would be even better….

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Adris.1859


playing since 2 days and winning every match almost 500-0 while almost playing troll builds

Since when double ele bunkerway is a troll build ?

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


It is just a one week trial.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


double ele staff dps is troll

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well, your topic is completely right. But on the other side as some ppl mentioned allrdy: It’s more of a “get more ppl into real pvp” update. After this trial I’m sure top-teams have enough time to experience the real competition, when they will implement temple in the 3-round paid tournament.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I think it’s good to point out the potential issues with the system. I think single-match ranked games are exactly what the game needs, and with this system we’re halfway there.

In the betas, everyone loved hotjoin and didn’t notice all the awful issues it had. So when the game launched, the devs figured everyone would do hotjoin (except for the most hardcore players, who would do free tourneys!) It’s worth pointing out some of the challenges.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Purebeh.6512


Find it funny that other good teams went and sync’d frees, JBUO did that last night to play one game against ALFA. After only having 1 good match against a team in the new paids we decided to sync queue with team in a free, It was sad the other 2 matches in that free were on par with the paids we were playing earlier. People love the new system just put in custom arena’s so the best players can be happy too and who cares about the rest

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


no need for custom just add ranking and match making. and anyone could see this problem coming. I posted about it a couple times. just a bunch of pugs with tickets saved up queuing

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


well scriming in free sure we can do that aswell as helseth said BUT i want to test Temple map vs good teams ?! and thasts just not possible.

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


God if Anet listened to you guys you would still have a 55 man meta with a huge barrier to entry to get in a team.

Before you had to have a team. And you couldnt get a team without getting QP. And you couldnt get Qp without getting a team. And you couldnt queue solo so it isnt even easy to get a team even if you have QP. For all you know there are players with potential far higher than the current top players (who are top of a small sample) who would crush anyone currently participating. This whole new system opens the tournament world up and makes it accessible (real competition is only valid if you have participation – how would the NBA work if they only accepted people from texas? It would be a joke). Matchmaking is needed. Everyone knows this. But you should suck it up and stop the QQ. Be careful what you wish for. On its previous trjectory this game was due to be dead pvp wise in a matter of weeks. Dont rail against positive progress just for selfish interests.

Dont worry though. You will have you old paids back at the end of the week and you can queue vs the same 7 teams for a few times a night over a peroid of hours.

People say the meta is stale. Part of that is probably because the playerbase is stale.

They need matchmaking. But the worst thing ever would be to go back to the old system with such a high ticket cost and such long tournaments and queue times.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Follidus.8027


Matchmaking would make it a lot better, however we need this 1v1 format to help populate the game.

Cause I ain’t perfect, I never said I was.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz – Team Absolute Legends

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

This is the first step to a better system for casuals as well as competitive players. It may be boring for us, but it is only 1 week and the next update is just a few weeks away.
Aside that, Varee, it worked to scrim vs Curse on the new map today. It may just take a little while to be in the same match.

P.S.: Next scrim underwater combat! lol

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Mrowqa.3861


well scriming in free sure we can do that aswell as helseth said BUT i want to test Temple map vs good teams ?! and thasts just not possible.

So basically everyone who Try 1v1 paid tourneys and made/random teams who just want to have fun should stay away from 1v1 paid tourney Cause You need to play agains good teams?

Your such an ignorant. And prick.

First of all instead of crying around that You meet bad teams and You stomp them You should rather create a post asking Anet to make rating system.

For exmaple total ranks added up devided by 5. Or ranks by QP’s.
That will let You play vs Your dream “good teams”

Also You should remember that You werent “pro” always. Theres a good quote about it but im not going to look for it.

In simple way you were at some point in Your GW2 “pvp” career where You were complete as You said “noob”.

And it makes me think. Instead of actually stomping those teams ( 500-0 ) and then coming and Crying around that You beat them, You could give them some advice on how to play or increase thier skill. In long run it would also make Your game better because You would meet better teams.

Buy hey Your total " Pro " You don’t talk with " noobs " as You called them.


Also Let’s not forget that this pvp have nothing to do with having fun.
Seriously watching constantly 2 bunker dnd Ele’s and guardian bunkers + 2 random dps poping Out each match is getting booring.

Im pretty sure that IF eles werent in thier state most of You so called “Pros” would roll bunker guards or bunker ranger builds.

Most of those “top” teams are top because of just simply op composition of classes in that team.

Same thing happened to WoW 5v5/3v3 Arena matches.
After each patch those so called “pros” who had each class brought to 80+ jsut switched to what was most op at the moment and created teams of most op classes.

Thats why top teams usualy had Shamans healer + Warlocks on Dots+mass fear and random dps ( which is almost 90% cases ) was Retri pala or frost mage.

So top tier ranking was made of 3-4 classes out of 10.

Now when mists are out and most of balancing is done facts are repeated. Top teams run most op Classes and switch them after each patch just to stay on top.

Same thing happened to GW2. Ele no matter what build actually stays totaly OP. Just grab dnd, get some toughness and spam skills ( I know that eles are on of hardest classes to master but thier abilities and boons and overall healing + surv is at this moment on top of everything. ). Same goes to bunker guard. You don’t need lots of skill to play one ( it’s probably easiest class to play due to second best amount of healing (after ele )).

Don’t get me wrong. But when You say Good team vs GOod team In my eyes it just looks like this :
team 1 ( 2 eles / guardian / and necro or ranger or thief or warr ) vs team 2 ( same composition ).

How much of different tactics ( that You claimed You can’t try out ) You want to try vs same builds/teams/classes.

This game is to simple when it comes to Tpvp. hols 2 points at all cost and if enemy team get somehow killed ( 2-4 players ) try to spawn lock then while keeping guardian/ele on 2 points and 1 ele running around from points to keep better def.

This game leaves You no tactics at all.

Tactic wise WoW was much better. And don’t try to tell me that GW2 is not WoW.
GW2 tries to compete with WoW. So it’s most common sense to compare both of these.

It’s just sad that after so many failures and mistakes made by other companies when it comes to pve&pvp still new MMo’s that come out after 2012 Just copy&paste same mistakes all around.

Best examples = AIon. One of better mmo’s out there fairly balanced. From pay to play gone f2p after 2 years. Swotr after probably 1 year gone to f2p model from p2p same mistakes. Now even TERA after barely 2-3 months in EU goes F2P cause noone want to play and pay for a game that repeats same mistakes all over again.

Wanna know why Blizzard keeps thier playerbase at 10 mln + ? because they actually read forums and fix classes/ make balance changes even hours after patch.

First thing that Anet should think of before Thinking of Tournaments (no matter free or paid or even hotjoins – in which theres alos lot imabalnce cause sometimes 1 team gets all 30-50+ rank player while second get all under 10th rank ) was implementing Rank system. But instead of that they though about Ticket system. Top teams farming free tournament groups ( in same way making new player Quit Spvp/Tpvp because they get stomped cause they can’t compete with teams on same skill level ) to get 5 tickets and then go to Paid tournament.

It’s sad system and should be redesigned 4 months Ago.

(edited by Mrowqa.3861)

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Surreal.5243


They should just stay with the 1v1 system wich is brillian and bring:

1. Ranked games for teams
2. Ranked games for solo
3. Free

…and hotjoin for sure…

Read it Backwards [BooN]

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Matchmaking would make it a lot better, however we need this 1v1 format to help populate the game.

Perfectly explained the entire situation in one sentence. Nice.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Oni.5429


well scriming in free sure we can do that aswell as helseth said BUT i want to test Temple map vs good teams ?! and thasts just not possible.

So basically everyone who Try 1v1 paid tourneys and made/random teams who just want to have fun should stay away from 1v1 paid tourney Cause You need to play agains good teams?

Your such an ignorant. And prick.

First of all instead of crying around that You meet bad teams and You stomp them You should rather create a post asking Anet to make rating system.

For exmaple total ranks added up devided by 5. Or ranks by QP’s.
That will let You play vs Your dream “good teams”

Also You should remember that You werent “pro” always. Theres a good quote about it but im not going to look for it.

In simple way you were at some point in Your GW2 “pvp” career where You were complete as You said “noob”.

And it makes me think. Instead of actually stomping those teams ( 500-0 ) and then coming and Crying around that You beat them, You could give them some advice on how to play or increase thier skill. In long run it would also make Your game better because You would meet better teams.

Buy hey Your total " Pro " You don’t talk with " noobs " as You called them.


Also Let’s not forget that this pvp have nothing to do with having fun.
Seriously watching constantly 2 bunker dnd Ele’s and guardian bunkers + 2 random dps poping Out each match is getting booring.

Im pretty sure that IF eles werent in thier state most of You so called “Pros” would roll bunker guards or bunker ranger builds.

Most of those “top” teams are top because of just simply op composition of classes in that team.

Same thing happened to WoW 5v5/3v3 Arena matches.
After each patch those so called “pros” who had each class brought to 80+ jsut switched to what was most op at the moment and created teams of most op classes.

Thats why top teams usualy had Shamans healer + Warlocks on Dots+mass fear and random dps ( which is almost 90% cases ) was Retri pala or frost mage.

So top tier ranking was made of 3-4 classes out of 10.

Now when mists are out and most of balancing is done facts are repeated. Top teams run most op Classes and switch them after each patch just to stay on top.

Same thing happened to GW2. Ele no matter what build actually stays totaly OP. Just grab dnd, get some toughness and spam skills ( I know that eles are on of hardest classes to master but thier abilities and boons and overall healing + surv is at this moment on top of everything. ). Same goes to bunker guard. You don’t need lots of skill to play one ( it’s probably easiest class to play due to second best amount of healing (after ele )).

Don’t get me wrong. But when You say Good team vs GOod team In my eyes it just looks like this :
team 1 ( 2 eles / guardian / and necro or ranger or thief or warr ) vs team 2 ( same composition ).

How much of different tactics ( that You claimed You can’t try out ) You want to try vs same builds/teams/classes.

This game is to simple when it comes to Tpvp. hols 2 points at all cost and if enemy team get somehow killed ( 2-4 players ) try to spawn lock then while keeping guardian/ele on 2 points and 1 ele running around from points to keep better def.

This game leaves You no tactics at all.

Tactic wise WoW was much better. And don’t try to tell me that GW2 is not WoW.
GW2 tries to compete with WoW. So it’s most common sense to compare both of these.

It’s just sad that after so many failures and mistakes made by other companies when it comes to pve&pvp still new MMo’s that come out after 2012 Just copy&paste same mistakes all around.

Best examples = AIon. One of better mmo’s out there fairly balanced. From pay to play gone f2p after 2 years. Swotr after probably 1 year gone to f2p model from p2p same mistakes. Now even TERA after barely 2-3 months in EU goes F2P cause noone want to play and pay for a game that repeats same mistakes all over again.

Wanna know why Blizzard keeps thier playerbase at 10 mln + ? because they actually read forums and fix classes/ make balance changes even hours after patch.

First thing that Anet should think of before Thinking of Tournaments (no matter free or paid or even hotjoins – in which theres alos lot imabalnce cause sometimes 1 team gets all 30-50+ rank player while second get all under 10th rank ) was implementing Rank system. But instead of that they though about Ticket system. Top teams farming free tournament groups ( in same way making new player Quit Spvp/Tpvp because they get stomped cause they can’t compete with teams on same skill level ) to get 5 tickets and then go to Paid tournament.

It’s sad system and should be redesigned 4 months Ago.

This entire post is nonsense.

Crs Helseth, Mesmer for Team Curse

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: cocaftw.4279


defenetly plz read what i said in total.
Again i am NOT crying about the System I am just saying that the way it is RIGHT NOW is not helpfull for EVERYONE. If they keep it like this this game dies in few weeks. This 1v1 System is great but without matchmaking its kittening bad. They basicly switched Paids for Free so “good players can proof themself” – are u kidding me? all u can do is farm QP u cant proof urself by playing the NEW FREE tournaments right now. So i am ignorant and a prick cuz i am trying to find a way how we can rly test this map for EVERYONE ?! This week is a BETA TEST for this map in competetive Way and right now its just like hotjoin. ANET want to test the map and get feedback from everyone (casuals/hardcors) and the Feedback of the top teams right now is – there cant be feedback cuz we cant rly test it.
YES its good to see activity
YES its good to see more ppl playing
YES its good not having long Q times

Its paid tournaments! Its NOT free. Free and Paids should be seperated use free to test use paids to play. The way it is u just destroy the only bit competetive play we have.
Sry to say but 90% of the time we are just stomping noobs and thats not the way it should be. For both !!! If they keep this system up after the Test week most of the teams (the few which are left!) will quitt including us. Putting this system as PAID tournaments without a MATCHMAKING is the biggest fail I have ever seen ! Either put it up like a 1v1 system itselfs and dont cut off the paid system or make it as FREE tournament or make a MATCHMAKING.

OnibawaN Varee

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


defenetly plz read what i said in total.
Again i am NOT crying about the System I am just saying that the way it is RIGHT NOW is not helpfull for EVERYONE. If they keep it like this this game dies in few weeks. This 1v1 System is great but without matchmaking its kittening bad. They basicly switched Paids for Free so “good players can proof themself” – are u kidding me? all u can do is farm QP u cant proof urself by playing the NEW FREE tournaments right now. So i am ignorant and a prick cuz i am trying to find a way how we can rly test this map for EVERYONE ?! This week is a BETA TEST for this map in competetive Way and right now its just like hotjoin. ANET want to test the map and get feedback from everyone (casuals/hardcors) and the Feedback of the top teams right now is – there cant be feedback cuz we cant rly test it.
YES its good to see activity
YES its good to see more ppl playing
YES its good not having long Q times

Its paid tournaments! Its NOT free. Free and Paids should be seperated use free to test use paids to play. The way it is u just destroy the only bit competetive play we have.
Sry to say but 90% of the time we are just stomping noobs and thats not the way it should be. For both !!! If they keep this system up after the Test week most of the teams (the few which are left!) will quitt including us. Putting this system as PAID tournaments without a MATCHMAKING is the biggest fail I have ever seen ! Either put it up like a 1v1 system itselfs and dont cut off the paid system or make it as FREE tournament or make a MATCHMAKING.

There is no competitive scene in this game. There was none either. With the current system a competitive scene will arise once they add matchmaking/monthly tournies.

Nobody cares if you and 3 other teams quit because you are unhappy. The figures will show that this test is result in probably 30 times the activity in tournaments than was pre=patch. So probably like 10k people happy and 30 people like you unhappy. Get over urself honestly lol

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

There is a competitive scene in this game. If you say something different then you never played paid before the patch.
Just wait till next monday and you will get the 3-round paid back. And ye it’s a complete fail to bring a 1v1 tournament without matchmaking.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


There is a competitive scene in this game. If you say something different then you never played paid before the patch.
Just wait till next monday and you will get the 3-round paid back. And ye it’s a complete fail to bring a 1v1 tournament without matchmaking.

No there isnt. I could say to 50 guys at the bar that we should have a 100m running race. If I won it means nothing. The olympics 100m running race means something because it selects people from a huge audience (everyone in the world) and they compete to see who is fastest. That is real competition.

Competition is more prestigious and important based on the number of people participating. Its statistics. Previously the barrier to entry to paids was too high which resulted in a small sample of players whose achievements were therefore insignificant.

Paids should remain cheap and remain 1v1.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Eristina.5967


This problem only affect 10 teams ~~, while a good amount of players join and try paid.
Where was all the cheers and things about “let’s help the community grow” seriously ?

It’s a good thing, new team plays, we tried the new paid for two night and while the majority of games were easy for us, we met some teams that we met in the old tournament and new teams that gave us some trouble.
E.G yesterday around 5 matchs in 3 hours vs teams from old paids.
Last week, we could spend 3 hours in paid without meeting any big teams (there were 2 to 3 tournaments running at the same time in peak hours). We took 4 days to meet Team paradigm, your team only one or two time etc.

If you really wants to play against top teams, just do what we were doing before paid : sync, join 5v5 maps, and that’s it.
I’m happy of new paids system because it will help the community to grow and average teams can train and become better to fight top teams (there are alot of teams that I see each week becoming better).

Last thing :
Old paid : 9 matchs in 3 hours.
Now in 3 hours we can do 20 matchs.
PS: if you want to train and cg with top teams, you can, if you just want to farm qp like 90% of teams did before the new system, well i’m sorry.
BTW since when farming QP on a ladder where you CAN’T lose point is, a ladder and a skill indicator ?

Origine-online –
Mains Thief – Necro – Mesmer

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Eristina is so kitten right :P
If you want to fight hard teams arrange matches on your own and train together.
Now if you really want progression at same time on the flawed qp ladder system thats your problem.
What there is now is better than before even without matchmaking and if you cant see it then you probably are stuck with..elitism :P

(And btw im pretty sure that if anet wanted testing of the new map being done only by onibawan,tp,cn etc and all the current qp dominant teams im pretty sure they would have contacted you directly :P.. maybe you need to come down to earth a bit..)

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

It’s the best patch they ever made till now. I completely agree with Eristina.

@lordrosicky: I hope that was sarcasm. Guildwars2 PvP contains all players of the world that decide to play paid tournaments. And on olympics there are also all 100m runners of the world that decide to do a runner-career. So it’s best of the best in both cases. (your argument is complete non-sense).

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Eristina is so kitten right :P
If you want to fight hard teams arrange matches on your own and train together.
Now if you really want progression at same time on the flawed qp ladder system thats your problem.
What there is now is better than before even without matchmaking and if you cant see it then you probably are stuck with..elitism :P

(And btw im pretty sure that if anet wanted testing of the new map being done only by onibawan,tp,cn etc and all the current qp dominant teams im pretty sure they would have contacted you directly :P.. maybe you need to come down to earth a bit..)

Please read posts better. Thank you

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: snatch.2584


just implement ELO system, that’s all
and after this temple of silent storm week we should get chance to choose which map we want to play on or just click something like “random”. Anyway, it’s nice – i mean that 1v1 paid tournaments, now i don’t have to wait whole day for 7 another teams and i don’t have to farm 3 days to play 1 tournament ; )

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


It’s the best patch they ever made till now. I completely agree with Eristina.

@lordrosicky: I hope that was sarcasm. Guildwars2 PvP contains all players of the world that decide to play paid tournaments. And on olympics there are also all 100m runners of the world that decide to do a runner-career. So it’s best of the best in both cases. (your argument is complete non-sense).

Its not nonesense in anyway whatsoever. The 100m final is based out of everyone in the world. If you are fast you will be in that final. The paid tournaments are a self selected group of about 100 people. Thats the difference. Self selected vs talent selected.

There is no skill required to play paid tournies. At all.

Self selected is fine but the competition means nothing unless that self selected group (who chose to do paids) is large enough to actually matter. Winning out of a self selected group of 100 is meaningless compared to winning out of a self selected group of 10k people.

So no, I am not wrong. You just didnt understand the difference between self selected and talent selected.


Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


just implement ELO system, that’s all
and after this temple of silent storm week we should get chance to choose which map we want to play on or just click something like “random”. Anyway, it’s nice – i mean that 1v1 paid tournaments, now i don’t have to wait whole day for 7 another teams and i don’t have to farm 3 days to play 1 tournament ; )

Paids should be 1vs 1 with matchmaking and RANDOM MAPS. Include all the maps and have them random and LOCK character/skill/weapon switching when people hit “Submit team”. This way teams wont just role a warrior to dominate underwater on Raid for ex. It will create a far more balanced and diverse meta because teams will have to be a good composition for ALL maps.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Bad Aspect of that Patch

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Of course the ‘pros’ switch to the most powerful classes. And they will here at a very high rate if the spvp becomes popular and a ladder gets introduced.
Y? Because, the higher the level of play you get to, the less skill becomes a variable.

That sounds counter intuititve , but its not. At a very high level of play , all the players are very skilled. So, differences in class balance effect high end games MORE than low end games. Because that difference gets expressed more, as the difference in skill and understanding in the game is smaller.

So, what one will see in top end play is a disproportionate loading of classes in a certain direction. Happens in dota, Leauge of legends, wow. Everywhere.

This is why, YOU BALANCE FROM THE TOP DOWN. Because at the higest level of plays, class balance is being expressed more in the variance of performance, than at the lower levels of play.