Hello all,
I am proposing some changes to SPvP to promote more balanced game play, increase the importance of team fights, and reduce the effectiveness of condition builds 1v1.
Promoting Balanced Gameplay:
As an effort to promote balanced gameplay, fights need to last a base amount of time longer. As it is, glass burst builds (except Mesmers), have a hard time having a place in SPvP. The amount of damage you gain from a Berserker’s Amulet vs Marauder’s Amulet is negligible. In addition, many support roles aren’t taken, except for when equipping a Celestial Amulet. The idea is to reduce the effectiveness of conditions, change the effectiveness of boons to be “opposites” of the conditions, change the effectiveness of Toughness vs. Conditions, and increase the amount of healing effectiveness while reducing base healing.
*Proposal *
Stat Changes
Toughness: Now reduces damage taken by conditions by 4-16% based on Toughness.
Healing: Reduced base healing by about 25%. Healing #6 Skill buffed about 25%. Healing scales about 25% better across the board.
Condition Changes:
As it stands, conditions influence fights in SPVP more than any other game mode. Conditions, applied to large groups of enemies, can trivialize fights in SPvP and make the condition-heavy team win a great deal of time. Slow, immob, and chill are powerful conditions with, sometimes, very long durations. Slow in itself can have a Chronomancer surviving a 1v2, especially with Time Warp.
Slow: Reduce effect to 33%, down from 50%.
Chill: Reduce effect to 50%, down from 66%.
Cripple: Reduces movement speed by 33%, down from 50%.
Burning: Unchanged
Bleed: Unchanged
Poison: Reduce healing taken by 25%, down from 33%.
Weakness: Reduces all damage done by 15%. (condition and power) (15 anti-might)
Blind: Reduce duration by 25%. Stacks intensity rather than duration. (multiple blinds) (thief buff) (5 stack maximum)
Torment: Damage increased by about 10%.
Confusion: Damage over time increased about 10%.
Immobilize: Unchanged
Boon Changes
Protection: Reduces damage taken by 25%, down from 33%.
Regeneration: Increases healing taken by allies by 25%, in addition to previous effects. Counters Poison.
Might: Increases all damage done by 1% per stack, up to 25%.
Swiftness: Increases speed by 25%, down from 33%.
Fury: Unchanged
Quickness: Effect changed to 33%, down from 50%.
Resistance: add to more professions, self-application
NEW BOON Freedom: Movement impairing effects (Immob, Chill, Cripple) no longer affect you for the duration. Given on abilities that grant Swiftness.
Stability: Unchanged
Retaliation: New Effect Critical hits will reflect an additional 50% damage to the attacker.
Condition Removal
Condition removal is in a powerful place. However, as far as support goes, condition removal is often trumped by condition application. Resistance in particular is a rare boon, and one of the strongest. While I agree with the short duration of Resistance, I don’t necessarily agree with the lack of Resistance in-game. Resistance should be made available to the boon support specializations, but with a short duration to counter the very strong effects of the boon.
Support Range
Many of the support abilities have a base range of around 300-600. Other MMOs have healing ranges that are greater than DPS ranges, whereas GW2 stays relatively constant around 300-600 depending on the skill. Support/Healing ranges should be increased to about 600-900, whereas DPS AoE skills should remain around the 300-600 range. This would increase the viability of support roles in a game that is based around a soft trinity rather than simply DPS.
I have edited this to apply some changes from the feedback below. Please continue with your feedback and I’ll update the meta with what everyone thinks.
(edited by Caine.8204)