Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Please just tell us that after this balance patch we won’t get hit for 24k Coalescence of Ruin double hits from a single cast in WvW.

Its your like..3 or 4 post in this thread about something noone care. It doesnt go anywhere so the qq is pointless. Dont want to be hit for 10k cor? Time to get toughness gear and move on.

on guard with 3.5k armor plus prot still do arround 6k 2x with means 12k+ at least on 1.2k range, it is not a QQ, it is dumb gameplay.

it is a call for bad players from other games be cool at gw2, nothing more… no wonder this game it is a joke at sports.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


This is a dev note from a less known PvP oriented game… I just copypasta this:

“Hi everyone!

As part of our ongoing improvements for the RandomPvPFocusedGame matchmaking system, we’ve just implemented a new change that will affect what types of parties you may get matched against while playing Quick Match. Starting today, we’ve greatly reduced the possibility that you’ll be matched against a party that has three more members than the largest party on your own team.
Let’s expand on what that means. Take a look at a few common party sizes below, and what you can expect to see in Quick Match after today:

Solo players: Cannot be matched against four or five-player parties.
Duo players*: Cannot be matched against five-player parties.
Three-player parties: Can match against any party size.

It is important to note that the matchmaker will still prioritize match quality over party size, and may pull in parties outside of these ranges if the resulting game is the most suitable match available. This means that it’s still possible to play against a party that’s larger than your own, but this will only occur in rare cases."

Is there a chance we will see something like this as well?
Or do you (ANET) think this would lead to too long queues?

#I no words have"

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Daemon Artresta.9471

Daemon Artresta.9471

Aside from skill adjustments, another way we can adjust balance in PvP is by looking at the runes/sigils/amulets that are available for use through the customization panel.

I would be interested in hearing thoughts (with the high-level goals from the blog in-mind) on adding/removing various sigils/amulets/runes. In general, our goal for PvP is to be faster-paced with a higher-level of lethality than what we’re seeing in S1.

I know we’ve had this conversation a few times before, but it’s always important to have this discussion with the correct context in mind.

Add Rune of Perplexity to PVP. The Reign of Confusion Hell will begin. That would increase lethality.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


“extremely dangerous” thief. I hope u yo patch will change the fact thief has very low winraito and is considered trash tier becouse of that.

or developer wants thief to be “extreme dangerous” to his own team making it even weaker? While we are are sure what the intetions are we can at least discuss first possibility of buffing thief.

Lets think for a moment what “extreme danger” means in pvp. Everyone will agree that huge dmg. But is it only condition? i dont think so. If it was only condition everybody would play berserk amulets. What then?

Unblockable atacks.
why? becouse revenant has 10 seconds blocks every 20 seconds which grant 10k healing on maruder amul, not mentioning 2 healing skills every 30 seconds. Mesmer has long blocks as well. Two classes mentioned are meta, some teams play two of each every game in pro league.
Huge autoatack dps increase is very good step, but still unblockable atacks on staff and dagger is needed. For example:

new trait: gain +1% dmg buff for 5 seconds each time your atack is blocked (25% cap)
your atacks ar unblockable for 5 seocnds when your atack is blocked

For now thief is very weak, but there is some hope on the horizon. Will it be patch of thief? Will it be “extreme dangerous” thief to the enemies or to the teamates?

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

(edited by Urejt.5648)

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


“After a dodge roll your next attack is unblockable”

#I no words have"

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


“After a dodge roll your next attack is unblockable”

hahahahaa “extremely dangerous” 1 unblockable autoatack

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


Please Urejt think!

Dodge than stealth than Backstab…

And this could go along… Dodge than Vault, dodge than PistolWhip, you name it….

And let it be an Acro trait

#I no words have"

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


I’d like to add, Mesmer needs more clone/illusion generation. In general, or else we’re pigeoned into DE if we don’t go or have Chrono.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: epouvante.7392


Guys you ask to nerf scrapper damage, scrapper defense. Just go delete this elite is easier.
Are you kidding me? With the proposal changes power hammer scrapper will dead.
If you want to nerf hammer go up kits or give to the inge the weapon switch.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Guys you ask to nerf scrapper damage, scrapper defense. Just go delete this elite is easier.
Are you kidding me? With the proposal changes power hammer scrapper will dead.
If you want to nerf hammer go up kits or give to the inge the weapon switch.

it looks scrapper is only that strong on pvp rooms…

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Swiftwynd.1685


Aside from skill adjustments, another way we can adjust balance in PvP is by looking at the runes/sigils/amulets that are available for use through the customization panel.

I would be interested in hearing thoughts (with the high-level goals from the blog in-mind) on adding/removing various sigils/amulets/runes. In general, our goal for PvP is to be faster-paced with a higher-level of lethality than what we’re seeing in S1.

I know we’ve had this conversation a few times before, but it’s always important to have this discussion with the correct context in mind.

It would be nice to be able to customize our amulets instead of being stuck with static amulets. This would open more possibilities for players to make more unique builds. Allow for the amulets to be either 3 stat or 4 stat combos.

More variety in stat combos can definitely be a thing – but I don’t think manual stat allocation is in the cards currently.

How about restricting sPvP amulets only to 3 & 4 stat combo’s? Now, your forcing players to “give up” something. Instead of allowing certain professions to strength across the board.

This will help “diversity” in sPvP builds without affecting the rest of the game (PvE, WvW.)

I honestly think this is the way forward.

Additionally, I still think the over-abundance of Boons in PVP is a serious issue which has several potential solutions:

I for one would LOVE to see the base duration of Boons lowered by 25%, but the effectiveness of “Concentration” doubled, and many more stat amulet types added in with varying levels of Concentration.

This would allow for “full on boon builds” to have to invest in it from a stat angle, but they would potentially have access to significantly longer boons than are currently possible, while lowering every other non-boon invested builds to be reduced in effectiveness.

Similarly, I’d love to see a base healing reduction on many healing skills with higher ratios for healing power scaling.

If these were made possible, along with an assortment of amulets to support them, we could see a increase in build variety.

Josh, what is your opinion on the current state of Boons, Healing Power, and Concentration in PvP?

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Swiftwynd.1685


“After a dodge roll your next attack is unblockable”

hahahahaa “extremely dangerous” 1 unblockable autoatack

That’s a nice Crystal Hybernation / Echo of Memory / Shield Block you have there … it’d be a shame of someone were to VAULT/ Impact Strike on it

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Amins.3710



I’ve thought through the implications of removing cele from PvP and what would happen to elementalist quite a bit, actually. It’s pretty risky. I think elementalist would need a new 4 stat combo to be viable at roughly the same level (maybe something like 1050pow/1050condi/560vit/560healing).

Yes, because creating a SINGLE AMULET FOR A SINGLE CLASS speaks volumes about the balance team….

Jsut staying.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Sounds like another move to put Mesmer to trash tier, the way I read it.

Mesmerising Girl

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Rilauven.4123


In my opinion to try to balance the pvp in the right way we need to procede slightly. 1st of all it is necessary to see pr0 league or top tier tournaments to find out the real potential of a profession. So for sure 2 best professions atm are mesmer and revenant over all. Revenant just overtook every dps dealer profession on this game. I can say mine for the DH. Do you see any DH in pr0 league? If u undestand the game DH is easily countered by anyone on good levels… Cant do any 1vs1 , he has nothing on mobility, easily getting chased, not enough sustain. Traps can be easily dodged. In my opinion the broken thing that MUST be nerfed on DH is traps duration when dropped. A trap cant stay for 5 minutes on a point, randomly killing players that try a decap. Traps must stay on after beeing dropped for 15-20 secs max. That is a usefull nerf and the only in my opinion possible, cause revenant stats on dmg are 10 times better. It s enough u gonna rework a bit other profession offensive builds in my opinion. You should even try to give opportunity to any class to get swiftness on traits ( even guard and necro ) cause mobility is too important on conquest pvp games. Good rework on Diamond Skin, you should nerf bristleback damage on druid ( unarguably top profession 1vs1), rev sustain and condi spamming on condi rev build ( especially confusion and torment ). Dont nerf 2 much alacrity or you can drop off the meta forever for sure even shatter mesm build, i think u can work on other sides. War should be buffed ofc, only really unplayable profession atm. Remember, thief will be forever the top profession at these game in therms of mobility: do not buff it so much or it will be 2 much OP in a future meta comp.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


guardians and engineers (and now druids) are the spoiled brats of GW2. the second someone says they need to be brought in line they almost always immediately start whining about scenarios that don’t exist and possibilities that have no chance of happening.

Hmm! Thief blinders are detected, haha. Perhaps a bias because they are the things that crap on your Thief the most?

DH is an underdog in the current competitive Meta, Druid has a small foothold as an optimal 1v1, and Scrapper is a viable replacement for a Rev in the common double or even triple Revenant setup.

Watch the pro league…… it’s purely Double Mesmer, Double Revenant, and the 5th slot often comprised of Scrapper/Reaper/Druid.

There’s not a dragonhunter in the whole darn thing, and Tempests are getting gradually phased out. I don’t think a Tempest deserves a spot on a competitive team ATM, due to better stackable options.

Of course I have my own biases to have opinions on balance only based on when people play their classes optimally/competitively.

Speaking generally, there are 3 balance goals that worry me:

  • Worried about reducing Dragonhunter’s burst and disruption, I see Dragonhunter being potentially garbage tier in competitive, depending on how it’s nerfed.
  • Worried about the vague ideas to reduce Tempest survivability, when Tempest is already the most rush-able pointholder used, currently.
  • Worried about buffing Druid survivability & offensive traits, and ‘connections to pets’, and generally just about Druid being an absolute side point monster, with lots of other things justly getting a nerfbat.

Potential nerfs to Scrapper, Chronobunker, Revenant, and potential buffs to Thief, Warrior, non-meta Reaper traits, these don’t worry me, if the changes reflect how the goals are laid out.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Reem.3578


Sounds like you want to balance everything around the pro league.
This begs the question: around what should Anet balance the game?

“You judge too much with your eyes alone…”

And yes, i play [Teef] :)

(edited by Reem.3578)

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Sounds like you want to balance everything around the pro league.
This begs the question: around what should we balance the game?

The answer is, all game modes and all skill levels should be taken into consideration.

If Dragonhunter traps are nerfed to the ground because you can click your whole bar and wipe 5 people out in Amber, that wouldn’t be considering the high skill level, for example.

This specifically is a thread on the PvP forums, pertaining to the state of PvP balance.

My opinion is that the classes should primarily be balanced around being used optimally, in conditions where there’s little or no L2P factor, so apples can be compared to apples.

Balancing things like MinionMancer, Turret Engineer, Dragonhunter, 100Blades Warrior for entry level skilled players should be a consideration too, but as a second priority, and it can’t impact the class potential, after all, it’s admittedly a L2P problem.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


If Dragonhunter traps are nerfed to the ground because you can click your whole bar and wipe 5 people out in Amber, that wouldn’t be considering the high skill level, for example.

Maybe they don;t think traps should do that much damage regardless. But obviously if they nerf traps they have to buff other abilities

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

I would like to play warrior like this:

1) Warriors have no sustain, because other classes can outlast you;
2) Burst skill is very good, but adrenaline takes too much to built;
3) Lack of mobility, because either take mobility, CC, stun breaks or endure pain. Only 3 utility skills with only single use;
4) Only hard CC is immobilize.

When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Imho, unless they properly split pve/pvp/wvw balance, they will never be able to get good results.
There are just too many differences in those modes to keep them under the same roof.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


ANET’s main goal with this patch will be to destroy Mesmer.

@Chaith, worry not.. you’ll still be able to team with one low level player to get easy matches.

Mesmerising Girl

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Well if they touch cele amulet and diamond skin elementalist will need a desperate reorientation and propably shake hands with warrior :-).

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Atharian.7092


ANET’s main goal with this patch will be to destroy Mesmer.

@Chaith, worry not.. you’ll still be able to team with one low level player to get easy matches.

If “destroy” means they will be on the level of most other professions, then thats a good thing. Just do the same to Elementalists and we might even get a decent meta.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Reem.3578


Sounds like you want to balance everything around the pro league.
This begs the question: around what should we balance the game?

The answer is, all game modes and all skill levels should be taken into consideration.

If Dragonhunter traps are nerfed to the ground because you can click your whole bar and wipe 5 people out in Amber, that wouldn’t be considering the high skill level, for example.

This specifically is a thread on the PvP forums, pertaining to the state of PvP balance.

My opinion is that the classes should primarily be balanced around being used optimally, in conditions where there’s little or no L2P factor, so apples can be compared to apples.

Balancing things like MinionMancer, Turret Engineer, Dragonhunter, 100Blades Warrior for entry level skilled players should be a consideration too, but as a second priority, and it can’t impact the class potential, after all, it’s admittedly a L2P problem.

When talking theoretically, i think i agree with you. When balancing pvp you should take into consideration what the pro players who got little to no l2p issues would be able to do with the given change, because they are a part of the community as well, and at their level any profession they’d choose to play should be viable in a certain group composition, and do its job just fine due to the game being balanced.

However, if we consider that the majority of players are not pro players and got l2p issues, i’d think that it’s right to balance each profession mostly around the average players. With all due respect, pro players are a very little part of the whole pvp community, so balancing things mostly around them will cause imbalance at the lower tiers and therefore will be unfair to the majority of the pvp community, as i see it.

So in my opinion, balance should be done with all parts of the community in mind, but with the fitting proportion- mostly around the average players (let’s say mid sapphire-ruby), a little around the pro players (legendary) and a little bit around the casuals (amber/emerald).

“You judge too much with your eyes alone…”

And yes, i play [Teef] :)

(edited by Reem.3578)

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


Imho, unless they properly split pve/pvp/wvw balance, they will never be able to get good results.
There are just too many differences in those modes to keep them under the same roof.

+1 i agree. PVE/WvW/PvP really should be split. Some skills are fine in pve mode but become broken in PvP. Some skills are broken in WvW but are fine in PvP.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


On the level of most professions? That’s laughable. ANET has consistently undercut Mesmer since the huge confusion nerf.

The reality is that chronomancers short circuit the super duper insta kill shots that that “zerk” players love so well. So, Chrono cuts down on the ego-strokes-per-hour count.

It’s about the ego of non mesmers who don’t like being beaten by a seemingly ephemeral and even feminine styled caster class.

Mesmerising Girl

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’m worried about Fresh Air Ele with Karl saying, “Air grandmaster traits will be getting usability and damage improvements”. The staff “Lightning Rod” burst build is insane! Then you have Fresh Air Tempest with it’s overload which hits far too hard. Yet, they want to buff power output?

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


The game should always be mostly balanced around the average player especially if what they want is a popular game that makes lot of money. Making the most people happy is generally the fastest way to success. Pandering to elites is the fastest way to general disharmony among the player base. DH and Druids are kind of outliers anyway most of the things that are op in Pro are op at op at lower levels of play. All I see are Heralds, Scrappers. Elementalists, and Mesmers in matches. DH and Druids are much less represented then those classes across the board. Most of the time things are op across the board.

(edited by brannigan.9831)

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


You are correct. The constant nerfs to thief and Mesmer are an outstanding example of pandering. Waaaaah! a Chronomancer stopped my insta nuke combo! Nerf needed urgently! Waaaaah! a thief got me.. stealth sucks nerf it and give it to everyone and their sister!

Unfortunately anet listens to those voices.

Mesmerising Girl

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


3 things that made me and my friends think this game is becoming a frustrating experience:

1- Anet needs to nerf perma chill from reaper if they are nerfing Diamond Skin. Even with diamond skin as soon as my an ele HP goes below 90% it gets locked out of attunements and skill usage and just melt with 2k+ condi ticks. Not being able to fight makes the game not fun to play. I also play reaper beside ele, and I think chill affects ele in an unfair way because of the attunement chill. Even beyond he ele, the way permachill works is OP and should be looked at. So is global condi damage; it never needed to be buffed as much as it was.

2- Anet need to buff stability or nerf ccs, again when getting hit with dual gravity wells, dual shields stuns and/or guardian traps not being able to do anything for 10 seconds while your health goes from 100% to 0% makes the game a frustrating experience instead of an captivating one.

3- Anet needs to nerf skills that block for 3-4 seconds that are on low cooldowns like the Herald shield block, Endure pain or Engi shield block.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Kicast.1459


Sounds like you want to balance everything around the pro league.
This begs the question: around what should we balance the game?

The answer is, all game modes and all skill levels should be taken into consideration.

If Dragonhunter traps are nerfed to the ground because you can click your whole bar and wipe 5 people out in Amber, that wouldn’t be considering the high skill level, for example.

This specifically is a thread on the PvP forums, pertaining to the state of PvP balance.

My opinion is that the classes should primarily be balanced around being used optimally, in conditions where there’s little or no L2P factor, so apples can be compared to apples.

Balancing things like MinionMancer, Turret Engineer, Dragonhunter, 100Blades Warrior for entry level skilled players should be a consideration too, but as a second priority, and it can’t impact the class potential, after all, it’s admittedly a L2P problem.

I agree +1000 (and contrary to chaith I am a low level player). I have 0 problem failing with a difficult profession knowing that if I did it better I would be able to compete.
Of course if everything is fine at top level…it is always good to check if it is possible to have also the game balanced at lower levels….but we are so far from balance at uppers that I feel pointless to concentrate on something else.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Kicast.1459


Imho, unless they properly split pve/pvp/wvw balance, they will never be able to get good results.
There are just too many differences in those modes to keep them under the same roof.

+1 i agree. PVE/WvW/PvP really should be split. Some skills are fine in pve mode but become broken in PvP. Some skills are broken in WvW but are fine in PvP.

I disagree…they could just align gameplays accross all modes. Facing intelligent reactive but low hp mobs…organized in teams would so much more rewarding…and will promote the same skills efficiency.
I have to admit that Anet didn’t choose that direction with so much pve content simply ignoring full set of skills (projectile teflexion – confusion efficiency – control consequences)…I would say they insist in their error.

(edited by Kicast.1459)

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


@Chaith, worry not.. you’ll still be able to team with one low level player to get easy matches.

Can you not.. this is not a thread about matchmaking, or how you’re a successful gril gamer empowered by pink butterflies.

Something you’ve been on repeat about is that BunkerChrono hurting people’s egos is the sole reason to speak about the negatives of BunkerChrono. And while you’re entitled to your opinion, you’re really just picking up on people’s emotional responses while ignoring the actual arguments that come from a place you can’t identify with yet.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

What i personally learned at low rank pvp (unranked arena):

1) Warriors vary from trash to super strong. If warrior can sneak up on you, then you die. If you sneak up to warrior, then he is dead. Simple: warriors takes too much to build adrenaline and have no sustain, but have good damage and can stick hard.

2) Elementalist is just broken, and devs thinking about making it even more broken. Massive damage, endless sustain and crazy mobility. I seen elementalist survive 1v2, 1v3 and 1v4 fights. If you kill an elementalist, then he screwed up. There is no other possible explanation.

3) Ranger is just boring. I like summoners and pets are just fun for me, but… Ranger just don’t have anything interesting. Druids have pretty good sustain, but not even close to elementalists.

4) Necromancers are pretty fun. Core and elite specializations are decent and useful. I would say that this class is the most dependent on your skills out of all other classes. I seen very good necromancers, i seen very bad necromancers.
Only two complains i have: greatsword sucks hard for pvp and every build requires souls reaping to be effective.

5) Guardians are pretty fun and decent. Maybe traps do too much damage (and that is AOE damage) when they nearly kills a person who got tosses right into them. Also, i tested multiple builds and it seems that only 2 or 3 builds actually works for guardian. Most other classes have at least 5 at least average builds.

6) Thief have decent damage, decent sustain, super high mobility, annoying skills (like stealth and countless teleports). I Don’t get why a lot of people are so against theif. Yes, theif can’t even be compared to elementalists, revenats or engineers, but they are pretty decent. Higher skills cap.

7) Engineers are just one big fail. Countless stuns, high damage, somehow they negate all damage and keep easily fighting off 1v3 all day long. I just don’t get why they are strong. For example i get why elementalists are broken (auras and stuff), but what makes engineers broken?

8) Mesmers is somewhere near guardian. They are decent, are fun, maybe have some thing which are too strong. Also, mesmers too have only 2 or 3 builds who actually works in pvp. I would say that mesmers are one of most balanced class around 2v2 fights. But, i have one single problem with them: limited weapon options. Greatsword is good, one-handed sword is good, staff is meh and scepter is junk. So, i eaither have to use greatsword for power build or staff for condition build.

9) Revenants are extremely boring (for me). They have locked skill slots for certain legend. That is just weird and unfun for me. Also, they do extremely high damage, can sustain all day long and build whatever. I seen bad revenent players, never seen bad revenant build.

That is my experience. It is perfectly natural to have different experience than mine.

When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: BuungBuung.2168


Balance ??

why mesmer nerf every patch ?? why you hate mesmer ?

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059



I’ve thought through the implications of removing cele from PvP and what would happen to elementalist quite a bit, actually. It’s pretty risky. I think elementalist would need a new 4 stat combo to be viable at roughly the same level (maybe something like 1050pow/1050condi/560vit/560healing).

I think this is addressing the wrong issue. If a class depends on a particular amulet to function well, then the problem is the class’s design, NOT the amulet.

Let’s say the new amulet manages to do what Cele did for Ele, or even exceed Cele’s effectiveness. People will then complain about the new amulet, and then it will be nerfed or removed like Cele was. But the core problem was always with how the class itself was dependent on the amulet.

Just my 2 cents.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Malchior.5732


I seen bad revenent players, never seen bad revenant build.

Anything that doesn’t include either Shiro or Herald will be bad.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Clearly, the balance goal was to put Mesmer and to a lesser extent ele out of the game.

Mesmerising Girl

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Beetamus.6403


Sounds like you want to balance everything around the pro league.
This begs the question: around what should we balance the game?

The answer is, all game modes and all skill levels should be taken into consideration.

If Dragonhunter traps are nerfed to the ground because you can click your whole bar and wipe 5 people out in Amber, that wouldn’t be considering the high skill level, for example.

This specifically is a thread on the PvP forums, pertaining to the state of PvP balance.

My opinion is that the classes should primarily be balanced around being used optimally, in conditions where there’s little or no L2P factor, so apples can be compared to apples.

Balancing things like MinionMancer, Turret Engineer, Dragonhunter, 100Blades Warrior for entry level skilled players should be a consideration too, but as a second priority, and it can’t impact the class potential, after all, it’s admittedly a L2P problem.

I have to agree, I would prefer to balance around pro players because they are the ones who will look for the most broken combinations and take advantage of them.
While the majority of players won’t be able to play optimally (myself included), it will be a better game overall with the broken combinations removed.

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Maja.6372


I dont think it is a good idea to balance the game around a handfull of pro players
as they are the minority of players and onyl cause top players can play curtain builds in fullbersi does not make such builds good when the majority of the casual players dies instantly with such builds you realy need to avoid l2p builds when you want a game to succeed and attract many players only if it is easy enough to understand und play you can ascertain that

it would be much better to fix stuff like how curtain skills scale with more power better as other skills and to know how much you have to look it up in the wiki as the tooltips are not providing the info

At the moment we have two problems stupid over the top burst dmg and on the other side too strong bunker builds

burst dmg can be reduced class wide via changeing how +x % dmg from different ressouces like sigils/traits works by changing this to only the maximum number so it would top out at +20%? through certain traits in stead of stacking much higher

weapons have a lower and a higher dmg number so only using the lower dmg number for crits would instantly help too

for bunker builds it should help to give the skills used to avoid dmg
either a longer cast time so it could be cc´d or shorter duration
and for skills that help to sustain dmg like protection to lower its value of effectivness

Oh and of course it would realy be nice to have an ingame report option for OP builds like goldsellers so Anet gets more pointers to logs from fights where the players feel something was not right be it 12k+ one shot skills or 8×2k dmg in few seconds from many skills or when you are using skills with not blockable on tooltip getting blocked …
too bad we dont have a replay function like in gw1 as that would help to understand what happened

(edited by Maja.6372)

Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


My opinion is that the classes should primarily be balanced around being used optimally, in conditions where there’s little or no L2P factor, so apples can be compared to apples.

Balancing things like MinionMancer, Turret Engineer, Dragonhunter, 100Blades Warrior for entry level skilled players should be a consideration too, but as a second priority, and it can’t impact the class potential, after all, it’s admittedly a L2P problem.

No. Classes should be balanced so that their skill to effectiveness ratio is the same across the board.

Yes new players need to L2P, but if all your new players ragequit from frustration before they’ve played long enough to L2P then your game is going to end up a ghost town.

Dragonhunter is a good example of this. A experienced player may watch a player get blown up by DH and say “well they didn’t dodge the trueshot, and they just wandered onto the traps” But that’s not what the new player saw, what the new player saw was that they where walking along and the ground exploded and they insta-died. Which to the new player makes the game feel arbitrary.

Classes need to be designed so that they are balanced uniformly across all levels of skill. Games can’t afford ticking off dedicated players, but they also can’t afford ticking off new players.

Sanity is for the weak minded.