Balance changes before HoT?

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Midi.8359


Question is as tittle poses. From what I’ve seen around the forums the dev’s have several balance changes in mind. But do you folks think we’ll have to wait a whole month for any balance changes?

Personally I feel as if the meta has been stale since that 4x D/D Cele team won ESL. Would really like to see at least one balancing patch between now and HoT.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

Balance patches once every 6 months or more. Got one in July so don’t expect another till around Xmas or after New Years. Anet is notorious for releasing completely broken trait changes leaving a few classes extremely OP and others extremely useless.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Ara.4569


ANet recently said they never had that many players in PvP. Now, I question their ability to retain those players when d/d ele is so OP it overshadows a huge problem: the amount of power creep this game suffers from. 6 months to fix d/d ele, another 6 months to fix power creep ? But by that time the meta might have switched to something even nastier.

Can we expect faster balance patch ? Too much manpower on PvE.

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Can we expect faster balance patch ? Too much manpower on PvE.

Oh please, shut up. Not a single balance pass has been done with PvE in mind. PvE mesmers got completely screwed by the Harmonious Mantra change, necromancers and rangers have been rotting in garbage tier for over 3 years in PvE and nobody wants them, and yet they still found the time to nerf ranger pets and necromancer heals and the Lich elite while warriors got an even better version of Lich in the form of rampage.

So spare us your pitiful QQ when if anything the entire development process has been geared around changes for PvP.

We haven’t had a new dungeon in YEARS, year old bugs in the old stale dungeons we have still exist today. I don’t know what PvE manpower you’re crying about because they FIRED the dungeon dev team (Robert Hrouda among them) ages ago.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Can we expect faster balance patch ? Too much manpower on PvE.

Oh please, shut up. Not a single balance pass has been done with PvE in mind.

Yeah… uhm… something something conditions…

Do you really believe the absolutely disgusting way conditions are right now is because conditions were weak before? Because they were already strong (in PvP) before ANet decided that stuff like burning should now stack in intensity.

The result is the current D/D ele who either massively limits your mobility or easily puts up 6+ stacks of burning with just 2 skills which can kill even a high health class like warrior or necro if they do not cleanse it. 2 skills worth of burning is enough to burn through 20k+ health. That change was hopefully not done with PvP in mind, because if it was, then there is absolutely no future for PvP.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Ara.4569


Looking at the amount of living story content pilling up, they clearly invest more resources in PvE than PvP.

Sure, PvE’s balance is worse than PvP’s, but the design of encounters is to blame too:
- there’s no use for boon stripping/corruption or poison in PvE because creatures don’t buff or heal
- players’s debuffs don’t do much with the defiance/breakbar dumbing down encounters, etc…

I may not be accurate since I haven’t done any PvE in the past 2 years, but I believe that not so much has changed except, maybe, players being more elitist jerks in a non-elitist environment. Last time I checked, anyone could succeed in PvE, effectively bringing the player, not the class. Heck, 30 months ago I was doing Arah with my (now deceased) guild on a cleric dagger/well necro as backup tank, with a staff only “support” necro, a condi ranger staying forever on shortbow, a soldier/cleric dolyak shout warrior tank, not fully geared, playing it as if it was WoW. It took time and lots of wipe, but we managed to get the dungeon master title. So now with ascended stuff, power creep, better though-out builds…

Last balance patch (already 3 months ago) wasn’t one. It was a power creep wave, changing how traits work, in preparation for HoT’s elite specs, which will add even more power creep in a month. They better shave everything shortly after.

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


ANet recently said they never had that many players in PvP. Now, I question their ability to retain those players when d/d ele is so OP it overshadows a huge problem: the amount of power creep this game suffers from. 6 months to fix d/d ele, another 6 months to fix power creep ? But by that time the meta might have switched to something even nastier.

Can we expect faster balance patch ? Too much manpower on PvE.

Well they also said that they’ll do regular balance changes between the last feature patch and HoT launch…

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


doesn’t look like it. there will be a massive balance patch probably just before launch. yes, it’s sad. when it fails to do what we need it to do after weeks/months of poor internal testing and QA, we will have to wait another 4-6 months. I’m not hating, but this has literally been the pattern over the last 3 years.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Can we expect faster balance patch ? Too much manpower on PvE.

Oh please, shut up. Not a single balance pass has been done with PvE in mind. PvE mesmers got completely screwed by the Harmonious Mantra change, necromancers and rangers have been rotting in garbage tier for over 3 years in PvE and nobody wants them, and yet they still found the time to nerf ranger pets and necromancer heals and the Lich elite while warriors got an even better version of Lich in the form of rampage.

So spare us your pitiful QQ when if anything the entire development process has been geared around changes for PvP.

We haven’t had a new dungeon in YEARS, year old bugs in the old stale dungeons we have still exist today. I don’t know what PvE manpower you’re crying about because they FIRED the dungeon dev team (Robert Hrouda among them) ages ago.

lol. It finally happened. Someone actually defending the balance team. It is nice to see there are still newer players or those who live in a fantasy world.

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


It is clear to me that the balance team has changed (i.e. they now have one). They are just too busy with the elite spec + revenants. Also the balance will be different with the elite spec (some UP traits may become strong for example).

I think most of the balance team is very competent and they just haven’t had time to balance anything else than the elite spec. I’m pretty sure we will have more serious and regular balance patches from the moment the expansion is up.

I want to point though that many balance problems are result of poor initial design and will need very extensive changes. In particular, I don’t think ele is “easy” to fix intelligently. D/D ele is OP is PvP, staff ele is “normal” in PvP; Staff ele is OP in PvE and WvW. Scepter is inexistant. Burst ele is dead. Ever heard of condi ele? How do you fix the OPness while ensuring build diversity? I personally have ideas on how to do that, but I still don’t think this is easy.

(edited by Silverkey.2078)

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: striker.3704


I only anticipate 1 balance patch between now and the release of the expansion. There is at least a 2 month period between balance changes. We also need to consider that balance changes were made in preparation of certain elite spec skills (chilling darkness).

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

Balance changes before HoT?

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Mesmer was left way underpowered for years. Hambow ruled pvp for weeks or months. My hopes/expectations are pretty low.. I’d like to see HoT come out without Mesmer nerfed into the ground and without a super OP Revenant.

Mesmerising Girl