Balance patch incoming
I’m more interested in necro buffs than Ele changes….though I still want the Ele nerfed so that it isn’t the deciding factor for everything in all game modes…
I don’t expect a lot of changes, but I’ll be happy to be wrong.
To me, the only things really needed are reducing the Burning stacks on Fire Ring and Cleansing fire to 1 for each, and maybe nerf Prismatic Understatement.
Everything else in the game is fine by me.
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.
I’m more interested in necro buffs than Ele changes….though I still want the Ele nerfed so that it isn’t the deciding factor for everything in all game modes…
At this point, you are just being greedy dude.
Necro is amazing in PvP already – its quite diverse (Has multiple good working builds currently) and its the one class that has a build that can hard counter and punish the OP cele DD ele.
Not to mention REAPER is freaking amazing as well.
Necro has gotten plenty of love.
I don’t speak for the PvP community but I’m pretty sure everyone is ready to see changes to Ele as well as making other classes more versatile that are in a bad spot (like ranger/thief)….. necro is in a great spot in pvp right now and will be even better in HoT…
Instead buff the non-eles
So when one of the builds become OP and eles cry on the forum, we can just say that we were just getting caught up to their OPness and they should just endure the pain as much as we did for them. Since they didn’t get a nerf, why should we.
I promise you, they will cry on the forum once they realized they no longer at the apex.
But I doubt any other class will outrun the OPness eles enjoyed during the life of this game
I’m more interested in necro buffs than Ele changes….though I still want the Ele nerfed so that it isn’t the deciding factor for everything in all game modes…
At this point, you are just being greedy dude.
Necro is amazing in PvP already – its quite diverse (Has multiple good working builds currently) and its the one class that has a build that can hard counter and punish the OP cele DD ele.Not to mention REAPER is freaking amazing as well.
Necro has gotten plenty of love.
I don’t speak for the PvP community but I’m pretty sure everyone is ready to see changes to Ele as well as making other classes more versatile that are in a bad spot (like ranger/thief)….. necro is in a great spot in pvp right now and will be even better in HoT…
The Necromancer buffs coming aren’t in relation to our standard Signet build. Gee has been discussing buffing Axe/Scepter (diversity, not just more power). We mostly have 1 good build at the moment unless you include Minion Master which is a low-tier hero at best.
I’d say diversity is Necromancers #1 issue, and maybe unlike a lot of classes, the diversity issues are because of a few design mistakes (like Vital Persistence) of mandatory traits/lines that just prevent better diversity.
Anyways, that’s just me thoughts. Buffs are necessary to make Necromancer more diverse, and it’s so close to that point, some base weapons and a few traits need to be looked at. I wouldn’t count on any Signet build buffs.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I don’t expect a lot of changes, but I’ll be happy to be wrong.
To me, the only things really needed are reducing the Burning stacks on Fire Ring and Cleansing fire to 1 for each, and maybe nerf Prismatic Understatement.
Everything else in the game is fine by me.
well if it warrants a preview its gotta be a bit bigger. Whenever they did balance preview it was always quite a big patch.
And ele sustain is the real problem, if you shave a few burns off, it just takes him couple extra secs to kill, would still win all fights against all builds regardless of skill and be just as dominant as before teamplay-wise. If you nerf the damage too much, you get this super-boring unkillable spec that does no dmg and every fight is a draw.
d/d ele should do decent dmg (it is focused on sustain and teamsupport though so it does need a slight nerf) but also be killable. Less healing, less blinds, maybe a cd increase on all the auras, less protection, less vigor, more active play, less random button mashing, make at least part of his sustain counterable (everything is instant, super short CD, uninterruptable, undodgeable, passive procs) – those are the paths to take.
You dont really get bursted down by eles, they just (somewhat) slowly bring you down to 0 while remaining at 90-100% health at all times. I can survive against an ele for a long time even on marauder specs, with proper dodging/positioning/cc etc. whats annoying is that i never really have a chance to win, even when i clearly outplay him/her.
But there will be time to go over these things when announced, lets just be happy that the ele fix is coming soon
This patch better include soloq.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
They need to hit mesmer shatter big time.
I don’t mind that the ele stay OP as long as we get a solo queue.
I find Ele’s are definitely a challenge, but with a maurauder engi rifle power (and touch of condi) build, I can do decently in 1v1 with them. Perhaps though my level of play is not high enough to see the ele’s which are played by true pro’s.
If they get the jump on me I’m absolutely toast. I basically need to hit all my dodge rolls, jump shot reposition, Acid bomb leaps etc to take one down, but I do have the power and damage to do it if I land everything well. Like most things for the engi, no errors allowed period.
Some of my most enjoyable battles have been with Eles recently.
I have also decimated quite a number, but that’s likely because its the flavour of the week and lots of new folks flocking to it, and you can clearly tell when that’s what you’ve beaten.
I’m more interested in necro buffs than Ele changes….though I still want the Ele nerfed so that it isn’t the deciding factor for everything in all game modes…
At this point, you are just being greedy dude.
Necro is amazing in PvP already – its quite diverse (Has multiple good working builds currently) and its the one class that has a build that can hard counter and punish the OP cele DD ele.Not to mention REAPER is freaking amazing as well.
Necro has gotten plenty of love.
I don’t speak for the PvP community but I’m pretty sure everyone is ready to see changes to Ele as well as making other classes more versatile that are in a bad spot (like ranger/thief)….. necro is in a great spot in pvp right now and will be even better in HoT…
Bahahahaha, you’re right I am being greedy, and I’ll apologize for my message coming across that way. Reaper is fun as all heck but I’m mainly looking at base necro improvements for PvP and PvE. Like someone mentioned with the scepter and axe buffs and I keep hoping we get some projectile destruction on CpC and WoD. After that I’d say the next highest priority would be some stability on base necro. The cherry on top would be vital persistence DS degen as baseline.
Introducing a balance patch together with the elite-specs, that aren’t and can’t be balanced right now? Sounds not really promising.
I would like a big balance patch 1 month after HoT, that would be a good date I guess.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
I find Ele’s are definitely a challenge, but with a maurauder engi rifle power (and touch of condi) build, I can do decently in 1v1 with them. Perhaps though my level of play is not high enough to see the ele’s which are played by true pro’s.
If they get the jump on me I’m absolutely toast. I basically need to hit all my dodge rolls, jump shot reposition, Acid bomb leaps etc to take one down, but I do have the power and damage to do it if I land everything well. Like most things for the engi, no errors allowed period.
Some of my most enjoyable battles have been with Eles recently.
I have also decimated quite a number, but that’s likely because its the flavour of the week and lots of new folks flocking to it, and you can clearly tell when that’s what you’ve beaten.
Marauder Engi is very good at beating Ele that aren’t top tier players, that’s for sure. They have high damage and decent condi variation which mean you can hit a very crucial chill grenade and win. Moa is also very good at forcing them into a defensive rotation.
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.
Introducing a balance patch together with the elite-specs, that aren’t and can’t be balanced right now? Sounds not really promising.
I would like a big balance patch 1 month after HoT, that would be a good date I guess.
all 8 elite-specs shown so far are obviously hard-countered by d/d ele and cant do anything that ele doesnt do a lot better already. so yes, its very promising. Plus there are many weak things on classes that can be buffed now without worrying about elite specs. Rebalancing current stuff along with introducing new stuff sounds better then just introducing elite specs without work on core issues.
Besides once the HoT work is done, balance patches will be regular so any potential problems with elite specs can be dealt with.
Though when you read the announcement it doesnt actually say if the balance pass will be released at the same time as HoT. Or if those are just planned changes they will start working on once all HoT development is done. Would be nice to get a confirmation of that on the show. Im a optimist so im sticking with launch (i dont dare even hope it might be before)
We felt like Ring of Fire was underperforming so we added 3 additional stacks of burning.
Wow. ANET still doesn’t get it. STOP releasing a billion balance changes at the same time. All you do is end up breaking something else. Incrementally fix the broken stuff. Fixing eles and burn stacking should happen now and then continue to modify as needed.
from the twitchcon announcement – “Join ArenaNet developers for a discussion about Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns features, a preview of upcoming skill balances”
oh yeah, HoT release will include a balance pass (suck it pessimists with your talk of weeks/months after HoT for balancing). They will preview it on fri/sat, we even get a month to complain ele nerfs are not nearly enough and ranger nerfs are unjustified :P
Just over a month away from the end of this ele nightmare. Rejoice, set your timers, rearrange your keybinds back to pvp setup, pvp gonna be fun again.
All will be forgiven devs
P.S. But if balancing doubles evasive arcana heal, removes CD on blinding ashes and makes frost aura permanent under 95% health im going to be upset
What balance patches ever do for forum warriors?
Forum Warrior =" Profession Apple is OP, pls nerf, worst game ever, fire the devs"
Anet=" we balance patch today" – Apple nerfed
Forum Warrior =" TY, you’re the best devs ever, game is balanced, best game ever etc etc"
2 days later……Forum warriors still celebrating from their moral victory, by trolling the forums :" haha Love the tears from apple players, loool your tears sustain me"
….meanwhile Banana was buffed during the balance patch and now…
Forum Warrior =" Profession Banana is OP, pls nerf, worst game ever, fire the devs"
Anet=" we balance patch today" – Banana nerfed
Forum Warrior =" TY, you’re the best devs ever, game is balanced, best game ever etc etc"
2 days later……Forum warriors still celebrating from their moral victory, by trolling the forums :" haha Love the tears from banana players, loool your tears sustain me"
….meanwhile Orange was buffed during the balance patch and now…
Forum Warrior =" Profession Orange is OP, pls nerf, worst game ever, fire the devs"
Anet=" we balance patch today" – Nerfed Orange…..but Apple got buffed again to keep the game alive (LOOOOL)
Basically..why bother asking for nerfs?
Introducing a balance patch together with the elite-specs, that aren’t and can’t be balanced right now? Sounds not really promising.
I would like a big balance patch 1 month after HoT, that would be a good date I guess.
all 8 elite-specs shown so far are obviously hard-countered by d/d ele and cant do anything that ele doesnt do a lot better already
. so yes, its very promising. Plus there are many weak things on classes that can be buffed now without worrying about elite specs. Rebalancing current stuff along with introducing new stuff sounds better then just introducing elite specs without work on core issues.
Besides once the HoT work is done, balance patches will be regular so any potential problems with elite specs can be dealt with.
Though when you read the announcement it doesnt actually say if the balance pass will be released at the same time as HoT. Or if those are just planned changes they will start working on once all HoT development is done. Would be nice to get a confirmation of that on the show. Im a optimist so im sticking with launch (i dont dare even hope it might be before
Of course it would be better balancing now with HoT (fixing current imbalance) and later adjusting the new elite specs to fit into everything else. I just have the bad feeling we won’t see balance patches in more rapid succession, so I would prefer a patch that includes the new stuff in it’s equasion.
I would really like more frequent changes so that specific builds come and go (atleast when you want to current top build). It would keep things interesting in my opinion.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Skilled people are OP, nerf community.
But seriously, I am happy that we will get some balance, finally people that lack perception of an elitist or other kind of MLG pro will be able to get some bit of fun instead of getting roflstomped by decent and skillcapped eles ;D I hope that guard will get some boost too though.
You new around here right? to be trusting that balance patches gonna fix more than break stuff =x
Hi mesmer/ranger o/
Balance hasnt improved that much since release. I dont understand where people get the idea of balance patches being a good thing. The only thing that tends to happen is a balance shift from class A to class B.
We still have the same skillless passives tho that have a huge impact. We still have a huge difference in skillfloor/ceiling between classes.
Stop sticking your heads in the sand; the balance improving drastically is as likely as GW2 being succesfull as esports game. No f in chance.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
I think by balancing people mean taking care of something that makes you hard to beat and you don’t even know how and when (a.k.a. passively activating traits). I’ve spent some time on elementalist and pvp forums and it looks like passives and dagger abilities on ele are the salt in the eye.
P.S. to those who claim ele’s to not be OP in any possible way.
Explain me why one of major classes in pvp is Ele and why it has such a wide variety of players on different skill levels ?
But if some individuals (that are met once every dozens of decent players) handle ele nicely then that’s good, that’s real good mate, I am happy for your glorious 60 frame per second, reflexes and perception that sadly quite a chunk of players lack. But I understand that not everyone is made for PvP and it’s just bound to happen that someone will be bad at it.
(edited by Rodzynald.5897)
from the twitchcon announcement – “Join ArenaNet developers for a discussion about Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns features, a preview of upcoming skill balances”
oh yeah, HoT release will include a balance pass (suck it pessimists with your talk of weeks/months after HoT for balancing). They will preview it on fri/sat, we even get a month to complain ele nerfs are not nearly enough and ranger nerfs are unjustified :P
Just over a month away from the end of this ele nightmare. Rejoice, set your timers, rearrange your keybinds back to pvp setup, pvp gonna be fun again.
All will be forgiven devs
P.S. But if balancing doubles evasive arcana heal, removes CD on blinding ashes and makes frost aura permanent under 95% health im going to be upset
I really hope they fix condi builds, it’d be nice for all of them to be actually useful outside of SPVP or wuvwuv roaming which are just too niche and too limited, other then the 3 top burning builds.
Instead buff the non-eles
So when one of the builds become OP and eles cry on the forum, we can just say that we were just getting caught up to their OPness and they should just endure the pain as much as we did for them. Since they didn’t get a nerf, why should we.
I promise you, they will cry on the forum once they realized they no longer at the apex.
But I doubt any other class will outrun the OPness eles enjoyed during the life of this game
nah they just gonna reroll to something else…99% eles out there are fotm rerollers who need build to carry their badness, just jumping from ele to next op spec around